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Commit d0321da1 authored by Fabian Stenzel's avatar Fabian Stenzel
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cherry-picked latest changes from development branch

parent 5a556d2d
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2 merge requests!6Merge reviewed package into main,!5Merge review_paper version to master
......@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
#' timeline of maps for LUH2_v2h woodharvest
#' @return list data object containing BioCol and components as arrays: biocol,
#' biocol_overtime, biocol_overtime_perc_piref, biocol_perc,
#' biocol_perc_piref, npp_potential, npp_act_overtime, npp_pot_overtime,
#' npp_eco_overtime, harvest_cft_overtime, npp_luc_overtime,
#' rharvest_cft_overtime, fire_overtime, timber_harvest_overtime,
#' harvest_cft, biocol_harvest, grassland_scaling_factor_cellwise,
#' biocol_luc, biocol_luc_piref
#' biocol_overtime, biocol_overtime_piref, biocol_frac, npp_potential,
#' biocol_overtime_abs_frac_piref, biocol_frac_piref, npp_act_overtime,
#' npp_pot_overtime, npp_eco_overtime, npp_ref, harvest_cft_overtime,
#' npp_luc_overtime, rharvest_cft_overtime, fire_overtime,
#' timber_harvest_overtime, harvest_cft, rharvest_cft,
#' wood_harvest_overtime, biocol_harvest, biocol_luc
#' @export
read_calc_biocol <- function( # nolint
......@@ -456,8 +456,11 @@ read_calc_biocol <- function( # nolint
biocol_overtime_perc_piref <- (
biocol_overtime / mean(colSums(npp_ref * cellarea) / 10^15) * 100
biocol_overtime_frac_piref <- (
biocol_overtime / mean(colSums(npp_ref * cellarea) / 10^15)
biocol_overtime_frac <- (
biocol_overtime / npp_pot_overtime
biocol_luc <- npp_potential - npp
# pick a PI window that excludes onset effects, but is reasonable early
......@@ -478,22 +481,23 @@ read_calc_biocol <- function( # nolint
# set to 0 below lower threshold of NPP
biocol[abs(npp_potential) < npp_threshold] <- 0
# actual NPPpot as ref
biocol_perc <- biocol / npp_potential * 100
biocol_frac <- biocol / npp_potential
# NPPpi as ref
biocol_perc_piref <- biocol / rowMeans(npp_ref) * 100
biocol_frac_piref <- biocol / rowMeans(npp_ref)
# take the abs of biocol and sum that up for overtime
biocol_abs_frac <- colSums(abs(biocol * cellarea)) /
biocol_overtime_abs_frac_piref <- colSums(abs(biocol * cellarea)) /
mean(colSums(npp_ref * cellarea))
return(list(biocol_overtime = biocol_overtime,
biocol_abs_frac = biocol_abs_frac,
return(list(biocol_overtime = biocol_overtime, #absolute
biocol_overtime_abs_frac_piref = biocol_overtime_abs_frac_piref,
biocol_overtime_frac_piref = biocol_overtime_frac_piref,
biocol_overtime_frac = biocol_overtime_frac,
biocol = biocol,
biocol_perc = biocol_perc,
biocol_overtime_perc_piref = biocol_overtime_perc_piref,
biocol_frac = biocol_frac,
npp = npp,
biocol_perc_piref = biocol_perc_piref,
biocol_frac_piref = biocol_frac_piref,
npp_potential = npp_potential,
npp_act_overtime = npp_act_overtime,
npp_pot_overtime = npp_pot_overtime,
......@@ -554,12 +558,12 @@ read_calc_biocol <- function( # nolint
#' timeline of maps for LUH2_v2h woodharvest
#' @return list data object containing BioCol and components as arrays: biocol,
#' biocol_overtime, biocol_overtime_perc_piref, biocol_perc,
#' biocol_perc_piref, npp_potential, npp_act_overtime, npp_pot_overtime,
#' npp_eco_overtime, harvest_cft_overtime, npp_luc_overtime,
#' rharvest_cft_overtime, fire_overtime, timber_harvest_overtime,
#' harvest_cft, biocol_harvest, grassland_scaling_factor_cellwise,
#' biocol_luc, biocol_luc_piref
#' biocol_overtime, biocol_overtime_piref, biocol_frac, npp_potential,
#' biocol_overtime_abs_frac_piref, biocol_frac_piref, npp_act_overtime,
#' npp_pot_overtime, npp_eco_overtime, npp_ref, harvest_cft_overtime,
#' npp_luc_overtime, rharvest_cft_overtime, fire_overtime,
#' timber_harvest_overtime, harvest_cft, rharvest_cft,
#' wood_harvest_overtime, biocol_harvest, biocol_luc
#' @export
calc_biocol <- function(
......@@ -766,26 +770,37 @@ plot_biocol <- function(
highlight_years = highlightyear
data = rowMeans(
biocol_data$biocol_perc[, (mapindex - mapyear_buffer) : (mapindex + mapyear_buffer)] # nolint
biocol_data$biocol_frac[, (mapindex - mapyear_buffer) : (mapindex + mapyear_buffer)] # nolint
file = paste0(path_write, "BioCol_LPJmL_", mapyear, ".png"),
legendtitle = "% of NPPpot",
eps = eps,
title = "",
# paste0("BioCol_perc ",mapyear-mapyear_buffer, " - ",mapyear+mapyear_buffer)
file = paste0(path_write, "BioCol_frac_LPJmL_", mapyear, ".png"),
legendtitle = "frac of NPPpot",
type = "lin",
col_pos = "Reds",
col_neg = "Blues",
leg_yes = TRUE,
eps = FALSE,
n_legend_ticks = 11
data = rowMeans(
biocol_data$biocol_perc_piref[, (mapindex - mapyear_buffer) : (mapindex + mapyear_buffer)] # nolint
biocol_data$biocol_frac_piref[, (mapindex - mapyear_buffer) : (mapindex + mapyear_buffer)] # nolint
file = paste0(path_write, "BioCol_perc_piref_LPJmL_", mapyear, ".png"),
file = paste0(path_write, "BioCol_frac_piref_LPJmL_", mapyear, ".png"),
title = "",
# paste0("BioCol_perc ",mapyear-mapyear_buffer, " - ",mapyear+mapyear_buffer),
legendtitle = "% of NPPref",
eps = eps
legendtitle = "frac of NPPref",
type = "lin",
col_pos = "Reds",
col_neg = "Blues",
leg_yes = TRUE,
eps = FALSE,
n_legend_ticks = 11
......@@ -825,23 +840,39 @@ plot_biocol_map <- function(
data, file,
title = "",
legendtitle = "",
zero_threshold = 0.1,
eps = FALSE
zero_threshold = 0.001,
eps = FALSE,
haberllegend = FALSE
) {
path_write <- dirname(file)
dir.create(file.path(path_write), showWarnings = FALSE)
brks <- c(-400, -200, -100, -50, -zero_threshold,
zero_threshold, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100)
classes <- c("<-200", "-200 - -100", "-100 - -50",
paste0("-50 - -", zero_threshold),
paste0("-", zero_threshold, " - ", zero_threshold),
paste0(zero_threshold, " - 10"), "10 - 20", "20 - 30", "30 - 40",
"40 - 50", "50 - 60", "60 - 70", "70 - 80", "80 - 100")
palette <- c("navy", "royalblue3", "royalblue1", "skyblue1",
"grey80", "yellowgreen", "greenyellow", "yellow",
"gold", "orange", "orangered", "orangered4", "brown4",
if (haberllegend){
brks <- c(-400, -200, -100, -50, -zeroThreshold,
zeroThreshold, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100)
classes <- c("<-200", "-200 - -100", "-100 - -50",
paste0("-50 - -",zeroThreshold),
paste0("-",zeroThreshold," - ",zeroThreshold),
paste0(zeroThreshold," - 10"), "10 - 20", "20 - 30", "30 - 40",
"40 - 50", "50 - 60", "60 - 70", "70 - 80", "80 - 100")
palette <- c("navy", "royalblue3", "royalblue1", "skyblue1",
"grey80", "yellowgreen", "greenyellow", "yellow",
"gold", "orange", "orangered", "orangered4",
"brown4", "black")
} else{
brks <- c(-400,seq(-100,-10,10),-zeroThreshold,
classes <- c("<-1", "-1 - -0.9", "-0.9 - -0.8", "-0.8 - -0.7",
"-0.7 - -0.6", "-0.6 - -0.5", "-0.5 - -0.4", "-0.4 - -0.3",
