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  • foresee/4C
  • gutsch/4C
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!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*data module for a variety of parameters (non-species dependent)*!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_par
! from npp.f:
real :: pi = 3.1415926536 ! PI
real :: zero = 1.E-6 ! numerical zero
REAL :: lambda = 0.7 , & ! optimum ratio of ci to ca [-]
Cmass = 12.0 , & ! molar mass of carbon [g/mol]
gmin = 0.0 , & ! minimum conductance [mol/(m2*d)]
ps = 0.7 , & ! shape of PS response curve
pn = 0.025 , & ! slope of N function (eqn 27) at 20 �C [g(N) (mymol s-1)-1]
nc0 = 0.00715 , & ! minimum N content [g/g] (eqn 27)
qco2 = 0.08 , & ! C3 quantum efficiency (eqn 16)
qco2a = 1.0 , & ! scaling parameter (eqn A7)
o2 = 20.9 , & ! partial pressure of oxygen (kPa)
co2_st= 0.00035, & ! atmospheric CO2 content (mol/mol)
pfref = 0.2 , & ! albedo of the canopy
cpart = 0.5 , & ! part of C in biomass [-]
rmolw = 0.622 , & ! ratio of molecular weights of water and air
R_gas = 8.314 , & ! universal gas constant [J/mol/K] = [Pa/m3/K]
c_karman = 0.41 , & ! von Karman's constant [-]
c_air = 1.005 , & ! specific heat of air at const. pressure [J/g/K]
psycro =0.000662 , & ! psychrometer constant [hPa/K]
h_breast =137 , & ! breast height for inventory measurements [cm]
h_sapini = 200 , & ! height below which tree is initialised with sapling allometry
h_bo_br_diff = 50, & ! minimal difference between height of crown base and breast height
Q10_T = 2. ! used for calculation of dayfract from air temperature
DOUBLE PRECISION :: p0_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p1_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p2_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p3_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p4_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p1_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p2_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p3_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p4_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p5_co2 ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
! Transformation coefficients
REAL :: gm2_in_kgha = 10. ! transf. coeff. from g/m2 in kg/ha
REAL :: kgha_in_gm2 = 0.1 ! transf. coeff. from kg/ha in g/m2
REAL :: gm2_in_tha = 0.01 ! transf. coeff. from g/m2 in t/ha
REAL :: tha_in_gm2 = 100. ! transf. coeff. from t/ha in g/m2
REAL :: kg_in_g = 1000. ! transf. coeff. from kg in g
REAL :: GR_in_PAR = 0.5*4.6/100. ! from global rad. in J/cm2 to PAR in mol/m2
! explanation of conversion factor:
! 0.5: PAR is 50% of incident radiation
! 4.6: 1 J = 4.6e-6 mol (Larcher 1995);
! 100: conversion J/cm2 -> MJ/m2
! soil parameter
real :: dens_om = 1.4 ! specific density of organic matter g/cm3
! parameter for snow
real :: temp_snow = 0.2 ! threshold of air temperature for snow accumulation
! parameter for calculation of potential evapotranspiration rate
real :: alpha_PT = 1.26 ! Priestley-Taylor coefficient
! parameter for calculation of transpiration demand
real :: alfm = 1.4
real :: gpmax = 14000. ! mol/(m2*d)
! parameter for growing degree day calculation
real :: thr_gdd = 5.
! van Genuchten parameter for flag_wred=9
real :: l_gnu = 0.5
! fol biomass per mistletoe [kg DW/tree], 1 Viscum (10years) see Pfiz 2010
real :: mistletoe_x_fol = 0.0158
! parameter for allocation to NSC-Pool
real :: decid_sap_allo = 0.042 !fraction of sapwood DW allocated to NSC-Pool for decidous tree species
real :: decid_tb_allo = 0.125 !fraction of twigs and branch DW allocated to NSC-Pool for decidous tree species
real :: decid_crt_allo = 0.125 !fraction of coarse root DW allocated to NSC-Pool for decidous tree species
real :: conif_sap_allo = 0.018 !fraction of sapwood allocated to NSC-Pool for coniferous tree species
real :: conif_tb_allo = 0.065 !fraction of twigs and branch allocated to NSC-Pool for coniferous tree species
real :: conif_crt_allo = 0.065 !fraction of coarse root DW allocated to NSC-Pool for coniferous tree species
! set of characters
character(len=*), parameter :: charset = &
! test
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) ::lambda_ts
end module data_par
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* data module for planting of seedlings/saplings *!
