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first commit of biosphere integrity metrics package

parent c0f58ea4
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Package: biospheremetrics
Type: Package
Title: Biosphere integrity metrics for LPJmL
Version: 0.1.1
Author: Fabian Stenzel, Johanna Braun, Jannes Breier
Maintainer: Fabian Stenzel <>
Description: Functions to compute Biosphere integrity metrics M-COL and M-ECO based on output from LPJmL
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.2
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
R/MCOL.R 0 → 100644
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R/MECO.R 0 → 100644
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This diff is collapsed.
# output timesteps have to be added (monthly / yearly)
# differentiation between required and optional outputs (prec, temp)
#' Returns LPJmL outputs required for given metric
#' Function to return a list of strings with the LPJmL output names required for
#' the computation of the metrics M-COL, M-ECO, the biome classification
#' and/or planetary boundary calculations
#' @param metric string/list of strings, containing name of metric to get
#' required outputs for. Pick from "meco", "mcol", "biome", "all_pbs",
#' "pb_n", "pb_w", "pb_b", "pb_lsc", "all" (default)
#' @param withNitrogen logical: include nitrogen outputs? default: TRUE
#' @return List of strings with LPJmL variable names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
#' @export
list_needed_outputs <- function(metric = "all", with_nitrogen = TRUE) {
optional_metrics <- c("meco", "mcol", "biome", "all_pbs", "pb_n",
"pb_w", "pb_b", "pb_lsc", "all")
notin <- metric[!metric %in% optional_metrics]
if (length(notin) > 0) {
stop(paste("Metrics not available:", notin, collapse = ", "))
varsGAMMA <- c("grid", "fpc", "fpc_bft", "cftfrac", "firec", "rh_harvest",
"npp", "runoff", "transp", "vegc", "firef", "rh", "harvestc",
"evap", "interc", "soilc", "litc", "swc")
varsGAMMAnitrogen <- c("vegn", "soilnh4", "soilno3", "leaching", "n2o_denit",
"n2o_nit", "n2o_denit", "n2_emis", "bnf",
varsHANPP <- c("grid", "npp", "pft_npp", "pft_harvestc", "pft_rharvestc",
"firec", "timber_harvestc", "cftfrac", "fpc")
varsBiome <- c("grid", "fpc", "vegc", "pft_lai", "temp")
vars_pb_n <- c("grid", "runoff", "leaching", "pet", "prec")
vars_pb_w <- c("grid", "discharge", "irrig", "drainage")
vars_pb_lsc <- varsBiome
vars_pb_b <- c()
outs <- c()
tsteps <- c() # todo: add timestep functionality - needs to be clever
if ("all" %in% metric) {
if (with_nitrogen) {
outs <- c(outs,varsGAMMA, varsGAMMAnitrogen, varsHANPP, varsBiome,
vars_pb_n, vars_pb_w, vars_pb_lsc, vars_pb_b)
} else {
outs <- c(outs,varsGAMMA, varsHANPP, varsBiome, vars_pb_w, vars_pb_lsc,
if ("meco" %in% metric) {
if (with_nitrogen) {
outs <- c(outs,varsGAMMA, varsGAMMAnitrogen)
} else {
outs <- c(outs,varsGAMMA)
if ("biome" %in% metric) {
outs <- c(outs,varsBiome)
if ("mcol" %in% metric) {
outs <- c(outs,varsHANPP)
if ("all_pbs" %in% metric) {
if (with_nitrogen) {
outs <- c(outs,varsBiome, vars_pb_n, vars_pb_w, vars_pb_lsc, vars_pb_b)
} else {
outs <- c(outs,varsBiome, vars_pb_w, vars_pb_lsc, vars_pb_b)
if ("pb_n" %in% metric) {
outs <- c(outs,vars_pb_n)
if ("pb_w" %in% metric) {
outs <- c(outs,vars_pb_w)
if ("pb_lsc" %in% metric) {
outs <- c(outs,vars_pb_lsc)
if ("pb_b" %in% metric ) {
outs <- c(outs,vars_pb_b)
return(list(outputs = unique(sort(outs)), timesteps = tsteps))
#' Plot global distribution of lpjml simulated biomes
#' Plots a map with the biome distribution as derived from a lpjml run based
#' on the "classify_biomes" function
#' @param biome_data output (list) from classify_biomes()
#' @param plotpath directory for saving the plot (character string)
#' @param to_robinson logical to define if robinson projection should be used
