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EDGE_transport.R 11.5 KiB
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opt_parser = OptionParser(
  description = "Coupled version of EDGE-T, to be run within a REMIND output folder.",
  option_list = list(
      "--reporting", action="store_true", default=FALSE,
      help="Store output files in subfolder EDGE-T")));
opt = parse_args(opt_parser);

## use cached input data for speed purpose

mapspath <- function(fname){
    file.path("../../modules/35_transport/edge_esm/input", fname)

datapath <- function(fname){
    file.path(data_folder, fname)

REMINDpath <- function(fname){
    file.path("../../", fname)

REMINDyears <- c(1990,
           seq(2005, 2060, by = 5),
           seq(2070, 2110, by = 10),
           2130, 2150)

gdx <- "input.gdx"
    gdx <- "fulldata.gdx"

scenario <- cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen
EDGE_scenario <- cfg$gms$cm_EDGEtr_scen

EDGEscenarios <- fread("../../modules/35_transport/edge_esm/input/EDGEscenario_description.csv")[scenario_name == EDGE_scenario]

inconvenience <- EDGEscenarios[options == "inconvenience", switch]
if (EDGE_scenario %in% c("ConvCase", "ConvCaseWise")) {
} else if (EDGE_scenario %in% c("ElecEra", "ElecEraWise")) {
} else if (EDGE_scenario %in% c("HydrHype", "HydrHypeWise")) {
 print("You selected a not allowed scenario. Scenarios allowed are: ConvCase, ConvCaseWise, ElecEra, ElecEraWise, HydrHype, HydrHypeWise")
REMIND2ISO_MAPPING <- fread(REMINDpath(cfg$regionmapping))[, .(iso = CountryCode, region = RegionCode)]
EDGE2teESmap <- fread(mapspath("mapping_EDGE_REMIND_transport_categories.csv"))

## input data loading
input_folder = paste0("../../modules/35_transport/edge_esm/input/")

if (length(list.files(path = data_folder, pattern = "RDS")) < 7) {
  createRDS(input_folder, data_folder,
            SSP_scenario = scenario,
            EDGE_scenario = EDGE_scenario)
inputdata <- loadInputData(data_folder)

vot_data = inputdata$vot_data
logit_params = inputdata$logit_params
int_dat = inputdata$int_dat
nonfuel_costs = inputdata$nonfuel_costs
capcost4W = inputdata$capcost4W
price_nonmot = inputdata$price_nonmot
pref_data = inputdata$pref_data

## Moinput produces all combinations of iso-vehicle types and attributes a 0. These ghost entries have to be cleared.
int_dat = int_dat[EJ_Mpkm_final>0]
prefdata_nonmot = pref_data$FV_final_pref[subsector_L3 %in% c("Walk", "Cycle")]
pref_data$FV_final_pref = merge(pref_data$FV_final_pref, unique(int_dat[, c("iso", "vehicle_type")]), by = c("iso", "vehicle_type"), all.y = TRUE)
pref_data$FV_final_pref[, check := sum(value), by = c("vehicle_type", "iso")]
pref_data$FV_final_pref = pref_data$FV_final_pref[check>0]
pref_data$FV_final_pref[, check := NULL]
pref_data$FV_final_pref = rbind(prefdata_nonmot, pref_data$FV_final_pref)
prefdata_nonmotV = pref_data$VS1_final_pref[subsector_L3 %in% c("Walk", "Cycle")]
pref_data$VS1_final_pref = merge(pref_data$VS1_final_pref, unique(int_dat[, c("iso", "vehicle_type")]), by = c("iso", "vehicle_type"), all.y = TRUE)
pref_data$VS1_final_pref[, check := sum(sw), by = c("vehicle_type", "iso")]
pref_data$VS1_final_pref = pref_data$VS1_final_pref[check>0]
pref_data$VS1_final_pref[, check := NULL]
pref_data$VS1_final_pref = rbind(prefdata_nonmotV, pref_data$VS1_final_pref)

