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Commit 2c041f29 authored by Johannes Koch's avatar Johannes Koch
Browse files

:sparkles: Add special request features

Special requests include, skipping certain tasks, ploting until 2150 and including transfers. For now the trasnfers are computed with the goal of equal relativ gdp loss between regions.
parent 9669a5f7
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1 merge request!201:sparkles: Add special request features
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
# Function defintions
# ###### START FUNCTION DEFINITONS ########################################
rm_timestamp <- function(strings,
name_timestamp_seperator = "_",
timestamp_format = "%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S") {
......@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ rm_timestamp <- function(strings,
policy_costs_pdf <- function(policy_costs,
fileName="PolicyCost.pdf") {
......@@ -113,13 +115,14 @@ policy_costs_pdf <- function(policy_costs,
write_new_reporting <- function(mif_path,
new_polCost_data) {
new_mif_path <- paste0(substr(mif_path,1,nchar(mif_path)-4),"_adjustedPolicyCosts.mif")
cat(paste0("A mif file with the name ",crayon::green(paste0("REMIND_generic_",scen_name,"_adjustedPolicyCosts.mif"))," is being created in the ",scen_name," outputfolder.\n"))
cat(paste0("A mif file with the name ",crayon::green(paste0("REMIND_generic_",scen_name,"_adjustedPolicyCosts.mif"))," is being created in the ",scen_name," output folder.\n"))
my_data <-
my_variables <- grep("Policy Cost", magclass::getNames(my_data[[1]][[1]]), value = TRUE, invert = T)
......@@ -134,8 +137,78 @@ write_new_reporting <- function(mif_path,, file = new_mif_path, ndigit = 7, skipempty = FALSE)
#magclass::write.report2(my_data, file=new_mif_path, ndigit=7, skipempty = FALSE)
report_transfers <- function(pol_mif, ref_mif) {
# Read in reporting files
pol_run <-,as.list = F)
ref_run <-,as.list = F)
# Get model and scenario names
md <- magclass::getItems(pol_run,3.2)
sc <- magclass::getItems(pol_run,3.1)
# Tell the user what's going on
cat(paste0("Adding ",crayon::green("transfers")," to ",paste0("REMIND_generic_",sc,"_adjustedPolicyCosts.mif"),".\n"))
# Get gdploss
gdploss <- pol_run[,,"Policy Cost|GDP Loss (billion US$2005/yr)"]
# Add rel gdploss (not in percent)
gdploss_rel <- magclass::setNames(pol_run[,,"Policy Cost|GDP Loss|Relative to Reference GDP (percent)"]/100,
"Policy Cost|GDP Loss|Relative to Reference GDP")
# Get gdp
gdp_ref <- ref_run[,,"GDP|MER (billion US$2005/yr)"]
gdp_policy <- pol_run[,,"GDP|MER (billion US$2005/yr)"]
# Calculate difference to global rel gdploss
delta_gdploss <- gdploss_rel[,,] - gdploss_rel["GLO",,]
# Calculate transfer required to equalize rel gdploss across regions
delta_transfer <- magclass::setNames(delta_gdploss * gdp_ref,
"Policy Cost|Transfers (billion US$2005/yr)")
delta_transfer_rel <- 100*magclass::setNames(delta_transfer/gdp_ref,
"Policy Cost|Transfers|Relative to Reference GDP (percent)")
# Calculate new gdp variables
gdp_withtransfers <- magclass::setNames(gdp_policy + delta_transfer,
"GDP|MER|w/ transfers (billion US$2005/yr)")
gdploss_withtransfers <- magclass::setNames(gdp_ref - gdp_withtransfers,
"Policy Cost|GDP Loss|w/ transfers (billion US$2005/yr)")
gdploss_withtransfers_rel <- 100*magclass::setNames(gdploss_withtransfers/gdp_ref,
"Policy Cost|GDP Loss|w/ transfers|Relative to Reference GDP (percent)")
# Correct sets
magclass::getSets(delta_transfer, fulldim = F)[3] <- "variable"
magclass::getSets(delta_transfer_rel, fulldim = F)[3] <- "variable"
magclass::getSets(gdp_withtransfers, fulldim = F)[3] <- "variable"
magclass::getSets(gdploss_withtransfers, fulldim = F)[3] <- "variable"
magclass::getSets(gdploss_withtransfers_rel, fulldim = F)[3] <- "variable"
# Bind together
my_transfers <- NULL
my_transfers <- magclass::mbind(my_transfers, delta_transfer) %>%
magclass::mbind(delta_transfer_rel) %>%
magclass::mbind(gdp_withtransfers) %>%
magclass::mbind(gdploss_withtransfers) %>%
pol_run <-
pol_run <- magclass::mbind(pol_run[[1]][[1]][,,], my_transfers) %>%
magclass::add_dimension(dim=3.1,add = "model",nm = md) %>%
magclass::add_dimension(dim=3.1,add = "scenario",nm = sc), file = pol_mif, ndigit = 7, skipempty = FALSE)
