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Commit 9c50c233 authored by Luca Lenz's avatar Luca Lenz
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fixed sampling base

parent b7189d10
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
julia_version = "1.10.2"
manifest_format = "2.0"
project_hash = "fe3590824bb3d254aeac25ec225a0e78cf93c68c"
project_hash = "8855e078cc96f94368ad9ff0a8d624d7133c88f7"
git-tree-sha1 = "41c37aa88889c171f1300ceac1313c06e891d245"
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ version = "0.1.0"
AbstractMCMC = "80f14c24-f653-4e6a-9b94-39d6b0f70001"
CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
EmbeddedGraphs = "9c1af47c-29f5-11e9-0b47-9f5334384f20"
HaltonSequences = "13907d55-377f-55d6-a9d6-25ac19e11b95"
IterTools = "c8e1da08-722c-5040-9ed9-7db0dc04731e"
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ println("\tWind\t", avg_wind / avg_load * 100, "%")
println("\tSolar\t", avg_solar / avg_load * 100, "%")
println("\tRenewables\t", avg_renewables / avg_load * 100, "%")
println("\tAll sources\t", avg_prod / avg_load * 100, "%")
# [Q]: why is this number so low?
# [Q]: why is this number so low? how much is going into storage?
## Calculate power injection and transmission distribution factor
......@@ -91,3 +91,11 @@ K = incidence_matrix(g, oriented=true)
B = diagm( ones(nv(g)) ) #???
H = Ω * K' * pinv(B)
# [Q]: what is the nodal succeptance matrix B?
# power flow
f = Matrix( hcat([ H * [p[i, 2:end]...] for i=1:size(p,1)]... )')
## Time averages injection and flow
avg_p = mean.(eachcol(p[!, 2:end]))
avg_f = mean(f, dims=1)[1,:]
# This file is part of the MultilevelChainSampler.jl package, which is licensed under the GPLv3 license.
module MultilevelChainSampler
export value, propose, evaluate
export Sample
export StaticProposal, RandomWalk, CyclicWalk
export LogDensity
\ No newline at end of file
# Developent file, run this to load the components of the package into the current environment
## Copy from src/MultilevelChainSampler.jl
# commented out to avoid redefinition error
#module MultilevelChainSampler
export State
export LogDensity, logdensity
export initialize, propose
export StaticProposal
export RandomWalkProposal
export CyclicWalkProposal
#end (module)
# State
abstract type AbstractState end
struct State{X} <: AbstractState
using Random
using Distributions
using AbstractMCMC
## === Sample
abstract type AbstractSample end
# single level sample
abstract type SimpleSample <: AbstractSample end
""" simplest sample, just wraps a value
(this is used for conventional single-level MCMC)"""
struct Sample{X} <: SimpleSample
Base.eltype(s::State{X}) where {X} = X
Base.convert(T::Type, s::State) = convert(T, s.state)
Base.eltype(s::Sample{X}) where {X} = X
value(s::Sample) = s.sample
## === Proposal
abstract type AbstractProposal{S<:AbstractSample,issymmetric} end
SymmetricProposal = AbstractProposal{S,true} where {S<:AbstractSample}
AsymmetricProposal = AbstractProposal{S,false} where {S<:AbstractSample}
To define a proposal implement the sampling methods
- initialization x₀ ~ p₀(⋅) by `x₀ = propose(p)`
- and transition y ~ q(⋅|x) by `y = propose(p, x)`
For asymmetric proposals also implement method
for calculating q(y|x) by `logpdf(p,x,y)`
function propose end
propose(p::AbstractProposal; kwargs...) = propose(Random.default_rng(), p; kwargs...)
propose(p::AbstractProposal, x::AbstractSample; kwargs...) = propose(Random.default_rng(), p, x; kwargs...)
