@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Finally, we aggregated the data of 30 European countries with 5 income groups ea
We use households normalized by adult equivalent unit as the unit of analysis, following the EUROSTAT HBS. The adult equivalent units from EUROSTAT adjust for household size in different countries and income groups. As inequality measure through the study, we divide the average value of the population in the top decile by that of the bottom decile, a 10:10 ratio. For example, in expenditure, a 10:10 ratio of 5 means that adult equivalent units in the top decile spend 5 times more on average than those in the bottom decile. The data and procedures are described in detail in the supplementary information (SI).
[*I think we could have left some subsections here as were before.*] *Still to add: Scenario sources we use. IIASA scenario database, IEA, DLE, maybe Boell.*
*Still to add: Scenario sources we use. IIASA scenario database, IEA, DLE, maybe Boell.*