#' for plotting
#' @param bg_col character, specify background possible (`NA` for transparent)#
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_biomes(biome_data = biomes,
#' file_name ="/p/projects/open/Johanna/R/biomes.pfd")
#' }
#' @md
#' @export
plot_biomes <- function(biome_data,
file_name = NULL,
to_robinson = TRUE,
bg_col = NA) {
# load required data: bbox, countries
lpjml_extent <- c(-180, 180, -60, 85)
bounding_box <- system.file("extdata", "ne_110m_wgs84_bounding_box.shp",
package = "pbfunctions") %>%
rgdal::readOGR(layer = "ne_110m_wgs84_bounding_box", verbose = FALSE) %>%
{ if(to_robinson) sp::spTransform(., sp::CRS("+proj=robin")) else . } # nolint
countries <- system.file("extdata", "ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp",
package = "pbfunctions") %>%
rgdal::readOGR(layer = "ne_110m_admin_0_countries", verbose = FALSE) %>%
crop(., lpjml_extent) %>%
{ if(to_robinson) sp::spTransform(., CRS("+proj=robin")) else . } # nolint
biome_cols <- c("#993404", "#D95F0E", "#004529", "#238443",
"#78C679", "#D9F0A3", "#4EB3D3", "#2B8CBE",
"#FE9929", "#FEC44F", "#FEE391", "#A8DDB5",
"#E0F3DB", "#F7FCF0", "#c79999", "#0868AC",
"#FFFFD4", "white", "#dad4d4")
biome_mapping <- system.file("extdata", "biomes.csv",
package = "pbfunctions") %>%
names(biome_cols) <- biome_mapping$short_name
order_legend <- c(1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19)
biome_cols_legend <- biome_cols[order_legend]
biome_names_legend <- biome_mapping$short_name[order_legend]
biomes_lpjml <- to_raster(lpjml_array = biome_data$biome_id,
boundary_box = bounding_box,
ext = lpjml_extent,
to_robinson = to_robinson)
if (!is.null(file_name)) {
file_extension <- strsplit(file_name, split = "\\.")[[1]][-1]
`png` = {
width = 8 * 1.8,
height = 4 * 2,
units = "cm",
res = 600,
pointsize = 7)
`pdf` = {
width = 8 * 1.8 / 2.54,
height = (4 * 2) / 2.54,
pointsize = 7)
}, {
stop("File extension ", dQuote(file_extension), " not supported.")
brk <- seq(0.5, 19.5, 1)
par(mar = c(4, 0, 0, 0), xpd = T, bg = bg_col)
image(biomes_lpjml, asp = 1, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", col = biome_cols, breaks = brk, lwd = 0.1,
bty = "n")
plot(countries, add = TRUE, lwd = 0.3,
border = "#5c565667", usePolypath = FALSE)
legend(0, y = -6736039, xjust = 0.45, yjust = 1, cex = 0.8,
fill = biome_cols_legend[1:19],
horiz = F, border = NULL, bty = "o", box.col = "white",
bg = bg_col, ncol = 4)
if (!is.null(file_name))
\ No newline at end of file
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AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
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NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: UTF-8
RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace,vignette
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Calculates changes in vegetation structure (deltaV)}
calcDeltaV(fpcRef, fpcScen, bftRef, bftScen, cftRef, cftScen, weighting)
\item{fpcRef}{reference fpc array (dim: [ncells,npfts+1])}
\item{fpcScen}{scenario fpc array (dim: [ncells,npfts+1])}
\item{bftRef}{reference bft array (dim: [ncells,nbfts])}
\item{bftScen}{scenario bft array (dim: [ncells,nbfts])}
\item{cftRef}{reference cft array (dim: [ncells,ncfts])}
\item{cftScen}{scenario cft array (dim: [ncells,ncfts])}
\item{weighting}{apply "old" (Ostberg-like), "new", or "equal" weighting of deltaV weights (default "old")}
deltaV array of size ncells with the deltaV value [0,1] for each cell
Utility function to calculate changes in vegetation structure (deltaV)
for calculation of gamma
deltaV <- calcDeltaV(fpcRef = fpc_ref_mean,fpcScen = apply(fpc_scen,c(1,2),mean),
bftRef = bft_ref_mean,bftScen = apply(bft_scen,c(1,2),mean),
cftRef = cft_ref_mean, cftScen = apply(cft_scen,c(1,2),mean),
weighting = "new")
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma between 2 simulations/timesteps}
