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# |  (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
# |  authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
# |  of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
# |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
# |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
# |  Contact:
#################################  U S E R   S E T T I N G S ###########################################

# Please provide all files and paths relative to the folder where start_coupled is executed
path_remind <- paste0(getwd(),"/")   # provide path to REMIND. Default: the actual path which the script is started from
path_magpie <- "/p/projects/piam/runs/coupled-magpie/"

# If there are existing runs you would like to take the gdxes (REMIND) or reportings (REMIND or MAgPIE) from provide the path here and the name prefix below. 
# Note: the sceanrio names of the old runs have to be identical to the runs that are to be started. If they differ please provide the names of the old scenarios in the 
# file that you read in below to path_settings_coupled (scenario_config_coupled_xxx.csv).
path_remind_oldruns <- paste0(path_remind,"output/")
path_magpie_oldruns <- paste0(path_magpie,"output/")
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# The scripts automatically adds a prefix (name of your remind path) to the scenario names. This is useful because it enables 
# using the same MAgPIE and REMIND output folders to store results of coupled runs from multiple REMIND revisions (prevents double names)
# If you want the script to find gdxs or reports of older runs as starting point for new runs please 
# provide the prefix of the old run names so the script can find them.
prefix_oldruns <-  "C_"
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# Paths to the files where scenarios are defined
# path_settings_remind contains the detailed configuration of the REMIND scenarios
# path_settings_coupled defines which runs will be started, coupling infos, and optinal gdx and report inforamtion that overrides path_settings_remind
path_settings_coupled <- paste0(path_remind,"config/scenario_config_coupled_SSPSDP.csv")
path_settings_remind  <- paste0(path_remind,"config/scenario_config_SSPSDP.csv")

# number of coupling iterations
max_iterations <- 5

# Number of coupling iterations (before final iteration) in which MAgPIE uses higher n600 resolution.
# Until "max_iteration - n600_iterations" iteration MAgPIE runs with n200 resolution.
# Afterwards REMIND runs for "n600_iterations" iterations with results from higher resolution.
n600_iterations <- 0 # max_iterations


require(gtools) # required for mixedsort()

############## F U N C T I O N S ###################
.setgdxcopy <- function(needle,stack,new){
  # delete entries in stack that contain needle and append new
  matches <- grepl(needle,stack)
  out <- c(stack[!matches],new)

##############  READ FROM COMMAND LINE #############

##############  READ SCENARIO FILES ################
# Read-in the switches table, use first column as row names

scenarios_coupled <- read.csv2(path_settings_coupled, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names=1, na.strings="")

# Read in

settings_remind <- read.csv2(path_settings_remind, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names=1, na.strings="")

# Choose which scenarios to start: select rows according to "subset" and columns according to "select" (not used in the moment)
scenarios_coupled  <- subset(scenarios_coupled, subset=(start == "1"))
if (length(grep("\\.",rownames(scenarios_coupled))) > 0) stop("One or more titles contain dots - GAMS would not tolerate this, and quit working at a point where you least expect it. Stopping now. ")

missing <- setdiff(rownames(scenarios_coupled),rownames(settings_remind))
if (!identical(missing, character(0))) {
  cat(paste0("The following scenarios are given in '",path_settings_coupled,"' but could not be found in '",path_settings_remind,"'\n"))

common <- intersect(rownames(settings_remind),rownames(scenarios_coupled))
if (!identical(common,character(0))) {
  cat("The following ",length(common)," scenarios will be started:\n")

######## PREPARE AND START COUPLED RUNS ############
for(scen in common){
  cat(paste0("\n################################\nPreparing run ",scen,"\n"))
  prefix_runname <- "C" #strsplit(path_remind,"/")[[1]][length(strsplit(path_remind,"/")[[1]])]
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  prefix_runname <- paste0(prefix_runname,"_")
  runname      <- paste0(prefix_runname,scen)            # name of the run that is used for the folder names
  path_report  <- NULL                                   # sets the path to the report REMIND is started with in the first loop
  LU_pricing   <- scenarios_coupled[scen, "LU_pricing"]  # set the GHG prices to zero up to and including the year specified here
  qos          <- scenarios_coupled[scen, "qos"]         # set the SLURM quality of service (priority/short/medium/...)
  if(is.null(qos)) qos <- "short"                        # if qos could not be found in scenarios_coupled use short
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  start_iter <- 1 # iteration to start the coupling with
  # look whether there is already a REMIND run (check for old name if provided)
  if (![scen, "oldrun"])) {
    needle <- scenarios_coupled[scen, "oldrun"]
  } else {
    needle <- scen
  # Check for existing REMIND and MAgPIE runs and whether iteration can be continued from those (at least one REMIND iteration has to exist!)
  suche <- paste0(path_remind_oldruns,prefix_oldruns,needle,"-rem-*/fulldata.gdx")
  already_rem <- Sys.glob(suche)
  if(identical(already_rem,character(0))) cat("Nothing found for",suche,"\n")

