##### Heading 5 - this is for the page break with MS Word
In the MS Word document, the following modifications must be made in the 'Modify Style' menu:
+ Set the font color to ‘white’ (rather than ‘Automatic’).
+ Select the smallest font size (8 rather than 11).
+ Select ‘Page break before’ in the ‘Line and Page Breaks’ tab.
+ Set the line spacing to ‘Exactly’ and ‘1 pt’ in the ‘Indents and Spacing’ tab.
After these tweaks, the ‘Heading 5’ style will no longer format a heading of level 5. Instead it will insert a very small and white (and, thus, invisible) line followed by a page break.
Now knit this doc, and edit the styles in the resulting docx file. Then rename as 'template' and use this in the yml:
reference_docx: templates/template.docx
Don't forget line numbers for JAS! Headings are bold, underline, nothing. And Arial Narrow 10pt for tables.
See here for more information: http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/articles_docx.html