folderRef2 = NULL,
readPreviouslySavedData = TRUE,
saveFileData = NULL,
saveFileGamma = NULL,
combined = FALSE,
nitrogen = FALSE,
weighting = "old",
varnames = NULL,
headerout = 0,
timespan_focus_ref2 = NULL,
dimensionsOnlyLocal = T
\item{folderRef}{folder of reference run}
\item{folderRef2}{2nd folder of reference run, if split (default NULL -- no split)}
\item{folderScen}{folder of scenario run}
\item{saveFileData}{file to save read in data to (default NULL)}
\item{saveFileGamma}{file to save gamma data to (default NULL)}
\item{combined}{read in soilc+litc, evap+interc, rh+harvestc separate or as combined outputs (default F -- separate)}
\item{nitrogen}{include nitrogen outputs for pools and fluxes into gamma calculation (default F)}
\item{weighting}{apply "old" (Ostberg-like), "new", or "equal" weighting of deltaV weights (default "old")}
\item{varnames}{data.frame with names of output files -- can be specified to account for variable file names (default NULL -- standard names are used)}
\item{headerout}{headersize of the output files (default 0)}
\item{timespan_full_ref}{full timespan of output files in reference period}
\item{timespan_full_scen}{full timespan of output files in scenario period}
\item{timespan_focus_ref}{specific years to use as reference period}
\item{timespan_focus_ref2}{specific years to use as 2nd part of reference period in case this is split (default NULL)}
\item{timespan_focus_scen}{specific years to use as scenario period}
\item{npfts}{number of natural plant functional types (== bands in fpc - 1)}
\item{ncfts}{number of crop functional types}
\item{nbfts}{number of bfts (bioenergy functional types)}
\item{ncells}{number of cells in lpjml grid}
\item{exportGamma}{flag whether to export gamma data to global environment (default F)}
list data object containing arrays of deltaV, local_change,
global_change, ecosystem_balance, carbon_fluxes, carbon_stocks,
water_fluxes, gamma_total (+ nitrogen_fluxes and nitrogen_stocks if used)
Function to calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma according
to Sykes (1999), Heyder (2011), and Ostberg (2015,2018).
This is a reformulated version in R, not producing 100% similar values
than the C/bash version from Ostberg 2018, but following their methodology.
gamma_today <- calcGamma(folderRef = "/p/projects/elis/ostberg/biome_shift/archive_Ostberg2018/simulations/scenario_PNV_trunkupdate_noCC/HadGEM2-ES/r1i1p1/",
folderScen = "/p/projects/elis/ostberg/biome_shift/archive_Ostberg2018/simulations/scenario_LUC_trunkupdate/rcp26/HadGEM2-ES/r1i1p1/luc_rcp26_50bg50btflexi/",
readPreviouslySavedData = TRUE, saveFileData = "/media/All/Gamma/Gamma_today_data.RData",
saveFileGamma = "/media/All/Gamma/Gamma_today_gamma.RData",
timespan_full_ref = c(1991,2099), timespan_full_scen = c(1991,2099),
timespan_focus_ref = c(2000,2029), timespan_focus_scen = c(2000,2029),
npfts = 9, ncfts = 32, nbfts = 12, ncells = 64240,
combined = TRUE, weighting = "old")
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MCOL.R
\title{Calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma between 2 simulations/timesteps}
gridbased = T,
npp_threshold = 20,
pftbands = 11,
cftbands = 32,
readPreviouslySavedData = FALSE,
saveDataFile = FALSE,
dataFile = NULL,
ncells = 67420,
fileType = "clm",
headersize = 0,
varnames = NULL,
grass_scaling = T,
grass_harvest_file = "/p/projects/open/Fabian/LPJbox/grazing_data.RData"
\item{inFol_lu}{folder of landuse scenario run}
\item{inFol_pnv}{folder of pnv reference run}
\item{startyr}{first year of simulations}
\item{stopyr}{last year of simulations}
\item{gridbased}{logical are pft outputs gridbased or pft-based?}
\item{npp_threshold}{lower threshold for npp (to mask out non-lu areas
according to Haberl et al. 2007). Below MCOL will be set to 0.
