@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ p40_noncombust_acc_eff(t,"CHN",te)$(sameas(te,"spv") OR sameas(te,"csp") OR same
p40_noncombust_acc_eff(t,"CHA",te)$(sameas(te,"spv") OR sameas(te,"csp") OR sameas(te,"wind") OR sameas(te,"tnrs") OR sameas(te,"spv") OR sameas(te,"geohdr") OR sameas(te,"hydro")) = 0.38; !! substitution accounting for low-carbon electricity generation at coal efficiency of 38%
*** lower bound on gas share in PE
p40_PEgasBound("2020","CHN") = 0.1;
p40_PEgasBound(t,"CHN")$(t.val gt 2020) = min(0.1 ,0.1 - (t.val - 2040) * 0.005 ); !! 10% until 2040 and then declining again, to allow for high LC shares (no bound on gas after 2080)
p40_PEgasBound(t,"CHN")$(t.val gt 2020) = min(0.1 ,0.1 - (t.val - 2050) * 0.005 ); !! 10% until 2050 and then declining again, to allow for high LC shares (no bound on gas after 2080)
p40_PEgasBound("2020","CHA") = 0.1;
p40_PEgasBound(t,"CHA")$(t.val gt 2020) = min(0.1 ,0.1 - (t.val - 2040) * 0.005 ); !! 10% until 2040 and then declining again, to allow for high LC shares (no bound on gas after 2080)
p40_PEgasBound(t,"CHA")$(t.val gt 2020) = min(0.1 ,0.1 - (t.val - 2050) * 0.005 ); !! 10% until 2050 and then declining again, to allow for high LC shares (no bound on gas after 2080)
*** lower bound on low carbon share in PE
p40_PElowcarbonBound("2020","CHN") = 0.15;
p40_PElowcarbonBound(t,"CHN")$(t.val ge 2030)=min(0.15 + (t.val -2030) * 0.00,0.75 ); !!Chinas INDC plus extrapolation, is mostly non-binding beyond 2035