table f_dataglob_SSP5(char,all_te) "Techno-economic assumptions consistent with SSP5"
table f_dataglob_SSP5(char,all_te) "Techno-economic assumptions consistent with SSP5"
$include "./core/input/generisdata_tech_SSP5.prn"
$include "./core/input/generisdata_tech_SSP5.prn"
*JH* 20140604 (25th Anniversary of Tiananmen) New nuclear assumption for SSP5
*JH* New nuclear assumption for SSP5
if (cm_nucscen eq 6,
if (cm_nucscen eq 6,
f_dataglob_SSP5("inco0","tnrs") = 6270; !! increased from 4000 to 6270 with the update of technology costs in REMIND 1.7 to keep the percentage increase between SSP2 and SSP5 constant
f_dataglob_SSP5("inco0","tnrs") = 6270; !! increased from 4000 to 6270 with the update of technology costs in REMIND 1.7 to keep the percentage increase between SSP2 and SSP5 constant