## optional average of prices
average_prices = FALSE
ES_demand_all = readREMINDdemand(gdx, REMIND2ISO_MAPPING, EDGE2teESmap, REMINDyears, scenario)
## select from total demand only the passenger sm
ES_demand = ES_demand_all[sector == "trn_pass",]
if (file.exists(datapath("demand_previousiter.RDS"))) {
  ## load previous iteration number of cars
  demand_learntmp = readRDS(datapath("demand_learn.RDS"))
  ## load previous iteration demand
  ES_demandpr = readRDS(datapath("demand_previousiter.RDS"))
  ## load previus iteration number of stations
  stations = readRDS(datapath("stations.RDS"))
  ## calculate non fuel costs for technologies subjected to learning and merge the resulting values with the historical values
  nonfuel_costs = merge(nonfuel_costs, unique(int_dat[, c("iso", "vehicle_type")]), by = c("iso", "vehicle_type"), all.y = TRUE)
  if (techswitch == "BEV"){
  rebates_febatesBEV = EDGEscenarios[options== "rebates_febates", switch]
  rebates_febatesFCEV = FALSE
  } else if (techswitch == "FCEV") {  
    rebates_febatesFCEV = EDGEscenarios[options== "rebates_febates", switch]
    rebates_febatesBEV = FALSE
  } else {
    rebates_febatesFCEV = FALSE
    rebates_febatesBEV = FALSE
  nonfuel_costs_list = applylearning(nonfuel_costs, capcost4W, gdx, REMINDmapping, EDGE2teESmap, demand_learntmp, ES_demandpr, ES_demand, rebates_febatesBEV = rebates_febatesBEV, rebates_febatesFCEV = rebates_febatesFCEV)
  nonfuel_costs = nonfuel_costs_list$nonfuel_costs
  capcost4W = nonfuel_costs_list$capcost4W
  saveRDS(nonfuel_costs, "nonfuel_costs_learning.RDS")
  saveRDS(capcost4W, "capcost_learning.RDS")} else {

## load price
REMIND_prices <- merge_prices(
    gdx = gdx,
    REMINDyears = REMINDyears,
    intensity_data = int_dat,
    nonfuel_costs = nonfuel_costs[type == "normal"][, type := NULL])
## save prices
## read last iteration count
keys <- c("iso", "year", "technology", "vehicle_type")
setkeyv(REMIND_prices, keys)

pfile <- "EDGE_transport_prices.rds"
iter <- as.vector(gdxrrw::rgdx(gdx, list(name="o_iterationNumber"))$val)

REMIND_prices[, iternum := iter]

## save REMIND prices (before dampening)
saveRDS(REMIND_prices, datapath(paste0("REMINDprices", iter, ".RDS")))
  if(max(unique(REMIND_prices$iternum)) >= 20 & max(unique(REMIND_prices$iternum)) <= 30){
    old_prices <- readRDS(datapath(pfile))
    all_prices <- rbind(old_prices, REMIND_prices)
    setkeyv(all_prices, keys)
    ## apply moving avg
    REMIND_prices <- REMIND_prices[
      all_prices[iternum >= 20, mean(tot_price), by=keys], tot_price := V1]
    all_prices <- rbind(old_prices, REMIND_prices)
    all_prices <- REMIND_prices
  saveRDS(all_prices, datapath(pfile))
  saveRDS(REMIND_prices, datapath(paste0("REMINDpricesDampened", iter, ".RDS")))


REMIND_prices[, "iternum" := NULL]

## calculates logit
if (inconvenience) {
  logit_data <- calculate_logit_inconv_endog(
    prices= REMIND_prices[tot_price > 0],
    vot_data = vot_data,
    logit_params = logit_params,
    intensity_data = int_dat,
    price_nonmot = price_nonmot,
    nfprices_advanced = nonfuel_costs[type %in% c("advanced", "middle")],
    stations = if (!is.null(stations)) stations,
    techswitch = techswitch)

} else{

  logit_data <- calculate_logit(
    REMIND_prices[tot_price > 0],
    vot_data = vot_data,
    sw_data = sw_data,
    logit_params = logit_params,
    intensity_data = int_dat,
    price_nonmot = price_nonmot)

shares <- logit_data[["share_list"]] ## shares of alternatives for each level of the logit function
## shares$VS1_shares=shares$VS1_shares[,-c("sector","subsector_L2","subsector_L3")]

mj_km_data <- logit_data[["mj_km_data"]] ## energy intensity at a technology level
prices <- logit_data[["prices_list"]] ## prices at each level of the logit function, 1990USD/pkm