  if (!identical(already_rem, character(0))) {
    # if there is an existing REMIND run use it's gdx for the run to be started
	  already_rem <- mixedsort(already_rem)[1]
	  settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx"] <- normalizePath(already_rem)
    cat(paste0("\nFound gdx here: ",normalizePath(already_rem),"\n"))
    iter_rem <- 0
    # is there a coupling iteration that could be continued?
    if(identical(paste0(path_remind,"output/"),path_remind_oldruns) && identical(prefix_runname,prefix_oldruns) &&[scen, "oldrun"])) {
      # continue counting only if remind is started in the same directoy the gdxes are taken from
      iter_rem <- as.integer(sub(".*rem-(\\d.*)/.*","\\1",already_rem))
    # is there already a MAgPIE run with this name?
    suche <- paste0(path_magpie_oldruns,prefix_oldruns,needle,"-mag-*/report.mif")
    already_mag <- Sys.glob(suche)
    if(identical(already_mag,character(0))) cat("Nothing found for",suche,"\n")
    iter_mag <- 0
    if (!identical(already_mag, character(0))) {
      already_mag <- mixedsort(already_mag)[1]
      path_report <- normalizePath(already_mag)
      cat(paste0("Found MAgPIE report here: ",normalizePath(already_mag),"\n"))
      iter_mag <- as.integer(sub(".*mag-(\\d.*)/.*","\\1",already_mag))
    # decide whether to continue with REMIND or MAgPIE
    if (iter_rem > iter_mag) {
      # if only remind has finished an iteration -> start with magpie in this iteration using a REMIND report
      start_iter  <- iter_rem
      path_run    <- gsub("/fulldata.gdx","",already_rem)
      path_report <- Sys.glob(paste0(path_run,"/REMIND_generic_*","withoutPlus.mif"))
      if (identical(path_report,character(0))) stop("There is a fulldata.gdx but no REMIND_generic_.mif in",path_run)
      cat("Found REMIND report here: ",path_report,"\n")
      cat("Continuing with MAgPIE in iteration ",start_iter,"\n")
    } else {
      # if remind and magpie iteration is the same -> start next iteration with REMIND with or without MAgPIE report
      start_iter <- iter_rem + 1

  cat(paste0("Set start iteration to: ",start_iter,"\n"))

	# If a gdx is provided in scenario_config_coupled.csv use it instead of any previouly found 
  if (![scen, "path_gdx"])) {
    settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx"] <- scenarios_coupled[scen, "path_gdx"]
    cat("Using gdx specified in\n  ",path_settings_coupled,"\n  ",settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx"],"\n")
  # If provided replace the path to the MAgPIE report found automatically with path given in scenario_config_coupled.csv
  if (![scen, "path_report"])) {
    path_report  <- scenarios_coupled[scen, "path_report"] # sets the path to the report REMIND is started with in the first loop
      cat("Replacing path to MAgPIE report with that one specified in\n  ",path_settings_coupled,"\n  ",scenarios_coupled[scen, "path_report"],"\n")

  source(paste0(path_remind,"config/default.cfg")) # retrieve REMIND settings
  cfg_rem <- cfg
  source(paste0(path_magpie,"config/default.cfg")) # retrieve MAgPIE settings
  cfg_mag <- cfg

  # configure MAgPIE according to magpie_scen (scenario needs to be available in scenario_config.cfg)
  if(!is.null(scenarios_coupled[scen, "magpie_scen"])) cfg_mag <- setScenario(cfg_mag,c(trimws(unlist(strsplit(scenarios_coupled[scen, "magpie_scen"],split=","))),"coupling"),scenario_config=paste0(path_magpie,"config/scenario_config.csv"))
  cfg_mag <- check_config(cfg_mag, reference_file=paste0(path_magpie,"config/default.cfg"),modulepath = paste0(path_magpie,"modules/"))

