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Analyse the historical long-term effects of tropical cyclones on economic activity, project the effects along global warming scenarios, and derive temperature-dependent TC damage functions as well as estimates of TC-induced discounted annual damages (DAD) and social cost of carbon (SCC)
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Code repository accompanying the publication: "Network-induced multistability: Lossy coupling and exotic solitary states"
arXiv:1811.11518 [nlin.AO]
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Luca Lenz / PyPSA.jl
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterJulia wrapper for Python software PyPSA.
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Lars Bittcher / ITCPG
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A script to generate a list of code developments for the REMIND meeting from git log
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Nicola Botta / IdrisLibs
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseIdris application-independent libraries. These are extensions of prelude and base Idris libraries, mainly motivated by the development of https://github.com/nicolabotta/SeqDecProbs.
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Fabian Stenzel / biospheremetrics
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/plain-html
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Timothe Beaufils / multi-scale-mapping
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -