*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
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*** SOF ./modules/40_techpol/NDC2018/bounds.gms
*AM the lowbound of solar and pv for 2025 and 2030 to be taken from the NDCs (in GW), therefore multiplying by 0.001 for TW*
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"spv","1")$(t.val lt 2031 AND t.val gt 2024) = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"spv")*0.001;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"wind","1")$(t.val lt 2031 AND t.val gt 2024) = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"wind")*0.001;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"tnrs","1")$(t.val lt 2031) = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"tnrs")*0.001;
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"hydro","1")$(t.val lt 2031 AND t.val gt 2024) = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"hydro")*0.001;
* FS: in case of a nuclear phase-out scenario (nucscen 7), nuclear lower bound from p40_techBound only up to 2025
if(cm_nucscen eq 7,
vm_cap.lo(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs","1")$(t.val gt 2025) = 0;
$ifthen.complex_transport "%transport%" == "complex"
Marianna Rottoli
vm_cap.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT","1")$(t.val lt 2041 AND t.val gt 2024) = p40_TechBound(t,regi,"apCarElT");
*** additional target for electro mobility, overwriting the general bounds in 35_transport/complex/bounds.gms
*** requiring higher EV and FC vehicle shares, to mirror efficiency mandates and EV legislation in many countries
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT") = 10;
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarH2T") = 3;
if( ( pm_gdp(t,regi)/pm_pop(t,regi) ) > 15,
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT") = 15;
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarH2T") = 5;
if( ( pm_gdp(t,regi)/pm_pop(t,regi) ) > 30,
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT") = 20;
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarH2T") = 7;
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT") = 20;
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarH2T") = 5;
if( ( pm_gdp(t,regi)/pm_pop(t,regi) ) > 15,
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT") = 20;
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarH2T") = 8;
if( ( pm_gdp(t,regi)/pm_pop(t,regi) ) > 30,
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarElT") = 25;
vm_shUePeT.lo(t,regi,"apCarH2T") = 10;
Marianna Rottoli
display vm_cap.lo;