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Commit cd206781 authored by Luca Lenz's avatar Luca Lenz
Browse files

file operations for circle test

parent bbbf7962
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μ, σ = .5, .1
π_ref = MixtureModel([
TruncatedNormal(-μ, σ, -1, 0),
TruncatedNormal( μ, σ, 0, 1),
single_peak = TruncatedNormal(μ, σ, -1, 1)
dist_single_peak = (;
ks = exact_distance_ks(single_peak, π_ref),
cm = exact_distance_cm(single_peak, π_ref)
z = halton_points(2000, 3)
f = normalmix_proxy(z, μ, σ)
l = MultilevelSampledLogDensity(f, [100, 2000])
w = CyclicWalk(-1,1,1.0)
println("Sampling chains...\n")
s_mh = MetropolisHastings(w)
@time c_mh = sample(f, s_mh, MCMCSerial(), 100000, 100)
@time write_chain("$(@__DIR__)/data/mh.csv", c_mh)
s_cf = ChristenFox(w)
@time c_cf = sample(l, s_cf, MCMCSerial(), 100000, 100)
@time write_chain("$(@__DIR__)/data/cf.csv", c_cf)
saved = mean(get_info(c_cf).evaluations) / mean(get_info(c_mh).evaluations)
println("\n => Saved costs ", round(saved * 100, digits=2), " % \n")
@time write_metrics("$(@__DIR__)/data/mh.csv", π_ref)
@time write_metrics("$(@__DIR__)/data/cf.csv", π_ref)
fig = Figure(); ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
plot_pdf!(ax, π_ref, color=:black, linestyle=:dash, label=L"π_{∞}")
plot_pdf!(ax, f)
#hist!(ax, c.states[:,1], normalization=:pdf, label="MH")
Legend(fig[1,2], ax)
\ No newline at end of file
using Revise using Revise
using MultilevelChainSampler using MultilevelChainSampler
using ProgressBars
using Distributions
using DataFrames, CSV
using Random
using HaltonSequences, Primes
using CairoMakie
using AbstractMCMC: MCMCSerial
include("proxies.jl") include("proxies.jl")
include("analysis.jl") include("analysis.jl")
include("visualize.jl") include("visualize.jl")
using Distributions
# Komolgorov - Smirnov # Komolgorov - Smirnov
# ( adapted from HypothesisTests.jl ) # ( adapted from HypothesisTests.jl )
...@@ -13,12 +12,18 @@ end ...@@ -13,12 +12,18 @@ end
function exact_distance_ks(f::Function, d::Distribution, h = 1e-4) function exact_distance_ks(f::Function, d::Distribution, h = 1e-4)
x = [-1:h:1 ... ] x = [-1:h:1 ... ]
F = cdf.(d, x) f = f.(x); f = exp.(f); f = f / (2 * mean(f))
y = f.(x) F = cumsum(f .* h)
p = exp.(y); p = p / (2 * mean(p)) P = cdf.(d, x)
Δx = x[2:end].-x[1:end-1] δ = maximum(abs.(F .- P))
P = cumsum(p .* h) return δ
return maximum(abs.(P .- F)) end
function exact_distance_ks(f::Distribution, d::Distribution, h = 1e-4)
x = [-1:h:1 ... ]
F = cdf.(f, x)
P = cdf.(d, x)
return maximum(abs.(F .- P))
end end
...@@ -28,25 +33,35 @@ function distance_cm(x::Vector{<:Real}, d::UnivariateDistribution) ...@@ -28,25 +33,35 @@ function distance_cm(x::Vector{<:Real}, d::UnivariateDistribution)
x = sort(x) x = sort(x)
cdfs = cdf.(d, x) cdfs = cdf.(d, x)
ω² = mean( ((1:n) / n .+ .5 - cdfs ).^2 ) + 1/(12*n^2) ω² = mean( ((1:n) / n .+ .5 - cdfs ).^2 ) + 1/(12*n^2)
return ω² return sqrt(ω²)
end end
function exact_distance_cm(f::Function, d::Distribution, h = 1e-4) function exact_distance_cm(f::Function, d::Distribution, h = 1e-4)
x = [-1:h:1 ... ] x = [-1:h:1 ... ]
y = f.(x) f = f.(x); f = exp.(f); f = f / (2 * mean(f))
F = cdf.(d, x) F = cumsum(f .* h)
f = pdf.(d, x) P = cdf.(d, x)
p = exp.(y); p = p / (2 * mean(p)) p = pdf.(d, x)
P = cumsum(p .* h) ω² = 2 * mean( (F .- P).^2 .* p )
return 2 * mean( (P .- F).^2 .* p ) return sqrt(ω²)
end end
# Quantify convergence rate function exact_distance_cm(f::Distribution, d::Distribution, h = 1e-4)
x = [-1:h:1 ... ]
F = cdf.(f, x)
P = cdf.(d, x)
p = pdf.(d, x)
ω² = 2 * mean( (F .- P).^2 .* p )
return sqrt(ω²)
# Quantify convergence rate y ≈ C⋅x^α
function asymptotic_rate(x::Vector, y::Vector) function asymptotic_rate(x::Vector, y::Vector)
log_x = log.(x) log_x = log.(x)
log_y = log.(y) log_y = log.(y)
A = hcat( ones( length(x)), log_x ) A = hcat( ones( length(x)), log_x )
(a,b) = (A'A) \ (A' * log_y) (a,b) = (A'A) \ (A' * log_y)
return b return exp(a),b
end end
function write_chain(csv_path::String, data::MultilevelChainSampler.SimpleChains)
states = data.states
info = get_info(data)
# write to .csv files
name, ext = splitext(csv_path)
ext == ".csv" || error("Only CSV files allowed.")
