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Commit d9cf73a0 authored by Fabian Stenzel's avatar Fabian Stenzel
Browse files

MECO and MCOL re-updated from earlier saved state

parent 21929a01
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1 merge request!4full review
# written by Fabian Stenzel
# 2022 -
# todo: optional reading of monthly netcdf CFT outputs
# todo: add optional reading of monthly netcdf CFT outputs
#' Plot global map of MCOL to file
#' Plot global map of MCOL to file with legend colors similar to Haberl et al. 2007
#' @param data array containing MCOL percentage value for each gridcell
#' @param file character string for location/file to save plot to
#' @param plotyears range of years to plot over time
#' @param title character string title for plot
#' @param legendtitle character string legend title
#' @param zeroThreshold smallest value to be distinguished from 0 in legend,
#' both for negative and positive values (default: 0.1)
#' @param eps write eps file instead of PNG (boolean) - (default: FALSE)
#' Calculate MCOL based on a PNV run and LU run of LPJmL
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
#' @export
plotMCOLmap <- function(data, file, title, legendtitle, zeroThreshold = 0.1, eps = FALSE){
brks <- c(-400,-200,-100,-50,-zeroThreshold,zeroThreshold,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,100)
classes <- c("<-200","-200 - -100","-100 - -50",paste0("-50 - -",zeroThreshold),paste0("-",zeroThreshold," - ",zeroThreshold),paste0(zeroThreshold," - 10"),"10 - 20","20 - 30","30 - 40","40 - 50","50 - 60","60 - 70","70 - 80","80 - 100")
palette <- c("navy","royalblue3","royalblue1","skyblue1","grey80","yellowgreen","greenyellow","yellow","gold","orange","orangered","orangered4","brown4","black")
data[data < brks[1]] <- brks[1]
data[data > brks[length(brks)]] <- brks[length(brks)]
if (eps) {
file = strsplit(file,".",fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
file = paste(c(file[1:(length(file) - 1)],"eps"), collapse = ".")
ps.options(family = c("Helvetica"), pointsize = 18)
postscript(file,horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, width = 22, height = 8.5, paper = "special")
png(file, width = 7.25, height = 3.5, units = "in", res = 300, pointsize = 6, type = "cairo")
ra <- raster::raster(ncols = 720, nrows = 360)
range <- range(data)
ra[raster::cellFromXY(ra,cbind(lon,lat))] <- data
extent <- raster::extent(c(-180, 180, -60, 90))
par(bty = "n", oma = c(0,0,0,0), mar = c(0,0,0,0), xpd = T)
raster::plot(ra, ext = extent, breaks = brks, col = palette, main = "", legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
title(title, line = -2)
maps::map('world', add = TRUE, res = 0.4, lwd = 0.25,ylim = c(-60,90))
legend(x = -180, y = 50, fill = palette, border = palette, legend = classes, title = legendtitle)
#' Plot absolute MCOL, overtime, maps, and npp into given folder
#' Plot to file a comparison over time of global sums of MCOL, NPPpot, NPPeco,
#' and NPPact, with legend similar to Krausmann et al. 2013
#' @param mcolData mcol data list object (returned from calcMCOL) containing
#' mcol, npp_eco_overtime, npp_act_overtime, npp_pot_overtime,
#' npp_bioenergy_overtime, mcol_overtime, npp_harv_overtime,
#' mcol_overtime_perc_piref, mcol_perc, mcol_perc_piref, ynpp
#' @param file character string for location/file to save plot to
#' @param firstyr first year of mcol object
#' @param plotyears range of years to plot over time
#' @param minVal y-axis minimum value for plot over time (default: 0)
#' @param maxVal y-axis maximum value for plot over time (default: 100)
#' @param legendpos position of legend (default: "topleft")
#' @param mapyear year to plot mcol map for
#' @param mapyear_buffer +- years around mapyear to average mcol
#' (make sure these years exist in mcol data)
#' @param highlightyrs year(s) that should be highlighted in overtime plot (default: 2000)
#' @param ref reference period for mcol ("pi" or "act"), to either use
#' mcolData$mcol_overtime_perc_piref or mcolData$mcol_overtime
#' @param eps write plots as eps, instead of png (default = FALSE)
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
#' @export
plotMCOLovertime <- function(mcolData, file, firstyr, plotyrs, highlightyrs = 2000, minVal = 0,
maxVal = 100, legendpos = "topleft", ext = FALSE, eps = FALSE, ref = "pi"){
lastyr = firstyr + length(mcolData$npp_act_overtime) - 1
colz = c("slateblue","gold","green3","darkorange","black","red3","green","brown","yellow","turquoise")
if (eps) {
file = strsplit(file,".",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
file = paste(c(file[1:(length(file) - 1)],"eps"),collapse=".")
