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  • foresee/4C
  • gutsch/4C
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Commits on Source (81)
with 43 additions and 91 deletions
......@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ collaborative work, see the AUTHOR file for details.
* manuals: about "how to start" and " generate exe"
* descriptions/additional: background information documents
* descriptions/Fact_sheets: short summary of the model in English and German
* source_code/additional: overview on variables with their names in the 4C description and the names in the source code
flow chart of the model 4C
* test_data_sets: test the correct function mode of the model with complete sets of input data and control files
* publications: all relevant publications regarding the model 4C
* publications: relevant publications regarding the model 4C
The source code is distributed via a git repository at: and is ready to use.
......@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ The code language is Fortran90. Since the model development is
finished, there is no further development and no further support in model
download, setup, development or application. No merge or other development
requests will be handeled. Therefore there are no code style recommendations or
instructions on how to create source code ammendments.
instructions on how to create source code amendments.
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......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ module data_soil
! arrays of given root distribution (defined input)
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: root_fr ! root fraction per soil layer
! dp_rfr ! depth of root fraction / cm
! yearly fine root loss after Rasse et al. 2001
integer :: rdepth_kind ! kind of calculation of root depth
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: wat_left ! auxiliary variable for coh%watleft to determin annual sum of available water in soil layer boardering on root zone
......@@ -298,15 +298,15 @@ module data_soil_t
! Variables and parameters for soil temperature calculation
integer flag_surf ! calculation of soil surface temperature
! 0 - old version
! 1 - new ersion with explicit surface temperature
integer :: flag_surf = 0 ! calculation of soil surface temperature
! 0 - surface temperature equals temperature of first layer
! 1 - with explicit surface temperature
real temps_surf ! soil surface temperature
real hflux_surf ! soil heat flux at soil surface
real temps_surf ! soil surface temperature
real hflux_surf ! soil heat flux at soil surface
! model parameters
real :: C0 = 0.76, & ! Faltungskoeff.
real :: C0 = 0.76, & ! coefficients for calculation of surface temperature
C1 = 0.05, &
C2 = 0.3
......@@ -118,7 +118,8 @@ SUBROUTINE INITIA
! end of declaration section
ncl1 = 60
!ncl1 = 60
allocate (zheigh(ncl1), zbhd(ncl1), zhbc(ncl1), nz(ncl1))
allocate (smaldc(ncl1), bigdc(ncl1))
print *,' '
......@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ WRITE(*,'(A)',advance='no') ' ***Make your choice: '
READ *, data_flag
print *,' '
clwdth=2 !set diameter class-class width
clwdth=15 !set diameter class-class width
corr_la=1. !standard value for leaf area correction in stands of high sum of crown projection areas
mixed_tot_ca=0. !sum of crown projection area for mixed stands
pass = 1 !counter for number of passes through calculation loop for mixed stands
......@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ CASE(1)
IF (datasets=='multi') THEN
if(infile=='input/hyyti_ini_0616.txt') then
numstand= 0
......@@ -291,7 +292,6 @@ if(infile=='input/hyyti_ini_0616.txt') then
iF(baum(i).EQ.22) ngroups(nlines)%taxid=6 ! Larix
