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Commit f9ea45fb authored by marwan's avatar marwan
Browse files

complete recoding based on an implementation by Maik Riedl (much faster calculations)

parent b3bf95f1
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...@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ function [y nTw] = twinsurr(varargin) ...@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ function [y nTw] = twinsurr(varargin)
% [Y,NTWINS]=TWINSURR(...) where NTWINS is the total number % [Y,NTWINS]=TWINSURR(...) where NTWINS is the total number
% of twins in the RP. % of twins in the RP.
% %
% Note: Please check before use the recurrence parameters M, T, and
% E by visual inspection of the recurrence plot! Please also
% check the number of twins NTWINS whether enough twins have
% been found.
% Example: x = rand(3,1); % Example: x = rand(3,1);
% a = [.8 .3 -.25 .9]'; % a = [.8 .3 -.25 .9]';
% for i = 4:1000, % for i = 4:1000,
...@@ -28,8 +33,8 @@ function [y nTw] = twinsurr(varargin) ...@@ -28,8 +33,8 @@ function [y nTw] = twinsurr(varargin)
% Twin Surrogates to Test for Complex Synchronisation, % Twin Surrogates to Test for Complex Synchronisation,
% Europhys. Lett., 75, 2006. % Europhys. Lett., 75, 2006.
% Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Copyright (c) 2008-2016
% Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % Norbert Marwan, Maik Riedl, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
% %
% %
% Copyright (c) 2008 % Copyright (c) 2008
...@@ -40,6 +45,9 @@ function [y nTw] = twinsurr(varargin) ...@@ -40,6 +45,9 @@ function [y nTw] = twinsurr(varargin)
% $Revision$ % $Revision$
% %
% $Log$ % $Log$
% Revision 5.4 2009/03/24 08:33:47 marwan
% copyright address changed
% Revision 5.3 2009/03/17 09:18:17 marwan % Revision 5.3 2009/03/17 09:18:17 marwan
% serious bug fix, zero columns were also considered as twins! % serious bug fix, zero columns were also considered as twins!
% %
...@@ -60,8 +68,8 @@ sil = 0; ...@@ -60,8 +68,8 @@ sil = 0;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the input %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the input
error(nargchk(1,7,nargin)); narginchk(1,7);
if nargout>2, error('Too many output arguments'), end nargoutchk(0,2)
...@@ -88,10 +96,10 @@ end ...@@ -88,10 +96,10 @@ end
varargin{8}=[]; varargin{8}=[];
i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double'));
i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char'));
check_meth={'ma','eu','mi','nr','rr','fa','in','om','op','di'}; % maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm, fan, distance check_meth={'ma','eu','mi'}; % maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm, fan, distance
check_norm={'non','nor'}; % nonormalize, normalize check_norm={'non','nor'}; % nonormalize, normalize
check_sil={'ve','si'}; % verbose, silent check_sil={'ve','si'}; % verbose, silent
nonorm = 0;
if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % read commandline input if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % read commandline input
% check the text input parameters for method, gui % check the text input parameters for method, gui
temp_meth=0; temp_meth=0;
...@@ -110,7 +118,7 @@ if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % read commandline input ...@@ -110,7 +118,7 @@ if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % read commandline input
for i=1:length(i_char); temp2(i,:)=varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3); end for i=1:length(i_char); temp2(i,:)=varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3); end
if isempty(sil), sil=0; end if isempty(sil), sil=0; end
if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=1; end if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=0; end
if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end
if isempty(method_n), method_n=1; end if isempty(method_n), method_n=1; end
if method_n>length(check_meth), method0=length(check_meth); end if method_n>length(check_meth), method0=length(check_meth); end
...@@ -140,52 +148,161 @@ end ...@@ -140,52 +148,161 @@ end
if size(x,1) < size(x,2), x = x'; end if size(x,1) < size(x,2), x = x'; end
m0 = size(x,2); if size(x,2) > 1
warning('Multicolumn vectors are not supported. Only first column will be used.')
x = x(:,1);
N = length(x); N = length(x);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% make surrogates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% main part: create surrogates
surr = zeros(N,nsur);
X = crp(x,m,t,e,method,norm_str,'sil');
X = double(X) .* (1-eye(size(X)));
NX = length(X);
%% find twins
if ~sil, h = waitbar(0,'Searching Twins'); end
for i = 1:NX, if ~sil, waitbar(i/NX); end
A = repmat(X(:,i),1,NX);
% S{i} = find(all(X == A & X == 1));
S{i} = [i find(all(X == A) & any(X(:,i)))];
nTwins(i) = numel(S{i});
if ~sil, delete(h); end
nTwins = sum(nTwins) - NX; %% find twins
h = [];
if ~sil & N > 3000, h = waitbar(0,'Find recurrences'); end
twinList = findTwins(x,m,t,e,method,nonorm,sil,h);
nTwins = length(twinList); % number of twins
if nTwins < 1 if nTwins < 1
warning(['No twins found!',10,'The derived surrogates are identical with the original data.']') error(['No twins found!',10,'The derived surrogates would identical with the original data.']')