(default: 20 gC/m2)}
\item{pftbands}{number of natural plant functional types (== bands in fpc - 1)}
\item{cftbands}{number of crop functional types}
\item{readPreviouslySavedData}{flag whether to read previously saved data
instead of reading it in from output files (default FALSE)}
\item{saveDataFile}{whether to save input data to file (default FALSE)}
\item{dataFile}{file to save/read input data to/from (default NULL)}
\item{ncells}{number of cells in lpjml grid}
\item{fileType}{type of output files - one of "clm", "nc" (default: "clm")}
\item{headersize}{headersize of the output files (default 0)}
\item{varnames}{data.frame with names (outname) and timestep of output files
-- can be specified to account for variable file names
(default NULL -- standard names are used)}
\item{grass_scaling}{whether to scale pasture harvest according to
data given via grass_harvest_file (default T)}
\item{grass_harvest_file}{file containing grazing data to rescale the
grassland harvests according to Herrero et al. 2013. File contains:
grazing_data list object with $name and $id of 29 world regions, and
$Herrero_2000_kgDM_by_region containing for each of these regions and
mapping_lpj67420_to_grazing_regions array with a mapping between 67420
LPJmL cells and the 29 regions}
list data object containing arrays of ...
Function to calculate the ecosystem change metric gamma according
to Sykes (1999), Heyder (2011), and Ostberg (2015,2018).
This is a reformulated version in R, not producing 100% similar values
than the C/bash version from Ostberg 2018, but following their methodology.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/classify_biomes.R
\title{Classify biomes}
input_files = NULL,
diff_output_files = NULL,
file_type = "raw",
savanna_proxy = list(pft_lai = 6),
montane_arctic_proxy = list(elevation = 1000),
tree_cover_thresholds = list(),
avg_nyear_args = list(),
read_args = list(header_size = 0, ncell = 67420, firstyear = 1901, fpc_nbands = 12,
size = 4)
\item{path_data}{output directory (character string) of the LPJmL run o read
default outputs from (fpc, grid, vegc, pft_lai, temp)}
\item{timespan}{time span to be used, defined as an integer vector, e.g.
`c(1982,2011)`, to average over (default over all years, else see
\item{input_files}{optional `list` containing additional input (!) files,
not in the `path_data`, e.g. if temp was not written out:
`list(grid=..., temp = ..., elevation = ...)`}
\item{diff_output_files}{optional list for specification of output file names
differing from default, which is list(grid = "grid.bin", fpc = "fpc.bin",# nolint
vegc = "vegc.bin", pft_lai = "pft_lai.bin", temp = "temp.bin")}
\item{savanna_proxy}{`list` with either "pft_lai" or "vegc" as
name/key and value in m2/m2 for pft_lai (default = 6) and gC/m2 for
vegc (default would be 7500), Set to `NULL` if no proxy is used.}
\item{montane_arctic_proxy}{`list` with either "elevation" or "latitude" as
name/key and value in m for elevation (default 1000) and degree for
latitude (default would be 55), Set to `NULL` if no proxy is used.}
\item{tree_cover_thresholds}{list with minimum tree cover thresholds for
definition of forest, woodland, savanna and grassland. Only changes to
the default have to be included in the list, for the rest the default
is used. Default values:
"boreal forest" = 0.6
"temperate forest" = 0.6
"temperate woodland" = 0.3
"temperate savanna" = 0.1
"tropical forest" = 0.6
"tropical woodland" = 0.3
"tropical savanna" = 0.1}
\item{avg_nyear_args}{list of arguments to be passed to
\link[pbfunctions]{average_nyear_window} (see for more info). To be used for # nolint
time series analysis}
\item{read_args}{list of arguments for reading input/output. only required
nc output: specification of header_size and ncell to read in
lpjml grid input
raw/clm output: specification of header_size, ncell, firstyear and
fpc_nbands (12 or 10)}
\item{file_ending}{replace default file ending. default: ".bin"}
list object containing biome_id (main biome per grid cell [dim=c(ncells)]), # nolint
and list of respective biome_names[dim=c(nbiomes)]
Classify biomes based on foliage protected cover (FPC) and temperature
LPJmL output plus either vegetation carbon or pft_lai depending on
the savanna_proxy option and elevation if montane_arctic_proxy requires this
path_data = "/p/projects/open/Fabian/runs/Gamma/output/historic_gamma"
timespan = c(1982,2011))
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Returns the average gamma values across regions}
type = "quantile",
classes = "4biomes"
\item{gamma}{gamma data object with dimension c(regions/biomes[4/16],gamma_components[10/8],minmeanmax/quantiles[3])}
\item{biome_class}{path to save modified data to}
