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equations.gms 4.90 KiB
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*** SOF ./modules/33_CDR/weathering/equations.gms

*'  Calculation of the energy demand of enhanced weathering. The first part of the equation describes the electricity demand for grinding, 
*'  the second part the diesel demand for transportation and spreading on crop fields.
q33_otherFEdemand(t,regi,entyFe)$(sameas(entyFe,"feels") OR sameas(entyFe,"fedie"))..
	vm_otherFEdemand(t,regi,entyFe)$(sameas(entyFe,"feels") OR sameas(entyFe,"fedie"))
	sum(rlf$(rlf.val le 2), s33_rockgrind_fedem$(sameas(entyFe,"feels")) * sm_EJ_2_TWa * sum(rlf2,v33_grindrock_onfield(t,regi,rlf,rlf2)))
   + sum(rlf$(rlf.val le 2), s33_rockfield_fedem$(sameas(entyFe,"fedie")) * sm_EJ_2_TWa * sum(rlf2,v33_grindrock_onfield(t,regi,rlf,rlf2)))

*'  Calculation of the amount of ground rock spread in timestep t.
	sum(rlf2,sum(rlf$(rlf.val le 2), v33_grindrock_onfield(t,regi,rlf,rlf2)))
	sum(teNoTransform2rlf_dyn33(te,rlf2), vm_capFac(t,regi,"rockgrind") * vm_cap(t,regi,"rockgrind",rlf2))
*'  Calculation of the total amount of ground rock on the fields in timestep t. The first part of the equation describes the decay of the rocks added until that time,
*'  the rest describes the newly added rocks.
q33_grindrock_onfield_tot(ttot,regi,rlf,rlf2)$((ttot.val ge max(2010, cm_startyear))$(rlf.val le 2))..
	v33_grindrock_onfield_tot(ttot,regi,rlf,rlf2)$(rlf.val le 2)
    v33_grindrock_onfield_tot(ttot-1,regi,rlf,rlf2)$(rlf.val le 2) * exp(-p33_co2_rem_rate(rlf)$(rlf.val le 2) * pm_ts(ttot)) + 
	v33_grindrock_onfield(ttot-1,regi,rlf,rlf2)$(rlf.val le 2) * (sum(tall $ ((tall.val lt (ttot.val-pm_ts(ttot)/2)) $ (tall.val gt (ttot.val-pm_ts(ttot)))),exp(-p33_co2_rem_rate(rlf)$(rlf.val le 2) * (ttot.val-tall.val)))) + 
	v33_grindrock_onfield(ttot,regi,rlf,rlf2)$(rlf.val le 2) * (sum(tall $ ((tall.val le ttot.val) $ (tall.val gt (ttot.val-pm_ts(ttot)/2))),exp(-p33_co2_rem_rate(rlf)$(rlf.val le 2) * (ttot.val-tall.val))))

*'  Calculation of (negative) CO2 emissions from enhanced weathering. 
	sum(rlf$(rlf.val le 2),
		- sum(rlf2,v33_grindrock_onfield_tot(t,regi,rlf,rlf2)) * s33_co2_rem_pot * (1 - exp(-p33_co2_rem_rate(rlf)))

*'  Sum of all CDR emissions other than BECCS and afforestation, which are calculated in the core.

*'  O&M costs of EW, consisting of fix costs for mining, grinding and spreading, and transportation costs.
	sum(rlf$(rlf.val le 2), 
	       (s33_costs_fix + p33_transport_costs(regi,rlf,rlf2))  
	       * v33_grindrock_onfield(t,regi,rlf,rlf2)

*'  Limit total amount of ground rock on the fields to regional maximum potentials.
q33_potential(t,regi,rlf)$(rlf.val le 2)..	
	sum(rlf2,v33_grindrock_onfield_tot(t,regi,rlf,rlf2)$(rlf.val le 2))
	f33_maxProdGradeRegiWeathering(regi,rlf)$(rlf.val le 2);

*'  An annual limit for the maximum amount of rocks spred [Gt] can be set via cm_LimRock, e.g. due to sustainability concerns.
*** EOF ./modules/33_CDR/weathering/equations.gms