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  • foresee/4C
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!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* data module for various output files (Header ,...) *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_out
! definition of output form each output type (kind_name) with 4 DATA statements
! character strings with more than 1 row must be separated only by &
! Attention! Blanks are normally significant, but problematic:
! at the beginning of the row only one blank is significant
! Recipe for new output files:
! add 1 to the dimension field "(type (out_struct),dimension(x+1),target :: out??)"
! a n d to the number of files "out??_n"+1
! add the specifier of output file to DATA kind_name
! add the comments on first and second line to the respective DATA statements
! add the column header to DATA header (pay attention to the above remarks regarding blanks!)
! add the write statements to the case construct with the kind_name (in output.f)
! depending on the output structure special open statements might have to be added
! in OLD_OUT in output.f
! data structure of skalar and field output
type out_struct
character (10) :: kind_name ! specifies the kind and the name of the output file
integer :: unit_nr ! output unit, set in output.f
integer :: out_flag ! output flag
character (200) :: f_line ! first comment line
character (500) :: s_line ! second comment line
character (900) :: header ! header of output columns
end type out_struct
! daily output of scalars and fields
type (out_struct),dimension(24),target :: outd ! daily output files
integer :: outd_n = 24 ! number of all declared daily output files
DATA outd%kind_name /'Cday','Chumd','Copmd','Copmfractd','Cbcd', 'day', 'day_short','NH4','NH4c','NO3','NO3c','Nhumd','Nopmd', &
'NOPMfract', 'Nuptd', 'Nmind', 'perc', 'specd', 'temp', 'wat_potent', 'wat_res', 'water', 'watvol', 'wupt'/
DATA outd%f_line /'# Daily C balance', & ! Cday
'# C content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Chumd
'# C content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Copmd
'# C content of organic primary matter (OPM) fractions', & ! Copmfractd
'# C content of biochar per layer', & ! Cbcd
'# Daily output', & ! day
'# Short daily output', & ! day_short
'# NH4 content per layer', & ! NH4
'# NH4 concentration per layer', & ! NH4c
'# NO3 content per layer', & ! NO3
'# NO3 concentration per layer', & ! NO3c
'# N content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Nhumd
'# N content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Nopmd
'# N content of organic primary matter (OPM) fractions', & ! NOPMfract
'# Daily nitrogen uptake by roots per layer Nupt', & ! Nuptd
'# Daily nitrogen mineralisation per layer Nmin', & ! Nmind
'# Daily percolation of water per layer perc', & ! perc
'# Daily species variables svar', & ! specd
'# Daily soil temperature per layer temps', & ! temp
'# Daily soil water potential per layer wat_potential',& ! wat_potent
'# Daily water uptake resistance per layer wat_res', & ! wat_res
'# Daily soil water content per layer wats', & ! water
'# Daily soil water content per layer watvol', & ! watvol
'# Daily water uptake by roots per layer wupt_r'/ ! wupt
DATA outd%s_line / &
'# gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2&
& gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 %' , & ! Cday
'# gC_m2', & ! Chumd
'# gC_m2', & ! Copmd
'# gC/m2',& ! Copmfractd
'# gC_m2', & ! Cbcd
'# Grad C J/cm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm&
& mol/m2 gC/m2 gN/m2 gN/m2 gN/m2 gN/m2 mgN/m2 &
& mm mm C&
J/cm2 J/cm2', & ! day
'# - mm', & ! day_short
'# gN/m2', & ! NH4
'# mgN/l', & ! NH4c
'# gN/m2', & ! NO3
'# mgN/l', & ! NO3c
'# gN/m2', & ! Nhumd
'# gN/m2', & ! Nopmd
'# gN/m2 |------------- Fagus sylvatica ----------------|--------------- Picea abies -----------------|&
&------------ Pinus sylvestris ----------------|--------------- Quercus robur ----------------|&
&------------- Betula pendula -----------------|-------------- Pinus contorta ---------------|&
&------------- Pinus ponderosa -----------------|-------------- Populus tremula ---------------|&
&------------- Bodenvegetation ----------------|', & ! NOPMfract
'# gN/m2', & ! Nuptd
'# gN/m2', & ! Nmind
'# mm/day', & ! perc
'# ', & ! specd
'# C', & ! temp
'# hPa', & ! wat_potent
'# ', & ! wat_res
'# mm', & ! water
'# vol%', & ! watvol
'# mm/day'/ ! wupt
DATA outd%header / &
'# Day Year gross_Phot gross_Ass net_Ass pot_NPP NPP NPP_day GPP_day NEE &
& TER_day autresp Resp_aut Resp_het Resp_fol FaPar',& ! Cday
'# Day Year Chum_1 Chum_2 Chum_3 Chum_4 Chum_5 Chum_6 ....',& ! Chumd
'# Day Year Copm_1 Copm_2 Copm_3 Copm_4 Copm_5 Copm_6 ....',& ! Copmd
'# Day Year species C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm species C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm &
& ....',& ! Copmfractd
'# Day Year Cbc_1 Cbc_2 Cbc_3 Cbc_4 Cbc_5 Cbc_6 ....',& ! Cbcd
'# Day Year Temp Rad Prec Intercep Snow PET AET Transdem Transtree Transsveg&
& GP_can Resp_het Nleach_d Nupt_d Nmin_d_c N_antot N_Depo Cover&
& LAI s_Light toFPARcan fire_indi fire_e fire_w fire_n snowday drIndd&
& buckroot buck100 cl_WatBal dewp.temp dew/rime Rnet_tot Rad_max',& ! day
'# Date fire_e cl_WatBal',& ! day_short
'# Day Year NH4_1 NH4_2 NH4_3 NH4_4 NH4_5 NH4_6 ....',& ! NH4
'# Day Year NH4_1 NH4_2 NH4_3 NH4_4 NH4_5 NH4_6 ....',& ! NH4c
'# Day Year NO3_1 NO3_2 NO3_3 NO3_4 NO3_5 NO3_6 ....',& ! NO3
'# Day Year NO3_1 NO3_2 NO3_3 NO3_4 NO3_5 NO3_6 ....',& ! NO3c
'# Day Year Nhum_1 Nhum_2 Nhum_3 Nhum_4 Nhum_5 Nhum_6 ....',& ! Nhumd
'# Day Year Nopm_1 Nopm_2 Nopm_3 Nopm_4 Nopm_5 Nopm_6 ....',& ! Nopmd
'# Day Year N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm &
& N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm &
& N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm &
& N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm ',& ! NOPMfract
'# Day Year Nupt_1 Nupt_2 Nupt_3 Nupt_4 Nupt_5 Nupt_6 ....',& ! Nuptd
'# Day Year Nmin_1 Nmin_2 Nmin_3 Nmin_4 Nmin_5 Nmin_6 ....',& ! Nmind
'# Day Year Percol_1 Percol_2 Percol_3 Percol_4 Percol_5 Percol_6 ....',& ! perc
'# Day Year species_name number Ndem Nupt Ndemp Nuptp RedN ',& ! specd
'# Day Year Temp_surf Temps_1 Temps_2 Temps_3 Temps_4 Temps_5 Temps_6 ....',& ! temp
'# Day Year Pot_1 Pot_2 Pot_3 Pot_4 Pot_5 Pot_6 ....',& ! wat_potent
'# Day Year Wat_res_1 Wat_res_2 Wat_res_3 Wat_res_4 Wat_res_5 Wat_res_6 ....',& ! wat_res
'# Day Year Wats_1 Wats_2 Wats_3 Wats_4 Wats_5 Wats_6 ....',& ! water
'# Day Year Wats_1 Wats_2 Wats_3 Wats_4 Wats_5 Wats_6 ....',& ! watvol
'# Day Year Wupt_r_1 Wupt_r_2 Wupt_r_3 Wupt_r_4 Wupt_r_5 Wupt_r_6 ....'/ ! wupt
! ----------------------------------------------------- !
! yearly output of scalars and fields
type (out_struct),dimension(58),target :: outy ! yearly output files
integer :: outy_n = 58 ! number of all declared yearly output files
DATA outy%kind_name /'AET_mon','c_bal','Cbc','Chum','Copm','Copmfract','classd','classage','classmvol','classd_h','classdm', 'classdm_h',&
'classh', 'classt', 'clim', 'clim_temp', 'clim_prec', 'clim_rad', 'clim_hum', &
'fcap_av','fcapv_av', 'fr_loss','GPP_mon', 'humusv', 'indi', &
'litter','Nbc','Nhum','Nopm','NEE_mon','NPP_mon','manrec', 'mansort', 'redis', 'root', 'sdrought',&
'soil', 'spec', 'standsort','TER_mon','veg', 'veg_in', 'veg_out', &
'veg_be','veg_bi','veg_pi', 'veg_pc', 'veg_pp', 'veg_pt', &
'veg_oa','veg_sp','veg_ph', 'veg_dg', 'veg_rb', 'veg_egl', 'veg_egr','veg_sveg','veg_mist'/
DATA outy%f_line /'# Monthly sum of actual evapotranspiration (AET)', & ! AET_mon
'# Yearly C-Balance, C-stocks and -fluxes; C_sumvsab is part of C_biomass', & ! c_bal
'# C content of biochar (C_bc) per layer', & ! Cbc
'# C content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Chum
'# C content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Copm
'# C content of organic primary matter (OPM) fractions', & ! Copmfract
'#', & ! classd
'#', & ! classage
'#', & ! classmvol
'#', & ! classd_h
'#', & ! classdm
'#', & ! classdm_h
'#', & ! classh
'#', & ! classt
'# Climate data', & ! clim
'# Air temperature: monthly climate data', & ! clim_temp
'# Precipitation: monthly climate data', & ! clim_prec
'# Radiation: monthly climate data', & ! clim_rad
'# Relative humidity: monthly climate data', & ! clim_hum
'# Available field capacity per layer', & ! fcap_av
'# Available field capacity per layer', & ! fcapv_av
'# Percentage fine root C-loss per soil layer', & ! fr_loss
'# Monthly GPP of all cohorts and species', & ! GPP_mon
'# Content of humus per layer', & ! humusv
'# Indices of fire and biodiversity', & ! indi
'# Yearly litter fractions', & ! litter
'# N content of biochar (N_bc) per layer', & ! Nbc
'# N content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Nhum
'# N content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Nopm
'# Monthly NEE of all cohorts and species', & ! NEE_mon
'# Monthly NPP of all cohorts and species', & ! NPP_mon
'# Management record', & ! manrec
'# Management sortiment',& ! mansort
'# Redistribution of root C (redis)', & ! redis
'# Root distribution (root_fr)', & ! root
'# Data from soil model', & ! sdrought
'# Data from soil model', & ! soil
'# Species number and name', & ! spec
'# sortiment of whole stand (without harvested trees)',& ! standsort
'# Monthly TER of all cohorts and species', & ! TER_mon
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha); see files veg_in, veg_out in addition', & ! veg
'# New trees (by planting or regeneration), values for the whole stand (per ha)', & ! veg_in
'# Removed trees (by mortality or management) with number of cohorts from which trees are removed (per ha)', & ! veg_out
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for beech', & ! veg_be
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for birch', & ! veg_bi
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus sylvestris', & ! veg_pi
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus contorta', & ! veg_pc
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus ponderosa', & ! veg_pp
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for populus tremula', & ! veg_pt
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for oak', & ! veg_oa
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for spruce', & ! veg_sp
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus halepensis', & ! veg_ph
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for douglas fir', & ! veg_dg
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for black locust', & ! veg_rb
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for E.globulus', & ! veg_egl
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for E.grandis', & ! veg_egr
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for ground vegetation', & ! veg_sveg
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for mistletoe (Visc. a.)'/! veg_mist
DATA outy%s_line / &
'# mm', & ! AET_mon
'# kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha&
& kg/ha kg/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha&
& mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2&
& mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 kg/ha', & ! c_bal
'# gC/m2', & ! Cbc
'# gC/m2', & ! Chum
'# gC/m2', & ! Copm
'# gC/m2', & ! Copmfract
'# diam_class: Number of trees (per ha) in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classd
'# diam_class: Mean age of trees (per ha) in diamter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classage
'# diam_class: Mean volume (m/ha) of harvested trees in diamter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classmvol
'# diam_class: Mean height of trees in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classd_h
'# diam_class: Number of harvested trees (per ha) in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classdm
'# diam_class: Mean height of trees in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classdm_h
'# height_class: Number of trees in height classes, bis 1,5,6,7,...,50,55,>55m', & ! classh
'# diam_class: Number of dead trees (per ha) in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classt
'# C mm J/cm2 m/s ppm C', & ! clim
'# C ... ', & ! clim_temp
'# mm ... ', & ! clim_prec
'# J/cm2 ... ', & ! clim_rad
'# % ... ', & ! clim_hum
'# mm', & ! fcap_av
'# %', & ! fcapv_av
'# yearly mean fine root C-loss', & ! fr_loss
'# gC/m2', & ! GPP_mon
'# %', & ! humusv
'# fire index |------------ fire index west ------------|&
&|----------------------- fire index east -----------------------|&
&|------- fire index Nesterov -------|', & ! indi
'# |-------------------------------- Dry mass kg DW/ha_yr ---------------------------------|&
& |----------------- Carbon content kg C/ha_yr -------------------|&
& |----------------- Nitrogen content kg N/ha_yr -----------------|', & ! litter
!& % % % % ', & ! litter
'# gN/m2', & ! Nbc
'# gN/m2', & ! Nhum
'# gN/m2', & ! Nopm
'# gC/m2', & ! NEE_mon
'# gC/m2', & ! NPP_mon
' ', & ! manrec
' cm cm cm cm cm m/ha kg C/ha ', & ! mansort
'# relative share of redistributed C per layer (whole stand) ', & ! redis
'# relative share of root mass per layer (whole stand) ', & ! root
'# s_drought: Number of days with water content near wilting point (drought days) per layer', & ! sdrought
'# Grad_C mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mol_m2 gN_m2&
& gN_m2 gC_m2 gN_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2&
& gN_m2 gN_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 mm mm cm mm J/cm2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2',& ! soil
'#', & ! spec
' cm cm cm cm cm m/ha kg C/ha ', & ! standsort
'# gC/m2', & ! TER_mon
'# /ha m2_m2 kg_DW/ha kg_DW_yr/ha cm cm&
& kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m3/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m2_m2&
& gN/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 cm cm m m/ha m/ha', & ! veg
2*'# /ha m2_m2 kg_DW/ha cm cm&
& kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m3/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m2_m2&
& gN/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2', & ! veg_in, veg_out
15*'# /ha m2_m2 kg_DW/ha kg_DW_yr/ha cm &
&cm kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m3/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m2_m2&
& gN/m2 gN/m2 - - cm cm m m/ha m/ha mm'/ ! veg_be, bi, pi, oa, sp, sveg
DATA outy%header / &
'# Year AET_1 AET_2 AET_3 AET_4 AET_5 AET_6 AET_7 AET_8 AET_9 AET_10&
& AET_11 AET_12 AET_Quar1 AET_Quar2 AET_Quar3 AET_Quar4 AET_DJF AET_MAM AET_JJA AET_SON', & ! AET_mon
'# Year GPP NPP NEP Aut_Resp Het_Resp Tot_Resp C_dead_st C_sumvsab C_biomass&
& C_tot_ES C_soil C_tot_1 C_hum_1 C_tot_40 C_hum_40 C_tot_80 C_hum_80 C_tot_100 C_hum_100&
& GPP NPP NEP Aut_Resp Het_Resp Tot_Resp C_dead_st&
& C_sumvsab C_biomass C_tot_ES C_soil gppsum', & ! c_bal
'# Year Cbc_1 Cbc_2 Cbc_3 Cbc_4 Cbc_5 Cbc_6 ....',& ! Cbc
'# Year Chum_1 Chum_2 Chum_3 Chum_4 Chum_5 Chum_6 ....',& ! Chum
'# Year Copm_1 Copm_2 Copm_3 Copm_4 Copm_5 Copm_6 ....',& ! Copm
'# Year species C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm species C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm &
& ....',& ! Copmfract
'# Year', & ! classd
'# Year', & ! classage
'# Year', & ! classmvol
'# Year', & ! classd_h
'# Year', & ! classdm
'# Year', & ! classdm_h
'# Year', & ! classh
'# Year', & ! classt
'# Year Temp Prec Radiation Wind CO2 GDD summerdays hotdays icedays &
& drydays hraindays snowdays Ind_arid CWB Ind_Lang Ind_Cout Ind_Wissm Ind_Mart Ind_Mart_VP &
&Ind_Emb Ind_Weck Ind_Reich Ind_Gor I_Currey I_Conrad NTIndex Ind_Budyko F_day F_day_sp l_frost l_frosttot anzfd sumtfd iday_vp Ind_SHC', & ! clim
'# Year Temp_1 Temp_2 Temp_3 Temp_4 Temp_5 Temp_6 Temp_7 Temp_8 Temp_9 Temp_10&
& Temp_11 Temp_12 T_Quart1 T_Quart2 T_Quart3 T_Quart4 T_DJF T_MAM T_JJA T_SON', & ! clim_temp
'# Year Prec_1 Prec_2 Prec_3 Prec_4 Prec_5 Prec_6 Prec_7 Prec_8 Prec_9 Prec_10&
& Prec_11 Prec_12 P_Quart1 P_Quart2 P_Quart3 P_Quart4 P_DJF P_MAM P_JJA P_SON', & ! clim_prec
'# Year Rad_1 Rad_2 Rad_3 Rad_4 Rad_5 Rad_6 Rad_7 Rad_8 Rad_9 Rad_10&
& Rad_11 Rad_12 R_Quart1 R_Quart2 R_Quart3 R_Quart4 R_DJF R_MAM R_JJA R_SON', & ! clim_rad
'# Year Hum_1 Hum_2 Hum_3 Hum_4 Hum_5 Hum_6 Hum_7 Hum_8 Hum_9 Hum_10&
& Hum_11 Hum_12 H_Quart1 H_Quart2 H_Quart3 H_Quart4 H_DJF H_MAM H_JJA H_SON', & ! clim_hum
'# Year fcap_av_1 fcap_av_2 fcap_av_3 fcap_av_4 fcap_av_5 fcap_av_6 ....',& ! fcap_av
'# Year fcapvav_1 fcapvav_2 fcapvav_3 fcapvav_4 fcapvav_5 fcapvav_6 ....',& ! fcapv_av
'# Year lay_1 lay_2 lay_3 lay_4 lay_5 lay_6 ....',& ! fr_loss
'# Year GPP_1 GPP_2 GPP_3 GPP_4 GPP_5 GPP_6 GPP_7 GPP_8 GPP_9 GPP_10&
& GPP_11 GPP_12 GPP_Quar1 GPP_Quar2 GPP_Quar3 GPP_Quar4 GPP_DJF GPP_MAM GPP_JJA GPP_SON', & ! GPP_mon
'# Year humus_1 humus_2 humus_3 humus_4 humus_5 humus_6 ....',& ! humusv
'# Bruschek Mean class1 class2 class3 class4 class5&
& Mean class1 class2 class3 class4 class5 Ind_max Ind_day Mean class1 class2 class3 class4', & ! indi
'# Year fol_litter fol_lit_tr frt_litter frt_lit_tr crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter tot_litter&
& fol_litter frt_litter crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter tot_litter&
& fol_litter frt_litter crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter tot_litter', & ! litter
!'# Year fol_litter frt_litter crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter fol_litter frt_litter&
!& crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter', & ! litter
'# Year Nbc_1 Nbc_2 Nbc_3 Nbc_4 Nbc_5 Nbc_6 ....',& ! Nbc
'# Year Nhum_1 Nhum_2 Nhum_3 Nhum_4 Nhum_5 Nhum_6 ....',& ! Nhum
'# Year Nopm_1 Nopm_2 Nopm_3 Nopm_4 Nopm_5 Nopm_6 ....',& ! Nopm
'# Year NEE_1 NEE_2 NEE_3 NEE_4 NEE_5 NEE_6 NEE_7 NEE_8 NEE_9 NEE_10&
& NEE_11 NEE_12 NEE_Quar1 NEE_Quar2 NEE_Quar3 NEE_Quar4 NEE_DJF NEE_MAM NEE_JJA NEE_SON', & ! NEE_mon
'# Year NPP_1 NPP_2 NPP_3 NPP_4 NPP_5 NPP_6 NPP_7 NPP_8 NPP_9 NPP_10&
& NPP_11 NPP_12 NPP_Quar1 NPP_Quar2 NPP_Quar3 NPP_Quar4 NPP_DJF NPP_MAM NPP_JJA NPP_SON', & ! NPP_mon
'# Year management measure ', & ! manrec
'# year count spec type len diam diam wob top_d t_d wob Volume DW number type', & ! mansort
'# Year lay_1 lay_2 lay_3 lay_4 lay_5 lay_6 ....',& ! redis
'# Year root_1 root_2 root_3 root_4 root_5 root_6 ....',& ! root
'# Year layer1 layer2 layer3 layer4 ........', & ! sdrought
'# Year Temp Prec Interc Percol Wupt Wuptroot Transtree Transsveg Wuptsoil AET Wats_tot&
& GP_can N_min N_tot C_tot N_antot N_humtot C_humtot N_hum(1) C_hum(1) N_litter&
& C_litter C_opm_fol C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_tbc C_opm_stm Nupt Nleach N_depo Soil_Resp&
& PET interc_sv thick1 dew/rime Rnet_tot N_bc_tot C_bc_tot C_bc_app', & ! soil
'# Year', & ! spec
' year count spec type len diam diam wob top_d t_d wob Volume DW number ', & ! standsort
'# Year TER_1 TER_2 TER_3 TER_4 TER_5 TER_6 TER_7 TER_8 TER_9 TER_10&
& TER_11 TER_12 TER_Quar1 TER_Quar2 TER_Quar3 TER_Quar4 TER_DJF TER_MAM TER_JJA TER_SON', & ! TER_mon
'# Year num_Spec Coh Tree LAI Biomass NPPsum Meddiam&
& Domhei Fol_Bio Sap_Bio Frt_Bio Hrt_Bio Stem_inc Stemvol rem_stems&
& dead_stems cover drIndAl Ndem gp_can_mean gp_can_min gp_can_max mean_diam mean_height basal_area dead_stems_m3 stem_inc_m3', & ! veg
2* '# Year num_Spec Coh Tree LAI Biomass Meddiam&
& mean_hei Fol_Bio Sap_Bio Frt_Bio Hrt_Bio Stem_inc Stemvol rem_stems&
& dead_stems cover drIndAl Ndem gp_can_mean gp_can_min gp_can_max', & ! veg_in, veg_out
15*'# Year Spec_id Coh Tree LAI Biomass NPPsum Meddiam&
& Domhei Fol_Bio Sap_Bio Frt_Bio Hrt_Bio Stem_inc Stemvol rem_stems&
& dead_stems cover drIndAl Ndem Nupt Red_N daybb endbb mean_diam mean_height basal_area dead_stems_m3 stem_inc_m3 YRW'/ ! veg_be, bi, pi, oa, sp,lp, sveg, mist
! ----------------------------------------------------- !
