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!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutines for: *!
!* - WRITESIM: Write simulation options into file *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
SUBROUTINE writesim(simfile_new)
! read simulation options from file
use data_climate
use data_mess
use data_out
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_site
use data_tsort
implicit none
logical ex
integer i, ios, ios1, nowunit, nowunit1, k, anzclim, j
real help
character a
character (150) tspec, tname, tval, tsite, tman, ttree, tdepo, tred, tlit, &
pathdir1, pathdir2,pathdir3, pathdir4, pathdir5, climszen, siteall, climall,site_name_all
character(3), dimension(100) :: clim_nam
character(150), dimension(:), allocatable:: site_name_ad
character(150), dimension(:), allocatable:: climfile_ad
character(150), dimension(:), allocatable:: manfile_ad
character(150), dimension(:), allocatable:: treefile_ad
character(150), dimension(:), allocatable:: depofile_ad
character(150), dimension(:), allocatable:: wpmfile_ad
character(10), dimension(1000) :: climnum
character(50) istand
character(150) simfile_new
nowunit = getunit()
ios = 0
!!! set Filename
write (*, *) ' Input name of simfile'
write (*, *) simfile_new
open(nowunit,file=simfile_new,iostat=ios, status='replace')
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_multi , ' ! Run option'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) site_nr , ' ! number of runs'
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) '! *** simulation specifications **************************************'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) year , ' ! number of simulation years'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) time_b , ' ! start year for simulation'
write(nowunit,'(F7.0,A)',iostat=ios) kpatchsize , ' ! patch size [m]'
write(nowunit,'(F7.1,A)',iostat=ios) dz , ' ! thickness of foliage layers [cm]'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) ns_pro , ' ! time step photosynthesis calculations [d]'
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) '! *** choice of model options *****************************************'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_mort , ' ! mortality flag (flag_mort)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_reg , ' ! regeneration flag (flag_reg)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_forska , ' ! use FORSKA environmental factors and regeneration (flag_forska)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_stand , ' ! initialization flag (flag_stand)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_sveg , ' ! soil vegetation flag (flag_sveg) !!! new !!!'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_mg , ' ! management flag (flag_mg)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_dis , ' ! disturbance flag (flag_dis)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_light , ' ! ligth algorithm number (flag_light)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_folhei , ' ! foliage-height relationship (flag_folhei)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_volfunc , ' ! volume function (flag_volfunc)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_resp , ' ! respiration flag (flag_resp)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_limi , ' ! limitation flag (flag_limi)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_decomp , ' ! decomposition model (flag_decomp)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_sign , ' ! root activity function flag (flag_sign)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_wred , ' ! soil water uptake flag (flag_wred)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_wurz , ' ! root distribution flag (flag_wurz)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_cond , ' ! heat conductance flag (flag_cond)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_int , ' ! interception flag (flag_int)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_eva , ' ! evapotranspiration flag (flag_eva)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_co2 , ' ! CO2 flag (flag_CO2)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_sort , ' ! sort flag (flag_sort)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_wpm , ' ! wpm flag (flag_wpm)'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_stat , ' ! comparison with measurements (flag_stat)'
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) '! *** output specifications *******************************************'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) time_out
! write name of yearly output variables
do i = 1, outy_n
if (outy(i)%out_flag .gt. 0) write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) outy(i)%kind_name
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) 'end'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_dayout
! write name of daily output variables
do i = 1, outd_n
if (outd(i)%out_flag .gt. 0) write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) outd(i)%kind_name
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) 'end'
if(flag_cohoutd .gt. 0 .or. flag_cohouty .gt. 0) then
flag_cohout = 1
flag_cohout = 0
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_cohout
! define name of cohort output variables
ncvar = ncvar + ncdvar
do i = 1, outcy_n
if (outcy(i)%out_flag .gt. 0) write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) outcy(i)%kind_name
do i = 1, outcd_n
if (outcd(i)%out_flag .gt. 0) write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) outcd(i)%kind_name
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) 'end'
write(nowunit,'(I6,A)',iostat=ios) flag_sum
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) '! *** input files *****************************************************'
