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loop.gms 8.00 KiB
*** |  (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
*** |  authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
*** |  of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
*** |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
*** |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
*** |  Contact:
*** SOF ./core/loop.gms

***         solveoptions
option limcol    = 0;
option limrow    = 0;
hybrid.optfile   = 1;
hybrid.holdfixed = 1;
hybrid.scaleopt  = 1;
option savepoint = 0;
option reslim    = 1.e+6;
*AJS* limit maximum time for one nash region to two hours.
$IFI %optimization% == 'nash' option reslim = 7200;
option iterlim   = 1.e+6;
option solprint  = off ;
o_modelstat      = 100;

***                     read GDX
*** load start gdx
execute_loadpoint 'input';

***    start iteration loop 

LOOP(iteration $(ord(iteration)<(cm_iteration_max+1)),

            OPTION solprint=on
***         BOUNDS
$include    "./core/bounds.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" bounds

***         PRESOLVE
$include    "./core/presolve.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" presolve

*cb 20140305 Fixing information (.L, .FX and .M) from run to be fixed to is read in from input_ref.gdx (t < cm_startyear)
*cb 20140305 happens via submit.R script (files levs.gms, fixings.gms, margs.gms)
*cb 20140305 submit.R looks for the unique string in the following line and replaces it with the offlisting include into the full.gms at this position

*AJS* In case of fixing, fix to prices from input_ref.gdx (t < cm_startyear). 
*** Parameters are not automatically treated by the fixing mechanism above.
if( (cm_startyear gt 2005),
    Execute_Loadpoint 'input_ref' p_pvpRef = pm_pvp;
    pm_pvp(ttot,trade)$( (ttot.val ge 2005) and (ttot.val lt cm_startyear)) = p_pvpRef(ttot,trade);

***         SOLVE 
***this disables solprint in cm_nash_mode=debug case by default. It is switched on in case of infes in nash/solve.gms
*RP* for faster debugging, turn solprint immediately on
$IF %cm_nash_mode% == "debug" option solprint = on ;

o_modelstat = 100;
loop(sol_itr$(sol_itr.val <= c_solver_try_max),
    if(o_modelstat ne 2,
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" solve
);  !! end of sol_itr loop, when o_modelstat is not equal to 2

***     Track of changes between iterations
loop(entyPe$(NOT sameas(entyPe,'peur')),
  o_negitr_cumulative_peprod(iteration,entyPe) = 0.031536 
    * sum(regi, 
        sum(ttot$( (ttot.val lt 2100) AND (ttot.val gt 2005)), vm_prodPe.l(ttot,regi,entyPe) * pm_ts(ttot)  )
        + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2005), vm_prodPe.l(ttot,regi,entyPe) * pm_ts(ttot) * 0.5  )
        + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2100), vm_prodPe.l(ttot,regi,entyPe) * ( pm_ttot_val(ttot)- pm_ttot_val(ttot-1) ) * 0.5  )
o_negitr_cumulative_peprod(iteration,"peur") = 
        sum(ttot$( (ttot.val lt 2100) AND (ttot.val gt 2005)), sum(pe2rlf('peur',rlf), 0.4102 * vm_prodPe.l(ttot,regi,'peur') * pm_ts(ttot) ) )
        + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2005), 0.4102 * vm_prodPe.l(ttot,regi,'peur') * pm_ts(ttot) * 0.5 ) 
        + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2100), 0.4102 * vm_prodPe.l(ttot,regi,'peur') * ( pm_ttot_val(ttot)- pm_ttot_val(ttot-1) ) * 0.5 ) 
o_negitr_cumulative_CO2_emineg_co2luc(iteration) =
    sum(ttot$( (ttot.val lt 2100) AND (ttot.val gt 2005)), 3.6667 * vm_emiMacSector.l(ttot,regi,"co2luc") * pm_ts(ttot) )
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2005), 3.6667 * vm_emiMacSector.l(ttot,regi,"co2luc") * pm_ts(ttot) * 0.5 ) 
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2100), 3.6667 * vm_emiMacSector.l(ttot,regi,"co2luc") * ( pm_ttot_val(ttot)- pm_ttot_val(ttot-1) ) * 0.5 )