! daily output of cohorts
type (out_struct),dimension(23),target :: outcd
integer :: outcd_n = 23 ! number of all declared cohort output files
DATA outcd%kind_name /'ass', 'aevi', 'ddi', 'dem', 'dips', 'gp', 'gsdps', 'intcap', 'interc', &
'Ndemc_d', 'Nuptc_d', 'N_fol', 'N_pool', 'RedNc', 'resp', 'respaut', &
'respbr', 'respfol', 'resphet', 'respsap', 'respfrt', 'sup', 'totfpar'/
DATA outcd%s_line /23*'# Cohort output'/ ! ass, ddi, dem, gp, gsdps, res,
! resbr, ressap, resfrt, sup
DATA outcd%f_line / &
'# Optimum gross assimilation rate (kg DW/d) assi', & ! ass
'# Daily evaporation of intercepted water (mm/day) aev_i', & ! aevi
'# Daily drought index drindd', & ! ddi
'# Demand for soil water of the cohort (mm/day) demand', & ! dem
'# Drought index for Photosyntheses calculation (cum) drindps', & ! dips
'# Unstressed stomatal conductance (mol/m2*d) gp', & ! gp
'# Number of growing season days per time step of photosynthesis ndaysps', & ! gsdps
'# Interception capacity (mm) sum of intcap(layer)', & ! intcap
'# Interception storage (mm) interc_st', & ! interc
'# Daily N demand per tree (g)', & ! Ndemc_d
'# Daily N uptake per tree (g)', & ! Nuptc_d
'# Daily N content of foliage per tree (g)', & ! N_fol
'# Daily N_pool per tree (g)', & ! N_pool
'# Daily photosynthesis nitrogen reduction factor [-]', & ! RedNc
'# Leaf respiration rate (g C/d) resp', & ! resp
'# Daily autotrophic respiration rate (g C/d) respaut', & ! respaut
'# Daily respiration rate of branches (g C/d) respbr', & ! respbr
'# Daily respiration rate of leaves (g C/d) respfol', & ! respfol
'# Daily heterotrophic respiration rate (g C/d) resphet', & ! resphet
'# Daily respiration rate of sapwood (g C/d) respsap', & ! respsap
'# Daily respiration rate of frt (g C/d) respfrt', & ! respfrt
'# Supply of soil water to roots of the cohort (mm/day) supply', & ! sup
'# Total fraction of PAR absorbed per m patch area (-) totFPAR'/ ! totfpar
DATA outcd%header / &
23*'# Day Year Coh1 Coh2 Coh3 Coh4 ...'/ ! ass, ddi, dem, gp, gsdps, res,
! resbr, ressap, resfrt, sup
! ----------------------------------------------------- !
! yearly output of cohorts
type (out_struct),dimension(58),target :: outcy
integer :: outcy_n = 58 ! number of all declared cohort output files
DATA outcy%kind_name /'age', 'ahb', 'ahbasrel', 'ahc', 'ahcasrel', 'asapw', 'atr', 'bioi', 'botlayer','cpa', 'crt', 'daybb', 'dcrb', 'diac', 'diam', &
'dtr', 'dwd','fol', 'foli', 'frt', 'frti', 'frtrel', 'frtrelc', 'geff', 'gfol', 'gfrt', 'grossass', 'gsap', &
'gsd', 'hbo', 'hea', 'hei', 'hrt', 'leaf', 'maintres', 'nas', 'npp', 'rdpt', 'rld', 'sap', &
'sfol', 'sfrt', 'spn', 'ssap', 'stem', 'str', 'tdb','toplayer', 'trman', 'ttb','Ndemc_c','Nuptc_c', &
'Nfol', 'Npool', 'Nstr','rooteff', 'watleft', 'yrw'/
DATA outcy%s_line /58*'# Cohort output'/ ! age, ahb, ahc, atr, asapw, bioi, botLayer, cpa, crt, daybb, dcrb, diac, diam,
! dtr, dwd, fol, foli, frt, frti, frtrel, geff, gfol, gfrt,
! grossass, gsap, gsd, hbo, hea, hrt, hei,
! leaf, maintres, nas, npp, rdpt, rld, sap, sfol, sfrt, spn,
! ssap, stem, str, tdb, topLayer, trman,ttb, Ndemc,Nuptc, rooteff,watleft
DATA outcy%f_line / &
'# Tree age (year)', & ! age
'# Cross sectional area of heartwood at stem base [cm**2] x_Ahb', & ! ahb
'# Relation of heartwood to sapwood at stem base', & ! ahbasrel
'# Cross sectional area of heartwood at crown base [cm**2] Ahc', & ! ahc
'# Relation of heartwood to sapwood at crown base', & ! ahcasrel
'# Cross sectional area of sapwood in bole space [cm**2] Asapw', & ! asapw
'# Number of alive trees per cohort', & ! atr
'# Net biomass increment (kg DM/year)', & ! bioi
'# Number of bottom layer of crown [-]', & ! botLayer
'# Cohort crown projection area (m2)', & ! cpa
'# coarse root biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! crt
'# Day of leaf bud burst', & ! daybb
'# Diameter of stem at crown base (cm)',& ! dcrb
'# Drought index for allocation calculation (cum)', & ! diac
'# Diameter at breast height (cm)', & ! diam
'# Number of dead trees per cohort', & ! dtr
'# Stem biomass of dead trees per cohort', & ! dwd
'# Foliage biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! fol
'# Foliage increment (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! foli
'# Fine root biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! frt
'# Net fine root increment (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! frti
'# Relative fine root fraction of tree per soil layer (root profile)', & ! frtrel
'# Relative fine root fraction of cohort of total layer fine root mass per soil layer', & ! frtrel
'# Growth efficiency kg/m2', & ! geff
'# Gross growth rate foliage (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! gfol
'# Gross growth rate fine root (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! gfrt
'# Gross assimilation rate (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! grossass
'# Gross growth rate sapwood (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! gsap
'# Number of growing season days per year ndaysgr',& ! gsd
'# Bole height (cm)', & ! hbo
'# Number of years without stress', & ! hea
'# Total tree height (cm)', & ! hei
'# Heartwood biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! hrt
'# Leaf area per tree (m2)', & ! leaf
'# Maintenance respiration (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! maintres
'# Net foliage assimilation rate (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! nas
'# NPP (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! npp
'# Rooting depth calculated with TRAP model[cm]', & ! rdpt
'# estimated root length density [cm]', & ! rld
'# Sapwood biomass (kg DM)', & ! sap
'# Senescence rate foliage (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! sfol
'# Senescence rate fine roots (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! sfrt
'# Species number of the cohort', & ! spn
'# Senescence rate sapwood (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! ssap
'# Stemwood biomass increment (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! stem
'# Number of stress years', & ! str
'# Total cohort dead biomass (kg DM/year/cohort)', & ! tdb
'# Number of top layer of crown [-]', & ! topLayer
'# Number of trees harvested by managment', & ! trman
'# Total tree biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! ttb
'# N demand per tree and year (g)', & ! Ndemc_c
'# N uptake per tree and year (g)', & ! Nuptc_c
'# N content of foliage per tree and year (g)', & ! Nfol
'# N pool per tree and year (g)', & ! Npool
'# Ratio of N uptake to demand per tree and year', & ! Nstr
'# Root uptake efficiency factor', & ! rooteff
'# Water left in next layer', & ! watleft
'# Year ring width [mm]' / ! yrw
DATA outcy%header / &
58*'# Year Coh1 Coh2 Coh3 Coh4 ...'/ !age, ahb, ahc, atr, bioi, cpa, crt, daybb, dcrb, diac, diam,
! dtr, dwd, fol, foli, frt, frti, frtrel, geff, gfol, gfrt,
! gsap, gsd, hbo, hea, hrt, hei,
! leaf, maintres, nas, npp, rdpt, rld, sap, sfol, sfrt, spn,
! stem, str, tdb,trman, ttb, Ndemc,Nuptc, rooteff,watleft, yrw
! output at simulation end
type (out_struct),dimension(6),target :: oute
integer :: oute_n = 6 ! number of all declared end output files
DATA oute%kind_name /'sea', 'sea_ms', 'sea_npv', 'sea_st','wpm', 'wpm_inter'/
DATA oute%f_line / &
'# SEA: Costs and assets of standing stock, harvested timber, silvicultural costs, fix costs, and subsidies in euro/ha', &
'# SEA: Timber grading for harvested wood, m3/ha', &
'# SEA: liquidation value, npv, npv+ in euro/ha', &
'# SEA: Timber grading for standing stock, m3/ha', &
'# Wood product model output', &
'# Wood product model intermediate steps'/ !
DATA oute%s_line / &
'# shotcuts: sum: summe, st: standing stock, ms: harvested wood, fc: fix costs, sv: silvicultural costs, co: costs, as: assets, sub: subsidies, sp: spruce, be: beech, pi: pine, oa: oak, bi: birch, ' , &
'# Timber grades 1-7: 1-fue, 2-in, 3-LAS1a, 4-LAS1b, 5-LAS2a, 6-LAS2b, 7-LAS3a, 8-L2b, 9-L3a, 10-L3b ' , &
'# a: without discounting, b-d: interest rate (see "sea_prices.wpm" file) ' , &
'# Timber grades 1-7: 1-fue, 2-in, 3-LAS1a, 4-LAS1b, 5-LAS2a, 6-LAS2b, 7-LAS3a, 8-L2b, 9-L3a, 10-L3b ' , &
'# Carbon in different products, kg C/ha ' , &
'# Carbon in different products, kg C/ha tg: timber grades, il: industrial lines, pl: product lines'/
DATA oute%header / &
'# Year sum_all sum_st sum_ms sum_sv sum_fc sum_sub be_st_co sp_st_co pi_st_co oa_st_co bi_st_co |be_st_as sp_st_as pi_st_as oa_st_as bi_st_as |be_ms_co sp_ms_co pi_ms_co oa_ms_co bi_ms_co |be_ms_as sp_ms_as pi_ms_as oa_ms_as bi_ms_as fix_costs sub_har sub_sv_co sub_fix ', &! sea
'# Year be_tg1 be_tg2 be_tg5 be_tg6 be_tg7 be_tg8 be_tg9 be_tg10 &
&sp_tg1 sp_tg2 sp_tg4 sp_tg5 sp_tg6 sp_tg7 sp_tg8 sp_tg9 sp_tg10 &
&pi_tg1 pi_tg2 pi_tg3 pi_tg4 pi_tg5 pi_tg6 pi_tg7 pi_tg8 pi_tg9 pi_tg10 &
&oa_tg1 oa_tg2 oa_tg5 oa_tg6 oa_tg7 oa_tg8 oa_tg9 oa_tg10 &
&bi_tg1 bi_tg2 bi_tg5 bi_tg6 bi_tg7 bi_tg8 bi_tg9 bi_tg10', &! sea_ms
'# Year LVa LVb LVc LVd NPVa NPVb NPVc NPVd NPV+a NPV+b NPV+c NPV+d ', &! sea_npv
'# Year be_tg1 be_tg2 be_tg5 be_tg6 be_tg7 be_tg8 be_tg9 be_tg10 &
&sp_tg1 sp_tg2 sp_tg4 sp_tg5 sp_tg6 sp_tg7 sp_tg8 sp_tg9 sp_tg10 &
&pi_tg1 pi_tg2 pi_tg3 pi_tg4 pi_tg5 pi_tg6 pi_tg7 pi_tg8 pi_tg9 pi_tg10 &
&oa_tg1 oa_tg2 oa_tg5 oa_tg6 oa_tg7 oa_tg8 oa_tg9 oa_tg10 &
&bi_tg1 bi_tg2 bi_tg5 bi_tg6 bi_tg7 bi_tg8 bi_tg9 bi_tg10', &! sea_st
'# Year sum_input u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 sum_u1-7 burn&
& landfill atmo atmo_cum emission sub_energ sub_mat sub_sum', & ! wpm
'# Year tg1 tg2 tg3 tg4 tg5 tg6 il1 il2 il3 il4 il5 il6 il7 pl1 pl2 pl3 pl4 pl5 pl6 pl7 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 '/ ! wpm_inter
! special output forms
INTEGER :: out_flag_light ! output flag light-file
INTEGER :: unit_err ! unit for error log file
INTEGER :: unit_trace ! unit for trace log file
INTEGER :: unit_sum ! unit for summation output (fluxes) file
INTEGER :: unit_comp1, unit_comp2 ! ncompressed output
INTEGER :: unit_light, unit_wat
INTEGER :: unit_ctr, unit_prod, unit_allo, unit_soil
INTEGER :: unit_soicnd, unit_soicna, unit_soicnr
! store output variables of veg-file
type out_veg
integer,dimension(3):: help_veg1
real,dimension(11):: help_veg2
real help_veg3
real :: help_veg4
real :: help_veg5
real :: help_veg6
end type out_veg
type (out_veg),allocatable,dimension(:),target :: sout
type (out_veg) :: vout
type out_C
real, dimension(366):: NEE ! net ecosystem exchange
real, dimension(366):: Resp_aut ! autotrophic respiration
end type out_C
type (out_C) :: Cout
character(100) :: mess_info = '# ' ! output of measurements: information line
end module data_out
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* data module for various output files (Header ,...) *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_out
! definition of output form each output type (kind_name) with 4 DATA statements
! character strings with more than 1 row must be separated only by &
! Attention! Blanks are normally significant, but problematic:
! at the beginning of the row only one blank is significant
! Recipe for new output files:
! add 1 to the dimension field "(type (out_struct),dimension(x+1),target :: out??)"
! a n d to the number of files "out??_n"+1
! add the specifier of output file to DATA kind_name
! add the comments on first and second line to the respective DATA statements
! add the column header to DATA header (pay attention to the above remarks regarding blanks!)