# log probability density function
abstract type AbstractLogDensity end
struct LogDensity{F <: Function, S <: AbstractState} <: AbstractLogDensity
logpdfratio(p::SymmetricProposal, x::AbstractSample, y::AbstractSample) = 0
logpdfratio(p::AsymmetricProposal, x::AbstractSample, y::AbstractSample) = logpdf(p,x,y) - logpdf(p,y,x)
## Single-level proposals
SimpleProposal = AbstractProposal{S,issymmetric} where {S<:SimpleSample,issymmetric}
SimpleSymmetricProposal = SymmetricProposal{S} where {S<:SimpleSample}
# Static, sample independently of previous state
struct StaticProposal{D<:Distribution,S} <: SimpleSymmetricProposal{S}
function StaticProposal(d::Distribution)
S = Sample{typeof(rand(d))}
return StaticProposal{typeof(d),S}(d)
propose(rng::AbstractRNG, p::StaticProposal) = Sample(rand(rng, p.distribution))
propose(rng::AbstractRNG, p::StaticProposal, x) = propose(rng, p)
#logpdf(p::StaticProposal, x::Sample) = logpdf(p.distribution, x.sample) # won't be used
# Random Walk
# (Caveat: only if step has zero mean is this actually symmetric! )
struct RandomWalk{D_init <: Distribution, D_step <: Distribution, F<:Function, S} <: SimpleSymmetricProposal{S}
function RandomWalk(init::Distribution, step::Distribution, agg::Function=(+))
Tinit = typeof(rand(init))
Tstep = typeof(rand(step))
# check that aggretation method yields propper type
if ! hasmethod(agg, (Tinit, Tstep))
throw( ArgumentError("Aggregator $agg does not support ($Tinit, $Tstep) arguments.") )
# assert that the function can be called with the state
function LogDensity(S::Type{<:AbstractState}, f::Function)
if hasmethod(f, (S,))
return LogDensity{typeof(f),S}(f)
throw(ArgumentError("The function $f does not accept a $S argument"))
# check that type is stable over chain
T = typeof(agg(rand(init), rand(step)))
if T != Tinit
throw( ArgumentError("Aggreted type $T differes from initial type $Tinit.") )
return RandomWalk{typeof(init), typeof(step), typeof(agg), Sample{T}}(init, step, agg)
LogDensity(T::Type, f::Function) = LogDensity(State{T}, x -> f(x.state))
propose(rng::AbstractRNG, p::RandomWalk) = Sample(rand(rng, p.init))
propose(rng::AbstractRNG, p::RandomWalk, x::Sample) = Sample( p.agg(x.sample, rand(rng, p.step)) )
CyclicWalk(a::Real, b::Real, s::Real=(b-a)/2) = RandomWalk(Uniform(a,b), Uniform(0,s), (x,y)->mod(x+y-a,b-a)+a)
# call logdensity with a state or a value, ignore arguments
(d::AbstractLogDensity)(x; kwargs...) = logdensity(d, x; kwargs...)
logdensity(d::LogDensity{F,S}, x::S) where {F <: Function, S <: AbstractState} = d.logdensity(x)
## for distribution just wrap the logpdf function
using Distributions
LogDensity(d::UnivariateDistribution) = LogDensity(Float64, x::Float64 -> logpdf(d, x))
LogDensity(d::MultivariateDistribution) = LogDensity(Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Float64} -> logpdf(d, x))
## === LogDensity
abstract type AbstractLogDensity{S <: AbstractSample} <: AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel end
Base.eltype(d::AbstractLogDensity{S}) where {S} = S
""" Define an unnormalized logarithmic probability density
function `f(x)` by implementing method `evaluate(f, x)`
where `x` is a sample that matches the sample type `eltype(f)`.
function evaluate end
(d::AbstractLogDensity{S})(x::S; kwargs...) where {S} = evaluate(d, x; kwargs...)
## Single-level log density
abstract type SimpleLogDensity{S <: SimpleSample} <: AbstractLogDensity{S} end
## =============== tests
d = LogDensity(Float64, x::Float64 -> x^2)
# wrap a distribution, where logpdf is known
struct DistrLogDensity{D <: Distribution, S <: SimpleSample} <: SimpleLogDensity{S}
function LogDensity(d::Distribution)
S = Sample{typeof(rand(d))}
return DistrLogDensity{typeof(d), S}(d)
evaluate(f::DistrLogDensity{D,S}, x::S) where {D <: Distribution,S <: Sample} = logpdf(f.d, x.sample)
d = LogDensity(Normal(0,1))
d = LogDensity(MvNormal([0.0, 0.0], [1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0]))
d(State([2.0, 2.0]))
\ No newline at end of file
# wrap a specific method of a function
struct FuncLogDensity{F <: Function, S <: SimpleSample} <: SimpleLogDensity{S}
f :: F
function LogDensity(f::Function, T::Type)
if ! isa(T, SimpleSample) T = State{T} end
if hasmethod(f, (T,))
return FuncLogDensity{typeof(f), T}(f)
elseif hasmethod(f, (eltype(T),))
g = x -> f(x.state)
return FuncLogDensity{typeof(g), T}(g)
throw(ArgumentError("Function $f does not support $T argument."))