"-0.3 - -0.2", "-0.2 - -0.1",paste("-0.1 - -",zeroThreshold),
paste("-",zeroThreshold," - ",zeroThreshold),
paste(zeroThreshold," - 0.1"),"0.1 - 0.2", "0.2 - 0.3",
"0.3 - 0.4", "0.4 - 0.5", "0.5 - 0.6", "0.6 - 0.7",
"0.7 - 0.8", "0.8 - 0.9", "0.9 - 1", ">1")
palette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(
data[data < brks[1]] <- brks[1]
data[data > brks[length(brks)]] <- brks[length(brks)]
......@@ -997,11 +1028,11 @@ plot_biocol_ts <- function(
if (ref == "pi") {
x = seq(first_year, last_year, 1),
y = biocol_data$biocol_overtime_perc_piref,
y = biocol_data$biocol_overtime_abs_frac_piref,
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
xlim = plot_years,
ylim = c(0, 35),
ylim = c(0, 0.4),
type = "l",
col = colz[6],
xaxs = "i",
......@@ -1015,7 +1046,7 @@ plot_biocol_ts <- function(
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
xlim = plot_years,
ylim = c(0, 35),
ylim = c(0, 0.4),
type = "l",
col = colz[6],
xaxs = "i",
......@@ -1027,7 +1058,7 @@ plot_biocol_ts <- function(
graphics::axis(side = 4, col = colz[6], col.axis = colz[6])
graphics::mtext(text = "%", col = colz[6], side = 4, line = 2)
graphics::mtext(text = "fraction of NPPref", col = colz[6], side = 4, line = 2)
if (!is.null(highlight_years)) {
for (y in highlight_years) {
......@@ -1039,7 +1070,7 @@ plot_biocol_ts <- function(
legend = c(
"NPPpot (PNV)", "NPPact (landuse)", "NPPeco", "NPPluc", "HANPP",
"BioCol [% NPPpi]", "harvestc", "rharvest", "firec", "timber_harvest",
"BioCol [frac NPPref]", "harvestc", "rharvest", "firec", "timber_harvest",
), col = colz, lty = 1, cex = 1)
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ plot_global <- function(data,
legendtitle = "",
leg_yes = TRUE,
only_pos = FALSE,
eps = FALSE) {
eps = FALSE,
n_legend_ticks = 20) {
if (eps) {
file <- strsplit(file, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
file <- paste(c(file[1:(length(file) - 1)], "eps"), collapse = ".")
......@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ plot_global <- function(data,
data = data, title = title, pow2max = pow2max, type = type,
pow2min = pow2min, min = min, max = max, col_pos = col_pos,
col_neg = col_neg, legendtitle = legendtitle, leg_yes = leg_yes,
only_pos = only_pos
only_pos = only_pos, n_legend_ticks = n_legend_ticks
......@@ -136,7 +137,9 @@ plot_global_to_screen <- function(data,
col_neg = "YlOrRd",
legendtitle = "",
leg_yes = TRUE,
only_pos = FALSE) {
only_pos = FALSE,
n_legend_ticks = 20,
min_0 = 0.01) {
if (only_pos) {
if (type == "exp") {
if (is.null(pow2max) | is.null(pow2min)) {
......@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ plot_global_to_screen <- function(data,
if (is.null(max) | is.null(min)) {
stop("For linear legend, min and max need to be specified.")
legendticks <- seq(min, max, length.out = 10)
legendticks <- seq(min, max, length.out = n_legend_ticks)
brks <- legendticks
palette <- c(
......@@ -172,7 +175,12 @@ plot_global_to_screen <- function(data,
if (is.null(max) | is.null(min)) {
stop("For linear legend, min and max need to be specified.")
legendticks <- seq(min, max, length.out = 20)
if (n_legend_ticks%%2 == 0) {
n_legend_ticks <- n_legend_ticks + 1
legendticks <- c( seq(min, 0, length.out = n_legend_ticks),
seq(0, max, length.out = n_legend_ticks) )
legendticks[c(n_legend_ticks,(n_legend_ticks+1))] <- c(-min_0,min_0)
brks <- legendticks
palette <- c(
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