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*** |  (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
*** |  authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
*** |  of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
*** |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
*** |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
*** |  Contact:
*** SOF ./core/bounds.gms
*** -----------------------------------------------------------
*** setting bounds
*** -----------------------------------------------------------

*RP 20160126 set vm_costTeCapital to pm_inco0_t for all technologies that are non-learning
vm_costTeCapital.fx(ttot,regi,teNoLearn)  = pm_inco0_t("2005",regi,teNoLearn);  !! use 2005 value for the past
vm_costTeCapital.fx(t,regi,teNoLearn)     = pm_inco0_t(t,regi,teNoLearn);       

*** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** CB 20120402 Set lower bounds on variables to prevent the problem that the conopt solver often doesn't see a benefit from changing variable value away from 0
*** These lower bounds are set so low that they do not restrict the results
*** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*** CB 20120402 Lower limit on all P2SE technologies capacities to 1 MW of all technologies and all time steps
loop(pe2se(enty,enty2,te)$((not sameas(te,"biotr"))  AND (not sameas(te,"biodiesel")) AND (not sameas(te,"bioeths")) AND (not sameas(te,"gasftcrec")) AND (not sameas(te,"gasftrec")) 
AND (not sameas(te,"tnrs"))),
  vm_cap.lo(t,regi,te,"1")$(t.val gt 2021) = 1e-6;

*** RP 20160405 make sure that the model also sees the se2se technologies (seel <--> seh2)
  vm_cap.lo(t,regi,te,"1")$(t.val gt 2021) = 1e-6;

*RP* Lower bound of 10 kW on each of the different grades for renewables with multiple resource grades 
    if( (pm_dataren(regi,"maxprod",rlf,te) gt 0),
        vm_capDistr.lo(t,regi,te,rlf)$(t.val gt 2011) = 1e-8;

*RP* no battery storage in 2010:
vm_cap.up("2010",regi,teStor,"1") = 0;

*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** completely switching off technologies that are not used in the current version of REMIND, although their parameters are declared:
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"solhe",rlf)     = 0;
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"solhe",rlf) = 0;

vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)     = 0;
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf) = 0;

*** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Traditional biomass use is phased out on an exogeneous time path
*** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"biotr",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005) = 0;
     if( ( pm_gdp("2005",regi)/pm_pop("2005",regi) ) > 10,
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2010",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.80  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2015",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.45  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2020",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.35  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2025",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.25  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2030",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.20  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2035",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.15  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2040",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.10  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2045",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.075 * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2050",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.05  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2055",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.05  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2010",regi,"biotr","1") = 1.3  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2015",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.9  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2020",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.7  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2025",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.5  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2030",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.4  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2035",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.3  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2040",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.2  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2045",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.15 * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2050",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.1  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");
           vm_deltaCap.fx("2055",regi,"biotr","1") = 0.1  * vm_deltaCap.lo("2005",regi,"biotr","1");

$if %cm_GDPscen% == "gdp_SDP"  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"biotr","1")$(t.val gt 2020) = 0.50 * vm_deltaCap.lo(t,regi,"biotr","1");
$if %cm_GDPscen% == "gdp_SSP1" vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"biotr","1")$(t.val gt 2020) = 0.65 * vm_deltaCap.lo(t,regi,"biotr","1");
$if %cm_GDPscen% == "gdp_SSP5" vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"biotr","1")$(t.val gt 2020) = 0.65 * vm_deltaCap.lo(t,regi,"biotr","1");

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Lavinia Baumstark committed
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*LP* implement switch for scenarios with or without carbon sequestration:
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if ( c_ccsinjecratescen eq 0, !!no carbon sequestration at all
		vm_co2CCS.fx(t,regi,"cco2","ico2","ccsinje","1") =0;

