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Contains example scripts for the 'uncertise' package
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UncerTiSe contains Python modules to help analyze time series with uncertainties - developed under the DFG Project "Impacts of uncertainties in climate data analyses (IUCliD)" (DFG MA4759/8).
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Trade WIth STorage (TWIST) model for computation of global commodity price and storage levels Original Description: Schewe et al. 2017 Environ. Res. Lett. 12 054005, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aa678e
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Some scripts that generate tropical cyclone windfields for partners
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Emulate tropical cyclone activity at specified levels of global warming. The emulator is calibrated using the probabilistic tropical cyclone activity along climate model scenarios.
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Analyse the historical long-term effects of tropical cyclones on economic activity, project the effects along global warming scenarios, and derive temperature-dependent TC damage functions as well as estimates of TC-induced discounted annual damages (DAD) and social cost of carbon (SCC)
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The BAtch OBserve Aggregate Package is a small framework for performing numerical experiments on dynamical systems.
Simulation runs are grouped in batches, observed locally and the observations then aggregated.
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Proxy server for the model API of the EUCalc project. Manages persistent storage of the model results and performs basic load balancing.