CSV.write("$name.states.csv", DataFrame(states, :auto))
CSV.write("$", DataFrame(info))
# ( ... ignore energies )
# check if files were created
ispath("$name.states.csv") && ispath("$")
function load_data(csv_path::String, tabs = [ "states", "info", "metrics" ])
name, ext = splitext(csv_path)
ext == ".csv" || error("Only CSV files allowed.")
vals = Dict( (v=>nothing for v in tabs)... )
for k in tabs
f = "$name.$k.csv"
if ispath(f)
vals[k] =, DataFrame)
print("File '$f' not found")
return vals
function calculate_metrics(csv_path::String, d::Distribution, Ns=nothing)
states = load_data(csv_path, ["states"])
# Logarithmic time scale by default
if isnothing(Ns)
Nmax = size(states,1)
Ns = round.(Int, exp.([0:.01:1 ... ] .* log(Nmax)) )
# Calculate the metrics
n_chains = size(states, 2)
ks = zeros(length(Ns), n_chains)
cm = zeros(length(Ns), n_chains)
for n=ProgressBar(1:n_chains)
for (i,N) in enumerate(Ns)
ks[i,n] = distance_ks(states[1:N, n], d)
cm[i,n] = distance_ks(states[1:N, n], d)
# Write to file
columns = [ map(i->"$l_$i", 1:n_chains) for l in ["ks", "cm"] ]
df = DataFrame( hcat(ks, cm), columns )
df.N = Ns
name, ext = splitext(csv_path)
CSV.write("$name.metrics.csv", df)
\ No newline at end of file
using Random
using HaltonSequences, Primes
function rand_points(n::Int, d::Int=2) function rand_points(n::Int, d::Int=2)
x = rand(n, d) x = rand(n, d)
...@@ -30,19 +28,20 @@ function as_tuples(z::Matrix) ...@@ -30,19 +28,20 @@ function as_tuples(z::Matrix)
return [ tuple(z[i,:] ... ) for i=1:n] return [ tuple(z[i,:] ... ) for i=1:n]
end end
function gauss_proxy(z::Matrix; μ::Number=0.0, σ::Number=1.0) function normal_proxy(z::Matrix, μ::Number=0.0, σ::Number=1.0)
z2 = sum(z .^ 2, dims=2)[:, 1] f = function (x, z)
f = x -> - ( (sign(x) * sqrt( 4/pi * mean( z2 .< x^2 ) ) - μ ) / σ )^2 / 2 X2 = 4/pi * ( z[1]^2 + z[2]^2 < x^2 )
return LogDensity(f) X1 = 2 * (z[3]^2 < x^2) * sign(x)
return - 1 / (2 * σ^2) * X2 + μ / (σ^2) * X1
return SampledLogDensity( as_tuples(z), f)
end end
function gauss_proxy(z::Matrix, nsamples::Vector{Int}; μ::Number=0.0, σ::Number=1.0) function normalmix_proxy(z::Matrix, μ::Number=0.0, σ::Number=1.0)
fs = [ gauss_proxy(z[1:n, :]; μ, σ) for n=nsamples ] f = function (x, z)
return MultilevelLogDensity(fs) X2 = 4/pi * ( z[1]^2 + z[2]^2 < x^2 )
X1 = (z[3]^2 < x^2) # leave out the sign
return - 1 / (2 * σ^2) * X2 + μ / (σ^2) * X1
return SampledLogDensity( as_tuples(z), f)
end end
function gaussmix_proxy(z::Matrix, μ::Vector=[-.5, .5], σ::Vector=[.1, .1])
fs = [ sample_gauss_proxy(z, m, s) for (m,s) in zip(μ, σ) ]
return LogDensity( x -> log( sum(exp.([logdensity(f, x) for f in fs]))) )
\ No newline at end of file
using CairoMakie
function plot_pdf!(ax, d::Distribution, x=[-1:.1e-4:1 ... ]; kwargs...) function plot_pdf!(ax, d::Distribution, x=[-1:.1e-4:1 ... ]; kwargs...)
y = pdf.(d, x) y = pdf.(d, x)
...@@ -12,6 +11,9 @@ function plot_pdf!(ax, f::Function, x=[-1:.1e-4:1 ... ]; kwargs... ) ...@@ -12,6 +11,9 @@ function plot_pdf!(ax, f::Function, x=[-1:.1e-4:1 ... ]; kwargs... )
return lines!(ax, x, y; kwargs...) return lines!(ax, x, y; kwargs...)
end end
function plot_pdf!(ax, f::MultilevelChainSampler.AbstractLogDensity, x=[-1:.1e-4:1 ...]; kwargs...)
return plot_pdf!(ax, x->logdensity(f, x), x; kwargs...)
function errorlines!(ax, x, m, s; clamp=-Inf, rate=false, args...) function errorlines!(ax, x, m, s; clamp=-Inf, rate=false, args...)
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