Julian Stürmer authoredJulian Stürmer authored
Data.jl 5.15 KiB
#* Functions for handling the Network Data Dictionary (NDD) of PowerModels.jl
Reads the geographic bus locations (longitude and latitude coordinates in degrees) from a CSV file and adds them to the NDD. Returns the resulting NDD, in which each bus has a "bus_lat" and "bus_lon" entry. The columns containg the longitude and latitude coordinates in the CSV file should be called "SubLongitude" and "SubLatitude", respectively.
function add_locs!(
pos = Dict{String,Any}(
"baseMVA" => 100.0,
"bus" => Dict{String,Any}(),
"per_unit" => true
BusData::DataFrame = CSV.File(csvfile) |> DataFrame!
N = size(BusData, 1) # number of buses
sizehint!(pos["bus"], N)
for bus in eachrow(BusData)
pos["bus"][string(bus[:Number])] = Dict(
"bus_lon" => bus[:SubLongitude],
"bus_lat" => bus[:SubLatitude]
update_data!(network_data, pos) # add positions to network_data
return network_data
Returns a dictionary containing geographic bus locations that are included in the NDD. The dicitonary structure is bus-index => (lon, lat). If getlims=true, the minmimum and maximum longitude and latitude coordinates are returned as well. Can be useful for plotting the grid.
function get_locs(network_data::Dict{String,<:Any}; getlims=false)
pos = Dict(
parse(Int64, i) => (b["bus_lon"], b["bus_lat"])
for (i, b) in network_data["bus"]
### Check whether to return lon- and lat-limits or not
if getlims == true
N = length(network_data["bus"]) # number of buses
lats = [
for i in keys(network_data["bus"])
] # latitudes
lons = [
for i in keys(network_data["bus"])
] # longitudes
xlims = (minimum(lons), maximum(lons))
ylims = (minimum(lats), maximum(lats))
return pos, xlims, ylims
return pos
function add_tl_voltages!(network_data::Dict{String,<:Any})
voltages = Dict{String,Any}(
"baseMVA" => 100.0,
"branch" => Dict{String,Any}(),
"per_unit" => true
L = length(network_data["branch"])
sizehint!(voltages["branch"], L)
for (i, branch) in network_data["branch"]
if branch["transformer"] == true
### Transformers have a transmission line voltage of 0 kV
voltages["branch"][i] = Dict(
"tl_voltage" => 0.
### Transmission lines get base voltage of from bus
from = branch["f_bus"]
voltages["branch"][i] = Dict(
"tl_voltage" => network_data["bus"][string(from)]["base_kv"]
update_data!(network_data, voltages)
return network_data
Returns the bus types of all buses in the NDD in form an ordered dictionary. The different bus types are "Generator", "Load and generator", "Load" and "Empty bus". The ordering is fixed so that the dictionary can be used to plot the buses in a specific order.
#? How to call "empty" buses? Load and generator buses in a substation are connected to these empty buses? Is there only one empty bus per substation?
function get_bustypes(network_data::Dict{String,<:Any})
### Active loads
load = unique(
[l["load_bus"] for l in collect(values(network_data["load"]))
if l["status"] == 1]
### Active generators
gen = unique(
[g["gen_bus"] for g in collect(values(network_data["gen"]))
if g["gen_status"] == 1]
### Buses with both load and generation
load_and_gen = [i for i in load if i in gen]
### Slack bus
slack = [
b["index"] for b in collect(values(network_data["bus"]))
if b["bus_type"] == 3
### Remove buses with load and generation from pure loads and generators
filter!(i -> i ∉ load_and_gen, load)
filter!(i -> i ∉ load_and_gen, gen)
### Remove slack bus from other arrays
filter!(i -> i ∉ slack, load)
filter!(i -> i ∉ slack, gen)
filter!(i -> i ∉ slack, load_and_gen)
### Empty buses with neither load nor generation
empty = unique(
[b["index"] for b in collect(values(network_data["bus"]))
if b["index"] ∉ vcat(load, gen, load_and_gen, slack)]
### Check whether the right number of bus types was obtained
sum = (
length(load) + length(gen) + length(load_and_gen) + length(empty) + length(slack)
N::Int64 = length(network_data["bus"]) # number of buses
@assert sum == N "$sum bus types were obtained instead of $N"
return OrderedDict(
"Generator" => gen,
"Load and generator" => load_and_gen,
"Load" => load,
"Slack" => slack,
"Empty bus" => empty