*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*RP* implement switch for scenarios with different carbon capture assumptions::
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (cm_ccapturescen eq 2,  !! no carbon capture at all
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ngccc",rlf)        = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"pcc",rlf)          = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"pco",rlf)          = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccsinje",rlf)      = 0;
***  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccscomp",rlf)      = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
***  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccspipe",rlf)      = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
***  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"ccsmoni",rlf)      = 0; !! technologies disabled in REMIND 1.7
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"gash2c",rlf)       = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"igccc",rlf)        = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"coalftcrec",rlf)   = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"coalh2c",rlf)      = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioftcrec",rlf)    = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioh2c",rlf)       = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioigccc",rlf)     = 0;
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elseif (cm_ccapturescen eq 3),  !! no bio carbon capture:
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioftcrec",rlf)    = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioh2c",rlf)       = 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,"bioigccc",rlf)     = 0;
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Lavinia Baumstark committed
elseif (cm_ccapturescen eq 4), !! no carbon capture in the electricity sector
  loop(emi2te(enty,"seel",te,"cco2")$( sum(regi_capturescen,pm_emifac("2020",regi_capturescen,enty,"seel",te,"cco2")) > 0 ),  
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      vm_cap.fx(t,regi_capturescen,te,rlf)        = 0;
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Lavinia Baumstark committed

*DK* switching technologies off that produce liquids from lignocellulosic biomass
if (c_bioliqscen eq 0, !! no bioliquids technologies
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioftrec",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005)    = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioftcrec",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005)   = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioethl",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005)     = 1.0e-6;
*  vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioftcrec",rlf)    = 0;
*  vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioftrec",rlf)     = 0;
*  vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioethl",rlf)      = 0;

*DK* switching technologies off that produce hydrogen from lignocellulosic biomass
if (c_bioh2scen eq 0, !! no bioh2 technologies
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioh2",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005)       = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioh2c",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005)      = 1.0e-6;
*  vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioh2c",rlf)       = 0;
*  vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"bioh2",rlf)       = 0;

*NB* controlling for readyness of advanced bio-energy technologies (introduced for EMF33)
if(c_abtrdy gt 2010,
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioftrec",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)    = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioh2",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)       = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioigcc",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)     = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioftcrec",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)   = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioh2c",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)      = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioigccc",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)    = 1.0e-6;
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioethl",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)     = 1.0e-6;
*  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"bioftrec",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)    = 0;
*  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"bioh2",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)       = 0;
*  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"bioigcc",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)     = 0;
*  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"bioftcrec",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)   = 0;
*  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"bioh2c",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)      = 0;
*  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"bioigccc",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)    = 0;
*  vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,"bioethl",rlf)$(t.val lt c_abtrdy AND t.val gt 2005)     = 0;

*NB* controlling for investment cost of advance bio-energy technologies (introduced for EMF33)
pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioftrec")  = c_abtcst * pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioftrec"); 
pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioh2")     = c_abtcst * pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioh2"); 
pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioigcc")   = c_abtcst * pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioigcc"); 
pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioftcrec") = c_abtcst * pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioftcrec"); 
pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioh2c")    = c_abtcst * pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioh2c"); 
pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioigccc")  = c_abtcst * pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioigccc"); 
pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioethl")   = c_abtcst * pm_data(regi, "inco0","bioethl"); 

*RP no CCS should be used in a BAU run, and no CCS at all in 2010
vm_cap.fx("2010",regi,teCCS,rlf) = 0;

if(cm_emiscen = 1,
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi,teCCS,rlf) = 0;

*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
*** Fix nuclear to historic values
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (cm_startyear le 2015,  
    p_CapFixFromRWfix("2015",regi,"tnrs") = max( pm_aux_capLowerLimit("tnrs",regi,"2015") , pm_NuclearConstraint("2015",regi,"tnrs") );
    p_deltaCapFromRWfix("2015",regi,"tnrs") = ( p_CapFixFromRWfix("2015",regi,"tnrs") - pm_aux_capLowerLimit("tnrs",regi,"2015")  ) 
                                      / 7.5;
    p_deltaCapFromRWfix("2010",regi,"tnrs") = ( p_CapFixFromRWfix("2015",regi,"tnrs") - pm_aux_capLowerLimit("tnrs",regi,"2015")  ) 
                                      / 7.5;
    vm_cap.fx("2015",regi,"tnrs","1") = p_CapFixFromRWfix("2015",regi,"tnrs");

