Marian Leimbach authoredMarian Leimbach authored
main.gms 29.80 KiB
*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
*** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
*** | of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
*** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
*** | REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
*** | Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de
*** SOF ./main.gms
*' @title REMIND - REgional Model of INvestments and Development
*' @description REMIND is a global multi-regional model incorporating the economy, the climate system
*' and a detailed representation of the energy sector. It solves for an intertemporal Pareto optimum
*' in economic and energy investments in the model regions, fully accounting for interregional trade in
*' goods, energy carriers and emissions allowances. REMIND enables analyses of technology options and
*' policy proposals for climate change mitigation.
*' The macro-economic core of REMIND is a Ramsey-type optimal growth model in which intertemporal global
*' welfare is optimized subject to equilibrium constraints ([02_welfare]). Intertemporal optimization
*' ([80_optimization]) with perfect foresight is subject to market clearing. The model explicitly represents
*' trade in final goods, primary energy carriers, and when certain climate policies are enabled, emissions
*' allowances ([24_trade]). The macro-economic production factors are capital, labor, and final energy.
*' A nested production function with constant elasticity of substitution determines the final energy demand
*' ([01_macro], [29_CES_parameters]). REMIND uses economic output for investments in the macro-economic
*' capital stock as well as for consumption, trade, and energy system expenditures.
*' The macro-economic core and the energy system part are hard-linked via the final energy demand and the
*' costs incurred by the energy system. Economic activity results in demand for final energy in different
*' sectors (transport ([35_transport]), industry ([37_industry]), buildings ([36_buildings])...) and of
*' different type (electric ([32_power]) and non-electric). The primary energy carriers in REMIND include
*' both exhaustible and renewable resources. Exhaustible resources comprise uranium as well as three fossil
*' resources ([31_fossil]), namely coal, oil, and gas. Renewable resources include hydro, wind, solar,
*' geothermal, and biomass ([30_biomass]). More than 50 technologies are available for the conversion of
*' primary energy into secondary energy carriers as well as for the distribution of secondary energy carriers
*' into final energy.
*' The model accounts for the full range of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, most of which are
*' represented by source. REMIND simulates emissions from long-lived GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O), short-lived GHGs
*' (CO, NOx, VOC) and aerosols (SO2, BC, OC). It accounts for these emissions with different levels of detail
*' depending on the types and sources of emissions. It calculates CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, CH4
*' emissions from fossil fuel extraction and residential energy use, and N2O emissions from energy supply
*' based on sources.
*' The code is structured in a modular way, with code belonging either to the model's core, or to one of the
*' modules. The folder structure is as follows: at the top level are the folders config, core, modules and
*' scripts. The config folder contains the REMIND settings and configuration information. The core folder
*' contains all the files that are part of the core. The modules folder holds all the files that belong to
*' the modules, with numbered sub-folders for every module. The scripts folder contains helpful scripts for
*' starting a model run and analysing results.
*' REMIND is run by executing the main.gms file, which loads the configuration information and builds the model,
*' by concatenating all necessary files from the core and modules folders into a single file called full.gms.
*' The concatenation process starts with files from the core and continues with files from activated modules,
*' in increasing order of module-number. It observes the following structure:
*' { width=100% }
*' The GAMS code follows a naming etiquette based on the following prefixes:
*' * "q_" to designate equations,
*' * "v_" to designate variables,
*' * "s_" to designate scalars,
*' * "f_" to designate file parameters (parameters that contain unaltered data read in from input files),
*' * "o_" to designate output parameters (parameters that do not affect the optimization, but are affected by it),
*' * "c_" to designate switches (parameters that enable different configuration choices),
*' * "s_FIRSTUNIT_2_SECONDUNIT" to designate a scalar used to convert from the FIRSTUNIT to the SECONDUNIT
*' through multiplication, e.g. s_GWh_2_EJ.
*' These prefixes are extended in some cases by a second letter:
*' * "?m_" to designate objects used in the core and in at least one module.
*' * "?00_" to designate objects used in a single module, exclusively, with the 2-digit number corresponding
*' to the module number.
