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Commit 26996aaf authored by Luca Lenz's avatar Luca Lenz
Browse files

fixed tests

parent 1f90090b
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......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ using AbstractMCMC
using Revise
using MultilevelChainSampler
@testset "hastings" begin
# behaves like truncation on cyclic unit interval
t = LogDensity(Normal(0,1))
p = CyclicWalk(-1, 1, .1)
p = StaticProposal(Uniform(-1, 1))
# ignore log probability
mh = MH(p)
......@@ -38,44 +40,44 @@ using MultilevelChainSampler
sample(t, mh, 100)
@testset "delayed_acceptance" begin
p = CyclicWalk(-1, 1, .1)
p2 = vcat(p,p)
energy(x::Tuple) = -sum(x.^2)
t = LogDensity(energy)
p = StaticProposal(Normal(0,1))
t = LogDensity(x->-sum(x.^2))
# sample from two level, ignore subchains
da = MLDA(p2, (2,))
da = MLDA([p,p], [2,])
c = sample(t, da, 100)
@test length(c) == 100
@test length(c[1]) == 2
@test typeof(c[1]) == NTuple{2,Float64}
# save save logprobs
da = MLDA(p2, (3,), true, false)
da = MLDA([p,p], [3,]; save_logprob=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100)
@test length(c) == 100
@test length(c[1]) == 2
@test typeof(c[1]) == Tuple{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Float64}
# save subchains
da = MLDA(p2, (3,); save_subchain=true)
da = MLDA([p,p], [3,]; save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100; discard_initial=1)
@test typeof(c) <: Vector{<:Vector}
@test all( length.(c) .== 100 .* size(da) )
# sample from three level
p3 = vcat(p,p,p)
da = MLDA(p3, (2,3), true; save_subchain=true)
da = MLDA([p,p,p], [2,3]; save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test typeof(c) <: Vector{<:Vector}
@test all( length.(c) .== 100 .* size(da) )
da = MLDA(p3, (3,2), false, true; save_subchain=true)
da = MLDA([p,p,p], [3,2]; save_reject=true, save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test length(c) == 3
@test all( length.(c) .== 100 .* size(da) )
@test all( typeof.(c[1]) .== [ Tuple{Float64, Bool } ] )
......@@ -84,88 +86,45 @@ end
x2 = first.(c[2][1:2:end])
x3 = first.(c[3][1:1:end])
x = [ zip(x1,x2,x3) ... ]
rej_rates = mean.(map(t->last.(t), c))
println("Rejection rates ", rej_rates)
#println("Rejection rates ", rej_rates)
last_state = last.(c);
x = first.(last_state)
@test all( eltype.(c) .== Tuple{Float64,Bool} )
# random subchain length
d = truncated(Poisson(), 1, nothing)
da = MLDA(p2, (d,), false, false; save_subchain=true)
da = MLDA([p,p], [d,]; save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test all( typeof.(c) == [ Vector{Tuple{Float64}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Int}}] )
@test length(c[2]) == 100
@test all( unique( last.(c[2]) ) .== last.(c[2]) )
da = MLDA(p2, (d,), true, false; save_subchain=true)
d = truncated(Poisson(), 1, nothing)
da = MLDA([p,p], [d,]; save_logprob=true, save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test all( typeof.(c) == [ Vector{Tuple{Float64,Float64}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64, Int}}] )
@test length(c[2]) == 100
@test issorted(last.(c[2]))
@test all( unique( last.(c[2]) ) .== last.(c[2]) )
da = MLDA(p2, (d,), false, true; save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test all( typeof.(c) == [ Vector{Tuple{Float64, Bool}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Bool, Int}}] )
@test length(c[2]) == 100
@test issorted(last.(c[2]))
@test all( unique( last.(c[2]) ) .== last.(c[2]) )
da = MLDA(p2, (d,), true, true; save_subchain=true)
d = truncated(Poisson(), 1, nothing)