iF(baum(i).EQ.23) ngroups(nlines)%taxid=7 ! Pinus strobus
iF(baum(i).EQ.24) ngroups(nlines)%taxid=10 ! Douglasie
IF (dm(i).eq.0) dm(i) = 0.5
IF (mhoe(i).eq.0) mhoe(i) = 1.0
IF (gf(i).eq.0) gf(i) = 0.25
......@@ -310,50 +310,6 @@ if(infile=='input/hyyti_ini_0616.txt') then
WRITE(*,*) nlines,'sets of data', numstand, 'sets of stands'
IF(select_lines) THEN
DO i=1,nlines_comp ! reading list of sites to be initialised
READ(listunit,*) locid_comp(i)
ENDDO ! end reading list of sites to be initialised
ENDIF ! end of reading file with sites to be selected
IF(select_lines) CLOSE(listunit)
CALL assign_DSW
CALL init_plenter_param
READ (inunit,*)nlines
READ(inunit,*) ngroups(1)%locid,ngroups(1)%schicht,ngroups(1)%BRAid,ngroups(1)%alter,ngroups(1)%patchsize,ngroups(1)%mhoe,ngroups(1)%dm,ngroups(1)%volume,ngroups(1)%gf
DO i=2,nlines
READ(inunit,*) ngroups(i)%locid,ngroups(i)%schicht,ngroups(i)%BRAid,ngroups(i)%alter,ngroups(i)%patchsize,ngroups(i)%mhoe,ngroups(i)%dm,ngroups(i)%volume,ngroups(i)%gf
WRITE(*,*) 'set no', i, 'read'
! the following line maps BRAid 770 to 779, other 'Mehlbeeren', because two
! different numbering systems existed in Brandenburg in the course of time
IF(ngroups(i)%BRAid==770) ngroups(i)%BRAid=779
IF(ngroups(i)%taxid==6) ngroups(i)%taxid=3
IF(ngroups(i)%taxid==0) THEN
IF(ngroups(i)%locid==ngroups(istart)%locid) THEN
ngroups(i)%standsize = ngroups(istart)%standsize
ENDDO ! readin loop for multi data-set
ENDIF ! block for direct DSW data or brb_inv-file structure
! read in file headder for description, write into ini-file
......@@ -571,6 +527,7 @@ if(infile=='input/hyyti_ini_0616.txt') then
! classification of single values in diameter cohorts
clwdth=1+AINT((bhdmax-bhdmin)/ncl1) !calculation of class widths
! write(4444,*) 'clwdth', clwdth, bhdmax, bhdmin, ncl1
DO i=1,ncl1
......@@ -771,8 +728,9 @@ CASE(6)
g=ngroups(iz)%gf !basal area/ha
gpatch=g*4. !basal area/patch
bz=ngroups(iz)%baumzahl*4. !tree numbre/patch
! clwdth=dg/20.
! selection of uni-height curve: beech, spruce, oak calculation according to Weimann,
! other species of trees after Kuleschis (vergl. Gerold 1990)
IF (taxid==3.OR.taxid==5) THEN
......@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ do
case (8, 9, 10)
call readsoil ! reading soil parameter
IF (flag_end .gt.0) return
call readredN ! Input redN or test resp.
end select
......@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ call readlit
! Initialization of soil model with profile data
call soil_ini ! Aufruf ohne s_cn_ini
! Initialization disturbances
IF (flag_dis .eq. 1) CALL dist_ini
IF (flag_dis .eq. 1 .or. flag_dis .eq. 2) CALL dist_ini
! Initialization of stand
call prepare_stand
IF (flag_end .gt.0) return
......@@ -268,12 +269,13 @@ if (flag_eva .gt.10) call evapo_ini
subroutine readsoil ! Input of soil parameter
use data_par
use data_soil_t
use data_site
implicit none
integer :: inunit, helpnl, helpnr
integer :: inunit, helpnl, helpnr, ihelp
real helpgrw, hlong, hlat
character :: text
character(30) :: hor, boart, helpid
......@@ -283,17 +285,15 @@ if (flag_trace) write (unit_trace, '(I4,I10,A)') iday, time_cur, ' readsoil'
! Setting of flag_surf from flag_cond
select case (flag_cond)
case (0,1,2,3)
flag_surf = 0
case (10,11,12,13)
flag_surf = 1
case (0,1,2,3)
flag_surf = 0
case (20,21,22,23)
flag_surf = 2
case (10,11,12,13)
flag_surf = 1
case (30,31,32,33)
flag_surf = 3
case (30,31,32,33)
flag_surf = 3
end select
! Setting of flag_bc from flag_decomp
......@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ IF (ex .eqv. .true.) then
if (.not.flag_mult8910) print *,' >>>FORESEE message: soil_id ', soilid(ip), ' not found'
if (.not.flag_mult8910) print *,' Check your input choice!!!'