  # How to provide the exogenous TC to MAgPIE:
  # Running MAgPIE with exogenous TC requires a path with exogenous TC. Using exo_indc_MAR17 the path is chosen via c13_tau_scen. 
  # Using exo_JUN13 the path is given in the file modules/13_tc/exo_JUN13/input/tau_scenario.csv
  # This file can be generated (prior to all runs that use exogenous TC) using the following lines of code:
  #  require(magpie) # for tau function
  #  write.magpie(tau("/p/projects/htc/MagpieEmulator/r11356/magmaster/output/SSP2-SSP2-Ref-SPA0-endo-73-lessts/fulldata.gdx"),"modules/13_tc/exo_JUN13/input/tau_scenario.csv")
  #  Useful in case years mismatch:
  #  t  <- tau("/p/projects/htc/MagpieEmulator/r11356/magmaster/output/SSP2-SSP2-Ref-SPA0-endo-73/fulldata.gdx")
  #  y  <- c(seq(2005,2060,5),seq(2070,2110,10),2130,2150)
  #  tn <- time_interpolate(t,y,integrate_interpolated_years=TRUE,extrapolation_type = "constant")
  #  write.magpie(tn,"modules/13_tc/exo_JUN13/input/tau_scenario.csv")

  # Switch REMIND and MAgPIE to endogenous TC
  #cat("Setting MAgPIE to endogenous TC\n")
  #cfg_mag$gms$tc      <- "inputlib"
  #cfg_rem$gms$biomass <- "magpie_linear"

  # Configure Afforestation in MAgPIE
   if (grepl("-aff760",scen)) {
      cat("Setting MAgPIE max_aff_area to 760\n")
      cfg_mag$gms$s32_max_aff_area <- 760
  } else if (grepl("-aff900",scen)) {
      cat("Setting MAgPIE max_aff_area to 900\n")
      cfg_mag$gms$s32_max_aff_area <- 900
  } else if (grepl("-affInf",scen)) {
      cat("Setting MAgPIE max_aff_area to Inf\n")
      cfg_mag$gms$s32_max_aff_area <- Inf
  } else if (grepl("-cost2",scen)) {
      cat("Setting MAgPIE cprice_red_factor to 0.2\n")
      cfg_mag$gms$s56_cprice_red_factor <- 0.2
      cfg_mag$gms$s32_max_aff_area <- Inf
  } else if (grepl("-cost3",scen)) {
      cat("Setting MAgPIE cprice_red_factor to 0.3\n")
      cfg_mag$gms$s56_cprice_red_factor <- 0.3
      cfg_mag$gms$s32_max_aff_area <- Inf

  #cfg$logoption  <- 2  # Have the log output written in a file (not on the screen)