o_negitr_cumulative_CO2_emineg_cement(iteration) =
    sum(ttot$( (ttot.val lt 2100) AND (ttot.val gt 2005)), 3.6667 * vm_emiMacSector.l(ttot,regi,"co2cement_process") * pm_ts(ttot) )
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2005), 3.6667 * vm_emiMacSector.l(ttot,regi,"co2cement_process") * pm_ts(ttot) * 0.5 ) 
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2100), 3.6667 * vm_emiMacSector.l(ttot,regi,"co2cement_process") * ( pm_ttot_val(ttot)- pm_ttot_val(ttot-1) ) * 0.5 )
  * sum(regi,
      sum((ttot,emi2te(enty,enty2,te,"cco2"))$( ttot.val gt 2005 AND ttot.val lt 2100 ),
      * pm_ts(ttot)
    + sum((ttot,emi2te(enty,enty2,te,"cco2"))$( ttot.val eq 2005 ),
      * pm_ts(ttot) 
      / 2
    + sum((ttot,emi2te(enty,enty2,te,"cco2"))$( ttot.val eq 2100 ),
      * (pm_ttot_val(ttot) - pm_ttot_val(ttot-1))
      / 2
o_negitr_disc_cons_dr5_reg(iteration,regi) =
    sum(ttot$( (ttot.val lt 2100) AND (ttot.val gt 2005)), vm_cons.l(ttot,regi) * (0.95 ** (pm_ttot_val(ttot) - s_t_start)) * pm_ts(ttot) )
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2005), vm_cons.l(ttot,regi) * (0.95 ** (pm_ttot_val(ttot) - s_t_start)) * pm_ts(ttot) * 0.5 ) 
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2100), vm_cons.l(ttot,regi) * (0.95 ** (pm_ttot_val(ttot) - s_t_start)) * ( pm_ttot_val(ttot)- pm_ttot_val(ttot-1) ) * 0.5 )
o_negitr_disc_cons_drInt_reg(iteration,regi) =
    sum(ttot$( (ttot.val lt 2100) AND (ttot.val gt 2005)), vm_cons.l(ttot,regi) * qm_budget.m(ttot,regi)/ (qm_budget.m('2005',regi) + 1.e-8) * pm_ts(ttot) )
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2005), vm_cons.l(ttot,regi) * qm_budget.m(ttot,regi)/ (qm_budget.m('2005',regi) + 1.e-8) * pm_ts(ttot) * 0.5 ) 
    + sum(ttot$(ttot.val eq 2100), vm_cons.l(ttot,regi) * qm_budget.m(ttot,regi)/ (qm_budget.m('2005',regi) + 1.e-8) * ( pm_ttot_val(ttot)- pm_ttot_val(ttot-1) ) * 0.5 )

***         POSTSOLVE
$include    "./core/postsolve.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" postsolve

***                  save gdx
*** write the fulldata.gdx file after each optimal iteration
*AJS* in Nash status 7 is considered optimal in that respect (see definition of
***   o_modelstat in solve.gms)
if (o_modelstat le 2,
  execute_unload 'fulldata';
  !! retain gdxes of intermediate iterations by copying them using shell
  !! commands
  if (c_keep_iteration_gdxes eq 1,
    put_utility "shell" / "printf '%03i\n'" iteration.val:0:0
                          "| sed 's/\(.*\)/fulldata.gdx fulldata_\1.gdx/'"
                          "| xargs -n 2 cp"
  execute_unload 'non_optimal';
  if (c_keep_iteration_gdxes eq 1,
    put_utility "shell" / "printf '%03i\n'" iteration.val:0:0
                          "| sed 's/\(.*\)/non_optimal.gdx non_optimal_\1.gdx/'"
                          "| xargs -n 2 cp"

);  !! close iteration loop

*** EOF ./core/loop.gms