!* ! arrays have to be adapted to the species number ! *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_plant
integer :: quspec= 2 ! number of planted species
integer, dimension(13) :: infspec=(/1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/) ! sign of planted species = 0/1
integer, dimension(13) :: npl_mix =(/3000,0,6000,4500,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0/) ! number of plants in mixed stands
integer, dimension(13) :: numplant=(/178,6000,8000,9000,10000,0,8000,1666, 1140, 2000, 5000, 0, 0/) ! number of plants per ha
integer, dimension(13) :: specpl=(/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13/) ! number of species
real, dimension(13) :: plant_height=(/130.,37.5,17.5,40.,8.7,0.,17.5,40.,17.5, 30.0, 30.0, 0., 0./) ! mean height of plants
real, dimension(13) :: plant_hmin=(/70.,25.,10.,30.,3.,0.,10.,30., 10., 20., 10., 0.,0./) ! minimum height of plants
real, dimension(13) :: hsdev=(/3.33,4.1,7.5,3.33,5.9,0.0,7.5,3.33, 7.5,4.1, 7.5, 0.,0. /) ! standard deviation od height
real, dimension(13) :: pl_age=(/10.,4.,2.,2.,1.,0.,2.,1.,2.,2., 2., 0.,0./) ! age of plants
real :: kappa = 1.2 !1.2
real :: ksi = 2.99 !1.5
integer, dimension(11,10) :: m_numplant
integer, dimension(11,10) :: m_specpl
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_plant_height
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_plant_hmin
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_pl_age
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_hsdev
integer :: m_numclass
end module data_plant
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!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* data module for site data *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*****************************************************************! *!
MODULE data_site
INTEGER :: patch_id ! Patch identifier
character(50) :: stand_id ! Stand identifier
REAL :: xlat ! latitude in radians
REAL :: lat = 52.24 ! Default Potsdam coordinates
REAL :: long = 13.04
REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: latitude ! array of latitudes for multi run 8
REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: NHdep ! yearly deposition
REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: NOdep ! yearly deposition
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: gwtable ! groundwater level class
! 1: 0 - 0.5 m
! 2: 0.5 - 1.0 m
! 3: 1.0 - 1.5 m
! 4: 1.5 - 2.0 m
! 5: > 2.0 m
character(50),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: sitenum
! KLara
character(50),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: clim_id
! WK
END module data_site
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!* *!
!* FORESEE Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutine for: *!
!* Calculation of rise of bole height *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_stand
USE data_species
USE data_simul
REAL :: relnpp, & ! layer specific amount of npp per cohort
reldm ! layer specific dry matter to be replaced
INTEGER :: nl ! variable for crown layers
TYPE(Coh_Obj) :: p ! pointer to cohort list
!*** Calculation part ***!
! evaluate assimilation balance vs. foliage turnover rate for the crown layers
ns = p%coh%species
DO i = p%coh%topLayer, p%coh%botLayer, -1
nl = i
relnpp = p%coh%antFPAR(i) * p%coh%netAss
reldm = 1.5*spar(ns)%psf * p%coh%sleafArea(i) / p%coh%med_sla
IF ( relnpp < reldm) THEN
nl = nl + 1
p%coh%deltaB = (nl - p%coh%botLayer) * dz
IF(p%coh%deltaB.GT.0.05*(p%coh%height-p%coh%x_hbole)) p%coh%deltaB=0.05*(p%coh%height-p%coh%x_hbole)
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