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Commit c110011f authored by Julian Stürmer's avatar Julian Stürmer
Browse files

Add generic functions for plotting power grids

parent 6d93b7e6
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module ITCPG
#* Used packages
using CSV
using DataFrames
using JLD2
using FileIO
using PowerModels
using Ipopt
using PyPlot, PyCall
using Colors
using LaTeXStrings
using DataStructures
#* Include other code files and export functions
export addlocs!, getlocs
export add_locs!, get_locs, add_tl_voltages!, get_bustypes
export update_pf_data!, calc_init_op
export plot_pg
#* Functions for plotting a power grid described by a network data dictionary
Function for recursively merging two dictionaries (used for updating the dictionary containing plot settings).
_recursive_merge(x::AbstractDict,y::AbstractDict) = merge(_recursive_merge,x,y)
_recursive_merge(x,y) = y
Returns a dictionary of default plot settings for various plotting functions.
function _default_settings(func::Symbol)
if func == :plot_pg
defaults = Dict(
### Settings for _draw_buses!
"Buses" => Dict(
"Generator" => Dict(
"marker" => "s",
"size" => 30,
"color" => "darkorange",
"alpha" => 1,
"label" => "Generators",
"show" => true
"Load and generator" => Dict(
"marker" => "o",
"size" => 30,
"color" => "darkorange",
"alpha" => 1,
"label" => "nolabel",
"show" => true
"Slack" => Dict(
"marker" => "s",
"size" => 70,
"color" => "red",
"alpha" => 0.6,
"label" => "Slack",
"show" => true
"Load" => Dict(
"marker" => "o",
"size" => 15,
"color" => "limegreen",
"alpha" => 0.7,
"label" => "Loads",
"show" => true
"Empty bus" => Dict(
"marker" => "o",
"size" => 2,
"color" => "black",
"alpha" => 0.3,
"label" => "Empty buses",
"show" => true
### Settings for _draw_branches!
"Branches" => Dict(
"br_status" => "active", # plot only "active" or "all" branches
"br_coloring" => "equal", # how to color branches (can be set to "equal", "voltage", "MW-loading", "Mvar-loading" or "MVA-loading")
"br_color" => "k", # default color for "equal" coloring
"br_lw" => 2,
"br_alpha" => 1
"draw_ticks" => [true, true, true, true], # whether to show ticks
"draw_legend" => true, # whether to draw a legend
"xlabel" => L"Longitude in $°$",
"ylabel" => L"Latitude in $°$",
return defaults
Plots the power grid described by the network data dictionary (NDD). Possible plot settings are shown in _default_settings.
function plot_pg(
settings = Dict{String,Any}(); # dictionary containing plot settings
figpath::String # where to save the figure
### Setup figure
figure::Figure, ax::PyObject = plt.subplots()::Tuple{Figure,PyObject}
w::Float64, h::Float64 = plt.figaspect(2/3)::Vector{Float64}
figure.set_size_inches(1.5w, 1.5h)
### Set plot settings
settings = _recursive_merge(_default_settings(:plot_pg), settings)
_plot_pg!(ax, network_data, settings, figpath)
return nothing
Plots the power grid described by the network data dictionary (NDD) onto an already existing axes. Possible plot settings are shown in _default_settings.
function _plot_pg!(
ax::PyObject, # axes to draw power grid onto
settings::Dict{String,<:Any}, # dictionary containing plot settings
figpath::String # where to save the figure
### Draw power grid graph
nx = pyimport("networkx")
G::PyObject = nx.Graph() # empty graph
_draw_pg!(ax, G, network_data, settings) # draw power grid onto axes
plt.savefig(figpath, bbox_inches="tight")
plt.close("all") # close figure
return nothing
Draws a graph for the power grid described by the NDD with options according to the dictionary "settings" (see _default_settings for possible options).
function _draw_pg!(
ax::PyObject, # axes to draw power grid onto
G::PyObject, # power grid graph
settings::Dict{String,<:Any} # dictionary containing plot settings
### Plot buses into graph
G, bus_markers, bus_labels = _draw_buses!(G, network_data, settings)
### Plot branches into graph
G, br_markers, br_labels, cbar = _draw_branches!(G, network_data, settings)
### Check for a predefined area to show
if haskey(settings, "area")
area = settings["area"]
plt.xlim(area[1], area[2])
plt.ylim(area[3], area[4])
### Axes settings
left = settings["draw_ticks"][1],
bottom = settings["draw_ticks"][2],
labelleft = settings["draw_ticks"][3],
labelbottom = settings["draw_ticks"][4]
plt.ylabel(settings["ylabel"], rotation=90)
### Draw legend, if wanted
if settings["draw_legend"] == true
all_markers = vcat(bus_markers, br_markers)
all_labels = vcat(bus_labels, br_labels)
plt.legend(all_markers, all_labels)
return ax, G
Draws buses contained in the NDD as nodes into graph G. The nodes are displayed according to the settings dictionary (see _default_settings).
function _draw_buses!(
G::PyObject, # power grid graph
settings::Dict{String,<:Any} # dictionary containing plot settings
### Matplotlib imports
nx = pyimport("networkx")
mlines = pyimport("matplotlib.lines")
bustypes = get_bustypes(network_data) # types of all buses
pos = get_locs(network_data) # geographic bus locations
bus_markes = [
mlines.Line2D([], [], color=b["color"], marker=b["marker"], ls="None")
for b in collect(values(settings["Buses"]))
if b["label"] != "nolabel"
] # markers for legend
bus_labels = [
b["label"] for b in collect(values(settings["Buses"]))
if b["label"] != "nolabel"
] # labels for legend
### Draw different buses as nodes
for (type, buses) in bustypes
bus_settings = settings["Buses"][type]
if bus_settings["show"] == true
G, pos,
nodelist = buses,
node_shape = bus_settings["marker"],
node_size = bus_settings["size"],
node_color = bus_settings["color"],
alpha = bus_settings["alpha"]
return G, bus_markers, bus_labels
Draws branches contained in the NDD as edges into graph G. The branches are displayed according to the settings dictionary (see _default_settings).
