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Merged Jerome Hilaire requested to merge github/fork/MariannaR/regional_EDGE into develop
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@@ -117,34 +117,11 @@ ES_demand = ES_demand_all[sector == "trn_pass",]
if (file.exists(datapath("demand_previousiter.RDS"))) {
## load previous iteration number of cars
demand_learntmp = readRDS(datapath("demand_learn.RDS"))
## load previous iteration demand
ES_demandpr = readRDS(datapath("demand_previousiter.RDS"))
## load previus iteration number of stations
stations = readRDS(datapath("stations.RDS"))
## calculate non fuel costs for technologies subjected to learning and merge the resulting values with the historical values
nonfuel_costs = merge(nonfuel_costs, unique(int_dat[, c("region", "vehicle_type")]), by = c("region", "vehicle_type"), all.y = TRUE)
if (techswitch == "BEV"){
rebates_febatesBEV = EDGEscenarios[options== "rebates_febates", switch]
rebates_febatesFCEV = FALSE
} else if (techswitch == "FCEV") {
rebates_febatesFCEV = EDGEscenarios[options== "rebates_febates", switch]
rebates_febatesBEV = FALSE
} else {
rebates_febatesFCEV = FALSE
rebates_febatesBEV = FALSE
nonfuel_costs_list = applylearning(
non_fuel_costs = nonfuel_costs, capcost4W = capcost4W,
gdx = gdx, EDGE2teESmap = EDGE2teESmap, demand_learntmp = demand_learntmp,
ES_demandpr = ES_demandpr, ES_demand = ES_demand,
rebates_febatesBEV = rebates_febatesBEV, rebates_febatesFCEV = rebates_febatesFCEV)
nonfuel_costs = nonfuel_costs_list$nonfuel_costs
capcost4W = nonfuel_costs_list$capcost4W
saveRDS(nonfuel_costs, "nonfuel_costs_learning.RDS")
saveRDS(capcost4W, "capcost_learning.RDS")} else {
stations = NULL
totveh = NULL
@@ -195,35 +172,22 @@ if(average_prices){
REMIND_prices[, "iternum" := NULL]
## calculates logit
if (inconvenience) {
if (file.exists(datapath("demand_totalLDV.RDS"))) {
## load previous iteration number of cars
totveh = readRDS(datapath("demand_totalLDV.RDS"))
logit_data <- calculate_logit_inconv_endog(
prices= REMIND_prices[tot_price > 0],
vot_data = vot_data,
pref_data = pref_data,
logit_params = logit_params,
intensity_data = int_dat,
price_nonmot = price_nonmot,
stations = if (!is.null(stations)) stations,
totveh = if (!is.null(totveh)) totveh,
techswitch = techswitch)
} else{
logit_data <- calculate_logit(
REMIND_prices[tot_price > 0],
vot_data = vot_data,
sw_data = sw_data,
logit_params = logit_params,
intensity_data = int_dat,
price_nonmot = price_nonmot)
if (file.exists(datapath("demand_totalLDV.RDS"))) {
## load previous iteration number of cars
totveh = readRDS(datapath("demand_totalLDV.RDS"))
logit_data <- calculate_logit_inconv_endog(
prices= REMIND_prices[tot_price > 0],
vot_data = vot_data,
pref_data = pref_data,
logit_params = logit_params,
intensity_data = int_dat,
price_nonmot = price_nonmot,
stations = if (!is.null(stations)) stations,
totveh = if (!is.null(totveh)) totveh,
techswitch = techswitch)
shares <- logit_data[["share_list"]] ## shares of alternatives for each level of the logit function
## shares$VS1_shares=shares$VS1_shares[,-c("sector","subsector_L2","subsector_L3")]