*' Sets are treated differently: instead of a prefix, sets exclusively used within a module get that module's
*' number added as a suffix. If the set is used in more than one module no suffix is given.
*' The units (e.g., TWa, EJ, GtC, GtCO2, ...) of variables and parameters are documented in the declaration files.
*##################### R SECTION START (VERSION INFO) ##########################
* Regionscode: 690d3718e151be1b450b394c1064b1c5
* Input data revision: 5.944
* Last modification (input data): Wed Jun 17 14:10:58 2020
*###################### R SECTION END (VERSION INFO) ###########################
*** main.gms: main file. welcome to remind!
*** preliminaries:
*** allow empty data sets:
*** create dummy identifier to fill empty sets:
$phantom null
*** include unique element list:
*** include $-statements in listing
*** include end-of-line comments
*** remove the warnings for very small exponents (x**-60) when post-processing
*** turn profiling off (0) or on (1-3, different levels of detail)
option profile = 0;
*** basic scenario choices
***--------------------- Run name -----------------------------------------
$setGlobal c_expname default
***--------------------- 01_macro -----------------------------------------
$setGlobal macro singleSectorGr !! def = singleSectorGr
***--------------------- 02_welfare ---------------------------------------
$setGlobal welfare utilitarian !! def = utilitarian
***--------------------- 04_PE_FE_parameters ------------------------------
$setGlobal PE_FE_parameters iea2014 !! def = iea2014
***--------------------- 05_initialCap ------------------------------------
$setGlobal initialCap on !! def = on
***--------------------- 11_aerosols --------------------------------------
$setGlobal aerosols exoGAINS !! def = exoGAINS
***--------------------- 15_climate ---------------------------------------
$setGlobal climate off !! def = off
***--------------------- 16_downscaleTemperature --------------------------
$setGlobal downscaleTemperature off !! def = off
***--------------------- 20_growth ----------------------------------------
$setGlobal growth exogenous !! def = exogenous
***--------------------- 21_tax -------------------------------------------
$setGlobal tax on !! def = on
***--------------------- 22_subsidizeLearning -----------------------------
$setGlobal subsidizeLearning off !! def = off
***--------------------- 23_capitalMarket -----------------------------
$setGlobal capitalMarket debt_limit !! def = debt_limit
***--------------------- 24_trade -----------------------------------------
$setGlobal trade standard !! def = standard
***--------------------- 26_agCosts ------------------------------------------
$setGlobal agCosts costs !! def = costs
***--------------------- 29_CES_parameters --------------------------------
$setglobal CES_parameters load !! def = load
***--------------------- 30_biomass ---------------------------------------
$setGlobal biomass magpie_40 !! def = magpie_40
***--------------------- 31_fossil ----------------------------------------
$setGlobal fossil grades2poly !! def = grades2poly
***--------------------- 32_power ----------------------------------------
$setGlobal power IntC !! def = IntC
***--------------------- 33_cdr ----------------------------------------
$setGlobal CDR DAC !! def = DAC
***--------------------- 35_transport -------------------------------------
$setGlobal transport complex !! def = complex
***--------------------- 36_buildings -------------------------------------
$setglobal buildings simple !! def = simple
***--------------------- 37_industry --------------------------------------
$setglobal industry fixed_shares !! def = simple
***--------------------- 38_stationary --------------------------------------
$setglobal stationary off !! def = simple
***--------------------- 39_CCU --------------------------------------
$setglobal CCU off !! def = off
***--------------------- 40_techpol -----------------------------------------
$setglobal techpol none !! def = none
***--------------------- 41_emicapregi --------------------------------------
$setglobal emicapregi none !! def = none
***--------------------- 42_banking -----------------------------------------
$setglobal banking off !! def = off
***--------------------- 45_carbonprice -------------------------------------
$setglobal carbonprice none !! def = none
***--------------------- 47_regipol -------------------------------------
$setglobal regipol none !! def = none
***--------------------- 50_damages ---------------------------------------
$setGlobal damages off !! def = off
***--------------------- 51_internalizeDamages ---------------------------------------
$setGlobal internalizeDamages off !! def = off
***--------------------- 70_water -------------------------------------------
$setglobal water off !! def = off
***--------------------- 80_optimization ----------------------------------
$setGlobal optimization nash !! def = nash
***--------------------- 81_codePerformance -------------------------------
$setGlobal codePerformance off !! def = off
***--------------- declaration of parameters for switches ----------------------
cm_iteration_max "number of Negishi iterations"
c_solver_try_max "maximum number of inner iterations within one Negishi iteration (<10)"
c_keep_iteration_gdxes "save intermediate iteration gdxes"
cm_nash_autoconverge "choice of nash convergence mode"
cm_emiscen "policy scenario choice"
cm_co2_tax_2020 "level of co2 tax in year 2020 in $ per t CO2eq, makes sense only for emiscen eq 9 and 45_carbonprice exponential"
cm_co2_tax_growth "growth rate of carbon tax"
c_macscen "use of mac"
cm_nucscen "nuclear option choice"
cm_ccapturescen "carbon capture option choice"
c_bioliqscen "bioenergy liquids technology choise"
c_bioh2scen "bioenergy hydrogen technology choice"
c_shGreenH2 "lower bound on share of green hydrogen in all hydrogen by 2030"
c_shBioTrans "upper bound on share of bioliquids in transport from 2025 onwards"
cm_shSynTrans "lower bound on share of synthetic fuels in all transport fuels by 2035"
cm_IndCCSscen "CCS for Industry"
cm_optimisticMAC "assume optimistic Industry MAC from AR5 Ch. 10?"
cm_CCS_cement "CCS for cement sub-sector"
cm_CCS_chemicals "CCS for chemicals sub-sector"
cm_CCS_steel "CCS for steel sub-sector"
c_solscen "solar option choice"
cm_bioenergy_tax "level of bioenergy tax in fraction of bioenergy price"
cm_bioenergymaxscen "choose bound on global pebiolc production excluding residues"
cm_tradecost_bio "choose financal tradecosts for biomass (purpose grown pebiolc)"
cm_1stgen_phaseout "choose if 1st generation biofuels should phase out after 2030 (vm_deltaCap=0)"
cm_cprice_red_factor "reduction factor for price on co2luc when calculating the revenues. Replicates the reduction applied in MAgPIE"
cm_startyear "first optimized modelling time step [year]"
c_start_budget "start of GHG budget limit"
cm_prtpScen "pure rate of time preference standard values"
cm_fetaxscen "choice of final energy tax path, subsidy path and inconvenience cost path, values other than 0 make setting module 21_tax on"
cm_multigasscen "scenario on GHG portfolio to be included in permit trading scheme"
cm_permittradescen "scenario on permit trade"
cm_limit_peur_scen "limit total uranium production"
cm_rentdiscoil "[grades2poly] discount factor for the oil rent"
cm_rentdiscoil2 "[grades2poly] discount factor for the oil rent achieved in 2100"
cm_rentconvoil "[grades2poly] number of years required to converge to the 2100 oil rent"
cm_rentdiscgas "[grades2poly] discount factor for the gas rent"
cm_rentdiscgas2 "[grades2poly] discount factor for the gas rent achieved in 2100"
cm_rentconvgas "[grades2poly] number of years required to converge to the 2100 gas rent"
cm_rentdisccoal "[grades2poly] discount factor for the coal rent"
cm_rentdisccoal2 "[grades2poly] discount factor for the coal rent achieved in 2100"
cm_rentconvcoal "[grades2poly] number of years required to converge to the 2100 coal rent"
cm_earlyreti_rate "maximum portion of capital stock that can be retired in one year"
c_cint_scen "additional GHG emissions from mining fossil fuels"
cm_so2tax_scen "level of SO2 tax"
cm_damage "cm_damage factor for forcing overshoot"
cm_solwindenergyscen "scenario for fluctuating renewables, 1 is reference, 2 is pessimistic with limits to fluctuating SE el share"