! add the write statements to the case construct with the kind_name (in output.f)
! depending on the output structure special open statements might have to be added
! in OLD_OUT in output.f
! data structure of skalar and field output
type out_struct
character (10) :: kind_name ! specifies the kind and the name of the output file
integer :: unit_nr ! output unit, set in output.f
integer :: out_flag ! output flag
character (200) :: f_line ! first comment line
character (500) :: s_line ! second comment line
character (900) :: header ! header of output columns
end type out_struct
! daily output of scalars and fields
type (out_struct),dimension(24),target :: outd ! daily output files
integer :: outd_n = 24 ! number of all declared daily output files
DATA outd%kind_name /'Cday','Chumd','Copmd','COPMfract','Cbcd', 'day', 'day_short','NH4','NH4c','NO3','NO3c','Nhumd','Nopmd', &
'NOPMfract', 'Nuptd', 'Nmind', 'perc', 'specd', 'temp', 'wat_potent', 'wat_res', 'water', 'watvol', 'wupt'/
DATA outd%f_line /'# Daily C balance', & ! Cday
'# C content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Chumd
'# C content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Copmd
'# C content of organic primary matter (OPM) fractions', & ! COPMfract
'# C content of biochar per layer', & ! Cbcd
'# Daily output', & ! day
'# Short daily output', & ! day_short
'# NH4 content per layer', & ! NH4
'# NH4 concentration per layer', & ! NH4c
'# NO3 content per layer', & ! NO3
'# NO3 concentration per layer', & ! NO3c
'# N content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Nhumd
'# N content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Nopmd
'# N content of organic primary matter (OPM) fractions', & ! NOPMfract
'# Daily nitrogen uptake by roots per layer Nupt', & ! Nuptd
'# Daily nitrogen mineralisation per layer Nmin', & ! Nmind
'# Daily percolation of water per layer perc', & ! perc
'# Daily species variables svar', & ! specd
'# Daily soil temperature per layer temps', & ! temp
'# Daily soil water potential per layer wat_potential',& ! wat_potent
'# Daily water uptake resistance per layer wat_res', & ! wat_res
'# Daily soil water content per layer wats', & ! water
'# Daily soil water content per layer watvol', & ! watvol
'# Daily water uptake by roots per layer wupt_r'/ ! wupt
DATA outd%s_line / &
'# gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2&
& gC/m2 gC/m2 gC/m2 %' , & ! Cday
'# gC_m2', & ! Chumd
'# gC_m2', & ! Copmd
'# gC/m2 |------------- Fagus sylvatica ----------------|--------------- Picea abies -----------------|&
&------------ Pinus sylvestris ----------------|--------------- Quercus robur ----------------|&
&------------- Betula pendula -----------------|-------------- Pinus contorta ---------------|&
&------------- Bodenvegetation ----------------|', & ! COPMfract
'# gC_m2', & ! Cbcd
'# Grad C J/cm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm&
& mol/m2 gC/m2 gN/m2 gN/m2 gN/m2 gN/m2 mgN/m2 &
& mm mm C&
J/cm2 J/cm2', & ! day
'# - mm', & ! day_short
'# gN/m2', & ! NH4
'# mgN/l', & ! NH4c
'# gN/m2', & ! NO3
'# mgN/l', & ! NO3c
'# gN/m2', & ! Nhumd
'# gN/m2', & ! Nopmd
'# gN/m2 |------------- Fagus sylvatica ----------------|--------------- Picea abies -----------------|&
&------------ Pinus sylvestris ----------------|--------------- Quercus robur ----------------|&
&------------- Betula pendula -----------------|-------------- Pinus contorta ---------------|&
&------------- Pinus ponderosa -----------------|-------------- Populus tremula ---------------|&
&------------- Bodenvegetation ----------------|', & ! NOPMfract
'# gN/m2', & ! Nuptd
'# gN/m2', & ! Nmind
'# mm/day', & ! perc
'# ', & ! specd
'# C', & ! temp
'# hPa', & ! wat_potent
'# ', & ! wat_res
'# mm', & ! water
'# vol%', & ! watvol
'# mm/day'/ ! wupt
DATA outd%header / &
'# Day Year gross_Phot gross_Ass net_Ass pot_NPP NPP NPP_day GPP_day NEE &
& TER_day autresp Resp_aut Resp_het Resp_fol FaPar',& ! Cday
'# Day Year Chum_1 Chum_2 Chum_3 Chum_4 Chum_5 Chum_6 ....',& ! Chumd
'# Day Year Copm_1 Copm_2 Copm_3 Copm_4 Copm_5 Copm_6 ....',& ! Copmd
'# Day Year C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm &
& C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm &
& C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm &
& C_opm_fol C_opm_tb C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_stm ',& ! COPMfract
'# Day Year Cbc_1 Cbc_2 Cbc_3 Cbc_4 Cbc_5 Cbc_6 ....',& ! Cbcd
'# Day Year Temp Rad Prec Intercep Snow PET AET Transdem Transtree Transsveg&
& GP_can Resp_het Nleach_d Nupt_d Nmin_d_c N_antot N_Depo Cover&
& LAI s_Light toFPARcan fire_indi fire_e fire_w fire_n snowday drIndd&
& buckroot buck100 cl_WatBal dewp.temp dew/rime Rnet_tot Rad_max',& ! day
'# Date fire_e cl_WatBal',& ! day_short
'# Day Year NH4_1 NH4_2 NH4_3 NH4_4 NH4_5 NH4_6 ....',& ! NH4
'# Day Year NH4_1 NH4_2 NH4_3 NH4_4 NH4_5 NH4_6 ....',& ! NH4c
'# Day Year NO3_1 NO3_2 NO3_3 NO3_4 NO3_5 NO3_6 ....',& ! NO3
'# Day Year NO3_1 NO3_2 NO3_3 NO3_4 NO3_5 NO3_6 ....',& ! NO3c
'# Day Year Nhum_1 Nhum_2 Nhum_3 Nhum_4 Nhum_5 Nhum_6 ....',& ! Nhumd
'# Day Year Nopm_1 Nopm_2 Nopm_3 Nopm_4 Nopm_5 Nopm_6 ....',& ! Nopmd
'# Day Year N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm &
& N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm &
& N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm &
& N_opm_fol N_opm_tb N_opm_frt N_opm_crt N_opm_stm ',& ! NOPMfract
'# Day Year Nupt_1 Nupt_2 Nupt_3 Nupt_4 Nupt_5 Nupt_6 ....',& ! Nuptd
'# Day Year Nmin_1 Nmin_2 Nmin_3 Nmin_4 Nmin_5 Nmin_6 ....',& ! Nmind
'# Day Year Percol_1 Percol_2 Percol_3 Percol_4 Percol_5 Percol_6 ....',& ! perc
'# Day Year species_name number Ndem Nupt Ndemp Nuptp RedN ',& ! specd
'# Day Year Temp_surf Temps_1 Temps_2 Temps_3 Temps_4 Temps_5 Temps_6 ....',& ! temp
'# Day Year Pot_1 Pot_2 Pot_3 Pot_4 Pot_5 Pot_6 ....',& ! wat_potent
'# Day Year Wat_res_1 Wat_res_2 Wat_res_3 Wat_res_4 Wat_res_5 Wat_res_6 ....',& ! wat_res
'# Day Year Wats_1 Wats_2 Wats_3 Wats_4 Wats_5 Wats_6 ....',& ! water
'# Day Year Wats_1 Wats_2 Wats_3 Wats_4 Wats_5 Wats_6 ....',& ! watvol
'# Day Year Wupt_r_1 Wupt_r_2 Wupt_r_3 Wupt_r_4 Wupt_r_5 Wupt_r_6 ....'/ ! wupt
! ----------------------------------------------------- !
! yearly output of scalars and fields
type (out_struct),dimension(57),target :: outy ! yearly output files
integer :: outy_n = 57 ! number of all declared yearly output files
DATA outy%kind_name /'AET_mon','c_bal','Cbc','Chum','Copm','classd','classage','classmvol','classd_h','classdm', 'classdm_h',&
'classh', 'classt', 'clim', 'clim_temp', 'clim_prec', 'clim_rad', 'clim_hum', &
'fcap_av','fcapv_av', 'fr_loss','GPP_mon', 'humusv', 'indi', &
'litter','Nbc','Nhum','Nopm','NEE_mon','NPP_mon','manrec', 'mansort', 'redis', 'root', 'sdrought',&
'soil', 'spec', 'standsort','TER_mon','veg', 'veg_in', 'veg_out', &
'veg_be','veg_bi','veg_pi', 'veg_pc', 'veg_pp', 'veg_pt', &
'veg_oa','veg_sp','veg_ph', 'veg_dg', 'veg_rb', 'veg_egl', 'veg_egr','veg_sveg','veg_mist'/
DATA outy%f_line /'# Monthly sum of actual evapotranspiration (AET)', & ! AET_mon
'# Yearly C-Balance, C-stocks and -fluxes; C_sumvsab is part of C_biomass', & ! c_bal
'# C content of biochar (C_bc) per layer', & ! Cbc
'# C content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Chum
'# C content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Copm
'#', & ! classd
'#', & ! classage
'#', & ! classmvol
'#', & ! classd_h
'#', & ! classdm
'#', & ! classdm_h
'#', & ! classh
'#', & ! classt
'# Climate data', & ! clim
'# Air temperature: monthly climate data', & ! clim_temp
'# Precipitation: monthly climate data', & ! clim_prec
'# Radiation: monthly climate data', & ! clim_rad
'# Relative humidity: monthly climate data', & ! clim_hum
'# Available field capacity per layer', & ! fcap_av
'# Available field capacity per layer', & ! fcapv_av
'# Percentage fine root C-loss per soil layer', & ! fr_loss
'# Monthly GPP of all cohorts and species', & ! GPP_mon
'# Content of humus per layer', & ! humusv
'# Indices of fire and biodiversity', & ! indi
'# Yearly litter fractions', & ! litter
'# N content of biochar (N_bc) per layer', & ! Nbc
'# N content of humus (hum) per layer', & ! Nhum
'# N content of organic primary matter (OPM) per layer', & ! Nopm
'# Monthly NEE of all cohorts and species', & ! NEE_mon
'# Monthly NPP of all cohorts and species', & ! NPP_mon
'# Management record', & ! manrec
'# Management sortiment',& ! mansort
'# Redistribution of root C (redis)', & ! redis
'# Root distribution (root_fr)', & ! root
'# Data from soil model', & ! sdrought
'# Data from soil model', & ! soil
'# Species number and name', & ! spec
'# sortiment of whole stand (without harvested trees)',& ! standsort
'# Monthly TER of all cohorts and species', & ! TER_mon
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha); see files veg_in, veg_out in addition', & ! veg
'# New trees (by planting or regeneration), values for the whole stand (per ha)', & ! veg_in
'# Removed trees (by mortality or management) with number of cohorts from which trees are removed (per ha)', & ! veg_out
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for beech', & ! veg_be
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for birch', & ! veg_bi
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus sylvestris', & ! veg_pi
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus contorta', & ! veg_pc
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus ponderosa', & ! veg_pp
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for populus tremula', & ! veg_pt
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for oak', & ! veg_oa
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for spruce', & ! veg_sp
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for pinus halepensis', & ! veg_ph
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for douglas fir', & ! veg_dg
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for black locust', & ! veg_rb
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for E.globulus', & ! veg_egl
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for E.grandis', & ! veg_egr
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for ground vegetation', & ! veg_sveg
'# Values for the whole stand (per ha) for mistletoe (Visc. a.)'/! veg_mist
DATA outy%s_line / &
'# mm', & ! AET_mon
'# kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha&
& kg/ha kg/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha t/ha&
& mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2&
& mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 kg/ha', & ! c_bal
'# gC/m2', & ! Cbc
'# gC/m2', & ! Chum
'# gC/m2', & ! Copm
'# diam_class: Number of trees (per ha) in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classd
'# diam_class: Mean age of trees (per ha) in diamter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classage
'# diam_class: Mean volume (m/ha) of harvested trees in diamter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classmvol
'# diam_class: Mean height of trees in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classd_h
'# diam_class: Number of harvested trees (per ha) in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classdm
'# diam_class: Mean height of trees in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classdm_h
'# height_class: Number of trees in height classes, bis 1,5,6,7,...,50,55,>55m', & ! classh
'# diam_class: Number of dead trees (per ha) in diameter classes, step 5 cm', & ! classt
'# C mm J/cm2 m/s ppm C', & ! clim
'# C ... ', & ! clim_temp
'# mm ... ', & ! clim_prec
'# J/cm2 ... ', & ! clim_rad
'# % ... ', & ! clim_hum
'# mm', & ! fcap_av
'# %', & ! fcapv_av
'# yearly mean fine root C-loss', & ! fr_loss
'# gC/m2', & ! GPP_mon
'# %', & ! humusv
'# fire index |------------ fire index west ------------|&
&|----------------------- fire index east -----------------------|&
&|------- fire index Nesterov -------|', & ! indi
'# |-------------------------------- Dry mass kg DW/ha_yr ---------------------------------|&
& |----------------- Carbon content kg C/ha_yr -------------------|&
& |----------------- Nitrogen content kg N/ha_yr -----------------|', & ! litter
!& % % % % ', & ! litter
'# gN/m2', & ! Nbc
'# gN/m2', & ! Nhum
'# gN/m2', & ! Nopm
'# gC/m2', & ! NEE_mon
'# gC/m2', & ! NPP_mon
' ', & ! manrec
' cm cm cm cm cm m/ha kg C/ha ', & ! mansort
'# relative share of redistributed C per layer (whole stand) ', & ! redis
'# relative share of root mass per layer (whole stand) ', & ! root
'# s_drought: Number of days with water content near wilting point (drought days) per layer', & ! sdrought
'# Grad_C mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mol_m2 gN_m2&
& gN_m2 gC_m2 gN_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2&
& gN_m2 gN_m2 gN_m2 gC_m2 mm mm cm mm J/cm2 gN_m2 gC_m2 gC_m2',& ! soil
'#', & ! spec
' cm cm cm cm cm m/ha kg C/ha ', & ! standsort
'# gC/m2', & ! TER_mon
'# /ha m2_m2 kg_DW/ha kg_DW_yr/ha cm cm&
& kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m3/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m2_m2&
& gN/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 cm cm m m/ha m/ha', & ! veg
2*'# /ha m2_m2 kg_DW/ha cm cm&
& kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m3/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m2_m2&
& gN/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2 mol/m2', & ! veg_in, veg_out
15*'# /ha m2_m2 kg_DW/ha kg_DW_yr/ha cm &
&cm kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m3/ha kg_DW/ha kg_DW/ha m2_m2&
& gN/m2 gN/m2 - - cm cm m m/ha m/ha mm'/ ! veg_be, bi, pi, oa, sp, sveg
DATA outy%header / &
'# Year AET_1 AET_2 AET_3 AET_4 AET_5 AET_6 AET_7 AET_8 AET_9 AET_10&
& AET_11 AET_12 AET_Quar1 AET_Quar2 AET_Quar3 AET_Quar4 AET_DJF AET_MAM AET_JJA AET_SON', & ! AET_mon
'# Year GPP NPP NEP Aut_Resp Het_Resp Tot_Resp C_dead_st C_sumvsab C_biomass&
& C_tot_ES C_soil C_tot_1 C_hum_1 C_tot_40 C_hum_40 C_tot_80 C_hum_80 C_tot_100 C_hum_100&
& GPP NPP NEP Aut_Resp Het_Resp Tot_Resp C_dead_st&
& C_sumvsab C_biomass C_tot_ES C_soil gppsum', & ! c_bal
'# Year Cbc_1 Cbc_2 Cbc_3 Cbc_4 Cbc_5 Cbc_6 ....',& ! Cbc
'# Year Chum_1 Chum_2 Chum_3 Chum_4 Chum_5 Chum_6 ....',& ! Chum
'# Year Copm_1 Copm_2 Copm_3 Copm_4 Copm_5 Copm_6 ....',& ! Copm
'# Year', & ! classd
'# Year', & ! classage
'# Year', & ! classmvol
'# Year', & ! classd_h
'# Year', & ! classdm
'# Year', & ! classdm_h
'# Year', & ! classh
'# Year', & ! classt
'# Year Temp Prec Radiation Wind CO2 GDD summerdays hotdays icedays &
& drydays hraindays snowdays Ind_arid CWB Ind_Lang Ind_Cout Ind_Wissm Ind_Mart Ind_Mart_VP &
&Ind_Emb Ind_Weck Ind_Reich Ind_Gor I_Currey I_Conrad NTIndex Ind_Budyko F_day F_day_sp l_frost l_frosttot anzfd sumtfd iday_vp Ind_SHC', & ! clim
'# Year Temp_1 Temp_2 Temp_3 Temp_4 Temp_5 Temp_6 Temp_7 Temp_8 Temp_9 Temp_10&
& Temp_11 Temp_12 T_Quart1 T_Quart2 T_Quart3 T_Quart4 T_DJF T_MAM T_JJA T_SON', & ! clim_temp
'# Year Prec_1 Prec_2 Prec_3 Prec_4 Prec_5 Prec_6 Prec_7 Prec_8 Prec_9 Prec_10&
& Prec_11 Prec_12 P_Quart1 P_Quart2 P_Quart3 P_Quart4 P_DJF P_MAM P_JJA P_SON', & ! clim_prec
'# Year Rad_1 Rad_2 Rad_3 Rad_4 Rad_5 Rad_6 Rad_7 Rad_8 Rad_9 Rad_10&
& Rad_11 Rad_12 R_Quart1 R_Quart2 R_Quart3 R_Quart4 R_DJF R_MAM R_JJA R_SON', & ! clim_rad
'# Year Hum_1 Hum_2 Hum_3 Hum_4 Hum_5 Hum_6 Hum_7 Hum_8 Hum_9 Hum_10&
& Hum_11 Hum_12 H_Quart1 H_Quart2 H_Quart3 H_Quart4 H_DJF H_MAM H_JJA H_SON', & ! clim_hum
'# Year fcap_av_1 fcap_av_2 fcap_av_3 fcap_av_4 fcap_av_5 fcap_av_6 ....',& ! fcap_av
'# Year fcapvav_1 fcapvav_2 fcapvav_3 fcapvav_4 fcapvav_5 fcapvav_6 ....',& ! fcapv_av
'# Year lay_1 lay_2 lay_3 lay_4 lay_5 lay_6 ....',& ! fr_loss
'# Year GPP_1 GPP_2 GPP_3 GPP_4 GPP_5 GPP_6 GPP_7 GPP_8 GPP_9 GPP_10&
& GPP_11 GPP_12 GPP_Quar1 GPP_Quar2 GPP_Quar3 GPP_Quar4 GPP_DJF GPP_MAM GPP_JJA GPP_SON', & ! GPP_mon
'# Year humus_1 humus_2 humus_3 humus_4 humus_5 humus_6 ....',& ! humusv
'# Bruschek Mean class1 class2 class3 class4 class5&
& Mean class1 class2 class3 class4 class5 Ind_max Ind_day Mean class1 class2 class3 class4', & ! indi
'# Year fol_litter fol_lit_tr frt_litter frt_lit_tr crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter tot_litter&
& fol_litter frt_litter crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter tot_litter&
& fol_litter frt_litter crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter tot_litter', & ! litter
!'# Year fol_litter frt_litter crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter fol_litter frt_litter&
!& crt_litter tb_litter stem_litter', & ! litter
'# Year Nbc_1 Nbc_2 Nbc_3 Nbc_4 Nbc_5 Nbc_6 ....',& ! Nbc
'# Year Nhum_1 Nhum_2 Nhum_3 Nhum_4 Nhum_5 Nhum_6 ....',& ! Nhum
'# Year Nopm_1 Nopm_2 Nopm_3 Nopm_4 Nopm_5 Nopm_6 ....',& ! Nopm
'# Year NEE_1 NEE_2 NEE_3 NEE_4 NEE_5 NEE_6 NEE_7 NEE_8 NEE_9 NEE_10&
& NEE_11 NEE_12 NEE_Quar1 NEE_Quar2 NEE_Quar3 NEE_Quar4 NEE_DJF NEE_MAM NEE_JJA NEE_SON', & ! NEE_mon
'# Year NPP_1 NPP_2 NPP_3 NPP_4 NPP_5 NPP_6 NPP_7 NPP_8 NPP_9 NPP_10&
& NPP_11 NPP_12 NPP_Quar1 NPP_Quar2 NPP_Quar3 NPP_Quar4 NPP_DJF NPP_MAM NPP_JJA NPP_SON', & ! NPP_mon
'# Year management measure ', & ! manrec
'# year count spec type len diam diam wob top_d t_d wob Volume DW number type', & ! mansort
'# Year lay_1 lay_2 lay_3 lay_4 lay_5 lay_6 ....',& ! redis
'# Year root_1 root_2 root_3 root_4 root_5 root_6 ....',& ! root
'# Year layer1 layer2 layer3 layer4 ........', & ! sdrought
'# Year Temp Prec Interc Percol Wupt Wuptroot Transtree Transsveg Wuptsoil AET Wats_tot&
& GP_can N_min N_tot C_tot N_antot N_humtot C_humtot N_hum(1) C_hum(1) N_litter&
& C_litter C_opm_fol C_opm_frt C_opm_crt C_opm_tbc C_opm_stm Nupt Nleach N_depo Soil_Resp&
& PET interc_sv thick1 dew/rime Rnet_tot N_bc_tot C_bc_tot C_bc_app', & ! soil
'# Year', & ! spec
' year count spec type len diam diam wob top_d t_d wob Volume DW number ', & ! standsort
'# Year TER_1 TER_2 TER_3 TER_4 TER_5 TER_6 TER_7 TER_8 TER_9 TER_10&
& TER_11 TER_12 TER_Quar1 TER_Quar2 TER_Quar3 TER_Quar4 TER_DJF TER_MAM TER_JJA TER_SON', & ! TER_mon
'# Year num_Spec Coh Tree LAI Biomass NPPsum Meddiam&
& Domhei Fol_Bio Sap_Bio Frt_Bio Hrt_Bio Stem_inc Stemvol rem_stems&
& dead_stems cover drIndAl Ndem gp_can_mean gp_can_min gp_can_max mean_diam mean_height basal_area dead_stems_m3 stem_inc_m3', & ! veg
2* '# Year num_Spec Coh Tree LAI Biomass Meddiam&
& mean_hei Fol_Bio Sap_Bio Frt_Bio Hrt_Bio Stem_inc Stemvol rem_stems&
& dead_stems cover drIndAl Ndem gp_can_mean gp_can_min gp_can_max', & ! veg_in, veg_out
15*'# Year Spec_id Coh Tree LAI Biomass NPPsum Meddiam&
& Domhei Fol_Bio Sap_Bio Frt_Bio Hrt_Bio Stem_inc Stemvol rem_stems&
& dead_stems cover drIndAl Ndem Nupt Red_N daybb endbb mean_diam mean_height basal_area dead_stems_m3 stem_inc_m3 YRW'/ ! veg_be, bi, pi, oa, sp,lp, sveg, mist
! ----------------------------------------------------- !