  # Add non-gms-switches manually
  if( "regionmapping" %in% names(settings_remind)){
    cfg_rem$regionmapping <- settings_remind[scen,"regionmapping"] 
  # Edit default.cfg settings according to the SSP scenarios only for elements in 'scenarios' that exist in the cfg
  for (switchname in intersect(names(cfg_rem$gms),names(settings_remind))){
    cfg_rem$gms[[switchname]] <- settings_remind[scen,switchname]
  # If provided replace gdx paths given in scenario_config_SSP with paths given in scenario_config_coupled
  if (![scen, "path_gdx_bau"])) {
	  settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx_bau"] <- scenarios_coupled[scen, "path_gdx_bau"]
	  cat("Replacing gdx_bau information with those specified in\n  ",path_settings_coupled,"\n  ",settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx_bau"],"\n")
  if (![scen, "path_gdx_ref"])) {
	  settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx_ref"] <- scenarios_coupled[scen, "path_gdx_ref"]
	  cat("Replacing gdx_ref information with those specified in\n  ",path_settings_coupled,"\n  ",settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx_ref"],"\n")
  # Create list of previously defined paths to gdxs
  gdxlist <- c(input.gdx     = settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx"], # eventually this was updated if older runs exists in this folder (see above)
               input_ref.gdx = settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx_ref"],
               input_bau.gdx = settings_remind[scen, "path_gdx_bau"])
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  # Remove potential elements that contain ".gdx" and append gdxlist
  cfg_rem$files2export$start <- .setgdxcopy(".gdx",cfg_rem$files2export$start,gdxlist)
  # add information on subsequent runs to start after the current run is finished
  # take rownames (which is the runname) of that row, that has the current scenario in its gdx_ref
  cfg_rem$subsequentruns <- intersect(rownames(settings_remind[settings_remind$path_gdx_ref == scen & !$path_gdx_ref),]),common)
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  # immediately start run if it has a real gdx file (not a runname) given (last four letters are ".gdx") in path_gdx_ref or where this field is empty (NA)
  start_now <- (substr(settings_remind[scen,"path_gdx_ref"], nchar(settings_remind[scen,"path_gdx_ref"])-3, nchar(settings_remind[scen,"path_gdx_ref"])) == ".gdx" 
  if (!start_now) {
      # if no real file is given but a reference to another scenario (that has to run first) create path for input_ref and input_bau
      # using the scenario names given in the columns path_gdx_ref and path_gdx_ref in the REMIND standalone scenario config
      cfg_rem$files2export$start['input_ref.gdx'] <- paste0(path_remind,"output/",prefix_runname,settings_remind[scen,"path_gdx_ref"],"-rem-",max_iterations,"/fulldata.gdx")
      cfg_rem$files2export$start['input_bau.gdx'] <- paste0(path_remind,"output/",prefix_runname,settings_remind[scen,"path_gdx_bau"],"-rem-",max_iterations,"/fulldata.gdx")
      # If the preceding run has already finished (= their gdx files exist) start the current run immediately.
      # This might be the case e.g. if you started the baseline and NDC runs in a first batch and now want to start the subsequent policy runs by hand after the baselines have finished
      if (file.exists(cfg_rem$files2export$start['input_ref.gdx']) & file.exists(cfg_rem$files2export$start['input_bau.gdx'])) {
        start_now <- TRUE

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  # Define colors for output
  red   <- "\033[0;31m"
  green <- "\033[0;32m"
  NC    <- "\033[0m"   # No Color

  # convert from logi to character so file.exists does not throw an error
  path_report <- as.character(path_report)
  cat("runname     :",runname,"\n")
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  cat("start_iter  :",start_iter,"\n")
  cat("path_remind : ",ifelse(dir.exists(path_remind),green,red), path_remind, NC, "\n",sep="")
  cat("path_magpie : ",ifelse(dir.exists(path_magpie),green,red), path_magpie, NC, "\n",sep="")
  cat("remind gdx  : ",ifelse(file.exists(cfg_rem$files2export$start["input.gdx"]),green,red), cfg_rem$files2export$start["input.gdx"], NC, "\n",sep="")
  cat("ref_gdx     : ",ifelse(file.exists(cfg_rem$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"]),green,red), cfg_rem$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"], NC, "\n",sep="")
  cat("bau_gdx     : ",ifelse(file.exists(cfg_rem$files2export$start["input_bau.gdx"]),green,red), cfg_rem$files2export$start["input_bau.gdx"], NC, "\n",sep="")
  cat("path_report : ",ifelse(file.exists(path_report),green,red), path_report, NC, "\n",sep="")
  cat("LU_pricing  :",LU_pricing,"\n")
  if (cfg_rem$gms$optimization == "nash" && cfg_rem$gms$cm_nash_mode == "parallel") {
    # for nash: set the number of CPUs per node to number of regions + 1
    nr_of_regions <- length(levels(read.csv2(cfg_rem$regionmapping)$RegionCode)) + 1 
  } else {
    # for negishi: use only one CPU
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  if (start_now){
      # Start SSP2-Base and SSP2-NDC as priority jobs since ALL subsequent runs depend on them
      #qos <- ifelse(grepl("SSP2-(NDC|Base)",runname),"priority","short")
      if (!exists("test")) system(paste0("sbatch --qos=",qos," --job-name=",runname," --output=",runname,".log --mail-type=END --comment=REMIND-MAgPIE --tasks-per-node=",nr_of_regions," --wrap=\"Rscript start_coupled.R coupled_config=",runname,".RData\""))
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      else cat("Test mode: run NOT submitted to the cluster\n")
  } else {
     cat(paste0("Run ",runname," will start after preceding run ",prefix_runname,settings_remind[scen,"path_gdx_ref"]," has finished\n"))