if (help==1) call dealloc_soil
CALL error_mess(time,"soil identificator not found"//adjustl(soilid(ip))//"ip No.",real(help_ip))
CALL error_mess(time,"soil identificator not found "//adjustl(soilid(ip))//"ip No.",real(help_ip))
flag_end = 5
ENDIF ! ios
......@@ -535,15 +535,11 @@ IF (ex .eqv. .true.) then
end do
IF (ios .ne.0) then
if (.not.flag_mult8910) print *,' >>>FORESEE message: Error during reading soil data!'
WRITE(*,'(A)',advance='no') ' Stop program (y/n)? '
read *, a
IF ( a .eq. 'y' .or. a .eq. 'Y') then
print *, ' STOP program!'
print *,' >>>FORESEE message: Error during reading soil data!'
print *, ' Program stopped!'
IF (help==1) call dealloc_soil
if (.not.flag_mult8910) print *,' Check your input choice!!!'
flag_end = 7
endif ! ios
......@@ -556,7 +552,7 @@ IF (ex .eqv. .true.) then
print *,' Check your input choice!!!'
if (help==1) call dealloc_soil
CALL error_mess(time,"soil identificator not found"//adjustl(soilid(ip))//"ip No.",real(help_ip))
CALL error_mess(time,"soil identificator not found "//adjustl(soilid(ip))//"ip No.",real(help_ip))
flag_end = 5
ENDIF ! ios
......@@ -915,7 +911,7 @@ if (.not.flag_mult8910 .or. (flag_mult8910 .and. anh .eq. "1") .or. (flag_mult89
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'Time step for photosynthesis calculations (days) - ns_pro: ',ns_pro
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'Mortality (0-OFF,1-ON stress, 2- ON stress+intr) - flag_mort: ',flag_mort
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'Regeneration (0-OFF,1-ON, 2-weekly growth of seedl.) - flag_reg: ',flag_reg
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'use FORSKA for regeneration (0-OFF,1-ON) - flag_forska: ',flag_forska
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'use FORSKA for regeneration (0-OFF,1-ON) - flag_forska: ',flag_lambda
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'Stand initialization (0-no,1-from *.ini,2-generate) - flag_stand: ',flag_stand
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'Ground vegetation initialization (0-no,1-generate) - flag_sveg: ',flag_sveg
WRITE(unit_ctr,'(A66,I4)') 'Stand management (0-no,1-yes, 2 - seed once) - flag_mg: ',flag_mg
......@@ -1179,22 +1175,17 @@ real hNO, hNH
if (flag_trace) write (unit_trace, '(I4,I10,A)') iday, time_cur, ' readdepo'
if (.not.allocated(NOd)) allocate (NOd (1:366,1:year))
if (.not.allocated(NHd)) allocate (NHd (1:366, 1:year))
! for areal usage standard/constant deposition is set as concentration:
if (flag_multi .eq. 8 .or. flag_mult910) then
flag_depo = 2
if (.not.allocated(NOd)) then
allocate (NOd (1:366,1:year))
NOd = NOdep(ip) ! concentration mg/l
if (.not.allocated(NHd)) then
allocate (NHd (1:366,1:year))
NHd = NHdep(ip) ! concentration mg/l
NOd = NOdep(ip) ! concentration mg/l
NHd = NHdep(ip) ! concentration mg/l
if (.not.allocated(NOd)) allocate (NOd (1:366,1:year))
if (.not.allocated(NHd)) allocate (NHd (1:366, 1:year))
NOd = 0.
NHd = 0.
......@@ -1427,6 +1418,7 @@ END subroutine readdepo
use data_out
use data_site
use data_species
use data_stand
use data_simul