function _draw_branches!(
G::PyObject, # power grid graph
settings::Dict{String,<:Any} # dictionary containing plot settings
br_settings = settings["Branches"]
br_coloring = br_settings["br_coloring"]
### Draw branches according to coloring mode
if br_coloring == "equal"
G, br_markers, br_labels, cbar = _draw_br_equal!(
G, network_data, br_settings
elseif br_coloring == "voltage"
G, br_markers, br_labels, cbar = _draw_br_voltage!(
G, network_data, br_settings
elseif br_coloring in ["MW-loading","Mvar-loading","MVA-loading"]
G, br_markers, br_labels, cbar = _draw_br_branchloads!(
G, network_data, br_settings
throw(ArgumentError("Unknown branch coloring $br_coloring."))
return G, br_markers, br_labels, cbar
Draws branches contained in the NDD with coloring mode "equal". All branches are displayed using the same color.
function _draw_br_equal!(
G::PyObject, # power grid graph
br_settings::Dict{String,<:Any} # dictionary containing plot settings
### Matplotlib imports
nx = pyimport("networkx")
pos = get_locs(network_data) # geographic bus locations
branches = collect(values(network_data["branch"])) # branch dictionaries
### Get edges contained in the NDD
if br_settings["br_status"] == "active" # only plot active branches
edges = [(b["f_bus"],b["t_bus"]) for b in branches if b["br_status"]==1]
elseif br_settings["br_status"] == "all" # plot all branches
edges = [(b["f_bus"],b["t_bus"]) for b in branches]
br_status = br_settings["br_status"]
throw(ArgumentError("Unknown branch status $br_status."))
### Draw edges
drawn_edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(
G, pos,
edgelist = edges,
width = br_settings["br_lw"],
edge_color = br_settings["br_color"],
alpha = br_settings["br_alpha"]
return G, [], [], nothing
Draws branches contained in the NDD with coloring mode "MW-loading", "Mvar-loading" or "MVA-loading". The branches are colored depending on their loading (flow/capacity).
function _draw_br_branchloads!(
G::PyObject, # power grid graph
br_settings::Dict{String,<:Any} # dictionary containing plot settings
### Matplotlib imports
nx = pyimport("networkx")
pos = get_locs(network_data) # geographic bus locations
branches = collect(values(network_data["branch"])) # branch dictionaries
br_coloring = br_settings["br_coloring"] # what kind of loading to use
br_status = br_settings["br_status"]
### Get edges contained in the NDD and their loadings
if br_status == "active" # only plot active branches
edges = [(b["f_bus"],b["t_bus"]) for b in branches if b["br_status"]==1]
branchloads = [b[br_coloring] for b in branches if b["br_status"]==1]
elseif br_status == "all" # plot all branches
edges = [(b["f_bus"],b["t_bus"]) for b in branches]
branchloads = [b[br_coloring] for b in branches]
throw(ArgumentError("Unknown branch status $br_status."))
### Draw edges
cmap =
vmin, vmax = 0., 1.
drawnedges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(
G, pos,
edgelist = edges,
width = br_settings["br_lw"],
edge_color = branchloads,
edge_cmap = cmap,
edge_vmin = vmin,
edge_vmax = vmax,
alpha = br_settings["br_alpha"]
### Add colorbar
sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin, vmax))
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm)
"Line $br_coloring " * L"$F_{ij}/C_{ij}$", rotation=-90, va="bottom"
return G, [], [], cbar
Draws branches contained in the NDD with coloring mode "voltage". Transmission lines are colored according to their voltage levels.
function _draw_br_voltage!(
G::PyObject, # power grid graph
br_settings::Dict{String,<:Any} # dictionary containing plot settings
### Matplotlib imports
nx = pyimport("networkx")
mlines = pyimport("matplotlib.lines")
pos = get_locs(network_data) # geographic bus locations
branches = collect(values(network_data["branch"])) # branch dictionaries
br_markers = Array{PyObject,1}() # markers for legend
br_labels = Array{String,1}() # labels for legend
### Get edges contained in the NDD and their voltage levels
if br_settings["br_status"] == "active" # only plot active branches
edges = [
(b["f_bus"],b["t_bus"]) for b in branches
if b["br_status"] == 1
voltages = [
string(b["tl_voltage"]) for b in branches
if b["br_status"] == 1
elseif br_settings["br_status"] == "all" # plot all branches
edges = [(b["f_bus"],b["t_bus"]) for b in branches]
voltages = [string(b["tl_voltage"]) for b in branches]
br_status = br_settings["br_status"]
throw(ArgumentError("Unknown branch status $br_status."))
### Assign colors to voltage levels and add markers and labels for legend
voltages[voltages .== "0.0"] .= "k" # transformers
mcolors = pyimport("matplotlib.colors")
tableau = [
key for key in keys(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS)
if key ["tab:orange", "tab:green"] # orange and green used for buses
for (i, v) in enumerate(sort(unique(filter(v -> v != "k", voltages))))
voltages[voltages .== v] .= tableau[i]
push!(br_markers, mlines.Line2D([], [], color=tableau[i], ls="-"))
push!(br_labels, string(v) * " kV")
### Draw edges
drawnedges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(
G, pos,
edgelist = edges,
width = br_settings["br_lw"],
edge_color = voltages,
alpha = br_settings["br_alpha"]
return G, br_markers, br_labels, nothing
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