c_techAssumptScen "scenario for assumptions of energy technologies based on SSP scenarios, 1: SSP2 (default), 2: SSP1, 3: SSP5"
c_ccsinjecratescen "CCS injection rate factor, 0.5% by default yielding a 60 Mt per year IR"
c_ccscapratescen "CCS capture rate"
c_export_tax_scen "choose which oil export tax is used in the model. 0 = none, 1 = fix"
cm_iterative_target_adj "whether or not a tax or a budget target should be iteratively adjusted depending on actual emission or forcing level"
cm_gdximport_target "whether or not the starting value for iteratively adjusted budgets, tax scenarios, or forcing targets (emiscen 5,6,8,9) should be read in from the input.gdx"
cm_gs_ew "grain size (for enhanced weathering, CDR module) [micrometre]"
cm_LimRock "limit amount of rock spread each year [Gt]"
c_tau_so2_xmpt "switch for temporarily (mainly in the past) exempting chinese SO2 emissions from the SO2 tax"
cm_expoLinear_yearStart "time at which carbon price increases lineraly instead of exponentially"
c_budgetCO2FFI "carbon budget for CO2 emissions from FFI (in GtCO2)"
c_abtrdy "first year in which advanced bio-energy technology are ready (unit is year; e.g. 2050)"
c_abtcst "scaling of the cost of advanced bio-energy technologies (no unit, 50% increase means 1.5)"
c_budgetCO2 "carbon budget for all CO2 emissions (in GtCO2)"
cm_trdcst "parameter to scale trade export cost for gas"
cm_trdadj "parameter scale the adjustment cost parameter for increasing gas trade export"
c_refcapbnd "switch for fixing refinery capacities to the SSP2 levels in 2010 (if equal zero then no fixing)"
cm_damages_BurkeLike_specification "empirical specification for Burke-like damage functions"
cm_damages_BurkeLike_persistenceTime " persistence time in years for Burke-like damage functions"
cm_damages_SccHorizon "Horizon for SCC calculation. Damages cm_damagesSccHorizon years into the future are internalized."
cm_carbonprice_temperatureLimit "not-to-exceed temperature target in degree above pre-industrial"
cm_frac_CCS "tax on CCS to reflect risk of leakage, formulated as fraction of ccs O&M costs"
cm_frac_NetNegEmi "tax on CDR to reflect risk of overshooting, formulated as fraction of carbon price"
cm_DiscRateScen "Scenario for the implicit discount rate applied to the energy efficiency capital"
cm_noReboundEffect "Switch for allowing a rebound effect when closing the efficiency gap (cm_DiscRateScen)"
cm_peakBudgYr "date of net-zero CO2 emissions for peak budget runs without overshoot"
cm_taxCO2inc_after_peakBudgYr "annual increase of CO2 price after the Peak Budget Year in $ per tCO2"
cm_CO2priceRegConvEndYr "Year at which regional CO2 prices converge in module 45 realization diffPhaseIn2LinFlex"
c_regi_nucscen "regions to apply nucscen to"
c_regi_capturescen "region to apply ccapturescen to"
cm_GDPcovid "GDP correction for covid"
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cm_iteration_max = 1; !! def = 1
c_solver_try_max = 2; !! def = 2
c_keep_iteration_gdxes = 0; !! def = 0
cm_nash_autoconverge = 1; !! def = 1
$setglobal cm_MAgPIE_coupling off !! def = "off"
cm_emiscen = 1; !! def = 1
$setglobal cm_rcp_scen none !! def = "none"
cm_co2_tax_2020 = -1; !! def = -1
cm_co2_tax_growth = 1.05; !! def = 1.05
c_macscen = 1; !! def = 1
cm_nucscen = 2; !! def = 2
cm_ccapturescen = 1; !! def = 1
c_bioliqscen = 1; !! def = 1
c_bioh2scen = 1; !! def = 1
c_shGreenH2 = 0; !! def = 0
c_shBioTrans = 1; !! def = 1
cm_shSynTrans = 0; !! def = 0
c_solscen = 1; !! def = 1
cm_IndCCSscen = 1; !! def = 1
cm_optimisticMAC = 0; !! def = 0
cm_CCS_cement = 1; !! def = 1
cm_CCS_chemicals = 1; !! def = 1
cm_CCS_steel = 1; !! def = 1
cm_bioenergy_tax = 1.5; !! def = 1.5
cm_bioenergymaxscen = 0; !! def = 0
cm_tradecost_bio = 2; !! def = 2
$setglobal cm_LU_emi_scen SSP2 !! def = SSP2
cm_1stgen_phaseout = 0; !! def = 0
cm_cprice_red_factor = 1; !! def = 1
$setglobal cm_POPscen pop_SSP2 !! def = pop_SSP2
$setglobal cm_GDPscen gdp_SSP2 !! def = gdp_SSP2
$setglobal c_GDPpcScen SSP2 !! def = gdp_SSP2 (automatically adjusted by start_run() based on GDPscen)
cm_GDPcovid = 0; !! def = 0
*AG* and *CB* for cm_startyear greater than 2005, you have to copy the fulldata.gdx (rename it to: input_ref.gdx) from the run you want to build your new run onto.