if (cm_startyear le 2020,   !! require the realization of at least 50% of the plants that are currently under construction and thus might be finished in the time period 2018-2022
   vm_deltaCap.lo("2020",regi,"tnrs","1") = 0.5 * pm_NuclearConstraint("2020",regi,"tnrs") / 5;
   vm_deltaCap.up("2020",regi,"tnrs","1") = pm_NuclearConstraint("2020",regi,"tnrs") / 5;
if (cm_startyear le 2025 AND cm_nucscen ge 2,   !! upper bound calculated in moinput/R/calcCapacityNuclear.R: 50% of planned and 30% of proposed plants, plus extra for lifetime extension and newcomers
   vm_deltaCap.up("2025",regi,"tnrs","1") = pm_NuclearConstraint("2025",regi,"tnrs") / 5;
if (cm_startyear le 2030 AND cm_nucscen ge 2,   !! upper bound calculated in moinput/R/calcCapacityNuclear.R: 50% of planned and 70% of proposed plants, plus extra for lifetime extension and newcomers
   vm_deltaCap.up("2030",regi,"tnrs","1") = pm_NuclearConstraint("2030",regi,"tnrs") / 5;

display p_CapFixFromRWfix, p_deltaCapFromRWfix;

*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*RP* implement switch for scenarios with different nuclear assumptions:
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** FS: swtich on fnrs only in nucscen 0 and 4, (2 is default)
if (cm_nucscen gt 0 AND cm_nucscen ne 4,
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)= 0;
  vm_cap.fx(t,regi,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = 0;
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  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = 0;
  vm_cap.lo(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)= 0;
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* no new nuclear investments after 2020, until then all currently planned plants are built
if (cm_nucscen eq 5, 
  vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val gt 2020)= 0;
  vm_cap.lo(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val gt 2015)  = 0;

*FS: nuclear phase-out by 2040
if (cm_nucscen eq 7,
  vm_prodSe.up(t,regi_nucscen,"peur","seel","tnrs")$(t.val ge 2040) = 0;
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*** -------------------------------------------------------------
*** *DK* Phaseout of 1st generation biofuel technologies
*** -------------------------------------------------------------
   vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"bioeths",rlf)$(t.val gt 2030)   = 0;
   vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"biodiesel",rlf)$(t.val gt 2030) = 0;

*** -----------------------------------------------------------
*mh Implementation of scenarios where capacities are fixed at BAU level:
*** -----------------------------------------------------------

if (cm_emiscen ne 1,
  if (c_solscen eq 3,
    vm_cap.up(t,regi,"spv",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010)  = p_boundtmp(t,regi,"spv",rlf);
  if (cm_nucscen eq 4,
    vm_cap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = p_boundtmp(t,regi_nucscen,"tnrs",rlf);
    vm_cap.up(t,regi_nucscen,"fnrs",rlf)$(t.val ge 2010) = p_boundtmp(t,regi_nucscen,"fnrs",rlf);
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*** -----------------------------------------------------------
*** no permit trade allowed in BAU and tax scenarios:
*** -----------------------------------------------------------
if (cm_emiscen = 1 or cm_emiscen = 9,
   vm_Xport.fx(t,regi,"perm") = 0;
   vm_Mport.fx(t,regi,"perm") = 0;
   vm_Xport.fx("2005",regi,"perm") = 0;
   vm_Mport.fx("2005",regi,"perm") = 0;
   vm_Xport.fx("2010",regi,"perm") = 0;
   vm_Mport.fx("2010",regi,"perm") = 0;

*** -----------------------------------------------------------
*mh bounds that narrow the solution space to help the conopt solver:
*** -----------------------------------------------------------

