The land use and land cover (LULC) maps were derived from the results of a MSc thesis (Awad, 2023), which was carried out within the CapTain Rain project. For the object-based classification of past and present LULC conditions high resolution panchromatic CORONA satellite images (1968) and Sentinel-2 images (2021) were used. Classification results have a spatial resolution of 10m. Beside the past, spatio-temporal drivers of LULC change were used to predict future LULC conditions using a MLP-Markov Chain model and expert knowledge. The spatial resolution of the 2050 LULC is 100 m.
Land use and land cover datasets for our catchment area in Amman for the past (1968), present (2021) and future (2050), based on satellite images and predicted LULC changes. The LULC analysis of the past and present demonstrated that built-up surfaces increased 10-fold from 1968 to 2021 (Awad 2023). Such drastic urbanization is also seen in other MENA cities (e.g. Hamdy et al., 2023). Simulated built-up areas in 2050 are expected to increase by around 70 % mainly at the expense of rangelands.
- Awad, A. (2023): Analysis of the spatial-temporal dynamics of land-use changes using a mixed-method approach: A Case study from Amman, Jordan. M.Sc. at the faculty of life Sciences, technical university of Munich, Germany.
- Hamdy, O; Abdelhafez, M. H. H.; Touahmia, M.; Alshenaifi, M.; Noaime, E.; Elkhayat, K., Alghaseb, M., Ragab, A. (2023): Simulation of Urban Areas Exposed to Hazardous Flash Flooding Scenarios in Hail City. Land 12 (2), P. 353. DOI: 10.3390/land12020353.