David Klein authoredDavid Klein authored
output.R 10.58 KiB
# | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
# | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
# | of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
# | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
# | REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
# | Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de
#### REMIND Output Generation ####
# Version 1.0
# Type "Rscript output.R" to start the script in the command line
# Based on the Version 2.2 of same file in the MAgPIE main folder
#Write dump file when error occurs, see help to dump.frames for more information
options(error=quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); traceback(); q()}))
#load landuse library
###Define arguments that can be read from command line
if(!exists("source_include")) {
# if this script is not being sourced by another script but called from the command line via Rscript read the command line arguments and let the user choose the slurm options
#slurmConfig <- choose_slurmConfig()
#Setting relevant paths
if(file.exists('/iplex/01/landuse')) { #run is performed on the cluster
pythonpath <- '/iplex/01/landuse/bin/python/bin/'
latexpath <- '/iplex/01/sys/applications/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux/'
} else {
pythonpath <- ''
latexpath <- NA
get_line <- function(){
# gets characters (line) from the terminal of from a connection
# and stores it in the return object
s <- readline()
} else {
con <- file("stdin")
s <- readLines(con, 1, warn=FALSE)
choose_folder <- function(folder,title="Please choose a folder") {
dirs <- NULL
# Detect all output folders containing fulldata.gdx
# For coupled runs please use the outcommented text block below
dirs <- sub("/fulldata.gdx","",sub("./output/","",Sys.glob(file.path(folder,"*","fulldata.gdx"))))
# DK: The following outcommented lines are specially made for listing results of coupled runs
#runs <- findCoupledruns(folder)
#dirs <- findIterations(runs,modelpath=folder,latest=TRUE)
#dirs <- sub("./output/","",dirs)
dirs <- c("all",dirs)
cat(paste(1:length(dirs), dirs, sep=": " ),sep="\n")
cat(paste(length(dirs)+1, "Search by the pattern.\n", sep=": "))
cat("\nNumber: ")
identifier <- get_line()
identifier <- strsplit(identifier,",")[[1]]
tmp <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(identifier)) {
if (length(strsplit(identifier,":")[[i]]) > 1) tmp <- c(tmp,as.numeric(strsplit(identifier,":")[[i]])[1]:as.numeric(strsplit(identifier,":")[[i]])[2])
else tmp <- c(tmp,as.numeric(identifier[i]))
identifier <- tmp
if(length(identifier==1) && identifier==(length(dirs)+1)){
cat("\nInsert the search pattern or the regular expression: ")
pattern <- get_line()
id <- grep(pattern=pattern, dirs[-1])
# lists all chosen directories and ask for the confirmation of the made choice
cat("\n\nYou have chosen the following directories:\n")
cat(paste(1:length(id), dirs[id+1], sep=": "), sep="\n")
cat("\nAre you sure these are the right directories?(y/n): ")
answer <- get_line()
} else choose_folder(folder,title)
} else if(any(dirs[identifier] == "all")){
identifier <- 2:length(dirs)
} else return(dirs[identifier])
choose_module <- function(Rfolder,title="Please choose an outputmodule") {
module <- gsub("\\.R$","",grep("\\.R$",list.files(Rfolder), value=TRUE))
cat(paste(1: length(module), module, sep=": " ),sep="\n")
cat("\nNumber: ")
identifier <- get_line()
identifier <- as.numeric(strsplit(identifier,",")[[1]])
if (any(!(identifier %in% 1:length(module)))) stop("This choice (",identifier,") is not possible. Please type in a number between 1 and ",length(module))
choose_mode <- function(title="Please choose the output mode") {
modes <- c("Output for single run ","Comparison across runs")
cat(paste(1:length(modes), modes, sep=": " ),sep="\n")
cat("\nNumber: ")
identifier <- get_line()
identifier <- as.numeric(strsplit(identifier,",")[[1]])
if (identifier==1) {
} else if (identifier==2) {
} else {
stop("This mode is invalid. Please choose a valid mode")
if(exists("source_include")) {
comp <- FALSE
} else {
if(!exists("comp")) {
comp<-choose_mode("Please choose the output mode")
if (comp==TRUE) {
# Select output modules if not defined by readArgs
if(!exists("output")) {
output <- choose_module("./scripts/output/comparison","Please choose the output module to be used for output generation")
# Select output directories if not defined by readArgs
if (!exists("outputdir")) {
if (!exists("remind_dir")) {
temp <- choose_folder("./output","Please choose the runs to be used for output generation")
outputdirs <- temp
for (i in 1:length(temp)) outputdirs[i] <- path("output",temp[i])
} else {
temp <- choose_folder(remind_dir,"Please choose the runs to be used for output generation")
outputdirs <- temp
for (i in 1:length(temp)) {
last_iteration <- max(as.numeric(sub("magpie_","",grep("magpie_",list.dirs(path(remind_dir,temp[i],"data/results")),value=T))))
outputdirs[i] <- path(remind_dir,temp[i],"data/results/",paste("magpie_",last_iteration,sep=""))
} else outputdirs <- outputdir
#Set value source_include so that loaded scripts know, that they are
#included as source (instead of a load from command line)
source_include <- TRUE
# Execute output scripts over all choosen folders
for(rout in output){
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.error <- try(sys.source(paste("scripts/output/comparison/",name,sep=""),envir=tmp.env))
if(!is.null(tmp.error)) warning("Script ",name," was stopped by an error and not executed properly!")