*nr* cumulated capacity never falls below initial cumulated capacity:
vm_capCum.lo(ttot,regi,teLearn)$(ttot.val ge cm_startyear) = pm_data(regi,"ccap0",teLearn);

*nr: floor costs represent the lower bound of learning technologies investment costs
vm_costTeCapital.lo(t,regi,teLearn) = pm_data(regi,"floorcost",teLearn);

*cb 20120319 avoid negative adjustment costs in 2005 (they would allow the model to artificially save money)

*nb* lower bounds on CES values
vm_cesIO.lo(t,regi,in) = 1e-6;
vm_cesIOdelta.lo(t,regi,in_putty) = 1e-6;
vm_cons.lo(t,regi)     = 1e-3;

vm_emiMacSector.lo(t,regi,enty)    =  0;    
vm_emiMacSector.lo(t,regi,"co2luc")= -5.0;  !! afforestation can lead to negative emissions
vm_emiMac.fx(t,regi,"so2") = 0;
vm_emiMac.fx(t,regi,"bc") = 0;
vm_emiMac.fx(t,regi,"oc") = 0;

*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Exogenous values:
*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*RP* fix capacities for wind, spv and csp to real world 2010 and 2015 values:
loop(te$(sameas(te,"spv") OR sameas(te,"csp") OR sameas(te,"wind")),
  vm_cap.lo("2015",regi,te,"1") = 0.95 * p_histCap("2015",regi,te)$(p_histCap("2015",regi,te) gt 1e-10);
  vm_cap.up("2015",regi,te,"1") = 1.05 * p_histCap("2015",regi,te)$(p_histCap("2015",regi,te) gt 1e-10);
*additional bound on 2020 expansion: at least yearly as much as in 2016,2017 average
  vm_deltaCap.lo("2020",regi,te,"1") = (p_histCap("2017",regi,te)-p_histCap("2015",regi,te))/2;
vm_cap.up("2015",regi,"csp",'1') = 1e-5 + 1.05 * vm_cap.lo("2015",regi,"csp","1"); !! allow offset of 10MW even for countries with no CSP installations to help the solver

*RR* set lower bounds to spv installed capacity in 2020 to reflect the massive deployment in recent years to 2017 historical values plus a conservative estimation of expected additional deployment until 2020 (+10% per year).
vm_cap.lo("2020",regi,"spv","1")$(p_histCap("2017",regi,"spv")) = p_histCap("2017",regi,"spv")*(1+0.1)**3;

*CB* additional upper bound on 2020 deployment: doubling of historic rate plus 2 GW for solar and wind, and 500 MW for CSP
loop(te$(sameas(te,"spv") OR sameas(te,"csp") OR sameas(te,"wind")),
vm_deltaCap.up("2020",regi,te,"1") = max(2*(p_histCap("2018",regi,te)-p_histCap("2015",regi,te))/3,2*(p_histCap("2018",regi,te)-p_histCap("2017",regi,te)),0.006$(sameas(te,"spv")) + 0.0055$(sameas(te,"wind"))+0.0005$(sameas(te,"csp")));

*** lower bound on capacities for ngcc and ngt for regions defined at the p_histCap file
loop(te$(sameas(te,"ngcc") OR sameas(te,"ngt")),
***  vm_cap.lo("2010",regi,te,"1")$p_histCap("2010",regi,te) = 0.75 * p_histCap("2010",regi,te);
  vm_cap.lo("2015",regi,te,"1")$p_histCap("2015",regi,te) = 0.75 * p_histCap("2015",regi,te);

*** fix emissions to historical emissions in 2010
*** RP: turned off in March 2018, as it produces substantial negative side-effects (requiring strong early retirement in 2010, which influences the future investments even in Reference scenarios)
*** vm_emiTe.up("2010",regi,"co2") = p_boundEmi("2010",regi) ;