ps.options(family = c("Helvetica"), pointsize = 18)
postscript(file,horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, width = 22, height = 8.5,paper="special")
png(file, width=3.5, height = 3, units = "in", res = 300, pointsize = 6,type="cairo")
ylim=c(minVal, maxVal),xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_pot_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[1])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_act_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[2])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_eco_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[3])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_luc_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[4])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$mcol_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[5])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$harvest_cft_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[7])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$rharvest_cft_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[8])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$fire_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[9])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$timber_harvest_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[10])
par(bty="n",oma=c(0,0,0,0),mar=c(4,5,1,3), new = T)
if (ref == "pi") {
ylim=c(0, 30),type = "l",col=colz[6],xaxs="i", yaxs="i", axes = F)
} else if (ref == "act") {
ylim=c(0, 30),type = "l",col=colz[6],xaxs="i", yaxs="i", axes = F)
}else stop(paste0("Unknown value for parameter ref: ",ref," - Aborting."))
axis(side = 4, col = colz[6],col.axis = colz[6])
mtext(text = "%", col=colz[6], side = 4,line = 2)
if (!is.null(highlightyrs)){
for (y in highlightyrs){
legend(legendpos,legend = c("NPPpot (PNV)","NPPact (landuse)","NPPeco","NPPluc","M-COLabs","M-COL [% NPPpi]","harvestc","rharvest","firec","timber_harvest"),col=colz ,lty=1,cex=1)
#' Calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma between 2 simulations/timesteps
#' Function to calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma according
#' to Sykes (1999), Heyder (2011), and Ostberg (2015,2018).
#' This is a reformulated version in R, not producing 100% similar values
#' than the C/bash version from Ostberg 2018, but following their methodology.
#' Function to calculate MCOL based on a PNV run and LU run of LPJmL
#' @param inFol_lu folder of landuse scenario run
#' @param inFol_pnv folder of pnv reference run
......@@ -146,7 +22,10 @@ plotMCOLovertime <- function(mcolData, file, firstyr, plotyrs, highlightyrs = 20
#' @param varnames data.frame with names (outname) and timestep of output files
#' see code of calcMCOL() for an example with default values
#' @return list data object containing arrays of ...
#' @return list data object containing the data to compute MCOL as arrays of
#' ynpp_potential, ynpp, pftnpp_cft, pftnpp_nat, pftnpp_grasslands,
#' pftnpp_bioenergy, harvest_cft, rharvest_cft, fire, timber, cftfrac,
#' fpc, harvest_grasslands, harvest_bioenergy
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
......@@ -407,12 +286,9 @@ readMCOLdata <- function(inFol_lu, inFol_pnv, startyr, stopyr, gridbased = T,
} # end of readMCOLdata
#' Calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma between 2 simulations/timesteps
#' Calculate MCOL
#' Function to calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma according
#' to Sykes (1999), Heyder (2011), and Ostberg (2015,2018).
#' This is a reformulated version in R, not producing 100% similar values
#' than the C/bash version from Ostberg 2018, but following their methodology.
#' Function to calculate MCOL
#' @param inFol_lu folder of landuse scenario run
#' @param inFol_pnv folder of pnv reference run
......@@ -443,7 +319,12 @@ readMCOLdata <- function(inFol_lu, inFol_pnv, startyr, stopyr, gridbased = T,
#' mapping_lpj67420_to_grazing_regions array with a mapping between 67420
#' LPJmL cells and the 29 regions
#' @return list data object containing arrays of ...
