- Brinkmann, K., Ziegler, D., Maßmann, S. and Hohmann, C., 2021: Integrated vulnerability analysis for flash flood risk management in Jordan. Oral presentation held at the 6th International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems in Amman, Jordan; 26-30.09.2021.
- Brum, M., Schwanenberg, D. and Matouq, M., 2021: Real-time decision support for wadi systems - how similarities with the sponge city concept may inspire technological innovation. Poster presentation held at the 6th International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems in Amman, Jordan; 26-30.09.2021.
- Hohmann, C., 2021: CapTain Rain – Capture and retain heavy rainfalls in Jordan. Oral presentation held at the Digital Meta-Conference “Ensuring Climate Resilience through Climate Action”, DAAD Regional Office in Cairo, Egypt, 29.11-30.11.2021
- Hoffmann, P., Lehmann, J., Fallah, B. et al. Atmosphere similarity patterns in boreal summer show an increase of persistent weather conditions connected to hydro-climatic risks. Sci Rep 11, 22893 (2021).
- Hoffmann, P.: Learning of weather-type transitions for risk assessment, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6–10 Sep 2021, EMS2021-382, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2021-382, 2021.
- Maus, C., Hohmann, C. and Ziegler, D., 2022: CapTain Rain – Capture and Retain Heavy Rainfalls in Jordan. Oral presentation held at the Tag der Forschung of the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, online, 20.01.2022.
- Hohmann, C., 2022: CapTain Rain – Capture and retain heavy rainfalls in Jordan – A transdisciplinary German Jordanian research project. Poster presentation held at the DFG matchmaking fair, online, 15.02.2022.
- Hoffmann, P., Fallah, B., Menz, C., Wechsung, F. and Hattermann, F., 2022: Kumulierte Wetterextreme durch anhaltende Strömungsmuster: Ein bislang unterschätztes Risiko? Oral presentation held at the D-A-CH Meteorologie Tagung in Leipzig, 21.-25.03.2022. https://www.pik-potsdam.de/~peterh/marpit/DACH2022/DACH22.html#1.
- Hohmann, C., Maus, C., Ziegler, D., Brum, M. and Thiemann, M., 2022: Flash flood modelling and forecasting in data scarce regions like Jordan - A first step of an adequate model selection. Poster presentation held at the Tag der Hydrologie in Munich, Germany, 22.-23.03.2022.
- Hohmann, C., Maus, C., Ziegler, D., Kantoush, S. and Abdelal Q., 2022: Selection of flash flood models in data-scarce regions like Jordan. Oral presentation at European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria and online, 23.-27.05.2022, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3905 .
- Awad, A., Brinkmann, K. and Hohmann, C., 2022: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization and its Impacts on Flash Flood Risk: A Case Study from Jordan’s Wadi System. Poster presentation held at the Tropentag in Prague, Czech Republic and online, 14.-16.09.2022. (PDF) Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization and its impacts on flash flood risk: A Case Study from Jordan's Wadi System (researchgate.net)
- Hohmann, C., 2022: BMBF – international project: CapTain Rain – Innovative climate services for better flash flood management in Jordan. Oral presentation held at the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS) Forum, online, 04.10.2022
- Awad, A., Brinkmann, K., Hohmann, C., Abu Hamour, W. and Alnaimat, M., 2023: How have land cover changes and urbanization contributed to the flash flood risk in the city of Amman? An analysis of past and future trends. Poster presentation held at the 7th International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems (ISFF7) in Tlemcen, Algeria, 5.-7.06.2023.
- Fallah, B., Russo, E., Menz, C. Hoffmann, P., Didovets, I., and Hattermann, F. F, 2023: Anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature and precipitation in Central Asia. Sci Rep 13, 6854, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-33921-6.
- Fallah, B., Menz, C., Russo, E., Harder, P., Hoffmann, P., Didovets, I., and Hattermann, F. F.,2023: Climate Model Downscaling in Central Asia: A Dynamical and a Neural Network Approach, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2023-227, in review.
- Hoffmann, P., Brum, M., Alrahaife, M. and Hohmann, C., 2023: Causal linkage between extreme rainfall in Jordan and large scale circulation patterns. Poster presentation held at the 7th International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems (ISFF7) in Tlemcen, Algeria, 5.-7.06.2023.
- Hoffmann, P. 2023: A contextualization of heavy rainfall events in climate forecasts: A case study for Amman in Jordan. Oral presentation held at the EMS Annual Meeting 2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia, 4.-8.09.2023. EMS2023-554, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-554.
- Hohmann, C., Maus, C., Ziegler, D., Kantoush, S., Maßmann, S. and Abdelal, Q., 2023: Multimodel approach for flash flood modelling in data- and water-scarce regions like Jordan. Oral presentation held at the 7th International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems (ISFF7) in Tlemcen, Algeria, 5.-7.06.2023.
- Maus, C., Hohmann, C., Ziegler, D. and Maßmann, S., 2023: Modelling flash floods in data- and water-scarce regions like Jordan - a multi-model approach. Poster presentation held at the Tag der Hydrologie in Bochum, Germany, 21.-23.03.2023. https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/tdh2023/mam/content/tdh-2023-abstractband-18032023_v2.pdf (p. 164).
- Awad A., Hohmann, C., C. Maus, W. Abu Hammour, M. Al Naimat, and K. Brinkmann: Understanding urbanization's impact on flash flood risks from past to future: A Case study of a rapidly growing MENA city, EGU General Assembly 2024, 15–19.04.2024, EGU24- 7592 https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7592, 2024.
- Hohmann, C., C. Maus, A. Awad, D. Ziegler, H. Leberke, M. Al Naimat, W. Abu Hammour, and K. Brinkmann: Exploring vulnerability to flash floods in a water-scarce MENA city: Challenges and possible solutions, Oral presentation EGU General Assembly 2024, 15–19.04.2024, EGU24-11733 https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11733, 2024.
- Hohmann, C., C. Maus, H. Leberke, A. Awad, P. Hoffmann, D. Ziegler: Hydrological approaches to assess flash flood risks in data scarce and climate-change affected regions like Jordan. Band 45.24 der FGhW Schriftenreihe Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung. 2024 ISBN: 978-3-96862-725-0 DOI: 10.14617/for.hydrol.wasbew.45.24 https://de.dwa.de/de/publikationen-7094.html.
- Hohmann, C., C. Maus, H. Leberke, A. Awad, P. Hoffmann, D. Ziegler: Hydrological approaches to assess flash flood risks in data scarce and climate-change affected regions like Jordan. Oral presentation, Tag der Hydrologie in Berlin, Germany, 20.3.2024 https://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/geog/fachrichtungen/angeog/TdH2024/Media/TdH2024_Programm.pdf.
- Hohmann, C., C. Maus, H. Leberke, A. Awad, P. Hoffmann, D. Ziegler: Flash flood risk assessment in data scarce regions vulnerable to climate change: Hydrological lessons learnt from Jordan. Oral presentation 8th IAHR Europe Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-7.06.2024.
Planed publications
- Awad et al. Urbanization’s impact on flash floods risks from past to future: MENA city's dynamic land cover analysis
- Brinkmann et al. An integrated approach of a social-ecological vulnerability analysis in a data-scarce MENA region: Challenges and possible solutions
- Brinkmann et al. Multi-scenario simulation of socio-ecological vulnerability to flash floods in an urban and rural region of Jordan
- Hohmann et al. (Hydro-)Modelling of flash floods in water- and data-scarce regions: model selection process, and multi-model approach in Petra, Jordan