## calculate vintages (new shares, prices, intensity)
vintages = calcVint(shares = shares,
                    totdem_regr = ES_demand,
                    prices = prices,
                    mj_km_data = mj_km_data,
                    years = REMINDyears)

shares$FV_shares = vintages[["shares"]]$FV_shares
prices = vintages[["prices"]]
mj_km_data = vintages[["mj_km_data"]]

## use logit to calculate shares and intensities (on tech level)
EDGE2CESmap <- fread(mapspath("mapping_CESnodes_EDGE.csv"))

shares_int_dem <- shares_intensity_and_demand(
  demand_input = if (opt$reporting) ES_demand_all)
demByTech <- shares_int_dem[["demand"]] ##in [-]
intensity <- shares_int_dem[["demandI"]] ##in million pkm/EJ
norm_demand <- shares_int_dem[["demandF_plot_EJ"]] ## total demand is 1, required for costs

if (opt$reporting) {
  saveRDS(vintages[["vintcomp"]], file = datapath("vintcomp.RDS"))
  saveRDS(vintages[["newcomp"]], file = datapath("newcomp.RDS"))
  saveRDS(shares, file = datapath("shares.RDS"))
  saveRDS(logit_data$EF_shares, file = datapath("EF_shares.RDS"))
  saveRDS(logit_data$mj_km_data, file = datapath("mj_km_data.RDS"))
  saveRDS(logit_data$inconv_cost, file=datapath("inco_costs.RDS"))
  saveRDS(logit_data$annual_sales, file = datapath("annual_sales.RDS"))
  saveRDS(logit_data$pref_data, file = datapath("pref_output.RDS"))
num_veh_stations = calc_num_vehicles_stations(
  norm_dem = norm_demand[
    subsector_L1 == "trn_pass_road_LDV_4W", ## only 4wheelers
    c("iso", "year", "sector", "vehicle_type", "technology", "demand_F") ],
    ES_demand_all = ES_demand_all,
    techswitch = techswitch)

## save number of vehicles for next iteration
saveRDS(num_veh_stations$learntechdem, datapath("demand_learn.RDS"))
saveRDS(num_veh_stations$stations, datapath("stations.RDS"))
## save the demand for next iteration renaming the column
setnames(ES_demand, old ="demand", new = "demandpr")
saveRDS(ES_demand, datapath("demand_previousiter.RDS"))

## use logit to calculate costs
budget <- calculate_capCosts(
    Fdemand_ES = norm_demand,
    EDGE2CESmap = EDGE2CESmap,
    EDGE2teESmap = EDGE2teESmap,
    REMINDyears = REMINDyears,
    scenario = scenario,

## full REMIND time range for inputs
REMINDtall <- c(seq(1900,1985,5),
                seq(1990, 2060, by = 5),
                seq(2070, 2110, by = 10),
                2130, 2150)

## prepare the entries to be saved in the gdx files: intensity, shares, non_fuel_price. Final entries: intensity in [trillionkm/Twa], capcost in [2005USD/trillionpkm], shares in [-]
finalInputs <- prepare4REMIND(
    demByTech = demByTech,
    intensity = intensity,
    capCost = budget,
    EDGE2teESmap = EDGE2teESmap,
    REMINDtall = REMINDtall,

## add the columns of SSP scenario and EDGE scenario to the output parameters
for (i in names(finalInputs)) {
             finalInputs[[i]]$SSP_scenario <- scenario
             finalInputs[[i]]$EDGE_scenario <- EDGE_scenario

## calculate shares
finalInputs$shFeCes = finalInputs$demByTech[, value := value/sum(value), by = c("tall", "all_regi", "all_in")]

## CapCosts
writegdx.parameter("p35_esCapCost.gdx", finalInputs$capCost, "p35_esCapCost",
                   valcol="value", uelcols=c("tall", "all_regi", "SSP_scenario", "EDGE_scenario", "all_teEs"))

## Intensities
writegdx.parameter("p35_fe2es.gdx", finalInputs$intensity, "p35_fe2es",
                   valcol="value", uelcols = c("tall", "all_regi", "SSP_scenario", "EDGE_scenario", "all_teEs"))

## Shares: demand can represent the shares since it is normalized
writegdx.parameter("p35_shFeCes.gdx", finalInputs$shFeCes, "p35_shFeCes",
                   uelcols = c("tall", "all_regi", "SSP_scenario", "EDGE_scenario", "all_enty", "all_in", "all_teEs"))