*** lower bound on stored CO2
vm_emiTe.lo(ttot,regi,"cco2") = 0;

*** -------------------------------------------------------
*** Advanced technologies shouldn't be built prior to 2015/2020:
*** -------------------------------------------------------
    if( ( pm_data(regi,"tech_stat",te) eq 2 ) ,
      vm_deltaCap.fx("2010",regi,te,rlf) = 0;
    elseif ( pm_data(regi,"tech_stat",te) eq 3 ),
      vm_deltaCap.fx("2010",regi,te,rlf) = 0;
      vm_deltaCap.fx("2015",regi,te,rlf) = 0;

*CB 2012024 -----------------------------------------------------
*CB allow for early retirement at the start of free model time
*CB ------------------------------------------------------------
***decrease variable dimensions
vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,te) = 0;

***generally allow full early retiremnt for all fossil technologies without CCS
vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,te)$(teFosNoCCS(te)) = 1;
*** FS: allow nuclear early retirement (for nucscen 7)
vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,"tnrs") = 1;
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***restrict early retirement to the modeling time frame (to reduce runtime, the early retirement equations are phased out after 2110)
vm_capEarlyReti.up(ttot,regi,te)$(ttot.val lt 2009 or ttot.val gt 2111) = 0;

*cb 20120224 lower bound of 0.01% to help the model to be aware of the early retirement option
vm_capEarlyReti.lo(ttot,regi,te)$(teFosNoCCS(te) AND ttot.val gt 2011 AND ttot.val lt 2111) = 0.0001;
vm_capEarlyReti.lo(ttot,regi,"tnrs")$(ttot.val gt 2011 AND ttot.val lt 2111) = 0.0001;
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*cb 20120301 no early retirement for dot, they are used despite their economic non-competitiveness for various reasons.

*nb fix energy inputs to CES structure in t0 to the parameter values
vm_cesIO.fx(t0(tall),regi,in)$(ppfEn(in) OR ppfIO_putty(in)) = pm_cesdata(tall,regi,in,"quantity");
vm_cesIOdelta.fx(t0(tall),regi,in)$(ppfEn(in) OR in_putty(in)) = pm_cesdata_putty(tall,regi,in,"quantity");
*** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
*DK 20100929 Bound on CCS injection rate 
*** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** default value (0.5%) is consistent with Interview Gerling (BGR)
*** 12 Gt storage potential in Germany, 50-75 Mt/a injection => 60 Mt/a => 60/12000=0.005
*LP* if c_ccsinjecratescen=0 --> no CCS at all and vm_co2CCS is fixed to 0 before, therefore the upper bound is only set if there should be CCS!
*** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

if ( c_ccsinjecratescen gt 0,

***vm_co2CCS.up(t,regi,"tco2","ico2","ccsinje","1") = pm_dataccs(regi,"quan","1")*sm_ccsinjecrate
		vm_co2CCS.up(t,regi,"cco2","ico2","ccsinje","1") = pm_dataccs(regi,"quan","1") * sm_ccsinjecrate;

*** fix 2010 emissions to historic projections when running a policy scenarios without fixing the 2010 time step to a BAU run. This way, the gdx are better suited for later runs that are based on baselines until 2010 or longer.
*AJS*02122014 Exclude this bound in nash cases, as trying to limit global emissions there will lead to infeasibilities
$ifi %optimization% == "negishi" if( (cm_startyear le 2010 AND cm_emiscen > 1), vm_emiAllGlob.fx('2010','co2') = 8.9 + 1.46; ); !! 8.9 is fossil emissions + cement, 1.4 land use

*** set Mport and Xport positive
vm_Mport.lo(ttot,regi,tradePe)$(ttot.val ge 2005) = 0;
vm_Xport.lo(ttot,regi,tradePe)$(ttot.val ge 2005) = 0;

*NB*110625 fix 2005 trade values to historic values
*RR*Added correction factor to match fossil supply and internal region energy demand in the initial year if necessary
*SB*190514 Made the correction factor for insufficient imports conditional on the fossil module realization