cm_startyear = 2005; !! def = 2005 for a BAU, 2015 for policy runs
c_start_budget = 2100; !! def = 2100
cm_prtpScen = 3; !! def = 3
cm_fetaxscen = 3; !! def = 3
cm_multigasscen = 2; !! def = 2
cm_permittradescen = 1; !! def = 1
cm_limit_peur_scen = 1; !! def = 1
$setGlobal cm_oil_scen medOil !! def = medOil
$setGlobal cm_gas_scen medGas !! def = medGas
$setGlobal cm_coal_scen medCoal !! def = medCoal
cm_rentdiscoil = 0.2; !! def 0.2
cm_rentdiscoil2 = 0.9; !! def 0.9
cm_rentconvoil = 50; !! def 50
cm_rentdiscgas = 0.6; !! def 0.6
cm_rentdiscgas2 = 0.8; !! def 0.8
cm_rentconvgas = 50; !! def 50
cm_rentdisccoal = 0.4; !! def 0.4
cm_rentdisccoal2 = 0.6; !! def 0.6
cm_rentconvcoal = 50; !! def 50
cm_earlyreti_rate = 0.09; !! def 0.09
cm_so2tax_scen = 1; !! def =
c_cint_scen = 1; !! def = 1
cm_damage = 0.005; !! def = 0.005
cm_solwindenergyscen = 1; !! def = 1
c_techAssumptScen = 1; !! def = 1
c_ccsinjecratescen = 1; !! def = 1
c_ccscapratescen = 1; !! def = 1
c_export_tax_scen = 0; !! def = 0
cm_iterative_target_adj = 0; !! def = 0
cm_gdximport_target = 0; !! def = 0
$setglobal c_SSP_forcing_adjust forcing_SSP2 !! def = forcing_SSP2
$setglobal c_delayPolicy SPA0 !! def = SPA0
cm_gs_ew = 20; !! def = 20
cm_LimRock = 1000; !! def = 1000
c_tau_so2_xmpt = 0; !! def = 0
cm_expoLinear_yearStart = 2050; !! def = 2050
c_budgetCO2FFI = 1000; !! def = 1000
c_abtrdy = 2010; !! def = 2010
c_abtcst = 1; !! def = 1
c_budgetCO2 = 1350; !! def = 1300
$setGlobal cm_regiCO2target off !! def = off
cm_peakBudgYr = 2050; !! def = 2050
cm_taxCO2inc_after_peakBudgYr = 2; !! def = 2
cm_CO2priceRegConvEndYr = 2050; !! def = 2050
cm_trdadj = 2; !! def = 2.0
cm_trdcst = 1.5; !! def = 1.5
c_refcapbnd = 0; !! def = 0
cm_frac_CCS = 10; !! def = 10
cm_frac_NetNegEmi = 0.5; !! def = 0.5
cm_damages_BurkeLike_specification = 0; !! def = 0
cm_damages_BurkeLike_persistenceTime = 30; !! def = 30
cm_damages_SccHorizon = 100; !! def = 100
cm_carbonprice_temperatureLimit = 1.8; !! def = 1.8
cm_DiscRateScen = 0;!! def = 0
cm_noReboundEffect = 0;
$setGlobal cm_EsubGrowth low !! def = low
$setGlobal c_scaleEmiHistorical on !! def = on
$setGlobal cm_EDGEtr_scen ConvCase !! def = ConvCase
$setGlobal c_regi_nucscen all !! def = all
$setGlobal c_regi_capturescen all !! def = all
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$SETGLOBAL cm_SlowConvergence off !! def = off
$setGlobal cm_nash_mode parallel !! def = parallel
$setGlobal c_EARLYRETIRE on !! def = on
$setGlobal cm_OILRETIRE off !! def = off
$setglobal cm_INCONV_PENALTY on !! def = on
$setGlobal cm_so2_out_of_opt on !! def = on
$setGlobal c_skip_output off !! def = off
$setGlobal cm_MOFEX off !! def = off
$setGlobal cm_conoptv conopt3 !! def = conopt3
$setGlobal cm_ccsfosall off !! def = off
