Alois Dirnaichner authoredAlois Dirnaichner authored
bounds.gms 1.15 KiB
*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
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*** SOF ./modules/35_transport/edge_esm/bounds.gms
* Specify amount of syn- and biofuels to be used in transport
vm_shBioFe.lo(t,regi)$(t.val > 2020) = 0.1;
vm_shBioFe.lo(t,regi)$(t.val > 2025) = 0.2;
vm_shBioFe.lo(t,regi)$(t.val > 2030) = 0.3;
vm_shSynSe.lo(t,regi)$(t.val > 2020) = 0.1;
vm_shSynSe.lo(t,regi)$(t.val > 2025) = 0.2;
vm_shSynSe.lo(t,regi)$(t.val > 2030) = 0.4;
* do not allow hydrogen to come from fossil sources in the future
loop(pe2se(entyPe, "seh2", te),
vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,entyPe,"seh2",te)$(t.val > 2020) = vm_prodSe.l("2020",regi,entyPe,"seh2",te);
* vm_cesIO.up(t,regi,ppfen_dyn35)$(t.val > 2020) = p35_demLimit(t,regi,"gdp_SSP2","Smart_lifestyles_Electricity_push",ppfen_dyn35);
*** EOF ./modules/35_transport/edge_esm/bounds.gms