! daily output of cohorts
type (out_struct),dimension(23),target :: outcd
integer :: outcd_n = 23 ! number of all declared cohort output files
DATA outcd%kind_name /'ass', 'aevi', 'ddi', 'dem', 'dips', 'gp', 'gsdps', 'intcap', 'interc', &
'Ndemc_d', 'Nuptc_d', 'N_fol', 'N_pool', 'RedNc', 'resp', 'respaut', &
'respbr', 'respfol', 'resphet', 'respsap', 'respfrt', 'sup', 'totfpar'/
DATA outcd%s_line /23*'# Cohort output'/ ! ass, ddi, dem, gp, gsdps, res,
! resbr, ressap, resfrt, sup
DATA outcd%f_line / &
'# Optimum gross assimilation rate (kg DW/d) assi', & ! ass
'# Daily evaporation of intercepted water (mm/day) aev_i', & ! aevi
'# Daily drought index drindd', & ! ddi
'# Demand for soil water of the cohort (mm/day) demand', & ! dem
'# Drought index for Photosyntheses calculation (cum) drindps', & ! dips
'# Unstressed stomatal conductance (mol/m2*d) gp', & ! gp
'# Number of growing season days per time step of photosynthesis ndaysps', & ! gsdps
'# Interception capacity (mm) sum of intcap(layer)', & ! intcap
'# Interception storage (mm) interc_st', & ! interc
'# Daily N demand per tree (g)', & ! Ndemc_d
'# Daily N uptake per tree (g)', & ! Nuptc_d
'# Daily N content of foliage per tree (g)', & ! N_fol
'# Daily N_pool per tree (g)', & ! N_pool
'# Daily photosynthesis nitrogen reduction factor [-]', & ! RedNc
'# Leaf respiration rate (g C/d) resp', & ! resp
'# Daily autotrophic respiration rate (g C/d) respaut', & ! respaut
'# Daily respiration rate of branches (g C/d) respbr', & ! respbr
'# Daily respiration rate of leaves (g C/d) respfol', & ! respfol
'# Daily heterotrophic respiration rate (g C/d) resphet', & ! resphet
'# Daily respiration rate of sapwood (g C/d) respsap', & ! respsap
'# Daily respiration rate of frt (g C/d) respfrt', & ! respfrt
'# Supply of soil water to roots of the cohort (mm/day) supply', & ! sup
'# Total fraction of PAR absorbed per m patch area (-) totFPAR'/ ! totfpar
DATA outcd%header / &
23*'# Day Year Coh1 Coh2 Coh3 Coh4 ...'/ ! ass, ddi, dem, gp, gsdps, res,
! resbr, ressap, resfrt, sup
! ----------------------------------------------------- !
! yearly output of cohorts
type (out_struct),dimension(58),target :: outcy
integer :: outcy_n = 58 ! number of all declared cohort output files
DATA outcy%kind_name /'age', 'ahb', 'ahbasrel', 'ahc', 'ahcasrel', 'asapw', 'atr', 'bioi', 'botlayer','cpa', 'crt', 'daybb', 'dcrb', 'diac', 'diam', &
'dtr', 'dwd','fol', 'foli', 'frt', 'frti', 'frtrel', 'frtrelc', 'geff', 'gfol', 'gfrt', 'grossass', 'gsap', &
'gsd', 'hbo', 'hea', 'hei', 'hrt', 'leaf', 'maintres', 'nas', 'npp', 'rdpt', 'rld', 'sap', &
'sfol', 'sfrt', 'spn', 'ssap', 'stem', 'str', 'tdb','toplayer', 'trman', 'ttb','Ndemc_c','Nuptc_c', &
'Nfol', 'Npool', 'Nstr','rooteff', 'watleft', 'yrw'/
DATA outcy%s_line /58*'# Cohort output'/ ! age, ahb, ahc, atr, asapw, bioi, botLayer, cpa, crt, daybb, dcrb, diac, diam,
! dtr, dwd, fol, foli, frt, frti, frtrel, geff, gfol, gfrt,
! grossass, gsap, gsd, hbo, hea, hrt, hei,
! leaf, maintres, nas, npp, rdpt, rld, sap, sfol, sfrt, spn,
! ssap, stem, str, tdb, topLayer, trman,ttb, Ndemc,Nuptc, rooteff,watleft
DATA outcy%f_line / &
'# Tree age (year)', & ! age
'# Cross sectional area of heartwood at stem base [cm**2] x_Ahb', & ! ahb
'# Relation of heartwood to sapwood at stem base', & ! ahbasrel
'# Cross sectional area of heartwood at crown base [cm**2] Ahc', & ! ahc
'# Relation of heartwood to sapwood at crown base', & ! ahcasrel
'# Cross sectional area of sapwood in bole space [cm**2] Asapw', & ! asapw
'# Number of alive trees per cohort', & ! atr
'# Net biomass increment (kg DM/year)', & ! bioi
'# Number of bottom layer of crown [-]', & ! botLayer
'# Cohort crown projection area (m2)', & ! cpa
'# coarse root biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! crt
'# Day of leaf bud burst', & ! daybb
'# Diameter of stem at crown base (cm)',& ! dcrb
'# Drought index for allocation calculation (cum)', & ! diac
'# Diameter at breast height (cm)', & ! diam
'# Number of dead trees per cohort', & ! dtr
'# Stem biomass of dead trees per cohort', & ! dwd
'# Foliage biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! fol
'# Foliage increment (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! foli
'# Fine root biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! frt
'# Net fine root increment (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! frti
'# Relative fine root fraction of tree per soil layer (root profile)', & ! frtrel
'# Relative fine root fraction of cohort of total layer fine root mass per soil layer', & ! frtrel
'# Growth efficiency kg/m2', & ! geff
'# Gross growth rate foliage (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! gfol
'# Gross growth rate fine root (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! gfrt
'# Gross assimilation rate (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! grossass
'# Gross growth rate sapwood (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! gsap
'# Number of growing season days per year ndaysgr',& ! gsd
'# Bole height (cm)', & ! hbo
'# Number of years without stress', & ! hea
'# Total tree height (cm)', & ! hei
'# Heartwood biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! hrt
'# Leaf area per tree (m2)', & ! leaf
'# Maintenance respiration (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! maintres
'# Net foliage assimilation rate (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! nas
'# NPP (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! npp
'# Rooting depth calculated with TRAP model[cm]', & ! rdpt
'# estimated root length density [cm]', & ! rld
'# Sapwood biomass (kg DM)', & ! sap
'# Senescence rate foliage (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! sfol
'# Senescence rate fine roots (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! sfrt
'# Species number of the cohort', & ! spn
'# Senescence rate sapwood (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! ssap
'# Stemwood biomass increment (kg DM/year/tree)', & ! stem
'# Number of stress years', & ! str
'# Total cohort dead biomass (kg DM/year/cohort)', & ! tdb
'# Number of top layer of crown [-]', & ! topLayer
'# Number of trees harvested by managment', & ! trman
'# Total tree biomass (kg DM/tree)', & ! ttb
'# N demand per tree and year (g)', & ! Ndemc_c
'# N uptake per tree and year (g)', & ! Nuptc_c
'# N content of foliage per tree and year (g)', & ! Nfol
'# N pool per tree and year (g)', & ! Npool
'# Ratio of N uptake to demand per tree and year', & ! Nstr
'# Root uptake efficiency factor', & ! rooteff
'# Water left in next layer', & ! watleft
'# Year ring width [mm]' / ! yrw
DATA outcy%header / &
58*'# Year Coh1 Coh2 Coh3 Coh4 ...'/ !age, ahb, ahc, atr, bioi, cpa, crt, daybb, dcrb, diac, diam,
! dtr, dwd, fol, foli, frt, frti, frtrel, geff, gfol, gfrt,
! gsap, gsd, hbo, hea, hrt, hei,
! leaf, maintres, nas, npp, rdpt, rld, sap, sfol, sfrt, spn,
! stem, str, tdb,trman, ttb, Ndemc,Nuptc, rooteff,watleft, yrw
! output at simulation end
type (out_struct),dimension(6),target :: oute
integer :: oute_n = 6 ! number of all declared end output files
DATA oute%kind_name /'sea', 'sea_ms', 'sea_npv', 'sea_st','wpm', 'wpm_inter'/
DATA oute%f_line / &
'# SEA: Costs and assets of standing stock, harvested timber, silvicultural costs, fix costs, and subsidies in euro/ha', &
'# SEA: Timber grading for harvested wood, m3/ha', &
'# SEA: liquidation value, npv, npv+ in euro/ha', &
'# SEA: Timber grading for standing stock, m3/ha', &
'# Wood product model output', &
'# Wood product model intermediate steps'/ !
DATA oute%s_line / &
'# shotcuts: sum: summe, st: standing stock, ms: harvested wood, fc: fix costs, sv: silvicultural costs, co: costs, as: assets, sub: subsidies, sp: spruce, be: beech, pi: pine, oa: oak, bi: birch, ' , &
'# Timber grades 1-7: 1-fue, 2-in, 3-LAS1a, 4-LAS1b, 5-LAS2a, 6-LAS2b, 7-LAS3a, 8-L2b, 9-L3a, 10-L3b ' , &
'# a: without discounting, b-d: interest rate (see "sea_prices.wpm" file) ' , &
'# Timber grades 1-7: 1-fue, 2-in, 3-LAS1a, 4-LAS1b, 5-LAS2a, 6-LAS2b, 7-LAS3a, 8-L2b, 9-L3a, 10-L3b ' , &
'# Carbon in different products, kg C/ha ' , &
'# Carbon in different products, kg C/ha tg: timber grades, il: industrial lines, pl: product lines'/
DATA oute%header / &
'# Year sum_all sum_st sum_ms sum_sv sum_fc sum_sub be_st_co sp_st_co pi_st_co oa_st_co bi_st_co |be_st_as sp_st_as pi_st_as oa_st_as bi_st_as |be_ms_co sp_ms_co pi_ms_co oa_ms_co bi_ms_co |be_ms_as sp_ms_as pi_ms_as oa_ms_as bi_ms_as fix_costs sub_har sub_sv_co sub_fix ', &! sea
'# Year be_tg1 be_tg2 be_tg5 be_tg6 be_tg7 be_tg8 be_tg9 be_tg10 &
&sp_tg1 sp_tg2 sp_tg4 sp_tg5 sp_tg6 sp_tg7 sp_tg8 sp_tg9 sp_tg10 &
&pi_tg1 pi_tg2 pi_tg3 pi_tg4 pi_tg5 pi_tg6 pi_tg7 pi_tg8 pi_tg9 pi_tg10 &
&oa_tg1 oa_tg2 oa_tg5 oa_tg6 oa_tg7 oa_tg8 oa_tg9 oa_tg10 &
&bi_tg1 bi_tg2 bi_tg5 bi_tg6 bi_tg7 bi_tg8 bi_tg9 bi_tg10', &! sea_ms
'# Year LVa LVb LVc LVd NPVa NPVb NPVc NPVd NPV+a NPV+b NPV+c NPV+d ', &! sea_npv
'# Year be_tg1 be_tg2 be_tg5 be_tg6 be_tg7 be_tg8 be_tg9 be_tg10 &
&sp_tg1 sp_tg2 sp_tg4 sp_tg5 sp_tg6 sp_tg7 sp_tg8 sp_tg9 sp_tg10 &
&pi_tg1 pi_tg2 pi_tg3 pi_tg4 pi_tg5 pi_tg6 pi_tg7 pi_tg8 pi_tg9 pi_tg10 &
&oa_tg1 oa_tg2 oa_tg5 oa_tg6 oa_tg7 oa_tg8 oa_tg9 oa_tg10 &
&bi_tg1 bi_tg2 bi_tg5 bi_tg6 bi_tg7 bi_tg8 bi_tg9 bi_tg10', &! sea_st
'# Year sum_input u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 sum_u1-7 burn&
& landfill atmo atmo_cum emission sub_energ sub_mat sub_sum', & ! wpm
'# Year tg1 tg2 tg3 tg4 tg5 tg6 il1 il2 il3 il4 il5 il6 il7 pl1 pl2 pl3 pl4 pl5 pl6 pl7 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 '/ ! wpm_inter
! special output forms
INTEGER :: out_flag_light ! output flag light-file
INTEGER :: unit_err ! unit for error log file
INTEGER :: unit_trace ! unit for trace log file
INTEGER :: unit_sum ! unit for summation output (fluxes) file
INTEGER :: unit_comp1, unit_comp2 ! ncompressed output
INTEGER :: unit_light, unit_wat
INTEGER :: unit_ctr, unit_prod, unit_allo, unit_soil
INTEGER :: unit_soicnd, unit_soicna, unit_soicnr
! store output variables of veg-file
type out_veg
integer,dimension(3):: help_veg1
real,dimension(11):: help_veg2
real help_veg3
real :: help_veg4
real :: help_veg5
real :: help_veg6
end type out_veg
type (out_veg),allocatable,dimension(:),target :: sout
type (out_veg) :: vout
type out_C
real, dimension(366):: NEE ! net ecosystem exchange
real, dimension(366):: Resp_aut ! autotrophic respiration
end type out_C
type (out_C) :: Cout
character(100) :: mess_info = '# ' ! output of measurements: information line
end module data_out
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*data module for a variety of parameters (non-species dependent)*!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_par
! from npp.f:
real :: pi = 3.1415926536 ! PI
real :: zero = 1.E-6 ! numerical zero
REAL :: lambda = 0.7 , & ! optimum ratio of ci to ca [-]
Cmass = 12.0 , & ! molar mass of carbon [g/mol]
gmin = 0.0 , & ! minimum conductance [mol/(m2*d)]
ps = 0.7 , & ! shape of PS response curve
pn = 0.025 , & ! slope of N function (eqn 27) at 20 �C [g(N) (mymol s-1)-1]
nc0 = 0.00715 , & ! minimum N content [g/g] (eqn 27)
qco2 = 0.08 , & ! C3 quantum efficiency (eqn 16)
qco2a = 1.0 , & ! scaling parameter (eqn A7)
o2 = 20.9 , & ! partial pressure of oxygen (kPa)
co2_st= 0.00035, & ! atmospheric CO2 content (mol/mol)
pfref = 0.2 , & ! albedo of the canopy
cpart = 0.5 , & ! part of C in biomass [-]
rmolw = 0.622 , & ! ratio of molecular weights of water and air
R_gas = 8.314 , & ! universal gas constant [J/mol/K] = [Pa/m3/K]
c_karman = 0.41 , & ! von Karman's constant [-]
c_air = 1.005 , & ! specific heat of air at const. pressure [J/g/K]
psycro =0.000662 , & ! psychrometer constant [hPa/K]
h_breast =137 , & ! breast height for inventory measurements [cm]
h_sapini = 200 , & ! height below which tree is initialised with sapling allometry
h_bo_br_diff = 50, & ! minimal difference between height of crown base and breast height
Q10_T = 2. ! used for calculation of dayfract from air temperature
DOUBLE PRECISION :: p0_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p1_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p2_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p3_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p4_co2 , & ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
p1_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p2_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p3_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p4_co2h , & ! parameter variable for calculation of historical CO2 scenarios
p5_co2 ! parameter variable for calculation of CO2 scenarios
! Transformation coefficients
REAL :: gm2_in_kgha = 10. ! transf. coeff. from g/m2 in kg/ha
REAL :: kgha_in_gm2 = 0.1 ! transf. coeff. from kg/ha in g/m2
REAL :: gm2_in_tha = 0.01 ! transf. coeff. from g/m2 in t/ha
REAL :: tha_in_gm2 = 100. ! transf. coeff. from t/ha in g/m2
REAL :: kg_in_g = 1000. ! transf. coeff. from kg in g
REAL :: GR_in_PAR = 0.5*4.6/100. ! from global rad. in J/cm2 to PAR in mol/m2
! explanation of conversion factor:
! 0.5: PAR is 50% of incident radiation
! 4.6: 1 J = 4.6e-6 mol (Larcher 1995);
! 100: conversion J/cm2 -> MJ/m2
! soil parameter
real :: dens_om = 1.4 ! specific density of organic matter g/cm3
! parameter for snow
real :: temp_snow = 0.2 ! threshold of air temperature for snow accumulation
! parameter for calculation of potential evapotranspiration rate
real :: alpha_PT = 1.26 ! Priestley-Taylor coefficient
! parameter for calculation of transpiration demand
real :: alfm = 1.4
real :: gpmax = 14000. ! mol/(m2*d)
! parameter for growing degree day calculation
real :: thr_gdd = 5.