*** Mports fixing for fossils in the initial year 
loop( regi,
    loop (enty$peFos(enty),
*** if imports minus exports is higher than initial year demand there is a surplus of pe in the region. Correction -> set imports to 80% of the region pe demand plus Xports in the initial year
        if ( (pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(regi,enty) < (1-p_costsPEtradeMp(regi,enty))*pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Mport") -  pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Xport")),     !!region has more available pe through trade than it needs
            p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty) = (pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(regi,enty) + pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Xport")) - pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Mport");
*** if internal region production (plus trade) is not enough to provide the energy demand. Correction ->  set imports to the difference between region energy demand (pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2) and the internal production (pm_ffPolyCumEx(regi,enty,"max")) plus the trade balance (Mports-Xports) 
$iftheni.fossil_realization %cfg$gms$fossil% == "timeDepGrades"
        if ( pm_prodIni(regi,enty) + (1-p_costsPEtradeMp(regi,enty))*(pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Mport")+ p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty)) -  pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Xport") < pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(regi,enty),     !!region has a unbalance
            p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty) = pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(regi,enty)  - ((1-p_costsPEtradeMp(regi,enty))*pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Mport") -  pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Xport")) - pm_prodIni(regi,enty) ;  !! SB: use pm_prodIni as an analog for pm_ffPolyCumEx(regi,enty,"max"), which does not exist in timeDepGrades
$elseifi.fossil_realization %cfg$gms$fossil% == "grades2poly"
        if ( (pm_ffPolyCumEx(regi,enty,"max") / (5*4)) + (1-p_costsPEtradeMp(regi,enty))*(pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Mport")+ p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty)) -  pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Xport") < pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(regi,enty),     !!region has a unbalance
            p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty) = pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(regi,enty)  - ((1-p_costsPEtradeMp(regi,enty))*pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Mport") -  pm_IO_trade("2005",regi,enty,"Xport")) - pm_ffPolyCumEx(regi,enty,"max") / (5*4) ;  !!pm_ffPolyCumEx(regi,enty,"max") is a 5 years value, so we dived by 5 to get the annual value and additionally we assume that if all the extraction is made in the first years, this would take a t least 4 time steps to completely exhaust the resources 
vm_Mport.fx(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = pm_IO_trade(t0,regi,enty,"Mport") + p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty);

*** Xports fixing for fossils in the initial year (with added exports to compensate for the Mports corrections above)
loop( regi,
    loop (enty$peFos(enty),
        if ( (p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty) = 0),
            vm_Xport.fx(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = pm_IO_trade(t0,regi,enty,"Xport") +
                   ( pm_IO_trade(t0,regi,enty,"Xport") / sum((regi2)$(NOT (p_Mport2005correct(regi,enty))),pm_IO_trade(t0,regi2,enty,"Xport")) ) !! share of region Xports between regions with no balance problems
                   * sum((regi2),p_Mport2005correct(regi2,enty)) !! total unbalance problem
            vm_Xport.fx(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = pm_IO_trade(t0,regi,enty,"Xport") ;

*** if region has no internal resources, demand must be entirely provided by trade (Switzerland problem). Correction ->  set imports free, exports zero. Warning: if the region is big enough this could cause a trade unbalance. The first best solution would be to calculate the exact imports amount needed and add extra exports to other countries to compensate for this exact amount.
loop( regi,
    loop (enty$peFos(enty),
$iftheni.timeDepGrades %cfg$gms$fossil% == "timeDepGrades"
        if ( (pm_fuelex_cum("2005",regi,enty,1) = 0),
            vm_Xport.fx(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = 0;
            vm_Mport.up(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = 1e10;
            vm_Mport.lo(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = 1e-6;
$elseifi.timeDepGrades %cfg$gms$fossil% == "grades2poly"
        if ( (pm_ffPolyCumEx(regi,enty,"max") = 0),
            vm_Xport.fx(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = 0;
            vm_Mport.up(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = 1e10;
            vm_Mport.lo(t0(tall),regi,peFos(enty)) = 1e-6;

