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Unverified Commit 1066845a authored by Lavinia Baumstark's avatar Lavinia Baumstark Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #18 from fschreyer/feature_RegionSens

Feature regional sensitvities
parents 09728c47 cf6c4070
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......@@ -345,6 +345,9 @@ cfg$gms$cm_peakBudgYr <- 2050 # def <- 2050
cfg$gms$cm_taxCO2inc_after_peakBudgYr <- 2 # def <- 2
cfg$gms$cm_CO2priceRegConvEndYr <- 2050 # def <- 2050
cfg$gms$c_regi_nucscen <- "all" # def <- "all"
cfg$gms$c_regi_capturescen <- "all" # def <- "all"
......@@ -453,6 +456,8 @@ cfg$subsequentruns <- character(0)
# List of runs that use the fulldata.gdx of this run as input_bau.gdx
cfg$RunsUsingTHISgdxAsBAU <- NA
##### explanations of switches and flags ###################
......@@ -683,6 +688,9 @@ cfg$RunsUsingTHISgdxAsBAU <- NA
#(low) 1.3
#(middle) 1.5
#(high) 2
# specify regions to which nucscen, capturescen should apply to (e.g. c_regi_nucscen <- "JPN,USA")
# c_regi_nucscen
# c_regi_capturescen
##-------------------- flags --------------------------------------------------
# cm_SlowConvergence off !! def = off
#*RP* Turn on a slower convergence scheme where each conopt file is used twice, thus conopt1 is used for itr 1+2, conopt.op2 for itr 3+4, conopt.op3 for itr 5+6, conopt.op4 for itr 7+8, conopt.op5 from itr 9 on.
core/bounds.gms 100644 → 100755
......@@ -98,28 +98,28 @@ if ( c_ccsinjecratescen eq 0, !!no carbon sequestration at all
*RP* implement switch for scenarios with different carbon capture assumptions::
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (cm_ccapturescen eq 2, !! no carbon capture at all
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"ngccc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"pcc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"pco",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"ccsinje",rlf) = 0;
*** vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"ccscomp",rlf) = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
*** vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"ccspipe",rlf) = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
*** vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"ccsmoni",rlf) = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"gash2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"igccc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"coalftcrec",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"coalh2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioftcrec",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioh2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioigccc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ngccc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"pcc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"pco",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccsinje",rlf) = 0;
*** vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccscomp",rlf) = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
*** vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccspipe",rlf) = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
*** vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccsmoni",rlf) = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"gash2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"igccc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"coalftcrec",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"coalh2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioftcrec",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioh2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioigccc",rlf) = 0;
elseif (cm_ccapturescen eq 3), !! no bio carbon capture:
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioftcrec",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioh2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioigccc",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioftcrec",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioh2c",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioigccc",rlf) = 0;
elseif (cm_ccapturescen eq 4), !! no carbon capture in the electricity sector
loop(emi2te(enty,"seel",te,"cco2")$( sum(regi,pm_emifac("2020",regi,enty,"seel",te,"cco2")) > 0 ),
loop(emi2te(enty,"seel",te,"cco2")$( sum(regi_capturescen,pm_emifac("2020",regi_capturescen,enty,"seel",te,"cco2")) > 0 ),
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,te,rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,te,rlf) = 0;
......@@ -208,23 +208,28 @@ display p_CapFixFromRWfix, p_deltaCapFromRWfix;
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*RP* implement switch for scenarios with different nuclear assumptions:
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (cm_nucscen eq 2 OR cm_nucscen eq 1, !! but no fnrs (default in REMIND 1.7)
** FS: swtich on fnrs only in nucscen 0 and 4, (2 is default)
if (cm_nucscen gt 0 AND cm_nucscen ne 4,
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)= 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = 0;
*mh no fnrs, no tnrs:
if (cm_nucscen eq 3, !! no tnrs no fnrs
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = 0;
vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)= 0;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)= 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)= 0;
*mh no tnrs:
if (cm_nucscen eq 3,
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = 0;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)= 0;
* no new nuclear investments after 2020, until then all currently planned plants are built
if (cm_nucscen eq 5,
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val gt 2020)= 0;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val gt 2015) = 0;
if (cm_nucscen eq 5, !! no new nuclear investments after 2020, until then all currently planned plants are built
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val gt 2020)= 0;
vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf) = 0;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val gt 2015) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf) = 0;
*FS: nuclear phase-out by 2040
if (cm_nucscen eq 7,
vm_prodSe.up(t,regi_nucscen,"peur","seel","tnrs")$(t.val ge 2040) = 0;
*** -------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -244,8 +249,8 @@ if (cm_emiscen ne 1,
vm_cap.up(t,regi,"spv",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = p_boundtmp(t,regi,"spv",rlf);
if (cm_nucscen eq 4,
vm_cap.up(t,regi,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = p_boundtmp(t,regi,"tnrs",rlf);
vm_cap.up(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = p_boundtmp(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf);
vm_cap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = p_boundtmp(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf);
vm_cap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = p_boundtmp(t,regi_nucscen,"fnrs",rlf);
......@@ -351,12 +356,15 @@ vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,te) = 0;
***generally allow full early retiremnt for all fossil technologies without CCS
vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,te)$(teFosNoCCS(te)) = 1;
*** FS: allow nuclear early retirement (for nucscen 7)
vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,"tnrs") = 1;
***restrict early retirement to the modeling time frame (to reduce runtime, the early retirement equations are phased out after 2110)
vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,te)$(ttot.val lt 2009 or ttot.val gt 2111) = 0;
*cb 20120224 lower bound of 0.01% to help the model to be aware of the early retirement option
vm_capEarlyReti.lo(ttot,regi,te)$(teFosNoCCS(te) AND ttot.val gt 2011 AND ttot.val lt 2111) = 0.0001;
vm_capEarlyReti.lo(ttot,regi,"tnrs")$(ttot.val gt 2011 AND ttot.val lt 2111) = 0.0001;
*cb 20120301 no early retirement for dot, they are used despite their economic non-competitiveness for various reasons.
core/sets.gms 100644 → 100755
......@@ -761,6 +761,23 @@ iso_regi "all iso countries and EU and greater China region" / EUR,CHA,
***######################### R SECTION END (SETS) ################################
*** FS: definition of regional sensitivity/scenario sets
$IFTHEN.RegScenNuc "%c_regi_nucscen%" == "all"
set regi_nucscen(all_regi) "regions which nucscen applies to";
set regi_nucscen(all_regi) "regions which nucscen applies to" / %c_regi_nucscen% /;
$IFTHEN.RegScenCapt "%c_regi_capturescen%" == "all"
set regi_capturescen(all_regi) "regions which capturescen applies to";
set regi_capturescen(all_regi) "regions which capturescen applies to" / %c_regi_capturescen% /;
***######################## R SECTION START (MODULES) ###############################
......@@ -256,6 +256,8 @@ cm_noReboundEffect "Switch for allowing a rebound effect when closing the e
cm_peakBudgYr "date of net-zero CO2 emissions for peak budget runs without overshoot"
cm_taxCO2inc_after_peakBudgYr "annual increase of CO2 price after the Peak Budget Year in $ per tCO2"
cm_CO2priceRegConvEndYr "Year at which regional CO2 prices converge in module 45 realization diffPhaseIn2LinFlex"
c_regi_nucscen "regions to apply nucscen to"
c_regi_capturescen "region to apply ccapturescen to"
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -365,6 +367,10 @@ cm_DiscRateScen = 0;!! def = 0
cm_noReboundEffect = 0;
$setGlobal cm_EsubGrowth low !! def = low
$setGlobal c_regi_nucscen all !! def = all
$setGlobal c_regi_capturescen all !! def = all
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"wind","1") = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"wind")*0.001;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"tnrs","1") = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"tnrs")*0.001;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"hydro","1") = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"hydro")*0.001;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT","1") = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"apCarElT");
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"tnrs","1") = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"tnrs")*0.001;
* FS: in case of a nuclear phase-out scenario (nucscen 7), nuclear lower bound from p40_techBound only up to 2025
if(cm_nucscen eq 7,
vm_cap.lo(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs","1")$(t.val gt 2025) = 0;
display vm_cap.lo;
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