This file contains all code to estimate the European income-stratified footprints and then the European expenditures deciles. There are three code chunks in this 'full code' Rmarkdown file. The first shows the EXIOBASE code, the second the income-stratified-footprints using the EUROSTAT HBS, and the third the estimation of the European expenditure deciles. All three code chunks are currently set to 'eval = FALSE', and the necessary raw data files to run them are not included in the git due to their size. We have also run the first two code chunks on a high-performance cluster computer.
This file contains all code to estimate the European income-stratified national footprints and then the European expenditure decile footprints. There are three code chunks in this 'full code' Rmarkdown file. The first shows the EXIOBASE code, the second the income-stratified-footprints code using the EUROSTAT Household Budget Survey (HBS), and third, the European expenditure decile code. All three code chunks are currently set to 'eval = FALSE', and the necessary raw data files to run them are not all included in the git due to their size (especially the EXIOBASE data files). The first two code chunks were also run on a high-performance cluster computer.
The code in this 'full code' Rmarkdown file writes derived data files to the folder: 'analysis' > 'data' > 'derived'. These files can be accessed there, and own analysis performed on them without running any of the code in this Rmarkdown. The derived data files are used to create the figures in the main paper and SI (the code for the figures can be found directly within the paper and si Rmarkdown files: 'analysis' > 'paper').
The code in this 'full code' Rmarkdown file writes derived data files to the folder: 'analysis' > 'data' > 'derived'. These files can be accessed there, and own analysis performed on them without running any of the code in this Rmarkdown. The derived data files are used to create the figures in the main paper and SI (the code for the figures can be found in the 'figures.Rmd' Rmarkdown file, and directly within the 'si.Rmd' Rmarkdown file, in the folder: 'analysis' > 'paper').
To run the code in this 'full code' Rmarkdown file, follow the instructions at the start of each section (before the code chunk) explaining which files must be downloaded from where, and in which folder they should be extracted. Then remove 'eval = FALSE' in the code chunk header before running it.
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ Each year is available as a .zip file ('IOT_year_ixi' or 'IOT_year_pxp') from th
# 'for' loop which writes 'total intensity vectors' (and row-wise breakdowns) for all study satellite extensions and years to 'data_dir_exiobase' using downloaded EXIOBASE files
# loop through each year and 'total intensity vectors' (and row-wise breakdowns) for all study satellite extensions and years to 'data_dir_exiobase' using downloaded EXIOBASE files
HBS: European household budget survey from EUROSTAT, macro-data, from : [accessed on 22.05.2020]
<p>HBS: European household budget survey from EUROSTAT, macro-data, from : <a href="" class="uri"></a> [accessed on 22.05.2020]</p>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<li><p>‘Mean consumption expenditure by income quintile (hbs_exp_t133)’</p></li>