} else {
# Select an output directory if not defined by readArgs
if(!exists("outputdir")) {
if (!exists("remind_dir")) {
temp <- choose_folder("./output","Please choose the run(s) to be used for output generation")
outputdirs <- temp
for (i in 1:length(temp)) outputdirs[i] <- path("output",temp[i])
} else {
temp <- choose_folder(remind_dir,"Please choose the runs to be used for output generation")
outputdirs <- temp
for (i in 1:length(temp)) {
last_iteration <- max(as.numeric(sub("magpie_","",grep("magpie_",list.dirs(path(remind_dir,temp[i],"data/results")),value=T))))
outputdirs[i] <- path(remind_dir,temp[i],"data/results/",paste("magpie_",last_iteration,sep=""))
} else outputdirs <- outputdir
# define slurm class or direct execution
if(!exists("source_include")) {
# if this script is not being sourced by another script but called from the command line via Rscript let the user choose the slurm options
slurmConfig <- choose_slurmConfig()
} else {
# if this script is being sourced by another script exectue the output scripts directly without sending them to the cluster
slurmConfig <- "direct"
#Execute outputscripts for all choosen folders
for (outputdir in outputdirs) {
# Select an output module if not defined by readArgs
if(!exists("output")) {
output <- choose_module("./scripts/output/single","Please choose the output module to be used for output generation")
if(exists("cfg")) {
title <- cfg$title
gms <- cfg$gms
input <- cfg$input
revision <- cfg$revision
magpie_folder <- cfg$magpie_folder
# Get values of config if output.R is called standalone
if(!exists("source_include")) {
magpie_folder <- getwd()
if(file.exists(path(outputdir,"config.Rdata"))) {
title <- cfg$title
gms <- cfg$gms
input <- cfg$input
revision <- cfg$revision
} else {
config <- grep("\\.cfg$",list.files(outputdir), value=TRUE)
title <- strsplit(grep("(cfg\\$|)title +<-",l,value=TRUE),"\"")[[1]][2]
gms <- list()
gms$scenarios <- strsplit(grep("(cfg\\$|)gms\\$scenarios +<-",l,value=TRUE),"\"")[[1]][2]
input <- strsplit(grep("(cfg\\$|)input +<-",l,value=TRUE),"\"")[[1]][2]
revision <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(grep("(cfg\\$|)revision +<-",l,value=TRUE),"<-[ \t]*"))[2])
#Set value source_include so that loaded scripts know, that they are
#included as source (instead of a load from command line)
source_include <- TRUE
cat(paste("\nStarting output generation for",outputdir,"\n\n"))
# Execute R scripts
for(rout in output){
if (slurmConfig == "direct") {
# execute output script directly (without sending it to slurm)
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.error <- try(sys.source(paste0("scripts/output/single/",name),envir=tmp.env))
# rm(list=ls(tmp.env),envir=tmp.env)
if(!is.null(tmp.error)) warning("Script ",name," was stopped by an error and not executed properly!")
} else {
# send the output script to slurm
slurmcmd <- paste0("sbatch ",slurmConfig," --job-name=",outputdir," --output=",outputdir,".txt --mail-type=END --comment=REMIND --wrap=\"Rscript scripts/output/single/",rout,".R outputdir=",outputdir,"\"")
cat("Sending to slurm: ",name,"\n")
# finished
cat(paste("\nFinished output generation for",outputdir,"!\n\n"))
if(!is.null(warnings())) print(warnings())