\item{type}{return minimum,mean,maximum or Q10,Q50,Q90}
\item{classes}{into which regions should be disaggregated? "4biomes" or "allbiomes" default "4biomes"}
Returns the average value across either 4 regions or 19 biomes for gamma
and each of the subcomponents for each
disaggregateGammaIntoBiomes(gamma = gamma_historic_nitrogen_classic_bnf,
biome_class = gamma_historic_withNitrogen_biome_classes,
type = "quantile",classes = "4biomes")
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Create modified gamma data}
\item{dataFileIn}{path to input data}
\item{dataFileOut}{path to save modified data to}
\item{temperature}{yearly average temperature}
Function to create a modified gamma data file where each cell is compared
to the average cell of the precribed reference biome refBiom
evaluateGamma(dataFileIn = "/media/All/Gamma/Gamma_today_data.RData",
dataFileOut = "/media/All/Gamma/Gamma_preind_compared_to_average_TrBD_data.RData",
temperature = temperature_1716, lat = lat64240, lon = lon64240, refBiom = 4)
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Create modified gamma data for crosstable}
pickCells = NULL,
\item{dataFileIn}{path to input data}
\item{dataFileOut}{path to save modified data to}
\item{temperature}{yearly average temperature}
\item{pft_lai}{yearly pft_lai values for the biome classification}
\item{elevation}{elevation input file for the biome classification}
Function to create a modified gamma data file where for each present day biome
the average cell is compared to the average cell of all other biomes. This
can then be used to compute a crosstable with the average difference between
each of them as in the SI of Ostberg et al. 2013
(Critical impacts of global warming on land ecosystems)
gammaCrossTable(dataFileIn = "/media/All/Gamma/Gamma_today_data.RData",
dataFileOut = "/media/All/Gamma/Gamma_preind_compared_to_average_TrBD_data.RData",
temperature = temperature_1716, pft_lai = pft_lai_1996, elevation = elevation, lat = lat64240, lon = lon64240, refBiom = 4)
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/list_needed_outputs.R
\title{Returns LPJmL outputs required for given metric}
list_needed_outputs(metric = "all", with_nitrogen = TRUE)
\item{metric}{string/list of strings, containing name of metric to get
required outputs for. Pick from "meco", "mcol", "biome", "all_pbs",
"pb_n", "pb_w", "pb_b", "pb_lsc", "all" (default)}
\item{withNitrogen}{logical: include nitrogen outputs? default: TRUE}
List of strings with LPJmL variable names
Function to return a list of strings with the LPJmL output names required for
the computation of the metrics M-COL, M-ECO, the biome classification
and/or planetary boundary calculations
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Plot radial gamma plot to file with 4/16 biomes}
titleSize = 2,
legYes = T,
leg_scale = 1,
eps = FALSE
\item{file}{to write into}
\item{title}{character string title for plot}
\item{eps}{write as eps or png}
\item{data}{gamma data array c(4[biomes],[ngammacomponents],3[min,median,max])}
Function to plot an aggregated radial status of gamma values [0-1]
for the different sub-categories to file
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Plot radial gamma plot to file with 4/16 biomes}
titleSize = 2,
leg_scale = 1,
eps = FALSE
\item{data}{gamma data array c(4[biomes],[ngammacomponents],3[min,median,max])}
\item{file}{to write into}
\item{biome_class_names}{to write into}
\item{title}{character string title for plot}
\item{titleSize}{character string title for plot}
\item{leg_scale}{character string title for plot}
\item{eps}{write as eps or png}
Function to plot an aggregated radial status of gamma values [0-1]
for the different sub-categories to file
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Plot radial gamma plot to file with 4/16 biomes}
titleSize = 2,
leg_scale = 0.5
\item{data}{input data with dimension c(nbiome_classes,3) -- Q10,Q50,Q90 each}
\item{biome_class_names}{to write into}
\item{title}{character string title for plot}
\item{titleSize}{character string title for plot}
\item{leg_scale}{character string title for plot}
Function to plot an aggregated radial status of gamma values [0-1]
for the different sub-categories to file
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R
\title{Plot radial gamma plot to file with 4/16 biomes}
titleSize = 2,
legYes = T,
leg_scale = 0.5
\item{title}{character string title for plot}
\item{data}{gamma data array c(4[biomes],[ngammacomponents],3[min,median,max])}
\item{file}{to write into}
\item{eps}{write as eps or png}
Function to plot an aggregated radial status of gamma values [0-1]
for the different sub-categories to file
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