SELECT CASE(flag_multi)
CASE (0,1,2,3,6)
jpar = 1
DO i=1,site_nr
if(i .gt. 1) then
write(nowunit,'(A,I2,A)',iostat=ios) '! ******************* run ',i,' *******************************************'
do while (vpar(jpar) .gt. -99.0)
write(nowunit,'(F7.1, A)') vpar(jpar), ' '//simpar(jpar)
jpar = jpar + 1
help = -99.0
write(nowunit,'(F7.1, A)') help, ' end'
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) specfile(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') site_name(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') climfile(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') sitefile(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') valfile(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') treefile(i)
write(nowunit,*) standid(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') manfile(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') depofile(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') redfile(i)
write(nowunit,'(A)') litfile(i)
if(i .eq. 1 .and. flag_stat .gt. 0) write(nowunit,'(A)') mesfile(1)
print *, ' >>>foresee message: site_nr ',i,'; input of filenames completed'
end DO
if(flag_multi .ne. 2) call errorfile(simfile, ios, nowunit)
CASE (4,5)
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) specfile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') site_name(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') treefile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') manfile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') siteall
write(nowunit,'(A)') climall
write(nowunit,'(A)') pathdir1
write(nowunit,'(A)') pathdir2
write(nowunit,'(A)') climszen
print *, ' >>>foresee message: Input of filenames completed'
! define name of output variables
nvar = 1
write(nowunit,*) outvar(nvar)
do while (trim(outvar(nvar)) .ne. 'end')
nvar = nvar + 1
write(nowunit,*) outvar(nvar)
if (nvar .gt. 1) allocate(output_var(nvar-1,site_nr,year))
call errorfile(simfile, ios, nowunit)
! writeing file with desription of climate stations used
nowunit1 = getunit()
ios1 = 0
write(nowunit1,'(A)',iostat=ios1) a
IF (a .ne. '!') exit
end do
backspace nowunit1
if(ios1 .lt. 0) exit
k = k+1
end do
anzclim = k-1
ios1 = 0
call errorfile(climall, ios1, nowunit1)
! reading control file with site-id, climate-id, soil-id, gwtabe-id
nowunit1 = getunit()
write(nowunit1,'(A)',iostat=ios1) a
IF (a .ne. '!') exit
end do
backspace nowunit1
do i=1,site_nr
write(nowunit1,*,iostat=ios1) sitenum(i), clim_id(i), soilid(i), gwtable(i)
! Fuellen der sitefile
standid(i) = sitenum(i)
site_name(i) = site_name(1)
specfile(i) = specfile(1)
treefile(i) = treefile(1)
manfile(i) = manfile(1)
do j = 1,anzclim
if(clim_id(i).eq.climnum(j)) then
if( then
climfile(i) =trim(pathdir1)//trim(clim_nam(j))//trim(climszen)//'.dat'
climfile(i) =trim(pathdir1)//trim(clim_nam(j))//trim(climszen)//'.cli'
end if
end if
end do
sitefile(i) =trim(pathdir2)//'wbuek'//trim(soilid(i))//'.sop'
valfile(i) =trim(pathdir2)//'wbuek'//trim(soilid(i))//'.soi'
depofile(i) ='dummy.dep'
redfile = ''
litfile = 'dummy.lit'
call errorfile(siteall, ios1, nowunit1)
! variation of flag_multi= 5, especially for SILVISTRAT
CASE (7)
write(nowunit,'(A)',iostat=ios) specfile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') site_name_all
write(nowunit,'(A)') sitefile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') valfile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') siteall
write(nowunit,'(A)') pathdir1
write(nowunit,'(A)') pathdir2
write(nowunit,'(A)') pathdir3
write(nowunit,'(A)') depofile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') redfile(1)
write(nowunit,'(A)') litfile(1)
call errorfile(simfile, ios, nowunit)
! reading control file with site-id,name, climate scenario, man-file, treeini-file, dep-file
nowunit1 = getunit()
READ(nowunit1,'(A)',iostat=ios1) a
IF (a .ne. '!') exit
end do
backspace nowunit1
do i=1,site_nr
read(nowunit1,*,iostat=ios1) sitenum(i),site_name_ad(i), climfile_ad(i),manfile_ad(i), treefile_ad(i),depofile_ad(i),fl_co2(i)
! Fuellen der sitefile
standid(i) = sitenum(i)
climfile(i)= trim(pathdir1)//climfile_ad(i)
site_name(i) = trim(site_name_all)//trim(site_name_ad(i))
specfile(i) = specfile(1)
sitefile(i) = sitefile(1)
valfile(i) = valfile(1)
treefile(i) =trim(pathdir2)//trim(treefile_ad(i))
manfile(i) =trim(pathdir3)//trim(manfile_ad(i))
depofile(i) =depofile(1)
redfile(i) = redfile(1)
litfile(i) = litfile(1)
call errorfile(siteall, ios1, nowunit1)
jpar = 0 ! reset jpar for restore
if(flag_multi .eq. 2)then
read (nowunit,*) step_sum_T,n_T_downsteps,n_T_upsteps
read (nowunit,*) step_fac_P,n_P_downsteps,n_P_upsteps
site_nr = (1+n_T_downsteps+n_T_upsteps) * (1+n_P_downsteps+n_P_upsteps)
repeat_number = site_nr
tspec = specfile(1)
tname = site_name(1)
tsite = sitefile(1)
tval = valfile(1)
ttree = treefile(1)
tman = manfile(1)
tdepo = depofile(1)
tred = redfile(1)
tlit = litfile(1)
istand = standid(1)
deallocate (specfile)
deallocate (site_name)
deallocate (sitefile)
deallocate (valfile)
deallocate (treefile)
deallocate (manfile)
deallocate (depofile)
deallocate (redfile)
deallocate (litfile)
deallocate (standid)
allocate (specfile(site_nr))
allocate (site_name(site_nr))
allocate (sitefile(site_nr))
allocate (valfile(site_nr))
allocate (treefile(site_nr))
allocate (manfile(site_nr))
allocate (depofile(site_nr))
allocate (standid(site_nr))
allocate (redfile(site_nr))
allocate (litfile(site_nr))
specfile = tspec
site_name = tname
sitefile = tsite
valfile = tval
treefile = ttree
manfile = tman
depofile = tdepo
redfile = tred
litfile = tlit
standid = istand
call errorfile(simfile, ios, nowunit)
endif ! flag_multi = 2
END subroutine writesim
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