#' @return list data object containing MCOL and components as arrays: mcol,
#' mcol_overtime, mcol_overtime_perc_piref, mcol_perc, mcol_perc_piref,
#' ynpp_potential, npp_act_overtime, npp_pot_overtime, npp_eco_overtime,
#' harvest_cft_overtime, npp_luc_overtime, rharvest_cft_overtime,
#' fire_overtime, timber_harvest_overtime, harvest_cft, mcol_harvest,
#' grassland_scaling_factor_cellwise, mcol_luc, mcol_luc_piref
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
......@@ -567,7 +448,8 @@ calcMCOL <- function(inFol_lu, inFol_pnv, startyr, stopyr, gridbased = T,
npp_eco_overtime = npp_eco_overtime, #npp_bioenergy_overtime = npp_bioenergy_overtime,
harvest_cft_overtime = harvest_cft_overtime, npp_luc_overtime = npp_luc_overtime,
rharvest_cft_overtime = rharvest_cft_overtime, fire_overtime = fire_overtime,
timber_harvest_overtime = timber_harvest_overtime, harvest_cft = harvest_cft,
timber_harvest_overtime = timber_harvest_overtime, harvest_cft = harvest_cft,
rharvest_cft = rharvest_cft,
grassland_scaling_factor_cellwise = grassland_scaling_factor_cellwise,
mcol_harvest = mcol_harvest, mcol_luc = mcol_luc, mcol_luc_piref = mcol_luc_piref))
......@@ -579,6 +461,7 @@ calcMCOL <- function(inFol_lu, inFol_pnv, startyr, stopyr, gridbased = T,
harvest_cft_overtime = harvest_cft_overtime, npp_luc_overtime = npp_luc_overtime,
rharvest_cft_overtime = rharvest_cft_overtime, fire_overtime = fire_overtime,
timber_harvest_overtime = timber_harvest_overtime, harvest_cft = harvest_cft,
rharvest_cft = rharvest_cft,
mcol_harvest = mcol_harvest, mcol_luc = mcol_luc, mcol_luc_piref = mcol_luc_piref))
......@@ -588,9 +471,10 @@ calcMCOL <- function(inFol_lu, inFol_pnv, startyr, stopyr, gridbased = T,
#' Wrapper function to plot absolute mcol, overtime, maps, and npp into given folder
#' @param mcolData mcol data list object (returned from calcMCOL) containing
#' mcol, npp_eco_overtime, npp_act_overtime, npp_pot_overtime,
#' npp_bioenergy_overtime, mcol_overtime, npp_harv_overtime,
#' mcol_overtime_perc_piref, mcol_perc, mcol_perc_piref, ynpp
#' mcol, npp_eco_overtime, npp_act_overtime, npp_pot_overtime,
#' npp_bioenergy_overtime, mcol_overtime, npp_harv_overtime,
#' mcol_overtime_perc_piref, mcol_perc, mcol_perc_piref, ynpp
#' all in GtC
#' @param outFol folder to write into
#' @param plotyears range of years to plot over time
#' @param minVal y-axis minimum value for plot over time
......@@ -646,3 +530,124 @@ plotMCOL <- function(mcolData, outFol, plotyears, minVal, maxVal, legendpos,
legendtitle = "gC/m2",legYes = T)
} # end of plotMCOL
#' Plot global map of MCOL to file
#' Plot global map of MCOL to file with legend colors similar to Haberl et al. 2007
#' @param data array containing MCOL percentage value for each gridcell
#' @param file character string for location/file to save plot to
#' @param plotyears range of years to plot over time
#' @param title character string title for plot
#' @param legendtitle character string legend title
#' @param zeroThreshold smallest value to be distinguished from 0 in legend,
#' both for negative and positive values (default: 0.1)
#' @param eps write eps file instead of PNG (boolean) - (default: FALSE)
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
#' @export
plotMCOLmap <- function(data, file, title = "", legendtitle = "", zeroThreshold = 0.1, eps = FALSE){
brks <- c(-400,-200,-100,-50,-zeroThreshold,zeroThreshold,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,100)
classes <- c("<-200","-200 - -100","-100 - -50",paste0("-50 - -",zeroThreshold),paste0("-",zeroThreshold," - ",zeroThreshold),paste0(zeroThreshold," - 10"),"10 - 20","20 - 30","30 - 40","40 - 50","50 - 60","60 - 70","70 - 80","80 - 100")
palette <- c("navy","royalblue3","royalblue1","skyblue1","grey80","yellowgreen","greenyellow","yellow","gold","orange","orangered","orangered4","brown4","black")
data[data < brks[1]] <- brks[1]
data[data > brks[length(brks)]] <- brks[length(brks)]
if (eps) {
file = strsplit(file,".",fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
file = paste(c(file[1:(length(file) - 1)],"eps"), collapse = ".")