%% marker list for number of twins
markerTwin = zeros(N,1);
for i = 1:nTwins
markerTwin(twinList{i}) = i;
end end
%% remove the last twin from twinList
temp_ind = find(markerTwin);
temp_ind2 = find(twinList{markerTwin(temp_ind(end))} == temp_ind(end));
twinList{markerTwin(temp_ind(end))}(temp_ind2) = [];
for k = 1:nsur %% create twin surrogate
%% chose randomly first point cnt = 0;
i = ceil(NX * rand); while cnt < nsur
xs = x(i,:); idxSurr = ceil(rand(1)*N); % random starting point
r_ind = rand(N,1);
%% jump randomly between twins until length of surrogate is reached i = 2;
while length(xs) < N while (idxSurr(i-1)+1) <= N % just go through the time series (the next point after the last found point)
j = S{i}; if markerTwin(idxSurr(i-1)+1) ~= 0 % we have twins: let's jump!
j_i = ceil(length(j) * rand); nr_sel = ceil(r_ind(i) * length(twinList{markerTwin(idxSurr(i-1)+1)})); % select randomly a new point
i = j(j_i); idxSurr(i)=twinList{markerTwin(idxSurr(i-1)+1)}(nr_sel); % jump to this new point
i = i + 1; else
if i > NX idxSurr(i) = idxSurr(i-1)+1; % just use the next point from the time series
i = ceil(NX * rand); end
continue i = i + 1; % just go through the time series
if i > N
if length(idxSurr)==N
cnt = cnt + 1;
if ~sil & exist('h') & mod(cnt,100)==0
waitbar((2*N+N*cnt/nsur)/(3*N),h,'Create surrogates')
end end
xs = [xs; x(i,:)];
end end
y(:,k,1:m0) = reshape(xs(:),N,1,m0);
end end
if ~sil & exist('h') & ishandle(h), close(h), end
if nargout > 0;
y = surr;
if nargout == 2; if nargout == 2;
nTw = nTwins; nTw = nTwins;
end end
function twinList=findTwins(x,m,t,thr,method,nonorm,sil,h)
% FINDTWINS Find twins in recurrence plot.
%The function look for the twins in a time series X.
%Therefore the phase space is reconstructed by time delay embedding
%approach where M is the dimension of the phase space and TAU is
%the time delay.
%Neighbouring points are two points with a distance smaller than the
%threshold THR.
%Twins are points with the same neighbourhood.
%% Reconstruct phase space
if nonorm
if ~sil, disp('Normalize data.'), end
x = zscore(x);
updateTime = 100;
N = length(x);
Nx = N - (m-1)*t;
xEmb = zeros(Nx,m);
for i = 1:m
xEmb(:,i) = x(((i-1)*t+1):(end-t*(m-i)));
%% Find recurrence points (= neighbours) for each state
% this is a list of neighbours for each time point/state
idxNeighbours = [];
for i = 1:Nx, if ~sil & ~isempty(h) & mod(i,updateTime)==0, waitbar(i/(3*N)), end
% distance between current state and all other states
switch method
case 'eu'
d = sqrt(sum((xEmb(1:end,:)-xEmb(i,:)).^2,2));
case 'mi'
d = sum(abs(xEmb(1:end,:)-xEmb(i,:)),2);
d = max(abs(xEmb(1:end,:)-xEmb(i,:)),[],2);
% indices of the Neighbours
idxNeighbours{i} = find(d<thr);
% number of Neighbours found (useful for acceleration of the algorithm)
nNeighbours(i) = length(idxNeighbours{i});
%% Find twins
ind_p = 1:Nx; % set of states
twinList = []; % list of twins
cnt = 1;
while length(ind_p) > 1,if ~sil & ~isempty(h) & mod(i,updateTime)==0, waitbar((2*N - length(ind_p))/(3*N),h,'Find twins'), end
currentTwins = 1; % start with the first entry in the (remaining) set
% find only those columns in the RP that have the same number of neighbours
potentialTwins = find(nNeighbours == nNeighbours(1)); % this will speed up the code
for i = 2:length(potentialTwins)
if sum(abs(idxNeighbours{1}-idxNeighbours{potentialTwins(i)})) == 0 & any(idxNeighbours{1})
currentTwins = [currentTwins, potentialTwins(i)];
if length(currentTwins) > 1
twinList{cnt} = ind_p(currentTwins);
cnt = cnt + 1;
% remove all states that are already found
ind_p(currentTwins) = [];
idxNeighbours(currentTwins) = [];
nNeighbours(currentTwins) = [];
if ~sil & ~isempty(h), waitbar(2/3,h), end
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