$setGlobal cm_APscen SSP2 !! def = SSP2
$setGlobal cm_magicc_calibrateTemperature2000 uncalibrated !! def=uncalibrated
$setGlobal cm_magicc_config OLDDEFAULT !! def = OLDDEFAULT
$setGlobal cm_magicc_temperatureImpulseResponse off !! def = off
$setGlobal cm_damage_DiceLike_specification HowardNonCatastrophic !! def = HowardNonCatastrophic
$setglobal cm_CES_configuration stat_off-indu_fixed_shares-buil_simple-tran_complex-POP_pop_SSP2-GDP_gdp_SSP2-Kap_debt_limit-Reg_690d3718e1 !! this will be changed by start_run()
$setglobal c_CES_calibration_new_structure 0 !! def = 0
$setglobal c_CES_calibration_iterations 10 !! def = 10
$setglobal c_CES_calibration_iteration 1 !! def = 1
$setglobal c_CES_calibration_write_prices 0 !! def = 0
$setglobal cm_CES_calibration_default_prices 0 !! def = 0
$setglobal c_testOneRegi_region EUR !! def = EUR
$setglobal cm_cooling_shares static !! def = static
$setglobal cm_techcosts REG !! def = REG
$setglobal cm_regNetNegCO2 on !! def = on
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*--------------------more flags-------------------------------------------------------
*AG* the remaining flags outside the warning zone are usually not changed
*LB* default: 5 years time steps from 2005 to 2150
*LB* test_TS: 2005,2010, 2020,2030,2040,2050,2070,2090,2110,2130,2150
*LB* cm_less_TS: 2005,2010,2015,2020,2025,2030,2035,2040,2045,2050,2055,2060,2070,2080,2090,2100,2110,2130,2150
*LB* END2110: 2005:5:2105,2120
$setGlobal cm_less_TS on !! def = on
***$setGlobal test_TS !! def = off
*GL* Flag for short time horizon
***$setGlobal END2110 !! def = off
$setGlobal cm_Full_Integration off !! def = off
*** automated checks and settings
*ag* set conopt version
option nlp = %cm_conoptv%;
option cns = %cm_conoptv%;
*** SETS
$include "./core/sets.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" sets
$include "./core/sets_calculations.gms";
*** DECLARATION of equations, variables, parameters and scalars
$include "./core/declarations.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" declarations
$include "./core/datainput.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" datainput
$include "./core/equations.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" equations
*** PRELOOP Calculations before the Negishi-loop starts
*** (e.g. initial calibration of macroeconomic module)
$include "./core/preloop.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" preloop
*** LOOP solve statement, including BOUNDS
$include "./core/loop.gms";
$ifthen.c_skip_output %c_skip_output% == "off"
$include "./core/output.gms";
$batinclude "./modules/include.gms" output
$include "./core/magicc.gms"; !!connection to MAGICC, needed for post-processing
*** EOF ./main.gms