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A script to generate a list of code developments for the REMIND meeting from git log
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This project contains code to ingest LPJmL crop yield forecasts and historical yield simulations into the World Modelers "Dojo" system.
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The 2+k, 2 and 1 oscillator toy models that (in the first to cases) show super-exotic solitary states.
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MCC APSIS / NACSOS / NACSOS Legacy / nacsos
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Analyse the historical long-term effects of tropical cyclones on economic activity, project the effects along global warming scenarios, and derive temperature-dependent TC damage functions as well as estimates of TC-induced discounted annual damages (DAD) and social cost of carbon (SCC)
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Pascal Sauer / preprocessing-magpie
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0MAgPIE data preprocessing scripts
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Fabian Stenzel / biospheremetrics
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
A script to generate a list of code developments for the REMIND meeting from git log
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David Hoetten / preprocessing-magpieEU
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0MAgPIE data preprocessing scripts
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Peter Hoffmann / gfswt
MIT LicenseRe-identification of weather-types in GFS weather forecasts