abstract={Some extra themes, geoms, and scales for 'ggplot2'. Provides 'ggplot2' themes and scales that replicate the look of plots by Edward Tufte, Stephen Few, 'Fivethirtyeight', 'The Economist', 'Stata', 'Excel', and 'The Wall Street Journal', among others. Provides 'geoms' for Tufte's box plot and range frame.},
author={Arnold, Jeffrey B. and Daroczi, Gergely and Werth, Bo and Weitzner, Brian and Kunst, Joshua and Auguie, Baptise and Rudis, Bob and package.), Hadley Wickham (Code from the ggplot2 and package), Justin Talbot (Code from the labeling and London, Joshua},
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ The final demand expenditure, and thus the national footprint, is typically disa
2) HBS: European household budget survey from EUROSTAT, macro-data, from : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/household-budget-surveys/database [accessed on 22.05.2020] [@eurostat_database_nodate]
We discuss each of these in turn, including additional data inputs needed to complement the HBS. We then present our methodology for our results in the main paper, and data gaps and limitations. The final 'supplementary materials and methods' section presents an alternative methodology, and the final section of this supplementary information document presents supplementary results from the methodology used in the main paper and the alternative methodology. The whole analysis was performed in RStudio [r_core_team_r:_2020], using a variety of R packages [wickham_welcome_2019 firke_janitor:_2021 muller_here:_2020 piburn_wbstats:_2020 buchta_isocodes:_2020 garnier_viridis:_2018 rudis__[aut_hrbrthemes:_2020 ram__[aut_wesanderson:_2018 hester_glue:_2020 wilke_ggridges:_2021 pedersen_patchwork:_2020 zhu__[aut_kableextra:_2020 wickham_readxl:_2019 gohel_flextable:_2021 south_rworldmap:_2016].
We discuss each of these in turn, including additional data inputs needed to complement the HBS. We then present our methodology for our results in the main paper, and data gaps and limitations. The final 'supplementary materials and methods' section presents an alternative methodology, and the final section of this supplementary information document presents supplementary results from the methodology used in the main paper and the alternative methodology. The whole analysis was performed in RStudio [@r_core_team_r:_2020], using a variety of R packages [@wickham_welcome_2019 @firke_janitor:_2021 @muller_here:_2020 @piburn_wbstats:_2020 @buchta_isocodes:_2020 @garnier_viridis:_2018 @rudis__[aut_hrbrthemes:_2020 @ram__[aut_wesanderson:_2018 @hester_glue:_2020 @wilke_ggridges:_2021 @pedersen_patchwork:_2020 @zhu__[aut_kableextra:_2020 @wickham_readxl:_2019 @gohel_flextable:_2021 @south_rworldmap:_2016 @arnold_ggthemes:_2021].