David Klein authored
Change the reference scenario (for calculating the BECCS bound, see previous commit) from input_ref.gdx to the values of the own previous nash iteration.
David Klein authoredChange the reference scenario (for calculating the BECCS bound, see previous commit) from input_ref.gdx to the values of the own previous nash iteration.
declarations.gms 5.00 KiB
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*** SOF ./modules/30_biomass/magpie_4/declarations.gms
s30_D2TD "Multiplicative factor to convert from Dollar to TeraDollar" /1.0e-12/
s30_max_pebiolc "Absolute end value of bound on global pebiolc production [TWa]"
s30_switch_shiftcalc "Switch to activate equation for shift calculation before main solve and to deactivate it during main solve" /0/
p30_datapebio(all_regi,all_enty,rlf,charPeRe,ttot) "Global bioenergy potential for lignocellulosic residues and 1st generation crops [TWa]"
p30_max_pebiolc_path(all_regi,tall) "Time path of regional maximal pebiolc production [TWa]"
p30_max_pebiolc_path_glob(tall) "Time path of global maximal pebiolc production [TWa]"
p30_max200_path(tall) "Time path of global maximal pebiolc production containing values for 200 EJ case [TWa]"
p30_maxprod_residue(ttot,all_regi) "Maximal potential of residues enhanced by demand of biotr [TWa]"
p30_pebiolc_pricemag(tall,all_regi) "Prices for lignocellulosic purpose grown bioenergy from MAgPIE [T$US/TWa]"
p30_pebiolc_demandmag(tall,all_regi) "Production of lignocellulosic purpose grown bioenergy from MAgPIE [TWa]"
p30_demPe(ttot,all_regi) "Primary energy demand imported from gdx or previous iteration [TWa]"
***p30_pedemBio_BAU(ttot,all_regi) "Primary bioenergy demand imported from reference gdx [TWa]"
*** Shift factor calculation
p30_pebiolc_costs_emu_preloop(ttot,all_regi) "Bioenergy costs calculated with emulator using MAgPIE demand. For shift factor calculation [T$US]"
p30_pebiolc_price_emu_preloop(ttot,all_regi) "Bioenergy price calculated with emulator using MAgPIE demand. For shift factor calculation [T$US/TWa]"
p30_pebiolc_price_emu_preloop_shifted(ttot,all_regi) "Bioenergy price calculated with emulator using MAgPIE demand after shift factor calculation [T$US/TWa]"
p30_pebiolc_pricshift(ttot,all_regi) "Regional translation factor that shifts emulator prices to better fit actual MAgPIE prices [-]"
p30_pebiolc_pricmult(ttot,all_regi) "Regional multiplication factor that sclaes emulator prices to better fit actual MAgPIE prices [-]"
*** Parameters for regression of MAgPIE prices and costs ("MAgPIE emulator")
*** Parameters used in the equation are chosen from above according to year and climate target
i30_bioen_price_a(ttot,all_regi) "Time dependent intercept in bioenergy price formula [T$US/TWa]"
i30_bioen_price_b(ttot,all_regi) "Time dependent slope in bioenergy price formula [T$US/TWa/TWa]"
*** Parameters used for the determination of regional biomass bounds consistent with global bound based on same marginal supply costs
p30_pebiolc_price_dummy "Dummy for the bio-energy price to match the bioenergy bound s30_max_pebiolc"
p30_max_pebiolc_dummy "Dummy for bio energy supply at p30_pebiolc_price_dummy"
p30_fuelex_dummy(all_regi) "Dummy for bio-energy supply per region"
v30_pebiolc_costs(ttot,all_regi) "Bioenergy costs according to MAgPIE supply curves [T$US]"
v30_shift_r2 "Least square to minimize during shift calculation"
Positive variable
v30_priceshift(ttot,all_regi) "Regional translation factor that shifts emulator prices to better fit actual MAgPIE prices [-]"
v30_pricemult(ttot,all_regi) "Regional multiplication factor that sclaes emulator prices to better fit actual MAgPIE prices [-]"
v30_multcost(ttot,all_regi) "Cost markup factor for deviations from demand of last coupling iteration [-]"
***v30_pedem_BAU(tall,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "Primary energy demand imported from refernce gdx [TWa]"
***v30_seprod_BAU(tall,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "Secondary energy production imported from reference gdx [TWa]"
q30_costFuBio(ttot,all_regi) "Total costs of bioenergy production"
q30_pebiolc_price(ttot,all_regi) "MAgPIE emulator: calculates the price of pebiolc according to MAgPIE supply curves"
q30_pebiolc_costs(ttot,all_regi) "MAgPIE emulator: calculates the costs of pebiolc according to MAgPIE supply curves"
q30_priceshift "Calculates shift factor by minimizing least squares of price differences between MAgPIE output and MAgPIE emulator"
q30_limitXpBio(ttot,all_regi) "Only purpose grown bioenergy may be exported, no residues"
q30_costAdj(ttot,all_regi) "Improve convergence penalizing deviations from last coupling iteration"
q30_limitTeBio(ttot,all_regi) "Limit BECCS in policy runs relative to reference scenario"
*** EOF ./modules/30_biomass/magpie_4/declarations.gms