- Jan 21, 2020
David Klein authored
turn on c_scaleEmiHistorical as default
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Bugfix in start scripts (testOneRegi) and compareScenarios
David Klein authored
- Jan 20, 2020
David Klein authored
add testOneRegi option to refactored start scripts
Michaja Pehl authored
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Corrections for start scripts
David Klein authored
Lavinia Baumstark authored
- Jan 17, 2020
David Klein authored
Refactoring start scripts: fix bug in sbatch command, remove scenario name from name of log.txt so the rs script can easily find it.
- Jan 16, 2020
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Documentation module 04_*
Nicolas Bauer authored
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Lavinia Baumstark authored
bugfix 0935e7ee, reintroduced an if/else condition for a bound on biomass and renamed c_1stgen_phaseout into cm_1stgen_phaseout
Michaja Pehl authored
- testOneRegi runs are useful for fast development iterations ("do these changes break the model, or does it still run"), so setting them up should be fast as well - supplying the parameter "--testOneRegi" to start.R will ignore any scenario_config file provided and modify the default configuration to start a testOneRegi run in the directory output/testOneRegi with no output processing - the old oneRegi.R script and oneRegi.cfg configuration are deleted - existing output/testOneRegi directories are overwritten
- Jan 15, 2020
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Refactoring start scripts (yeah!)
David Klein authored
David Klein authored
Anastasis Giannousakis authored
Added input folders of new modules
Johannes Koch authored
Lavinia Baumstark authored
fix typos and nomenclature
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Macro trade modules
Johannes Koch authored
The code should now run. Some namechanges had to be corrected/reversed. These module additions do not affect the results. Further improvements will be commited at a later date.
David Klein authored
Refactoring start scripts: adapt coupling scripts, call SLURM directly without the detour via cmd files
Johannes Koch authored
Johannes Koch authored
This is part of a larger refactoring effort of the remind core. Here, code related to the trade of permits and primary energy carriers is moved from the core to the new module. Some renaming is required. For now only one module realization exists, 'standard', which corresponds exactly to what was in the core before. The results are not effected!
Johannes Koch authored
This is part of the larger refactoing of the core.
Michaja Pehl authored
- R packages are packages (that are loaded with the library() function) - REMIND is optimising scenarios, and not simulating anything - as this is intended for people newly coming to REMIND, we don't want to start out teaching them the wrong terms
- Jan 14, 2020
Lavinia Baumstark authored
move scripts for magicc into the folder core/magicc, delete outdated script performance_test.R, integrate script submit_compare.cmd into multiComparison.R
David Klein authored
Refactoring start scripts: adapt coupling scripts (get rid of *.cmd files by creating the SLURM command on the fly)
Lavinia Baumstark authored
David Klein authored
Refactoring start scripts: - delete start_functions.R because all it's functions have been replaced by new ones - fix bugs and correct formatting in other files
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Lavinia Baumstark authored
add to model output tutorial
Lavinia Baumstark authored
Changes for validation
David Klein authored