David Klein authoredDavid Klein authored
- Using git and GitHub to manage your REMIND code
- 1 Introduction
- Learning objectives
- 2 GitHub workflow
- 2.1 Fork (on the GitHub server)
- 2.2 Clone (download your personal repository)
- 2.3 Push (to your personal repository)
- 2.4 Pull (updates from the main repository)
- 2.5 Pull request
- 2.6 All steps in one figure
- 3 Incorporate your code changes by using branches
Using git and GitHub to manage your REMIND code
David Klein (dklein@pik-potsdam.de), Kristine Karstens (karstens@pik-potsdam.de) 15 February, 2020
1 Introduction
REMIND and related R packages are published as open source software on GitHub. There are various workflows, how to use GitHub for collaborative software development. We want to give some general remarks on our prefered one. Note the following:
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency (from: https://git-scm.com/ - very good help, documentation, tutorial page for git).
GitHub is an US American company (owned by Microsoft) that provides hosting for software development version control using Git. (GitLab, SourceForge and various more are open-source alternatives to GitHub.)
Learning objectives
The goal of this exercise is to set up REMIND for collaborative working. After completion of this exercise, you'll be able to:
- Fork and clone your personal REMIND repository
- Keep your personal repository upto date with the REMIND main repository
- Understand the basic workflow including pull requests and branches.
- Have heard some very basic git commands and know where to find more help.
2 GitHub workflow
2.1 Fork (on the GitHub server)

Every code development (even bugfixes) will be merged into our main repository under https://github.com/remindmodel/remind with the help of so called pull requests. Pull requests give us control over the changes entering our branches. To create a pull request, we use personal or institutional forks. They have to be kept up-to-date with our upstream repository (the original remindmodel fork).
Exercise: Visit us on https://github.com/remindmodel/remind and create your own fork by clicking at 'fork' (at the upper right).
2.2 Clone (download your personal repository)
It is basically possible to change the code just using the GitHub
interface, but since you want to test and run your code locally you have
to clone the repository from your fork anyway. This can be done using
the 'https' or 'ssh' adresse of your fork together with the git clone
command (cmd/bash/GUI) at your machine. We recommand to upload an
ssh-key and use ssh to connect to GitHub.
Exercise: Visit your fork and clone the repository at your machine.
2.3 Push (to your personal repository)

When you start making your first changes to the code at your local copy, we strongly recommend to do a tutorial to get familiar with the basic commands in git. We have compiled a typical workflow at the end of this tutorial (section 3) (you can also have a look on 'git cheat sheets' like https://about.gitlab.com/images/press/git-cheat-sheet.pdf).
After you have added your changes locally, push (upload) them to your personal remote repository.
2.4 Pull (updates from the main repository)
To keep your fork up-to-date with the upstream repository you can use
the GitHub interface. Via Compare
you are able to check, if the
upstream is some commits ahead. If so merge these new changes into
your fork.

You can also do this merging procedure in your local copy by adding both your fork and the upstream repository as so called 'remotes' to your local repository.
Exercise: Check, if there is anything to merge from the upstream repository into your fork. If so, merge it into the local clone of your personal fork.
2.5 Pull request
After you have commited your changes locally, merged the latest updates from the remote main repository and pushed the result to your remote personal repository it is time to get it integrated into the remote main repository. Insted of pushing them directly into the remote main repository we use so called pull requests. Pull requests are proposed changes to a repository submitted by you and accepted or rejected by a repository's collaborators. Like issues, pull requests each have their own discussion forum.

2.6 All steps in one figure

3 Incorporate your code changes by using branches