*JeS/CB* Update tax levels/ multigasbudget values to reach the peak CO2 budget, but make sure CO2 emissions afterward are close to zero on the global level
@@ -237,20 +241,20 @@ display p_actualbudgetco2;
*** use multiplicative for budgets higher than 1600 Gt; for lower budgets, use multiplicative adjustment only for first 3 iterations,
if(ord(iteration) lt 3 or c_budgetCO2 > 1600,
!! change in CO2 price through adjustment: new price - old price; needed for adjustment option 2
!! after cm_peakBudgYr: adjustment so that emissions become zero: increase/decrease tax in each time step after cm_peakBudgYr by percentage of that year's total CO2 emissions of 2015 emissions