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Mario Krapp / semic-project
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Matthias Mengel / isimip_sealevel
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySea level projections for the ISIMIP2 Project
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The BAtch OBserve Aggregate Package is a small framework for performing numerical experiments on dynamical systems.
Simulation runs are grouped in batches, observed locally and the observations then aggregated.
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The plume model after Jenkins, 2011 (DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-11-03.1) and Cowton, 2015 (DOI 10.1002/2014JC010324) written in python for runge-kutta method.
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Simple examples demonstrating hlrs2015 cluster use (via SLURM) in different languages and computation models
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Bedartha Goswami / uncertise
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalUncerTiSe contains Python modules to help analyze time series with uncertainties - developed under the DFG Project "Impacts of uncertainties in climate data analyses (IUCliD)" (DFG MA4759/8).
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Bedartha Goswami / uncertise-examples
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalContains example scripts for the 'uncertise' package
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Bedartha Goswami / nltsavibration
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalCodes and data files necessary to generate figures of tutorial review on nonlinear time series analysis using recurrence plots published in Vibration.
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Project: Areawise significance tests for recurrence network analysis Jaqueline Lekscha and Reik V. Donner code for analyses performed in corresponding paper (submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society A)Updated
Code repository accompanying the publication: "Network-induced multistability: Lossy coupling and exotic solitary states"
arXiv:1811.11518 [nlin.AO]
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Bedartha Goswami / bayprox
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyBayesian Proxy record estimation along with associated uncertainties
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Tobias Seydewitz / proxilly
MIT LicenseProxy server for the model API of the EUCalc project. Manages persistent storage of the model results and performs basic load balancing.
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isipedia / countrymasks
MIT Licensetemporary repo to overcome git lfs quota issues on github
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Emulate tropical cyclone activity at specified levels of global warming. The emulator is calibrated using the probabilistic tropical cyclone activity along climate model scenarios.