*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
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*** SOF ./modules/45_carbonprice/diffCurvPhaseIn2Lin/declarations.gms
*** *BS* 20190930 linear convergence with starting points differentiated by GDP/capita, global price from 2040
p45_tauCO2_ref(ttot, all_regi) "CO2 tax path of reference policy (NDC)"
p45_gdppcap2015_PPP(all_regi) "2015 GDP per capita (k $ PPP 2005)"
p45_phasein_2025ratio(all_regi) "ratio of CO2 price to that of developed region in 2025"
p45_regCO2priceFactor(ttot,all_regi) "regional multiplicative factor to the CO2 price of the developed countries"
p45_CO2priceTrajDeveloped(ttot) "CO2 price trajectory for developed/rich countries"
*** EOF ./modules/45_carbonprice/diffCurvPhaseIn2Lin/declarations.gms