# ###### END FUNCTION DEFINITONS ########################################
# Check for an object called "source_include". If found, that means, this script
......@@ -144,13 +217,13 @@ write_new_reporting <- function(mif_path,
# default values, and made over-writable with the command line.
if(!exists("source_include")) {
# Set default value
outputdirs <- c("../../../output/default_2020-03-03_09.38.01",
outputdirs <- c("base_noEffChange_2020-03-09_17.16.28/",
special_requests <- c("2")
# Make over-writtable from command line
......@@ -192,10 +265,22 @@ while (!happy_with_input) {
cat(crayon::green(paste0("\t", pc_pairs ,"\n")))
cat("Is that what you intended?\n")
cat(paste0("Type '",crayon::green("y"),"' to continue, '",crayon::blue("r"),"' to reselect output directories, '",crayon::red("n"),"' to abort: "))
user_input <- get_line()
if(user_input %in% c("y","Y","yes")) {
happy_with_input <- TRUE
# Get special requests from user
cat(crayon::blue("\nDo you have any special requests?\n"))
cat("1: Skip creation of adjustedPolicyCost reporting\n")
cat("2: Add transfers to adjustedPolicyCost reporting\n")
cat("3: Skip plot creation\n")
cat("4: Plot until 2150 in pdf\n")
cat("Type the number (or numbers seperated by a comma) to choose the special requests, or nothing to continue without any: ")
special_requests <- get_line() %>% str_split(",",simplify = T) %>% as.vector()
} else if(user_input %in% c("r","R","reselect")) {
if (exists("choose_folder")) {
cat("Remember, the order in which you choose the directories should be:\n")
......@@ -211,45 +296,71 @@ while (!happy_with_input) {
cat(crayon::red("\nStopping execution now.\n\n"))
stop("I can't figure this **** out. I give up. ")
} else {
happy_with_input <- TRUE
# Tell the user what is going on
cat(crayon::blue("\nPolicy cost computations:\n"))
# Get Policy costs for every policy-reference pair
cat(crayon::blue("\nComputing Policy costs:\n"))
tmp_policy_costs_magpie <- mapply(remind::reportPolicyCosts, pol_gdxs, ref_gdxs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
tmp_policy_costs <- tmp_policy_costs_magpie %>%
lapply(quitte::as.quitte) %>%
lapply(select, region, period, data, value)
# Combine results in single tibble, with names like "Pol_w.r.t_Ref"
policy_costs <- rename(tmp_policy_costs[[1]], !!sym(paste0(pol_names[1], "_w.r.t_",ref_names[1])):=value)
if (length(tmp_policy_costs)>1){
for (i in 2:length(tmp_policy_costs)) {
policy_costs <- tmp_policy_costs[[i]] %>%
rename(!!sym(paste0(pol_names[i], "_w.r.t_",ref_names[i])):=value) %>%
left_join(policy_costs, tmp_policy_costs[[i]], by=c("region", "period", "data"))
# Create "adjustedPolicyCost" reporting file
if (!"1" %in% special_requests) {
cat(crayon::blue("\nCreating new reportings:\n"))
pol_mifs <- paste0(dirname(pol_gdxs), "/REMIND_generic_", pol_names, ".mif")
new_reporting_files <- mapply(write_new_reporting, pol_mifs, pol_names, tmp_policy_costs_magpie)
# and do some pivotting
policy_costs <- policy_costs %>%
pivot_longer(cols = matches(".*w\\.r\\.t.*"), names_to = "Model Output") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = data)
# Create Pdf
cat(crayon::blue("\nPdf creation:\n"))
time_stamp <- format(Sys.time(), "_%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
policy_costs_pdf(policy_costs, fileName = paste0("PolicyCost",time_stamp,".pdf"))
# Add transfer variables to "adjustedPolicyCost" reporting file
if ("2" %in% special_requests && !"1" %in% special_requests) {
cat(crayon::blue("\nComputing transfers:\n"))
ref_mifs <- paste0(dirname(ref_gdxs), "/REMIND_generic_", ref_names, ".mif")
transfer_info <- mapply(report_transfers, new_reporting_files, ref_mifs, SIMPLIFY = F)
# Create new reporting file
cat(crayon::blue("\nMif creation:\n"))
pol_mifs <- paste0(dirname(pol_gdxs), "/REMIND_generic_", pol_names, ".mif")
return_check <- mapply(write_new_reporting, pol_mifs, pol_names, tmp_policy_costs_magpie)
# Create Pdf
if (!"3" %in% special_requests) {
cat(crayon::blue("\nCreating plots:\n"))
# Add transfers, if they exist
if (exists("transfer_info")) {
tmp_policy_costs_magpie <- mapply(magclass::mbind, tmp_policy_costs_magpie, transfer_info, SIMPLIFY = F)
tmp_policy_costs <- tmp_policy_costs_magpie %>%
lapply(quitte::as.quitte) %>%
lapply(select, region, period, data, value)
# Combine results in single tibble, with names like "Pol_w.r.t_Ref"
policy_costs <- rename(tmp_policy_costs[[1]], !!sym(paste0(pol_names[1], "_w.r.t_",ref_names[1])):=value)
if (length(tmp_policy_costs)>1){
for (i in 2:length(tmp_policy_costs)) {
policy_costs <- tmp_policy_costs[[i]] %>%
rename(!!sym(paste0(pol_names[i], "_w.r.t_",ref_names[i])):=value) %>%
left_join(policy_costs, tmp_policy_costs[[i]], by=c("region", "period", "data"))
# and do some pivotting
policy_costs <- policy_costs %>%
pivot_longer(cols = matches(".*w\\.r\\.t.*"), names_to = "Model Output") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = data)
# By default, plots are only created until 2100
if (!"4" %in% special_requests) {
policy_costs <- policy_costs %>% filter(period<=2100)
time_stamp <- format(Sys.time(), "_%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
policy_costs_pdf(policy_costs, fileName = paste0("PolicyCost",time_stamp,".pdf"))
\ No newline at end of file
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