! van Genuchten parameter for flag_wred=9
real :: l_gnu = 0.5
! fol biomass per mistletoe [kg DW/tree], 1 Viscum (10years) see Pfiz 2010
real :: mistletoe_x_fol = 0.0158
! parameter for allocation to NSC-Pool
real :: decid_sap_allo = 0.042 !fraction of sapwood DW allocated to NSC-Pool for decidous tree species
real :: decid_tb_allo = 0.125 !fraction of twigs and branch DW allocated to NSC-Pool for decidous tree species
real :: decid_crt_allo = 0.125 !fraction of coarse root DW allocated to NSC-Pool for decidous tree species
real :: conif_sap_allo = 0.018 !fraction of sapwood allocated to NSC-Pool for coniferous tree species
real :: conif_tb_allo = 0.065 !fraction of twigs and branch allocated to NSC-Pool for coniferous tree species
real :: conif_crt_allo = 0.065 !fraction of coarse root DW allocated to NSC-Pool for coniferous tree species
! set of characters
character(len=*), parameter :: charset = &
! test
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) ::lambda_ts
end module data_par
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* data module for planting of seedlings/saplings *!
!* ! arrays have to be adapted to the species number ! *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_plant
integer :: quspec= 2 ! number of planted species
integer, dimension(13) :: infspec=(/1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/) ! sign of planted species = 0/1
integer, dimension(13) :: npl_mix =(/3000,0,6000,4500,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0/) ! number of plants in mixed stands
integer, dimension(13) :: numplant=(/178,6000,8000,9000,10000,0,8000,1666, 1140, 2000, 5000, 0, 0/) ! number of plants per ha
integer, dimension(13) :: specpl=(/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13/) ! number of species
real, dimension(13) :: plant_height=(/130.,37.5,17.5,40.,8.7,0.,17.5,40.,17.5, 30.0, 30.0, 0., 0./) ! mean height of plants
real, dimension(13) :: plant_hmin=(/70.,25.,10.,30.,3.,0.,10.,30., 10., 20., 10., 0.,0./) ! minimum height of plants
real, dimension(13) :: hsdev=(/3.33,4.1,7.5,3.33,5.9,0.0,7.5,3.33, 7.5,4.1, 7.5, 0.,0. /) ! standard deviation od height
real, dimension(13) :: pl_age=(/10.,4.,2.,2.,1.,0.,2.,1.,2.,2., 2., 0.,0./) ! age of plants
real :: kappa = 1.2 !1.2
real :: ksi = 2.99 !1.5
integer, dimension(11,10) :: m_numplant
integer, dimension(11,10) :: m_specpl
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_plant_height
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_plant_hmin
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_pl_age
real, dimension(11,10) :: m_hsdev
integer :: m_numclass
end module data_plant
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* module data_simul *!
!* *!
!* contains follow global subroutines: *!
!* GETUNIT() function for unit number handling *!
!* TESTFILE(infile,ex) subroutine for testing, if a file exists *!
!* ERRORFILE(infile,ios,unitnum) subroutine for messages *!
!* during file reading *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_simul
integer :: anz_sim = 0 ! actual number of simulations
character(4) :: anh ! output file extension
integer :: time_b = 1951 ! start simulation year
integer :: time_cur ! current simulation year
integer :: clim_dt = 1 ! kind of climate resolution (daily/monthly) for weathergen.
integer :: repeat_number = 1 ! max. number of repeats
integer :: site_nr = 1 ! number of sites
integer :: year = 40 ! number of simulation years
integer :: ns_pro = 7 ! time step (days) for production module
integer :: ns_day ! loop variable for time step
integer :: ns ! loop variable for species
integer :: iday =1 ! actual day of simulation
integer :: ip ! loop variable for site_nr
integer :: time ! yearly loop variable in simulation_4c(from 1 to year)
integer :: monat
integer :: woche
integer :: flag_adapm = 0 ! flag for adaptive managemen:0/1(carried out last time step)
integer :: flag_bc = 0 ! flag for application of biochar (0 - no application)
integer :: flag_bc_add = 0 ! flag for output to file ...soil.ini for changes of soil parameters
! after addition of biochar (0 - no output)
integer :: flag_clim = 0 ! climate data for each site?(yes/no)
integer :: flag_climnam= 0 ! kind of generation of climate scenario names (flag_multi=8)
integer :: flag_co2 = 0 ! choice of amospheric CO2 scenario
integer :: flag_cohout = 1 ! flag for cohort output
integer :: flag_cohoutd= 1 ! flag for cohort output daily
integer :: flag_cohouty= 1 ! flag for cohort output yearly
integer :: flag_cond = 0 ! choice of heat conductance function
integer :: flag_cum = 0 ! internal flag of cumulativ calculations for output
integer :: flag_dayout = 0 ! flag of daily output
integer :: flag_decomp = 0 ! decomposition model
integer :: flag_depo = 0 ! deposition (set after reading file) 1 - mg/m2, 2 - mg/l
integer :: flag_dis = 0 ! choice of disturbance modus (1=on)
integer :: flag_hum = 0 ! internal flag for recalculation of field capcity etc. depending on humus
integer :: flag_end = 0 ! stop in partitio
integer :: flag_eva = 0 ! choice of evapotranspiration function
integer :: flag_folhei = 1 ! choice of foliage-height relationship
integer :: flag_lambda = 0 ! variable lambda time series/ FORSKA environmental factors and regeneration on/off(0)
integer :: flag_int = 0 ! choice of interception function
integer :: flag_inth = 0 ! internal flag for choice of interception function
integer :: flag_light = 3 ! flag for light absorption algorithm
integer :: flag_limi = 3 ! choice of limitations taken into account
integer :: flag_lit = 0 ! input of litter initialisation (internal control) (0 - no)
integer :: flag_mg = 0 ! choice of management (yes/no)
integer :: flag_mistle = 0 ! internal flag (1 = disturbance by mistletoe)
integer :: flag_mort = 1 ! mortality on/off
integer :: flag_multi = 0 ! Multiple run choice
integer :: flag_reg = 0 ! regeneration on/off
integer :: flag_resp = 0 ! choice of respiration modelling
integer :: flag_seedgr = 0 ! flag for weekly seedling growth
integer :: flag_sign = 0 ! choice of mode of calculation for sigman
integer :: flag_sens = 0 ! flag for sensitivity analysis (no input, derived from flag_multi)
integer :: flag_soilin = 0 ! internal flag for soil input version
integer :: flag_stand = 1 ! choice of initialization
integer :: flag_standup= 0 ! stand structure changed (1 - removal of trees, 2 - neww trees)
integer :: flag_stat = 0 ! flag for comparison with measurements
integer :: flag_sum = 0 ! flag for summation output
integer :: flag_sveg = 0 ! flag for soilvegetation (0 = no, 1 = intialis.)
integer :: flag_volfunc= 1 ! choice of volume function for trunc
integer :: flag_wred = 1 ! choice of soil water uptake function
integer :: flag_wurz = 0 ! choice of root distribution function
integer :: flag_wpm = 0 ! wpm flag
integer :: time_out = 1 ! time step of yearly output; compressed output if < 0
integer :: flag_cumNPP = 0 ! time step of summation of yearly NPP for mean yearly NPP in compressed output
logical :: flag_tree = .TRUE. ! internal flag : .TRUE. - all cohorts are trees
logical :: flag_redn =.FALSE. ! internal flag : .TRUE. - Redn<0 for at least one species
logical :: flag_mult9 = .TRUE. ! internal flag : .TRUE. - first run with flag_multi=9
logical :: flag_mult910 = .TRUE. ! internal flag : .TRUE. - runs with flag_multi=9 or flag_multi=10
logical :: flag_mult8910 = .TRUE. ! internal flag : .TRUE. - runs with flag_multi=8 or flag_multi=9 or flag_multi=10
logical :: flag_trace = .TRUE. ! internal flag : .TRUE. - output of trace.log
logical :: lmulti = .FALSE. ! stand initialisation file with several stands
logical :: lcomp1 = .TRUE. ! compressed output with start values
logical :: leaves_on = .false. ! detection of periods with lai > 0
integer :: all_leaves_on = 0 ! detection of periods with maximal lai
real :: thr_height = 50. ! threshold of height for ingrowth
integer :: n_T_downsteps = 0 ! number of steps to decrease temperature in multi-run 2
integer :: n_T_upsteps = 0 ! number of steps to increase temperature in multi-run 2
integer :: n_P_downsteps = 0 ! number of steps to decrease precipitation in multi-run 2
integer :: n_P_upsteps = 0 ! number of steps to increase precipitation in multi-run 2
real :: step_sum_T = 0. ! additive step for temperature change in multi-run 2
real :: step_fac_P = 0. ! factorial step for precipitation change in multi-run 2
real :: deltaT = 0. ! additive change of temperature
real :: deltaPrec = 1. ! factorial change of precipitation
integer :: jpar ! number (array size) of changed parameter (multi run)
real, dimension(200) :: vpar = -99.0 ! store of parameter changes (multi run)
character(30), dimension(50) :: outy_file ! name of yearly output files
integer :: nyvar ! number of yearly output files
character(30), dimension(50) :: outd_file ! name of daily output files
integer :: ndvar ! number of daily output files
character(30), dimension(50) :: outc_file ! name of cohort output files
integer :: ncvar ! number of cohort output files
integer :: ncdvar ! number of daily cohort output files
character(100), dimension(200) :: simpar ! name of changed parameter (multi run)
character(30), dimension(50) :: outvar ! name of output variables (multi run 4, 8, 9, 10)
integer :: nvar ! number of output variables (multi run 4, 8, 9, 10)
integer :: output_unit_all ! output unit number of all selected yearly variables (multi run 9, 10)
integer :: output_unit_all_m ! output unit number of all selected monthly variables (multi run 9, 10)
integer :: output_unit_all_w ! output unit number of all selected weekly variables (multi run 9, 10)
real,allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:) :: output_var ! value array of output variables (multi run 4, 8, 9, 10)
! (number of output variable, site ip, year)
real,allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:,:):: output_varm ! value array of monthly output variables (multi run 4, 8, 9, 10)
! (number of output variable, site ip, year, month)
real,allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:,:):: output_varw ! value array of weekly output variables (multi run 4, 8, 9, 10)
! (number of output variable, site ip, year, week)
integer,allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: output_unit ! array of output unit numbers (multi run 9, 10)
integer,allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: output_unit_mon ! array of output unit numbers for monthly values
character(10), dimension(10) :: typeclim ! array of type of climate scenarios (multi run 9)
real,allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: climszenres ! data file with results from climate scenarios (flag_multi=9, 10)
! (number of output variable, site ip, climate scenario type, realization)
real,allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:,:,:):: climszenyear ! data file with yearly results from climate scenarios (flag_multi=9, 10)
! (number of output variable, site ip, climate scenario type, realization, year)
real,allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:,:,:):: climszenmon ! data file with monthly results from climate scenarios (flag_multi=9, 10)
! (number of output variable, site ip, climate scenario type, realization, month)
real,allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:,:,:):: climszenweek ! data file with weekly results from climate scenarios (flag_multi=9, 10)
! (number of output variable, site ip, climate scenario type, realization, week)
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: site_name ! names of simulation sites
character(150) :: site_name1 ! name of first simulation site (multi run 9)
integer :: allunit = 10 ! variable for function getunit
character(150):: actdir ! actual directory
character(150):: dirout = 'output/' ! directory of output files
character(150):: dirin = 'input/' ! directory of input files
character(150) :: simfile = 'test0.sim' ! default simulation parameter file
character(300),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: climfile ! climate data file
character(300),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:) :: climszenfile ! data file from climate scenarios (flag_multi=9)
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: sitefile ! site specific parameter file
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: valfile ! soil start value file
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: treefile ! tree initialization file
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: manfile ! management file
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: wpmfile ! wpm spinup file
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: specfile ! species parameter file
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: depofile ! deposition file
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: redfile ! file of redN for each species
character(150),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: litfile ! file of litter initialisation for each fraction and species
integer,allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: fl_co2 ! flag_co2 for flag_multi = 7
character(50),allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: standid ! stand identifier
character(50), allocatable, dimension(:) :: standid_list ! List of stand identifier in input file
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: redN_list ! List of of RedN per species in con-file with flag_multi=8,9
integer :: anz_standid
logical :: lstandid
integer :: nrreal ! number of realizations of climate scenarios (flag_multi=9)
integer :: nrclim ! number of types of climate scenarios (flag_multi=9)
integer :: iclim ! actual number of climate scenario type (flag_multi=9)
integer :: site_anz ! number of all simulation runs for flag_multi=9
integer,dimension(12) :: monrec ! Anzahl Tage im Monat
integer :: dclass_w = 5 ! class width for diameter classification
integer function getunit()
logical logo
inquire(allunit, opened=logo)
if(logo) allunit = allunit+1
if(allunit==5.or.allunit==6) allunit=7
getunit = allunit
end function getunit
subroutine testfile (infile,ex)
! test whether the file exists
character a
character(len=*),intent(inout) ::infile
logical, intent(out):: ex
ex = .false.
inquire (File = infile, exist = ex)
if (ex .eqv. .false.) then
print *, ' >>>foresee message: File ',trim(infile),' not exists !'
write (*,'(A)') ' (0)STOP program'
write(*,'(A)') ' (1) Repeat filename input (def)'
write(*,'(A)',advance='no') ' (2) Return to input choice: '
read (*,'(A)') a
select case(a)
case(' ','1')
write(*,'(A)',ADVANCE='NO') ' New filename: ';read (*,'(A75)')infile
ex = .false.; exit
end select
if (flag_multi .ne. 9) print *, ' >>>foresee message: Filetest - file ',trim(infile),' exists! '
end if
end do
end subroutine testfile
subroutine errorfile (infile, ios, unitnum)
! error message during file reading
integer ios, unitnum
logical ex
character(150) infile
character a
if (ios .ne. 0) then
print *,' >>>foresee message: error during file ',trim(infile),' reading!'
ex = .false.
write(*,'(A)',advance='no')' STOP program (y/n)? '
read *, a
if (a .eq. 'y' .or. a .eq. 'Y') then
print *,' Program will stop!'
end if
if (flag_multi .ne. 9) print *,' >>>foresee message: reading file ',trim(infile),' completed'
close (unitnum)
if (flag_multi .ne. 9) print *,' '
end subroutine errorfile
end module data_simul
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* data module for site data *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*****************************************************************! *!
MODULE data_site
INTEGER :: patch_id ! Patch identifier
character(50) :: stand_id ! Stand identifier
REAL :: xlat ! latitude in radians
REAL :: lat = 52.24 ! Default Potsdam coordinates
REAL :: long = 13.04
REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: latitude ! array of latitudes for multi run 8
REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: NHdep ! yearly deposition
REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: NOdep ! yearly deposition
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: gwtable ! groundwater level class
! 1: 0 - 0.5 m
! 2: 0.5 - 1.0 m
! 3: 1.0 - 1.5 m
! 4: 1.5 - 2.0 m
! 5: > 2.0 m
character(50),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: sitenum
! KLara
character(50),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: clim_id
! WK
END module data_site
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* data modules of soil submodels *!
!* *!
!* containes: *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
module data_soil
! Variables and parameters of soil model
integer :: soil_id = -1 ! soil type identification
integer :: nlay = -1 ! number of soil layers
integer :: nroot_max = 1 ! number of rooting layers
integer :: s_typen = -1 ! soil type number: 1 - sand, 2 - loam,
! 3 - silt, 4 - clay
integer :: nlgrw ! number of layer with ground water
real :: grwlev ! groundwater level
real :: rmass1 ! rest of dry mass , 1. layer
! arrays with dimension nlay
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: &
! Description of soil layers
thick, & ! thickness of the layer cm
mid, & ! middle of the layer cm
depth, & ! depth of the layer cm
! soil parameter
pv, & ! pore volume mm
pv_v, & ! pore volume vol%
dens, & ! soil density g/cm3
field_cap ,& ! field capacity mm
wilt_p ,& ! wilting point mm
f_cap_v ,& ! field capacity vol-%
wilt_p_v ,& ! wilting point vol%
spheat, & ! specific heat capacity J/(g K)
phv, & ! pH-value
quarzv, & ! content of quarz (Vol%)
sandv, & ! content of sand (Vol%, input: Mass%)
clayv, & ! content of clay (Vol%, input: Mass%)
siltv, & ! content of silt (Vol%, input: Mass%)
humusv, & ! content of humus (Vol%, input: Mass%)
skelv, & ! content of skeleton Vol%
skelfact, & ! skeleton factor for water calculation
vol, & ! volume of layer (cm3)
dmass, & ! dry mass of layer (g/m2)
! model parameter
wlam, & ! Lambda parameter for percolation
! soil state variables
wats, & ! water content mm
wats_1, & ! water content of previous day mm
watvol, & ! water content in vol%
wat_res, & ! water uptake resistance
perc, & ! percolation water mm
wupt_r, & ! water uptake by roots mm
wupt_ev, & ! water taking by evaporation mm
temps, & ! soil temperature ¡C
! soil help variables
fcaph, & ! field capacity without humus vol%
wiltph, & ! wilting point without humus vol%
pvh, & ! pore volume without humus vol%
! soil stress variables
BDopt, & ! optimum bulk density for root growth
fr_loss, & ! yearly fine root loss [%]
redis ! yearly part of redistribution [%]
integer, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: &
s_drought ! number of drought days per layer
! other scalar state variables and parameter
integer :: snow_day = 0 ! days with continious snow cover day
real :: snow = 0. ! water equivalent of snow mm
real :: snow_m = 0. ! water from melting of snow mm
real :: cover = -99. ! percent of covering
real :: grwsup ! groundwater supply per day
real :: bucks_root ! bucket size (mm) of rooting zone
real :: bucks_100 ! bucket size (mm) of 1 m depth
real :: thick_1 ! thickness of first layer (old value)
! disturbance variable if xylem disturbance influence water uptake
real :: xylem_dis ! percentage of root water uptake reduction by xylem disturbance (flag_dis=1)
! yearly cumulative quantities
real :: perc_cum = 0. ! cumulative percolation water from last layer
real :: perc_sum = 0. ! sum of percolation water from last layer for weeks or months
real :: wupt_r_c = 0. ! cumulative water uptake by roots
real :: wupt_e_c = 0. ! cumulative soil evaporation
real :: wupt_cum = 0. ! cumulative whole water uptake
real :: wat_tot = 0. ! total water content of the soil profile
real :: grwsup_cum=0. ! groundwater supply per year
real, dimension(12) :: perc_mon ! monthly percolation water from last layer
real, dimension(53) :: perc_week ! wekkly percolation water from last layer
! mean quantities (per year)
real :: perc_m = 0. ! mean yearly percolation water from last layer
real :: wupt_r_m = 0. ! mean yearly water uptake by roots
! parameter
real :: fakt = 0.4 ! percolation factor
real :: w_ev_d = 7. ! depth of water taking out by evaporation (cm)
integer :: n_ev_d = 1 ! corresponding number of layer for w_ev_d
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: xwatupt ! temp. aux. field of water uptake per cohort and layer
! arrays of given root distribution (defined input)
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: root_fr ! root fraction per soil layer
! yearly fine root loss after Rasse et al. 2001
integer :: rdepth_kind ! kind of calculation of root depth
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: wat_left ! auxiliary variable for coh%watleft to determin annual sum of available water in soil layer boardering on root zone
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: wat_root ! auxiliary variable for coh%watleft to determin annual sum of availabel water in soil layer boardering on root zone
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: root_lay ! auxiliary variable for coh%nroot to determin root zone layer
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gr_depth ! auxiliary variable for coh%x_rdpt to determin annual sum of root growth
end module data_soil
module data_soil_cn
! Variables and parameters of soil_cn-model
integer :: nspeclit = 5 ! number of species-litter for decomposition and min.