*** bounds on oil exports in 2010 and 2015
vm_Xport.lo("2010",regi,"peoil") = 0.95 * pm_IO_trade("2010",regi,"peoil","Xport");
vm_Xport.up("2010",regi,"peoil") = 1.05 * pm_IO_trade("2010",regi,"peoil","Xport");
vm_Xport.lo("2015",regi,"peoil") = 0.95 * pm_IO_trade("2015",regi,"peoil","Xport");
vm_Xport.up("2015",regi,"peoil") = 1.05 * pm_IO_trade("2015",regi,"peoil","Xport");

*** upper bounds ( 1% yearly growth rate) on all big oil exporters (more than 15EJ in 2010) in 2020, 2025 and 2030
      if( (pm_IO_trade("2010",regi,"peoil","Xport") ge (15*sm_EJ_2_TWa)),
        vm_Xport.up("2020",regi,"peoil") = ((1 + 0.02) **  10) * pm_IO_trade("2010",regi,"peoil","Xport");
        vm_Xport.up("2025",regi,"peoil") = ((1 + 0.02) **  15) * pm_IO_trade("2010",regi,"peoil","Xport");
        vm_Xport.up("2030",regi,"peoil") = ((1 + 0.02) **  20) * pm_IO_trade("2010",regi,"peoil","Xport");

*** set macro investments to bound in 2005
vm_invMacro.fx("2005",regi,"kap") = p_boundInvMacro(regi);
*cb 2012-05-23 lower bound for capital investment to avoid "zero investment" problem for the conopt solver
vm_invMacro.lo(t,regi,"kap")$(t.val gt 2005) = 0.01 * vm_invMacro.lo("2005",regi,"kap");

*** strong reliance on coal-to-liquids is not consistent with SSP1 storyline, therefore limit their use in the SSP 1 and SSP2 policy scenarios
$ifthen %c_SSP_forcing_adjust% == "forcing_SSP1"
  vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pecoal","seliqfos","coalftrec")$(t.val gt 2050) = 0.00001;
  vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pecoal","seliqfos","coalftcrec")$(t.val gt 2010) = 0.00001;
$ifthen %c_SSP_forcing_adjust% == "forcing_SSP2"
if(cm_emiscen gt 1,
  vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pecoal","seliqfos","coalftcrec")$(t.val gt 2010) = 0.00001;

*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*RP* Upper limit on CCS deployment in 2020-2030
*LP* if c_ccsinjecratescen=0 --> no CCS at all and vm_co2CCS is fixed to 0 before, therefore the upper bound is only set if there should be CCS!
*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if ( c_ccsinjecratescen gt 0,
	vm_co2CCS.up("2020",regi,"cco2","ico2","ccsinje","1") = pm_boundCapCCS(regi);
	vm_co2CCS.up("2025",regi,"cco2","ico2","ccsinje","1") = pm_boundCapCCS(regi);

  if( (pm_boundCapCCS(regi) eq 0),
    vm_cap.fx("2020",regi,teCCS,rlf) = 0;
	vm_cap.fx("2025",regi,teCCS,rlf) = 0;

  if( (p_boundCapCCSindicator(regi) eq 0),
    vm_cap.fx("2025",regi,teCCS,rlf) = 0;
	vm_cap.fx("2030",regi,teCCS,rlf) = 0;

*AL* fixing prodFE in 2005 to the value contained in pm_cesdata("2005",regi,in,"quantity"). This is done to ensure that the energy system will reproduce the 2005 calibration values. 
*** Fixing will produce clearly attributable errors (good for debugging) when using inconsistent data, as the GAMS accuracy when comparing fixed results is very high (< 1e-8).
***vm_prodFE.fx("2005",regi,se2fe(enty,enty2,te)) = sum(fe2ppfEn(enty2,in), pm_cesdata("2005",regi,in,"quantity") );

vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"gasftrec",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005)   = 0.0;
vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"gasftcrec",rlf)$(t.val gt 2005)  = 0.0;

*** -------------------------------------------------------------
*** *RP* Chinese depoyment of coal power plants and coal use in industry was probably not only demand-driven, but also policy-driven (faster than demand). Therefore, we implement lower bounds on coal power plants and solid coal use:
*** -------------------------------------------------------------
if (cm_startyear le 2015,
vm_cap.lo("2015","CHN","pc","1")            = 0.75;  !! WEO says 826GW in 2013, 980 in 2020 
vm_cap.lo("2010","CHN","coaltr","1")        = 0.79;  !! IEA says ~27EJ in 2010. In REMIND, a coaltr cap of 0.647 is equivalent to an FE solids coal level of 20.5 EJ, thus 25*0.647/20.5 = 0.79 
vm_cap.lo("2015","CHN","coaltr","1")        = 0.88;  !! IEA says ~29.7EJ in 2012. In REMIND, a coaltr cap of 0.647 is equivalent to an FE solids coal level of 20.5 EJ, thus 28*0.647/20.5 = 0.88 

$if  %c_SSP_forcing_adjust% == "forcing_SSP1"    vm_deltaCap.up(t,regi,"coalgas",rlf)$(t.val gt 2010) = 0.00001;

*** -------------------------------------------------------------
*** H2 Curtailment
*** -------------------------------------------------------------
***Fixing h2curt value to zero to avoid the model to generate SE out of nothing.
***Models that have additional se production channels should release this variable (eg. RLDC power module).
  vm_prodSeOth.fx(t,regi,"seh2","h2curt") = 0;

***                 Lower bounds on hydro
*** as most of the costs for hydro are for the initial building, it is unlikely that existing hydro plants are not renovated, even if a completely new plant would not be economic
*** accordingly, set lower bound on hydro generation close to 2005 values

vm_prodSe.lo(t,regi,"pehyd","seel","hydro")$(t.val > 2005) = 0.99 * o_INI_DirProdSeTe(regi,"seel","hydro");

***                 make sure the model doesn't use technologies beyond grade 1
*** for pe2se, se2se and se2fe the other grades should not be used

vm_deltaCap.fx(t,regi,te,rlf)$( (NOT rlf.val eq 1)  AND ( teSe2rlf(te,"1") OR teFe2rlf(te,"1") ) ) = 0;
vm_cap.fx(ttot,regi,te,rlf)$((NOT rlf.val eq 1) AND ( teSe2rlf(te,"1") OR teFe2rlf(te,"1") ) )     = 0;

*** fix F-gas emissions to inputdata (IMAGE)

*** cm_startyear eq 2015 - SPA0
*** cm_startyear gt 2015 - SPAx
vm_emiFgas.fx(tall,all_regi,all_enty) = f_emiFgas(tall,all_regi,"%c_SSP_forcing_adjust%","%cm_rcp_scen%","%c_delayPolicy%",all_enty);
display vm_emiFgas.L;

*AL* Bugfix. For some reason the model cannot reduce the production of district heating to 0
*AL* where it should be 0. Not fixings can account for this
*AL* Fixing vm_prodSe to 0 avoids the problem
loop ((in,in2) $ (sameAs(in,"feheb") and sameAs(in2,"fehei")),
loop ((t, regi) $ ( (sameAs(t,"2010") OR sameAs(t,"2015"))
                    ((pm_cesdata(t,regi,in,"quantity") + pm_cesdata(t,regi,in,"offset_quantity")
                    + pm_cesdata(t,regi,in2,"quantity") + pm_cesdata(t,regi,in2,"offset_quantity")
                    ) eq 0)
                    (sum(ttot$(ttot.val lt 2005), vm_deltacap.up(ttot,regi,"biochp","1")) eq 0)) ,
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pegas"  ,"seel","gaschp")  = 0;
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pecoal" ,"seel","coalchp") = 0; 
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pecoal" ,"sehe","coalhp")  = 0;
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pegeo"  ,"sehe","geohe")   = 0;
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pesol"  ,"sehe","solhe")   = 0;
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pebiolc","seel","biochp")  = 0;
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pebiolc","sehe","biohp")   = 0;
      vm_prodSe.up(t,regi,"pegas","sehe","gashp")   = 0;
*** EOF ./core/bounds.gms