da = MLDA([p,p], [d,]; save_reject=true, save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test all( typeof.(c) == [ Vector{Tuple{Float64,Float64,Bool}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64,Bool, Int}}] )
@test all( typeof.(c) == [ Vector{Tuple{Float64,Bool}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Bool, Int}}] )
@test length(c[2]) == 100
@test issorted(last.(c[2]))
@test all( unique( last.(c[2]) ) .== last.(c[2]) )
da = MLDA(p3, (d,d,), false, false; save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test all( typeof.(c) == [ Vector{Tuple{Float64}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Int}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Int}}] )
@test length(c[3]) == 100
@test issorted(last.(c[2])) && issorted(last.(c[3]))
@test all( unique( last.(c[2]) ) .== last.(c[2]) ) && all( unique( last.(c[3]) ) .== last.(c[3]) )
da = MLDA(p3, (d,d,), false, true; save_subchain=true)
d = truncated(Poisson(), 1, nothing)
da = MLDA([p,p,p], [d,d]; save_reject=true, save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100, discard_initial=1)
@test all( typeof.(c) .== [ Vector{Tuple{Float64, Bool}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Bool, Int}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Bool, Int}}] )
@test all( typeof.(c) == [ Vector{Tuple{Float64,Bool}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64,Bool, Int}}, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Bool, Int}}] )
@test length(c[3]) == 100
@test issorted(last.(c[2])) && issorted(last.(c[3]))
@test all( unique( last.(c[2]) ) .== last.(c[2]) ) && all( unique( last.(c[3]) ) .== last.(c[3]) )
@testset "chains" begin
energy(x::Tuple) = -sum(x.^2)
t = LogDensity(energy)
p = CyclicWalk(-1, 1, .1)
p2 = vcat(p,p)
# bundle samples as MultilevelChains
da = MLDA(p2, (3,); save_subchain=true)
c = sample(t, da, 100; chain_type=MultilevelChains, discard_initial=1)
@test typeof(c) <: MultilevelChains
s1 = subchain(c,1)
s2 = subchain(c,2)
@test length(s1) == 300
@test length(s2) == 100
@test eltype(s2) == Tuple{Float64, Float64}
mlc = sample(t, da, 100 + 1; chain_type=MultilevelChains)
@test typeof(mlc) <: MultilevelChains
@test length(subchain(mlc,1)) == 600 + 1
@test length(subchain(mlc,2)) == 300 + 1
@test length(subchain(mlc,3)) == 100 + 1
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ using AbstractMCMC
using Revise
using MultilevelChainSampler
@testset "proposal" begin
@testset "proposals" begin
function propose_chain(p, n=100)
x = [propose(p)]
for i in 1:n
......@@ -22,24 +22,29 @@ using MultilevelChainSampler
@test ( mean(c), 0.0 , atol=0.1 )
@test ( std(c), 1.0 , atol=0.1 )
# sample from cyclic unit interval should behave like a uniform
p = CyclicWalk(0,1, .1)
# multi proposal
p = stack(
c = propose_chain(p, 10000)
@test ( mean(c) , .5 , atol=0.1 )
@test ( var(c) , var(Uniform()), atol=0.1 )
@test ( mean(c) , [0.0, 0.0] , atol=0.1 )
@test ( std(c) , [1.0, 1.0] , atol=0.1 )
@testset "hastings" begin
# behaves like truncation on cyclic unit interval
t = LogDensity(Normal(0,1))
p = CyclicWalk(-1, 1, .1)
t = LogDensity(x->-sum(x.^2 /2))
cycle(a,b) = t -> @. mod(t-a, b-a) + a
CyclicWalk(a,b,s) = TransformedProposal(cycle(a,b), RandomWalk(Uniform(a,b), Uniform(-s,s)))
p = CyclicWalk(-1, 1, .25)
# save log probability
mh = MetropolisHastings(p, false, false)
c = sample(t, mh, 100000)
x = getfield.(c, :x)
mh = MH(p, false, false)
x = sample(t, mh, 100000)
@test length(x) == 100000
@test ( mean(x), 0.0 , atol=0.1 )
@test ( std(x), std(TruncatedNormal(0,1,-1,1)) , atol=0.1 )
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