integer :: kmint = 1 ! kind of reduction function of min. for temp.
integer :: knitt = 1 ! kind of reduction function of nit. for temp.
integer :: kminw = 1 ! kind of reduction function of min. for water
integer :: knitw = 1 ! kind of reduction function of nit. for water
! arrays with dimension nlay
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: &
! C and N pools per layer
C_opm, & ! whole C-content of dead biomass per layer without stems / g/m2
C_hum, & ! C-content of humus per layer / g/m2
N_opm, & ! whole N-content of dead biomass per layer without stems / g/m2
N_hum, & ! N-content of humus per layer / g/m2
C_opmfrt, & ! C-content of dead fine roots per layer / g/m2
N_opmfrt, & ! N-content of dead fine roots per layer / g/m2
C_opmcrt, & ! C-content of dead coarse roots per layer / g/m2
N_opmcrt, & ! N-content of dead coarse roots per layer / g/m2
C_bc, & ! C-content of biochar per layer / g/m2
N_bc, & ! N-content of biochar per layer / g/m2
NH4, & ! NH4-content of the soil layer / g/m2
NO3, & ! NO3-content of the soil layer / g/m2
Nupt, & ! N uptake from the soil layer / g/m2
Nmin, & ! N mineralisation per day and soil layer / g/m2
! model parameter
rmin_phv, & ! reduction of mineralization depending on pH-value
rnit_phv, & ! reduction of nitrification depending on pH-value
cnv_opm, & ! C/N-ratio of dead biomass
cnv_hum, & ! C/N-ratio of humus
cnv_bc, & ! C/N-ratio of biochar
cpart_bc, & ! part of C in biochar
dens_bc ! density of biochar
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: &
C_bc_appl,& ! C-content of biochar application per layer / g/m2
N_bc_appl ! C/N-ratio of biochar application per layer / g/m2
integer, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: &
y_bc, & ! year of application of biochar
bc_appl_lay ! layer of biochar application
real :: Nleach ! N leaching from last layer per day / g/m2
real :: Nupt_d ! total daily N uptake / g/m2
real :: NH4_in, NO3_in ! input of NH4 and NO3 into the actual layer as
! deposition or transport / g/m2
real :: respsoil ! daily heterotrophic respiration / gC/m2
! Model parameter
real :: k_nit =0.0025 ! nitrification constant / per day
real :: pNH4f =0.1 ! part of free available NH4-N
real :: pNO3f =1.0 ! part of free available NO3-N
real :: k_hum_r=0.0003 ! mineralization constant of humus in mineral soil / per day
real :: k_hum =0.0002 ! mineralization constant of humus in humus layer / per day
real :: k_bc =0.00001 ! mineralization constant of biochar / per day
real :: k_syn_bc =0.003 ! synthesis coefficient of biochar / per day
integer :: y_bc_n ! actual array number of list of biochar application
integer :: n_appl_bc ! number of biochar applications
type species_litter
character (len=20) :: species_name
! soil C- and N-pools of primary organic matter per species and fraction
real :: C_opm_fol ! C-content of foliage litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_fol ! N-content of foliage litter pool / g/m2
real :: C_opm_tb ! C-content of twigs and branches litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_tb ! N-content of twigs and branches litter pool / g/m2
real :: C_opm_stem ! C-content of stemwood litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_stem ! N-content of stemwood litter pool / g/m2
real,dimension(50):: C_opm_frt ! C-content of fine root litter pool / g/m2
real,dimension(50):: N_opm_frt ! N-content of fine root litter pool / g/m2
real,dimension(50):: C_opm_crt ! C-content of coarse root litter pool / g/m2
real,dimension(50):: N_opm_crt ! N-content of coarse root litter pool / g/m2
! C/N-ratios of organic primary matter fractions
real :: cnv_opm_fol ! C/N-ratio of foliage litter pool
real :: cnv_opm_tb ! C/N-ratio of twigs, branches litter pool
real :: cnv_opm_stem ! C/N-ratio of stemwood litter pool
real :: cnv_opm_frt ! C/N-ratio of fine root litter pool
real :: cnv_opm_crt ! C/N-ratio of coarse root litter pool
end type species_litter
type (species_litter),allocatable,dimension(:),target :: slit, slit_1
! yearly and cumulative quantities
real :: N_min = 0. ! cumulative netto mineralisation per year
real :: N_min_m = 0. ! mean cumulative netto mineralisation of all years
real :: N_tot = 0. ! total N content of the soil profil at the end of the year
real :: C_tot = 0. ! total C content of the soil profil at the end of the year
real :: N_lit = 0. ! N content of total litter per year
real :: C_lit = 0. ! C content of total litter per year
real :: N_lit_m = 0. ! mean cumulative N content of total litter of all years
real :: C_lit_m = 0. ! mean cumulative C content of total litter of all years
real :: N_lit_fol = 0. ! N content of foliage litter per year
real :: C_lit_fol = 0. ! C content of foliage litter per year
real :: N_lit_frt = 0. ! N content of fine root litter per year
real :: C_lit_frt = 0. ! C content of fine root litter per year
real :: N_lit_crt = 0. ! N content of coarse root litter per year
real :: C_lit_crt = 0. ! C content of coarse root litter per year
real :: N_lit_tb = 0. ! N content of litter from twigs and branches per year
real :: C_lit_tb = 0. ! C content of litter from twigs and branches per year
real :: N_lit_stem = 0. ! N content of new dead stems per year
real :: C_lit_stem = 0. ! C content of new dead stems per year
real :: N_hum_tot = 0. ! N content of total humus
real :: C_hum_tot = 0. ! C content of total humus
real :: N_an_tot = 0. ! total anorganic N
real :: Nupt_c = 0. ! total N uptake per year / g N/m2
real :: Nupt_m = 0. ! mean total N uptake per year
real :: Nleach_c = 0. ! cumul. N leaching from last layer per year
real :: Nleach_m = 0. ! mean cumulative N leaching from last layer of all years
real :: resps_c = 0. ! yearly soil respiration / gC/m2
real :: resps_c_m = 0. ! mean yearly soil respiration / gC/m2
real :: C_opm_fol ! C-content of total foliage litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_fol ! N-content of total foliage litter pool / g/m2
real :: C_opm_stem ! C-content of total stemwood litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_stem ! N-content of total stemwood litter pool / g/m2
real :: C_opm_tb ! C-content of total twigs, branches root litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_tb ! N-content ofv twigs, branches litter pool / g/m2
real :: C_opm_frt ! C-content of total fine root litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_frt ! N-content of total fine root litter pool / g/m2
real :: C_opm_crt ! C-content of total coarse root litter pool / g/m2
real :: N_opm_crt ! N-content of total coarse root litter pool / g/m2
real :: C_accu = 0. ! C accumulation (new C_tot - old C_tot) / t C/ha
! (mean of all years at the end of simulation)
real :: C_hum_1 ! C content in humus of the litter layer / t C/ha
real :: C_tot_1 ! total C content of the litter layer / t C/ha
real :: C_hum_40 ! C content in humus of the soil profil up to 40cm depth / t C/ha
real :: C_tot_40 ! total C content of the soil profil up to 40cm depth / t C/ha
real :: C_hum_80 ! C content in humus of the soil profil up to 80cm depth / t C/ha
real :: C_tot_80 ! total C content of the soil profil up to 80cm depth / t C/ha
real :: C_hum_100 ! C content in humus of the soil profil up to 100cm depth / t C/ha
real :: C_tot_100 ! total C content of the soil profil up to 100cm depth / t C/ha
real :: C_bc_tot ! total C content of biochar / g C/m2
real :: N_bc_tot ! total N content of biochar / g N/m2
real, dimension(12) :: resps_mon ! mean monthly soil respiration / gC/m2
real, dimension(53) :: resps_week ! mean weekly soil respiration / gC/m2
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: xNupt ! temp. aux. field of N uptake per cohort and layer
integer unit_litter
end module data_soil_cn
module help_soil_cn
! internal variables for decomposition calculation
real khr, knr, ks, kbc ! reduced humif., nitr. and syth. coeff.
real remin ! reduction function of mineralisation
real reptermc, reptermn ! reprod. terms of C-/ N-pools
real term1, term2, term3, term4 ! parts of equ. III
real hexph, hexpn ! exponential parts
real cnvh ! reciprocal C/N-ratio of humus
end module help_soil_cn
module data_soil_t
! Variables and parameters for soil temperature calculation
integer :: flag_surf = 0 ! calculation of soil surface temperature
! 0 - surface temperature equals temperature of first layer
! 1 - with explicit surface temperature
real temps_surf ! soil surface temperature
real hflux_surf ! soil heat flux at soil surface
! model parameters
real :: C0 = 0.76, & ! coefficients for calculation of surface temperature
C1 = 0.05, &
C2 = 0.3
! arrays with dimension nlay2
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: &
t_cond, & ! thermal conductivity J/(cm s K)
t_cb , & ! weighted mean of thermal conductivity (term of values b)
h_cap, & ! heat capacity J/(cm3 K)
t_diff ! thermal diffusivity cm2/s
! internal variables for calculation of thermal conductivity
type therm_par ! parameter of soil fractions (particles)
real:: vf ! volume fraction
real:: hc ! heat capacity J/(cm3 K)
real:: tc ! thermal conductivity J/(cm s K)
real:: kwa ! weighting factor k for continous medium air
real:: kww ! weighting factor k for continous medium water
real:: ga ! shape factor of particles
end type therm_par
type (therm_par):: water
type (therm_par):: quarz
type (therm_par):: clay
type (therm_par):: silt
type (therm_par):: humus
type (therm_par):: air
type (therm_par):: ice
type (therm_par):: stone
! internal variables for the numerical solution
integer :: nlay1, nlay2 ! number of 2 additional layers
! diagonals of the matrix
! arrays with dimension nlay2
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: &
sb, & ! term of values b (reciprocal mean of thickness)
sv, & ! thickness times time step
sh, & ! thickness
sbt, & ! aux. array of soil temperature
sxx, & ! right side and result (soil temperature)
svv, & ! thickness times heat capacity
svva,& ! svv from previous time step
soh ! Hauptdiagonale
! array with dimension nlay2+1
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: son ! Nebendiagonale
integer mfirst ! first elemet number of matrix
logical lfirst ! .true for the first time
! variables for Fourier analysis
integer :: NK ! Anzahl der Fourier-Koeffizienten
real, dimension(200) :: FTA, FTO ! Fourier-Koeffizienten
real, dimension(366) :: Four_sp ! Stuetzstellen
real :: TQ ! mittlere Temp.
integer :: it = 1 ! Starttag fuer Temp.-Profil
end module data_soil_t
module data_soil_param
! soil type parameters
real, dimension(13):: grwdist ! distance groundwater level to root depth
type soiltype
character(10) :: stype ! soil type
real :: lambda ! percolation coefficient lambda
real, dimension(13):: rate ! supply of groundwater to root
end type soiltype
type(soiltype), dimension(40):: soil ! parameter setting in subroutine soil_ini_param
DATA grwdist / 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 170, 200/
DATA soil%stype / 'Ss','gS','mS','fS','Su2','St2','Sl2','Su3','St3','Sl3','Su4','Slu','Sl4','Ls2', &
'Ls4','Lt2','Ts3','Ts4','Lts','Lt3','Tu3','Tu4','Tt','Tu2','Ts2','Tl','Lu', &
'Ut4','Us','Uls','Ut2','Ul2','Ut3','Ul3','Uu','Hum','Hh','Hu','Hn','' /
DATA soil%lambda / 1.50, 1.50, 1.50, 1.15, 0.90, 0.67, 0.60, 0.50, 0.30, 0.38, 0.37, 0.27, 0.30, &
0.30, 0.24, 0.23, 0.23, 0.22, 0.22, 0.22, 0.24, 0.26, 0.30, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, &
0.15, 0.27, 0.25, 0.29, 0.29, 0.27, 0.27, 0.25, 0.25, 0.27, -99., -99., -99., -99. /
DATA soil(1)%rate / 5.2, 5.0, 1.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 /
DATA soil(2)%rate / 5.2, 5.0, 1.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 /
DATA soil(3)%rate / 5.8, 5.5, 5.3, 3, 1.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /
DATA soil(4)%rate / 5.8, 5.5, 5.3, 5.1, 3, 1.5, 0.7, 0.3, 0.15, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 /
DATA soil(5)%rate / 5.8, 5.5, 5.3, 5.1, 4.5, 2.5, 1.5, 0.7, 0.4, 0.1, 0.08, 0, 0 /
DATA soil(6)%rate / 5.8, 5.5, 5.3, 5.1, 4.5, 2.5, 1.5, 0.7, 0.4, 0.1, 0.08, 0, 0 /
DATA soil(7)%rate / 5.8, 5.5, 5.3, 5.1, 4.5, 2.5, 1.5, 0.7, 0.4, 0.1, 0.08, 0, 0 /
! 6 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;2.5;1.5;0.7;0.4;0.1;< 0.1;0;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
! 7 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;2.5;1.5;0.7;0.4;0.1;< 0.1;0;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
! 8 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;5;3.5;2;1.5;0.8;0.3;0.1;< 0.1;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
! 9 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;3;2;1;0.7;0.4;0.15;< 0.1;0;0
! 10 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;5;3.5;2;1.5;0.8;0.3;0.1;< 0.1;0
! 11 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;5;3;2;1;0.5;0.15;0
! 12 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;5;3;2;1;0.5;0.15;0
! 13 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;3;2;1;0.7;0.4;0.15;< 0.1;0;0
! 14
! 15 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;3.5;2;1.3;0.8;0.5;0.3;0.15;< 0.1;0;0
! 16 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;3.5;2;1.3;0.8;0.5;0.3;0.15;< 0.1;0;0
! 17 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;3.5;2;1.3;0.8;0.5;0.3;0.15;< 0.1;0;0
! 18 > 5.0;> 5.0;4;2;1;0.7;0.5;0.3;0.2;0.1;< 0.1;0;0
! 19
! 20
! 21 > 5.0;> 5.0;2.5;1.2;0.7;0.5;0.3;0.2;0.15;< 0.1;0;0;0
! 22 > 5.0;> 5.0;2.5;1.2;0.7;0.5;0.3;0.2;0.15;< 0.1;0;0;0
! 23 > 5.0;> 5.0;4;2;1;0.7;0.5;0.3;0.2;0.1;< 0.1;0;0
! 24 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;3.5;2.5;2;1.5;0.8;0.4;0.2;< 0.1
! 25 4;2;1.1;0.7;0.5;0.4;0.35;0.3;0.22;0.17;0.14;0.1;< 0.1
! 26 4;2;1.1;0.7;0.5;0.4;0.35;0.3;0.22;0.17;0.14;0.1;< 0.1
! 27
! 28 4;2;1.1;0.7;0.5;0.4;0.35;0.3;0.22;0.17;0.14;0.1;< 0.1
! 29 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;3.5;2.5;2;1.5;0.8;0.4;0.2;< 0.1
! 30 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;3.5;2.5;2;1.5;0.8;0.4;0.2;< 0.1
! 31 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;5;3.5;2;1;0.5;0.15
! 32 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;3;2.5;1.5;0.7;0.3;0.1
! 33 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;3;2.5;1.5;0.7;0.3;0.1
! 34
! 35 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;4.5;3;2.5;1.5;0.7;0.3;0.1
! 36
! 37 > 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;> 5.0;5;3.5;2;1;0.5;0.15
end module data_soil_param
!* *!
!* 4C Simulation Model: Module data_species *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* module for species parameters *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
MODULE data_species
! general parameters
INTEGER :: nspecies ! number of all species (incl. ground vegetation)
INTEGER :: nspec_tree ! number of tree species
INTEGER :: spec_help = 1 ! aux var for species number
REAL :: weibal = 1.5 ! mortality parameter (NOT species-specific)
REAL :: weibal_int = 0.1 ! mortality parameter of intrinsic mortality
REAL :: NPP_demand_mistletoe !helping var. to substract demand of mistletoe from pine cohort
! species-specific parameters
TYPE species_par
CHARACTER (len=30) :: species_name
CHARACTER (len=15) :: species_short_name
! mortality parameters
INTEGER :: max_age ! maximum tree age [yr]
INTEGER :: yrec ! stress recovery time [yr]
INTEGER :: stol ! shade tolerance class [1=intol, 5=tol]
REAL :: intr ! intrinsic mortality rate [?]
REAL :: weibla ! lambda parameter of Weibull distribution [?]