ps.options(family = c("Helvetica"), pointsize = 18)
postscript(file,horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, width = 22, height = 8.5, paper = "special")
png(file, width = 7.25, height = 3.5, units = "in", res = 300, pointsize = 6, type = "cairo")
ra <- raster::raster(ncols = 720, nrows = 360)
range <- range(data)
ra[raster::cellFromXY(ra,cbind(lon,lat))] <- data
extent <- raster::extent(c(-180, 180, -60, 90))
par(bty = "n", oma = c(0,0,0,0), mar = c(0,0,0,0), xpd = T)
raster::plot(ra, ext = extent, breaks = brks, col = palette, main = "", legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
title(title, line = -2)
maps::map('world', add = TRUE, res = 0.4, lwd = 0.25,ylim = c(-60,90))
legend(x = -180, y = 50, fill = palette, border = palette, legend = classes, title = legendtitle)
#' Plot absolute MCOL, overtime, maps, and npp into given folder
#' Plot to file a comparison over time of global sums of MCOL, NPPpot, NPPeco,
#' and NPPact, with legend similar to Krausmann et al. 2013
#' @param mcolData mcol data list object (returned from calcMCOL) containing
#' mcol, npp_eco_overtime, npp_act_overtime, npp_pot_overtime,
#' npp_bioenergy_overtime, mcol_overtime, npp_harv_overtime,
#' mcol_overtime_perc_piref, mcol_perc, mcol_perc_piref, ynpp
#' all in GtC
#' @param file character string for location/file to save plot to
#' @param firstyr first year of mcol object
#' @param plotyrs range of years to plot over time
#' @param highlightyrs year(s) that should be highlighted in overtime plot (default: 2000)
#' @param minVal y-axis minimum value for plot over time (default: 0)
#' @param maxVal y-axis maximum value for plot over time (default: 100)
#' @param legendpos position of legend (default: "topleft")
#' @param highlightyrs year(s) that should be highlighted in overtime plot (default: 2000)
#' @param ref reference period for mcol ("pi" or "act"), to either use
#' mcolData$mcol_overtime_perc_piref or mcolData$mcol_overtime
#' @param eps write plots as eps, instead of png (default = FALSE)
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
#' @export
plotMCOLovertime <- function(mcolData, file, firstyr, plotyrs, highlightyrs = 2000, minVal = 0,
maxVal = 100, legendpos = "topleft", ext = FALSE, eps = FALSE, ref = "pi"){
lastyr = firstyr + length(mcolData$npp_act_overtime) - 1
colz = c("slateblue","gold","green3","darkorange","black","red3","green","brown","yellow","turquoise")
if (eps) {
file = strsplit(file,".",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
file = paste(c(file[1:(length(file) - 1)],"eps"),collapse=".")
ps.options(family = c("Helvetica"), pointsize = 18)
postscript(file,horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, width = 22, height = 8.5,paper="special")
png(file, width=3.5, height = 3, units = "in", res = 300, pointsize = 6,type="cairo")
ylim=c(minVal, maxVal),xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_pot_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[1])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_act_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[2])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_eco_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[3])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$npp_luc_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[4])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$mcol_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[5])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$harvest_cft_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[7])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$rharvest_cft_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[8])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$fire_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[9])
lines(x=seq(firstyr,lastyr,1),y=mcolData$timber_harvest_overtime,type = "l",col=colz[10])
par(bty="n",oma=c(0,0,0,0),mar=c(4,5,1,3), new = T)
if (ref == "pi") {
ylim=c(0, 30),type = "l",col=colz[6],xaxs="i", yaxs="i", axes = F)
} else if (ref == "act") {
ylim=c(0, 30),type = "l",col=colz[6],xaxs="i", yaxs="i", axes = F)
}else stop(paste0("Unknown value for parameter ref: ",ref," - Aborting."))
axis(side = 4, col = colz[6],col.axis = colz[6])
mtext(text = "%", col=colz[6], side = 4,line = 2)
if (!is.null(highlightyrs)){
for (y in highlightyrs){
legend(legendpos,legend = c("NPPpot (PNV)","NPPact (landuse)","NPPeco","NPPluc","M-COLabs","M-COL [% NPPpi]","harvestc","rharvest","firec","timber_harvest"),col=colz ,lty=1,cex=1)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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