evaluate(d::FuncLogDensity{F,S}, x::S) where {F <: Function, S} = d.f(x)
using AbstractMCMC
using Distributions
using Random
struct MetropolisHastings{P <: AbstractProposal} <: AbstractMCMC.AbstractSampler
proposal :: P
function AbstractMCMC.step(rng::AbstractRNG, model::AbstractLogDensity, s::MetropolisHastings; kwargs...)
sample = initialize(rng, s.proposal)
logp = logdensity(model, sample)
state = (sample, logp, true)
return sample, state
function AbstractMCMC.step(rng::AbstractRNG, model::AbstractLogDensity, s::MetropolisHastings, state; kwargs...)
sample, logp, accept = state
new_sample = propose(s.proposal, sample)
new_logp = logdensity(model, new_sample)
q_logratio = logdensityratio(s.proposal, new_sample, sample)
if log(rand(rng)) < new_logp - logp + q_logratio
return new_sample, (new_sample, new_logp, true)
return sample, (sample, logp, false)
## =============== tests ===========================
#using Test
#p = StaticProposal(Uniform(-1, 1))
#s = MetropolisHastings(p)
#m = LogDensity(Normal(0, 1))
#@time c = sample(m, s, 100000)
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abstract type Multilevel ... end
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## Multi-level state
abstract type HierarchicalState <: AbstractState end
# by default, the multilevel state wraps a tuple of states
struct MultilevelState{T <: Tuple} <: HierarchicalState
levels :: T
MultilevelState(levels...; kwargs...) = MultilevelState(levels)
course(::MultilevelState) = MultilevelState(s.levels[1:end-1])
fine(s::MultilevelState) = s.levels[end]
combine(s::MultilevelState, fine_state) = MultilevelState(s.levels..., fine_state)
level(s::MultilevelState) = length(s.levels)
# Multi-level log density
abstract type HierarchicalLogDensity{S <: HierarchicalState} <: AbstractLogDensity{S} end
struct MultilevelLogDensity{F, S} <: HierarchicalLogDensity{S}
logdensities :: F
logdensity(d::HierarchicalLogDensity, state::HierarchicalState; level=length(state)) = logdensity(d, state)
#level(s::MultilevelState) = length(s.states)
#Base.eltype(states::MultilevelState) = eltype(states.states)
## construct from single level states
#MultilevelState(states::State ... ) = MultilevelState(getindex.([states ... ], :state))
## recursive construction
#course(states::MultilevelState) = MultilevelState(states[1:end-1])
#fine(states::MultilevelState) = states[end]
#combine(states::MultilevelState, state) = MultilevelState(vcat(states.states ... , state))
## Multi-level log density
abstract type HierarchicalLogDensity{S} <: AbstractLogDensity{S} end
struct MultilevelLogDensity{F, S} <: HierarchicalLogDensity{S}
logdensities :: F
logdensity(d::MultilevelLogDensity, state::MultilevelState) = logdensity(d.logdensities, state.states
#logdensity(d::HierarchicalLogDensity, state::HierarchicalState, level::Int)
function logdensity(d::MultilevelLogDensity, state::HierarchicalState, level::Int)
logdensity(d.logdensities[level], state.states[level]
#MultilevelLogDensity(logdensities::AbstractVector{<:AbstractLogDensity}) = MultilevelLogDensity(logdensities
#abstract type AbstractMultilevelLogDensity <: LogDensity{S} end
#abstract type AbstractMultilevelLogDensity <: LogDensity{S} end
#struct MultilevelLogDensity <: AbstractMultilevelLogDensity
using Test
using Distributions
using Statistics
using Revise
using MultilevelChainSampler
function sample_chain(p, n=100)
x = [propose(p)]
for i in 1:n
push!(x, propose(p, x[end]))
x = value.(x)
return x
# Test src/base.jl
@testset "base" begin
s = Sample(1.0)
@test value(s) == 1.0
p = StaticProposal(Normal(0,1))
c = sample_chain(p, 10000)
@test ( mean(c), 0.0 , atol=0.1 )
@test ( std(c), 1.0 , atol=0.1 )
p = CyclicWalk(0,1, .1)
c = sample_chain(p, 10000)
@test ( mean(c) , 0.5 , atol=0.1 )
@test ( var(c) , 0.08333333333333333 , atol=0.1 )
d = LogDensity(Uniform(0,1))
@test evaluate(d, Sample(0.0)) == d(Sample(0.0))
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