! photosynthesis parameters
REAL :: psla_min ! minimum specific one-sided leaf area [m2/kg DW]
REAL :: psla_a ! light dep. specific one-sided leaf area [m2/kg DW]
REAL :: phic ! efficiency parameter, different for everg/decid [-]
REAL :: pnc ! leaf N content [mg/g]
REAL :: kco2_25 ! Michaelis constant for CO2 (base 25 °C) [Pa]
REAL :: ko2_25 ! inhibition constant of O2 (base 25 °C) [kPa]
REAL :: pc_25 ! CO2/O2 specificity ratio (base 25 °C) [-]
REAL :: q10_kco2 ! Q10 coefficients (acclimated to 25 °C) [-]
REAL :: q10_ko2 ! [-]
REAL :: q10_pc ! [-]
REAL :: pb ! Rd to Vm ratio [-]
REAL :: Nresp ! slope of photosynthesis response to Nitrogen [yr/kg/ha]
! NPP parameters
REAL :: respcoeff ! respiration coefficient
REAL :: prg ! growth respiration [/day]
REAL :: prms ! maintenance resp. (base 15 °C): sapwood, [/day]
REAL :: prmr ! fine roots [/day]
REAL :: q10_prms ! Q10 coefficients (acclimated to 15 °C) [-]
REAL :: q10_prmr ! [-]
! allocation parameters
REAL :: pfext ! extinction coefficient
REAL :: sigman ! root activity rate (N uptake) [/yr]
REAL :: psf ! senescence rates: foliage, [/yr]
REAL :: pss ! sapwood, [/yr]
REAL :: psr ! fine roots [/yr]
REAL :: pcnr ! N/C ratio of biomass [kg N/kg C]
REAL :: cnr_fol ! C/N ratio of foliage [kg C/kg N]
REAL :: cnr_frt ! C/N ratio of fine roots [kg C/kg N]
REAL :: cnr_crt ! C/N ratio of coarse roots [kg C/kg N]
REAL :: cnr_tbc ! C/N ratio of twigs and branches [kg C/kg N]
REAL :: cnr_stem ! C/N ratio of stemwood [kg C/kg N]
REAL :: ncon_fol ! N concentration of foliage [mg/g]
REAL :: ncon_frt ! N concentration of fine roots [mg/g]
REAL :: ncon_crt ! N concentration of coarse roots [mg/g]
REAL :: ncon_tbc ! N concentration of twigs and branches [mg/g]
REAL :: ncon_stem ! N concentration of stemwood [mg/g]
REAL :: reallo_fol ! reallocation parameter of foliage
REAL :: reallo_frt ! reallocation parameter of fine root
REAL :: prhos ! sapwood density [kg/cm3]
REAL :: pnus ! foliage to sapwood area relationship [kg/cm2]
REAL :: alphac ! (twigs, branches & coarse roots) to sapwood ratio [-]
REAL :: cr_frac ! fraction of tbc (twigs, branches, roots) that is coarse roots [-]
REAL :: pha ! height growth rate [cm/kg]
REAL :: pha_coeff1 ! " coefficient 1
REAL :: pha_coeff2 ! " coefficient 2
REAL :: pha_v1 ! parameter for non-linear height-foliage relationship
REAL :: pha_v2 ! "
REAL :: pha_v3 ! "
REAL :: crown_a ! parameter to calculate crown radius from DHB [m/cm]
REAL :: crown_b ! parameter to calculate crown radius from DHB [m]
REAL :: crown_c ! parameter to calculate crown radius from DHB [m]
! decomposition parameters per fraction
REAL :: k_opm_fol ! mineralization constant of foliage litter / per day
REAL :: k_syn_fol ! synthesis coefficient of foliage litter / fraction
REAL :: k_opm_tb ! mineralization constant of twigs and branches litter / per day
REAL :: k_syn_tb ! synthesis coefficient of twigs and branches litter / fraction
REAL :: k_opm_stem ! mineralization constant of stemwood / per day
REAL :: k_syn_stem ! synthesis coefficient of stemwood / fraction
REAL :: k_opm_frt ! mineralization constant of fine root / per day
REAL :: k_syn_frt ! synthesis coefficient of fine root / fraction
REAL :: k_opm_crt ! mineralization constant of coarse root / per day
REAL :: k_syn_crt ! synthesis coefficient of coarse root / fraction
! phenology parameters
! PIM: Promotor-Inhibitor model
! CSM: Cannel and Smoth model
! TSM: linear temperature sum model
REAL :: PItmin ! PIM: Inhibitor min temp. [°C]
REAL :: PItopt ! PIM: Inhibitor opt temp. [°C]
REAL :: PItmax ! PIM: Inhibitor max temp. [°C]
REAL :: PIa ! PIM: Inhibitor scaling factor [-]
REAL :: PPtmin ! PIM: Promotor min temp. [°C]
REAL :: PPtopt ! PIM: Promotor opt temp. [°C]
REAL :: PPtmax ! PIM: Promotor max temp. [°C]
REAL :: PPa ! PIM: Promotor scaling factor [-]
REAL :: PPb ! PIM: Promotor scaling factor [-]
REAL :: CSTbC ! CSM: chilling base temp. [°C]
REAL :: CSTbT ! CSM: base temp. [°C]
REAL :: CSa ! CSM: scaling factor [-]
REAL :: CSb ! CSM: scaling factor [-]
REAL :: LTbT ! TSM: base temp. [°C]
REAL :: LTcrit ! TSM: critical temperature sum [°C]
integer :: Lstart ! TSM: start day after 1.11.
integer :: Phmodel ! used pheno model 0: no model, 1: PIM, 2: CSM, 3: TSM
REAL :: end_bb ! last day for vegetation period
integer :: flag_endbb = 0
! Canopy parameters
REAL :: ceppot_spec ! species parameter for pot. intercept. [mm/m2 leaf area]
REAL :: fpar_mod ! Parameter in canopy_geom (Petra) temp?
! regeneration parameter
REAL :: regflag ! flag for regenration control
REAL :: seedrate ! maximum seed rate per m2
REAL :: seedmass ! mass of single seed [g DW], mean value
REAL :: seedsd ! standard deviation of seed mass
REAL :: seeda ! parameter of shoot biomass - foliage mass emp. relation
REAL :: seedb ! ------------"-------------
REAL :: pheight1 ! parameter of shoot biomass - height emp. relation
REAL :: pheight2 ! ---------"--------------
REAL :: pheight3 ! ---------"--------------
REAL :: pdiam1 ! parameter of shoot biomass -diameter emp. relation
REAL :: pdiam2 ! -------------"-----------
REAL :: pdiam3 ! -------------"-----------
! parameter for root growth model
REAL :: spec_rl ! specific root length [m/g DW]
REAL :: tbase ! minimum temperature for root growth [°C]
REAL :: topt ! optimum temperature for root growth [°C]
REAL :: bdmax_coef ! for equation of maximum bulk density for root growth []
REAL :: porcrit_coef ! for equation critical pore space for aeration []
REAL :: ph_opt_max ! maximum pH-value for optimal root growth
REAL :: ph_opt_min ! minimum pH-value for optimal root growth
REAL :: ph_max ! maximum pH-value for root growth
REAL :: ph_min ! minimum pH-value for root growth
REAL :: v_growth ! maximum velocity of coarse root growth [cm/day]
END type species_par
TYPE (species_par),allocatable,save,dimension(:),target :: spar
END MODULE data_species
!* *!
!* ForeSee Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Declaration of species and cohort variables *!
!* data_stand *!
!* Subroutines: *!
!* del_cohort *!
!* test_cohort *!
!* list_cohort *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
MODULE data_stand
INTEGER :: anz_coh = 0 ! current amount of cohortes
INTEGER :: max_coh = 0 ! max. amount of cohortes
REAL :: kpatchsize = 200 ! patch size [m^2]
REAL :: dz = 50 ! thickness of a crown layer [cm]
INTEGER :: waldtyp ! forest type
! variables for the whole stand
INTEGER,allocatable,save,dimension(:):: nrspec ! actual kind numbers of species
REAL,dimension(0:300) :: Irelpool ! relative light intensitiy of the crown space which is not
! occupied by trees (pool). This is the light intensitiy
! at the top of each layer. Irelpool(0)=light unto ground
REAL,dimension(1:301) :: BGpool ! fraction of patch covered by 'free crown space' for
! the next layer respectivley.
REAL,dimension(0:300) :: precpool ! relative precipitation intensitiy of the crown space which is not
! occupied by trees (pool). This is the precipitation intensitiy
! at the top of each layer
REAL :: Irelpool_ll ! relative light intensitiy at the lowest layer
REAL :: bgpool_ll ! fraction of patch covered by 'free crown space'
REAL :: totFPARsum ! fraction of absorbed light for the whole patch
REAL :: totFPARcan ! fraction of absorbed light for the whole canopy
REAL :: LAI ! leaf area index of the patch [m^2/m^2]
REAL :: LAI_can ! leaf area index of the canopy [m^2/m^2]
REAL :: LAI_sveg ! leaf area index of the ground vegetation [m^2/m^2]
REAL :: LAImax ! leaf area index of the patch in period when all trees carry leaves [m^2/m^2]
REAL :: LAI_in ! leaf area index of new trees [m^2/m^2]
REAL :: LAI_out ! leaf area index of removed trees [m^2/m^2]
REAL :: crown_area ! projected crown area [m**2] for the whole canopy,
REAL :: gp_tot ! unstressed stomatal conductance of the total vegetation (canopy + ground vegetation) [mol/(m2*d)]
REAL :: gp_can ! unstressed stomatal conductance of the canopy [mol/(m2*d)]
REAL :: gp_can_mean ! yearly mean of unstressed stomatal conductance of the canopy [mol/(m2*d)]
REAL :: gp_can_min ! yearly minimum of unstressed stomatal conductance of the canopy [mol/(m2*d)]
REAL :: gp_can_max ! yearly maximum of unstressed stomatal conductance of the canopy [mol/(m2*d)]
REAL :: drIndd ! daily drought index for the whole stand [-], weighted by ntree
REAL :: drIndAl ! drought index for allocation calculation (cum.) for the whole stand [-],
! weighted by NPP
REAL :: mean_drIndAl ! mean drought index for allocation calculation (cum.) for the whole stand [-],
REAL :: RedN_mean ! mean RedN of all species
INTEGER :: anz_RedN ! number of RedN for calculation of RedN_mean
REAL :: sumbio ! biomass of all cohorts and all tree-species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: sumbio_sv ! biomass of all cohorts and all ground-vegetation-species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: sumbio_in ! biomass of new trees [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: sumbio_out ! biomass of removed trees [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: cumsteminc ! total cumulated sum of all stem increments [kg/ha]
REAL :: cumsumvsab ! cumulated total sum of volume of removed stems by management [kg/ha]
REAL :: cumsumvsdead ! cumulated total sum of volume of dead stems [kg/ha]
REAL :: sumvsab ! total sum of volume of removed stems by management [kg/ha]
REAL :: sumvsab_m3 ! total sum of volume of removed stems by management [m³/ha]
REAL :: sumvsdead ! total sum of volume of dead stems [kg/ha]
REAL :: sumvsdead_m3 ! total sum of volume of dead stems [m³/ha]
REAL :: totfol ! total biomass of foliage [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totfol_in ! total biomass of foliage of new trees [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totfol_out ! total biomass of foliage of removed trees [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totsap ! total biomass of sapwood [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totfrt ! total fine root biomass of all cohorts and all species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totfrt_p ! total fine root biomass of all cohorts and all species per patch [kg DW/patchsize]
REAL :: totfrt_1 ! reciprocal of total fine root biomass of all cohorts and all species per patch [kg DW/patchsize]
REAL :: tottb ! total twigs, branches biomass of all cohorts and all species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totcrt ! total coarse root biomass of all cohorts and all species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: seedlfrt ! total fine root biomass of all cohorts with height < thr_height [kg DW]
REAL :: tothrt ! total biomass of heartwood [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: sumNPP ! total NPP of all cohorts and species
REAL :: cum_sumNPP ! cumulative total NPP of all cohorts and species
REAL :: sumGPP ! total GPP of all cohorts and species [g C/m2 --> t C/ha]
REAL :: totfol_lit ! total foliage litter [kg DW / ha / year]
REAL :: totfol_lit_tree ! total foliage litter of trees [kg DW / ha / year]
REAL :: totfrt_lit ! total fine root litter [kg DW / ha / year]
REAL :: totfrt_lit_tree ! total fine root litter of trees [kg DW / ha / year]
REAL :: tottb_lit ! total litter of twigs, and branches [kg DW / ha / year]
REAL :: totcrt_lit ! total litter of coarse roots [kg DW / ha / year]
REAL :: totstem_lit ! total dead biomass of stems [kg DW / ha / year]
REAL :: totsteminc ! total stem increment of patch [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totsteminc_m3 ! total stem increment of patch in m3
REAL :: totstem_m3 ! total stem volume [m3/ha]
REAL :: Ndem ! total N demand of the stand per year [g/m2]
REAL :: autresp ! total autotroph resp of all cohorts and species
REAL :: autresp_m ! mean total autotroph resp of all cohorts and species (mean over all years)
REAL :: sumTER ! total ecosystem respiration of all cohorts and species [g C/m2 --> t C/ha]
INTEGER :: coh_ident_max ! actual maximum ident number of cohorts
INTEGER :: anz_coh_in ! number of new cohorts
INTEGER :: anz_coh_out ! number of removed cohorts
INTEGER :: anz_coh_act ! number of cohorts of the actual year
INTEGER :: anz_spec ! number of current existing tree species
INTEGER :: anrspec ! number of all current existing species
INTEGER :: anz_spec_in ! number of new tree species
INTEGER :: anz_spec_out ! number of removed tree species
INTEGER :: anz_tree_dbh ! number of trees with dbh
INTEGER :: anz_tree ! total number of trees /patch
INTEGER :: anz_tree_ha ! total number of trees /ha
INTEGER :: anz_tree_in ! number of new trees /ha
INTEGER :: anz_tree_out ! number of removed trees /ha
INTEGER :: anz_sveg ! total number of soil vegetation cohorts
REAL :: med_diam ! medium diameter of stand (Dg)
REAL :: med_diam_in ! medium diameter of new trees (Dg)
REAL :: med_diam_out ! medium diameter of removed trees (Dg)
REAL :: hdom ! medium height of 2 dominant trees
REAL :: hmean_in ! mean height of all new trees
REAL :: hmean_out ! mean height of all removed trees
REAL :: mean_height ! mean height of stand [cm]
REAL :: mean_diam ! mean diameter of stand [cm]
REAL :: basal_area ! basal area [m²]
INTEGER :: highest_layer ! highest foliage layer of the stand
INTEGER :: lowest_layer ! lowest foliage layer of the stand.
! lowest_layer=0: bare ground
INTEGER :: lm3layer ! light model 4: layer from that on light model 3 is used
REAL :: GPP_day ! daily GPP of all cohorts and species after scaling by temperature
REAL, dimension(12) :: GPP_mon ! monthly GPP of all cohorts and species
REAL, dimension(53) :: GPP_week ! weekly GPP of all cohorts and species
REAL :: GPP_dec ! sum of GPP of all cohorts and species of last december
REAL, dimension(12) :: NEE_mon ! monthly NEE of all cohorts and species
REAL :: NEE_dec ! sum of NEE of all cohorts and species of last december
REAL :: NPP_day ! daily NPP of all cohorts and species after scaling by temperature
REAL, dimension(12) :: NPP_mon ! monthly NPP of all cohorts and species
REAL, dimension(53) :: NPP_week ! weekly NPP of all cohorts and species
REAL :: NPP_dec ! sum of NPP of all cohorts and species of last december
REAL :: TER_day ! daily TER of all cohorts and species after scaling by temperature
REAL, dimension(12) :: TER_mon ! monthly total ecosystem respiration of all cohorts and species
REAL, dimension(53) :: TER_week ! weekly total ecosystem respiration of all cohorts and species
REAL :: TER_dec ! sum of TER of all cohorts and species of last december
REAL :: respr_day ! daily root respiration of all cohorts and species after scaling by temperature
REAL, dimension(12) :: respr_mon ! monthly total root respiration of all cohorts and species (fine and coarse roots)
REAL, dimension(53) :: respr_week ! weekly total root respiration of all cohorts and species
REAL,allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: dayfract ! daily fraction of fluxes (depending on temperature)
REAL :: dailyNPP_C, & ! daily net production [gC/m2]
dailypotNPP_C, & ! daily potential (= no water and nutrient limitation) net primary production [gC/m2]
dailyautresp_C, & ! daily autotrophic respiration [gC/m2]
dailygrass_C, & ! daily gross assimilation [gC/m2]
dailynetass_C, & ! daily net assimilation [gC/m2]
dailyrespfol_C, & ! daily maintenance leaf respiration [gC/m2]
phot_C, & ! daily gross photosynthesis [gC/m2]
REAL :: ceppot_can ! pot. intercept. whole canopy
REAL :: ceppot_sveg ! pot. intercept. whole ground vegetation
INTEGER :: phen_flag=0 ! phenology flag, =1 if canopy changes due to
! phenological events
REAL :: basal_area_tot ! basal area of the whole stand [cm²]
! variables used in sum-output
REAL :: photsum,nppsum, &
npppotsum,resosum, &
lightsum, &
abslightsum,nee, &
gppsum, &
tersum, & ! total ecosystem respiration
resautsum, & ! autotrophe respiratiom
aet_sum, pet_sum, &
tempmean, tempmeanh !summation variable for output *_sum
! variables for representation index calculation
REAL :: rindex1, &
! variable for ground-vegetation
REAL :: M_avail ! mass available for allocation to organs in soil veg. initialisation [kg DM m-2]
REAL :: NPP_est ! NPP estimated for soil veg. initialisation [g DM m-2]
! Variables for disturbances
REAL :: phlo_feed ! Percentage loss of carbon due to phloem feeders
REAL :: stem_rot ! Percentage loss of stems due to stem rot
! variables for classification of trees
INTEGER :: num_class=29 ! number of diameter and height classes
INTEGER,allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: diam_class, diam_classm, diam_class_t, diam_class_age
REAL ,allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: diam_class_h, diam_classm_h, diam_class_mvol
INTEGER,allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: height_class
! ! variables per species
INTEGER,allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: height_rank ! number of trees per species
INTEGER,allocatable,save,dimension(:) :: dbh_rank ! number of trees per species
type species_var
! variables per species
INTEGER :: daybb ! day of bud burst per species [julian day of year]
INTEGER :: ext_daybb ! externally prescribed day of bud burst per species [julian day of year]
INTEGER :: sum_nTreeA ! number of trees per species [per ha]
INTEGER :: sum_nTreeD ! number of all dead trees per species [per ha]
INTEGER :: anz_coh ! number of cohorts per species
REAL :: RedN ! photosynthesis nitrogen reduction factor [-]
REAL :: RedNm ! mean annual photosynthesis nitrogen reduction factor [-]
REAL :: med_diam ! medium diameter per species (squared average) [cm]
REAL :: mean_diam ! average diameter per species [cm]
REAL :: mean_jrb ! average year ring width [mm]
REAL :: dom_height ! dominant height per species [cm]
REAL :: mean_height ! average height per species [cm]
REAL :: basal_area ! basal area per species [m²]
REAL :: drIndAl ! drought index for allocation calculation (cum.) per species [-]
! weighted by NPP
REAL :: sumNPP ! total NPP of all cohorts per species
REAL :: sum_bio ! total biomass per species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: sum_lai ! maximum annual LAI per species
REAL :: act_sum_lai ! LAI per species
REAL :: fol ! total foliage mass per species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: hrt ! total heartwood mass per species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: sap ! totalsapwood mass per species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: frt ! total fine root mass per species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totsteminc ! total stem increment per species [kg DW/ha]
REAL :: totsteminc_m3 ! total stem increment per species [m3/ha]
REAL :: totstem_m3 ! total stem volume per species [m³/ha]
REAL :: sumvsab ! total sum of volume of harvested stem mass of species [kg/ha]
REAL :: sumvsdead ! total sum of volume of dead stems [kg/ha]
REAL :: sumvsdead_m3 ! total sum of volume of dead stems [m3/ha]
REAL :: crown_area ! species specific crown area
REAL :: Ndem ! total N demand per species and year [g/m2]
REAL :: Nupt ! total N uptake per species and year [g/m2]
REAL :: Ndemp ! total N demand per species and potosynthesis period [g/m2]
REAL :: Nuptp ! total N uptake per species and potosynthesis period [g/m2]
! Phenology parameters
REAL :: Pro ! Depending on phenomodel: Promotor or Temperature sum
REAL :: Inh ! Depending on phenomodel: Inhibitor or chill days
REAL :: Tcrit ! Critical temperature sum for Cannel-Smith model [°C]
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: BDmax ! species specific maximum bulk density for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: tstress ! species specific temperature stress for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: sstr ! species specific soil strength stress for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: BDstr ! species specific bulk density stress for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: porcrit ! species specific critical pore space for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: airstr ! species specific aeration stress for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: phstr ! species specific pH stress for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: Rstress ! species specific total daily stress for root growth in soil layers
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: Smean ! species specific total yearly stress for root growth in soil layers
end type species_var
type(species_var),allocatable,dimension(:),target :: svar
type cohort
INTEGER :: ident ! identification of cohort
INTEGER :: species ! number of species parameter set in spar (type)
! state variables for population dynamics
REAL :: nTreeA ! number of alive trees (output) integer [-]
REAL :: nTreeD ! number of dead trees integer [-]
REAL :: nTreeM ! number of trees harvested by Management
REAL :: nTreet ! number of trees tended by Management
REAL :: nta ! number of alive trees (internal) REAL [-]
INTEGER :: mistletoe ! cohort has / has no mistletoe infection
! all variables are values of single trees !!!
