# If there are existing runs you would like to take the gdxes (REMIND) or reportings (REMIND or MAgPIE) from provide the path and name prefix here.
# If there are existing runs you would like to take the gdxes (REMIND) or reportings (REMIND or MAgPIE) from provide the path and name prefix here.
# Note: the sceanrio names have to be identical to the runs that are to be started. If they differ please provide the names of the old scenarios in the
# Note: the sceanrio names have to be identical to the runs that are to be started. If they differ please provide the names of the old scenarios in the
# file that you read in below to path_settings_coupled
# file that you read in below to path_settings_coupled
cat("### COUPLING ### MAgPIE will be startet with\n Report = ",report,"\n Folder=",cfg_mag$results_folder,"\n")
sceninreport<-names(rep)# report must only contain ONE scenario
cat("### COUPLING ### MAgPIE will be startet with\n Report = ",report,"\n Scenario used as input = ",sceninreport,"\n Folder=",cfg_mag$results_folder,"\n")