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Mario Krapp / semic-project
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Peter Hoffmann / JMD
MIT LicenseUpdated -
The 2+k, 2 and 1 oscillator toy models that (in the first to cases) show super-exotic solitary states.
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Companion repository for publication "Fertility transition powered by women's access to electricity and modern cooking fuels"
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This repository houses code and data for Többen et al. "Spatial and socio-economic hotspots of energy poverty and carbon tax impacts of 38 million households".
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Nicola Botta / IdrisLibs
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseIdris application-independent libraries. These are extensions of prelude and base Idris libraries, mainly motivated by the development of https://github.com/nicolabotta/SeqDecProbs.
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A dataset of the harmonized district name and district index of 254 DHS (Demographic and Health Survey) datasets.
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MCC APSIS / Media and Twitter Analysis / CDR on Twitter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Tobias Seydewitz / hazardly
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseImpacts on cropy yield in response to weather extremes
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Bedartha Goswami / nltsavibration
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalCodes and data files necessary to generate figures of tutorial review on nonlinear time series analysis using recurrence plots published in Vibration.
Archived 0Updated -
Companion repository for publication "Carbon emission trends and sustainability options in Austrian health care"
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Camille Belmin / LivWelldata paper
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThis is the companion repository for the paper: "Livwell: a sub-national dataset on the Living conditions of Women and their Well-being for 52 countries [1990-2019]"
The dataset LivWell is deposited on Zenodo at: https://zenodo.org/record/5821532
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Peter-Paul Pichler / europe.inequality
MIT LicenseUpdated