! tree state variables; DW = dry weight (i.e., dry biomass)
INTEGER :: x_age ! tree age [yr]
REAL :: x_fol ! foliage biomass [kg DW / tree]
REAL :: x_fol_loss ! loss of foliage biomass [kg DW / tree] by disturbance (flag_dis=1)
REAL :: x_sap ! sapwood biomass [kg DW / tree]
REAL :: x_frt ! fine root biomass [kg DW / tree]
REAL :: x_frt_loss ! loss of fine root biomass [kg DW / tree] by disturbance (flag_dis=1)
REAL :: x_hrt ! heartwood biomass [kg DW / tree]
REAL :: x_rdpt ! rooting depth [cm]
REAL :: x_crt ! coarse root biomass [kg DW / tree]
REAL :: x_tb ! twigs and branches biomass [kg DW / tree]
REAL :: x_hsap ! sapwood height [cm]
REAL :: x_hbole ! bole height [cm]
REAL :: x_Ahb ! cross sectional area of heart wood at stem base [cm**2]
INTEGER :: x_stress ! number of stress years [-]
INTEGER :: x_health ! number of years without stress [-]
REAL :: x_nsc_sap ! sapwood nsc-pool [kg C / tree]
REAL :: x_nsc_tb ! twigs and branch nsc-pool [kg C / tree]
REAL :: x_nsc_crt ! coarse root nsc-pool [kg C / tree]
REAL :: x_nsc_sap_max !maximum amount sapwood nsc-pool [kg C / tree]
REAL :: x_nsc_tb_max !maximum amount twigs and branch nsc-pool [kg C / tree]
REAL :: x_nsc_crt_max !maximum amount coarse root nsc-pool [kg C / tree]
REAL :: biocost_all !biosynthesis costs for refilling process [kg DW / tree]
! auxiliary variables
REAL :: bes ! avarage beset or press of cohort
REAL :: med_sla ! average cohort specific leaf area [m²/kg]
REAL :: Fmax ! maximum foliage biomass [kg DW]
REAL :: totBio ! total tree biomass [kg DW]
REAL :: Dbio ! total dead biomass per cohort [kg DW]
REAL :: height ! total tree height [cm]
REAL :: deltaB ! change in bole height [cm]
REAL :: Ahc ! cross sectional area of heart wood at crown base [cm**2]
REAL :: dcrb ! trunc diameter at crown base [cm]
REAL :: diam ! diameter at breast height [cm]
real :: jrb ! year ring width [mm]
REAL :: assi ! optimum gross assimilation rate [kg DW/d/patch] !!! not a tree variable
REAL :: LUE ! light use efficiency [gC/micromole]
REAL :: resp ! leaf respiration rate [kg DW/d/patch] !!! not a tree variable
REAL :: netAss ! realized net assimilation rate [kg DW/d]
REAL :: NPP ! NPP [kg DW/yr]
REAL :: weekNPP ! weekly NPP [kg DW/yr]
REAL :: NPPpool
REAL :: t_leaf ! leaf area per tree [m2]
REAL :: geff ! growth efficiency [kg stem DM/(yr*m2)]
REAL :: Asapw ! tree sapwood cross sectional area in bole space [cm2]
REAL :: crown_area ! projected crown area [m**2],
! is the same in each layer; maximal proj. crown area,
! when enough space available crown_area
REAL,dimension(301) :: BG ! fraction of the patch covered by the
! tree in each layer, may change through the layers.
REAL,dimension(0:300) :: leafArea ! leaf area per layer [m2]
REAL,dimension(0:300) :: sleafArea ! leaf area per layer [m2], stocked
REAL,dimension(0:300) :: FPAR ! light version 1-3 : fraction of PAR
! absorbed by each layer per crown coverage area [-]
! light version 4 : fraction of PAR absorbed until(!)
! each layer per patch [-]
REAL,dimension(0:300) :: antFPAR ! fraction of totFPAR per crown layer
REAL,dimension(0:300) :: Irel ! relative incident radiation
! intensitiy at the top of a given layer
REAL :: totFPAR ! total fraction of PAR absorbed [-],
! per m² patch area!
REAL :: IrelCan ! the relative light regime in the
! middle of the cohort's canopy
INTEGER :: botLayer ! number of bottom layer of crown [-]
INTEGER :: topLayer ! number of top layer of crown [-]
REAL :: survp ! survival probability first 5 years of simulation
REAL :: rel_fol ! relative part foliage of cohort
REAL :: gfol ! gross growth rate foliage
REAL :: gfrt ! gross growth rate fine root
REAL :: gsap ! gross growth rate sap wood
REAL :: sfol ! senescence rate foliage
REAL :: sfrt ! senescence rate fine root
REAL :: ssap ! senescence rate sap wood
REAL :: grossass ! gross assimilation rate [kg DW/yr]
REAL :: maintres ! cumulative maintenance respiration (sap + frt) [kg DW/yr]
REAL :: respsap ! daily respiration rate sapwood [kg DW/d]
REAL :: respfrt ! daily respiration rate fine root [kg DW/d]
REAL :: respfol ! maintenance daily leaf respiration [kg DW/d]
REAL :: respbr ! daily respiration rate branches, c. roots .... [kg DW/d]
REAL :: respaut ! daily autotrophic respiration rate of tree .... [kg DW/d]
REAL :: resphet ! daily hetrotrophic respiration rate of tree .... [kg DW/d]
! aux. variables for calculation of crown_area of new established trees
REAL :: height_ini ! initial value of height of a new established tree cohort by ingrowth [cm]
REAL :: ca_ini ! initial value of crown area of a new established tree cohort by ingrowth [m2]
! new aux. variables for mAustrian management by relative diamter class
INTEGER :: rel_dbh_cl ! relative DBH class
INTEGER :: underst ! 0 = overstorey, 1 = seedling cohort, 2 = understorey
INTEGER :: sprout ! 0 = tree is no sprout, 1 = sprout
INTEGER :: fl_sap ! sapling = 0, tree = 1
! growth-mortality coupling variables
REAL :: fol_inc ! foliage increment [kg DW/yr]
REAL :: fol_inc_old ! foliage increment of last year[kg DW/yr]
REAL :: bio_inc ! net biomass increment [kg DW/yr]
REAL :: stem_inc ! stem wood increment [kg DW/yr]
REAL :: frt_inc ! fine root wood increment [kg DW/yr]
logical :: notViable ! .TRUE. if non-biological tree dimensions occur
integer :: flag_vegend=0
! plant-soil water coupling variables
REAL,dimension(0:300):: intcap ! precipitation absorbed by
! each layer per m² patch area [mm]
REAL,dimension(0:300):: prel ! precipitation
! at the top of a given layer [mm] per m² patch area
REAL :: interc ! total intercepted precipitation [mm],
! per m² patch area!
REAL :: prelCan ! the relative precipitaion regime
! in the middle of the cohort's canopy
REAL :: interc_st ! interception storage [mm/m2]
REAL :: aev_i ! actual evaporation of intercepted water [mm]
REAL :: demand ! daily demand for soil water of cohort [mm/day]
REAL :: supply ! daily uptake of soil water by roots of cohort [mm/day]
REAL :: watuptc ! yearly total uptake of soil water by roots [mm/day]
REAL :: watleft ! yearly total water left in soil layer next to last rooted soil layer [mm]
REAL :: gp ! unstressed stomatal conductance [mol/(m2*d)]
REAL :: drIndd ! daily drought index [-]
REAL :: drIndPS ! drought index for photosynthesis calculation (cum.) [-]
REAL :: nDaysPS ! number of growing season days per time step of PS model [-]
REAL :: drIndAl ! drought index for allocation calculation (cum.) [-]
INTEGER :: nDaysGr ! number of growing season days per year [#]
logical :: isGrSDay ! is the current day a growing season day?
! plant-soil C/N coupling variables in kg per cohort
REAL :: litC_fol ! foliage litter C pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litC_fold ! foliage litter C pool [kg/cohort] of dead trees
REAL :: litN_fol ! foliage litter N pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litN_fold ! foliage litter N pool [kg/cohort] of dead trees
REAL :: litC_frt ! fine root litter C pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litC_frtd ! fine root litter C pool [kg/cohort] of dead trees
REAL :: litN_frt ! fine root litter N pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litN_frtd ! fine root litter N pool [kg/cohort] of dead trees
REAL :: litC_stem ! stemwood litter C pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litN_stem ! stemwood litter N pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litC_tb ! twig, and branch litter C pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litC_crt ! coarse root litter C pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litC_tbcd ! twigs, branches, and coarse root litter C pool [kg/cohort] of dead trees
REAL :: litN_tb ! twig, and branch litter N pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litN_crt ! coarse root litter N pool [kg/cohort]
REAL :: litN_tbcd ! twigs, branches, and coarse root litter N pool [kg/cohort] of dead trees
REAL :: Nuptc_c ! N uptake per tree and year [g/yr]
REAL :: Ndemc_c ! N demand per tree and year [g/yr]
REAL :: Nuptc_d ! daily N uptake per tree [g/d]
REAL :: Ndemc_d ! daily N demand per tree [g/d]
REAL :: RedNc ! tree specific RedN (photosynthesis nitrogen reduction factor) [-]
REAL :: N_pool ! N pool per tree [g]
REAL :: N_fol ! N content of foliage per tree [g]
REAL :: wat_mg ! cohort water uptake (flag_wred=9)
! root distribution
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: frtrel ! relative part of fine root mass of tree per soil layer
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: frtrelc ! relative part of fine root mass of cohort of total layer fine root mass per soil layer
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: rld ! root length [cm per cm3]
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: rooteff ! root uptake efficiency per soil layer
INTEGER :: nroot ! nroot soil layer with max. root depth
! pseudo parameter (used as an index for field spar with species-specific parameters)
INTEGER :: shelter ! Überhaelter
! Phenology parameters
INTEGER :: day_bb ! day_bb day of bud burst [julian day of year]
! day_bb
REAL :: P ! Depending on phenomodel: Promotor or Temperature sum
REAL :: I ! Depending on phenomodel: Inhibitor or chill days
REAL :: Tcrit ! Critical temperature sum for Cannel-Smith model [°C]
end type cohort
type coh_obj
type(cohort) :: coh ! cohort data structure
type(coh_obj), pointer :: next ! pointer to next cohort
end type coh_obj
type coh_list
type(coh_obj), pointer :: first ! List of cohorts
end type coh_list
type(coh_list) :: pt ! variable for whole stand, all cohorts
type(cohort), pointer, dimension(:) :: coh_save ! pointer to variables for saving intialisation of all cohorts
type(coh_obj), pointer :: zeig ! pointer variable for manipulating cohorts
INTEGER :: anz_coh_save
type vert_struct
REAL :: LA ! leaf area in a given layer [m²]
REAL :: cumLAI ! cumulative leaf area index at the bottom of a given layer [m²/m²]
REAL :: radFrac ! fraction of total radiation absorbed in a given layer [-]
REAL :: sumBG ! sum of all crown areas in a layer [m²]
REAL :: Irel ! light version 1,2 : relative incident radiation at the top of a given layer [-]
! light version 3,4 : average relative incident radiation at the bottom of a given layer [-]. For test reasons only
end type vert_struct
type(vert_struct),dimension(0:300) :: vStruct ! field with vertical patch structure
! variables for litter retention
type dead_litter
INTEGER :: specnr ! species number
! arrays of dead stem and twigs/branches
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: C_tb
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: N_tb
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: C_stem
REAL,pointer,dimension(:) :: N_stem
end type dead_litter
INTEGER :: lit_year = 5 ! number of years of retention
type(dead_litter),allocatable,dimension(:),target :: dead_wood ! delay over 5 years []
function neu() result (stand_neu) ! Create a new pointer list = new stand without any cohort
implicit none
type(coh_list) :: stand_neu
end function neu
subroutine del_cohort
use data_species
use data_simul
implicit none
type(coh_obj), pointer :: nachlauf
zeig => pt%first
do while (associated(zeig))
if (zeig%coh%nTreeA < 0.1.or. ( 1.E-6)) then
pt%first => zeig%next
if (flag_wred .eq. 9) deallocate(zeig%coh%rld)
zeig => pt%first
nachlauf => zeig
zeig => zeig%next
end if
end do
do while (associated(zeig))
if (zeig%coh%nTreeA < 0.1.or. ( 1.E-6)) then
nachlauf%next => zeig%next
if (flag_wred .eq. 9) deallocate(zeig%coh%rld)
zeig => nachlauf%next
nachlauf => zeig
zeig => zeig%next
end if
end do
end subroutine del_cohort
subroutine list_cohort ! Output of cohort list
implicit none
zeig => pt%first
i = 0
do while (associated(zeig))
i = i + 1
zeig => zeig%next
end do
end subroutine list_cohort
subroutine test_cohort(ts)
implicit none
INTEGER, intent(out):: ts
zeig => pt%first
if (.not. associated(zeig)) then
print *,' No existing cohort!'
ts = 1
ts = 0
end if
end subroutine test_cohort
end module data_stand
!* *!
!* Post Processing for 4C (FORESEE) *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Modules and Subroutines: *!
!* *!
!* data_tsort: module to store timber assortments *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*************************************************************** *!
module data_tsort
! species specific parameter for sorting of harvested timber
! fagus, picea, pinus, quercus, betula
real, dimension(11) :: stoh=(/10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,10./)
real, dimension(5) :: lmin=(/400.,400.,400.,400.,400./)
real, dimension(5) :: ldmin=(/30.,30., 30., 30.,35./)
real, dimension(5) :: lzmin=(/20.,14.,14.,20.,20./)
real, dimension(5) :: lasfixl1=(/400.,400.,400.,400.,400./)
real, dimension(5) :: lasfixl2= (/300.,300.,300.,300.,300./)
real, dimension(5) :: lasdmin= (/20.,15.,15.,20.,20./)
real, dimension(5) :: las1zmin= (/0.,0.,11.,0.,0./)
real, dimension(5) :: las1dmin= (/0.,0.,11.,0.,0./)
real, dimension(5) :: laszmin= (/11.,11.,11.,11.,11./)
real, dimension(5) :: isfixl1= (/200.,200.,200.,200.,200./)
real, dimension(5) :: isfixl2= (/100.,100.,100.,100.,100./)
real, dimension(5) :: isdmin= (/10.,10.,10.,10.,10./)
real, dimension(5) :: iszmin= (/7.,7.,7.,7.,7./)
real rabth(5,2)
real,dimension(5,3) :: rabz
real :: zug =10 ! addition [cm]
real, allocatable,save, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: sort ! per year and species for different cohorts:
integer, parameter :: dg=kind(0.0D0) ! identifier, lenght, diamter, volume, number of pieces
integer :: anz_list
integer :: flag_sort= 1 ! 0: with stem timber; 1: without stem timber, 2:only LAS 3m + Ind +Fuel
! 3: only LAS 4m * Ind + Fuel
integer :: flag_deadsort =0
type timber
integer :: year
integer :: count
character(4):: ttype
character(2):: stype ! stand type (vb or ab)
integer :: specnr
real :: zapfd ! diameter at the top
real :: zapfdor ! without bark
real :: length
real :: dia ! diameter at thre middle
real :: diaor ! without bark
real(kind =dg) :: vol
real :: tnum
real ::hei_tree
real :: hbo_tree
real :: diab ! diameter at base
real :: dcrb
end type timber
type tim_obj
type(timber) :: tim ! cohort data structure
type(tim_obj), pointer :: next ! pointer to next cohort
end type tim_obj
type tim_list
type(tim_obj), pointer :: first ! List of cohorts
end type tim_list
type(tim_list) :: st ! variable for whole stand, all cohorts
type(tim_obj), pointer :: ztim ! pointer variable for manipulating cohorts
DATA rabth /35.,25.,20.,40.,40.,0.,40.,30.,60.,0./
DATA rabz /1.,1.,1.,3.,2.,2.,2.,2.,5.,4.,2.,3.,4.,6.,4./
end module data_tsort
!* *!
!* Post Processing for 4C (FORESEE) *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Modules and Subroutines: *!
!* *!
!* data_mansort: module to store the mansort, manrec input *!
!* wood_processing: module to store wood processing infos *!
!* wpm_output: module to store simulation output *!
!* lifespan_par: module to store lifespan parameters *!
!* ini_input: initialize the values of the modules *!
!* allocate_in_output: allocates module values *!
!* deallocate_in_output: deallocates module values *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
! module contains informations from mansort file: "removals"
! module contains information for "roundwood" and "after processing" steps
! module contains lifespan function parameters
! module contains wmp output
module data_wpm
! module contains informations from mansort file: "removals"
! cm cm cm cm cm m³/ha kg C/ha
!# year count spec type len diam diam wob top_d t_d wob Volume DW number
type mansort_type
integer :: year, count, spec, number
character(4) :: typus
real :: diam, volume, dw, diam_wob
end type mansort_type
type manrec_type
integer :: year, measure
character(28) :: management
end type manrec_type
type mansort_obj
type(mansort_type) :: mansort
type(mansort_obj), pointer :: next
end type mansort_obj
type manrec_obj
type(manrec_type) :: manrec
type(manrec_obj), pointer :: next
end type manrec_obj
! pointer to the the mansort, manrec lists, sea list
type(mansort_obj), pointer :: first_mansort
type(manrec_obj) , pointer :: first_manrec
type(mansort_obj), pointer :: first_standsort
! pointer variable for manipulating mansort, manrec lists, sea list
type(mansort_obj), pointer :: act_mansort
type(manrec_obj) , pointer :: act_manrec
type(mansort_obj), pointer :: act_standsort
! years from the manrec file with needed management
integer, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: management_years
integer :: nr_pr_ln
! number of simulation years, management (manrec) years and wpm relevant management years
integer :: nr_years
integer :: nr_management_years
integer :: wpm_manag_years
! sea: number of timber grades, number of tree species
integer :: nr_timb_grades
integer :: nr_spec
! module contains information for "roundwood" and "after processing" steps
! value: carbon per simulation year
! proc_par: parameters for the processing
! use_par: parameters for the "use categories" distribution
type wood_type
real, pointer, dimension(:) :: value
real, dimension(3,7) :: proc_par
real, dimension(7) :: use_par
end type wood_type
! for each simulation year
! product lines: sawntimber_sw, sawntimber_hw (softwood, hardwood),
! plywood, particle_board, chem_pulpwood, mech_pulpwood, fuelwood
type(wood_type), allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: product_lines
! save the results by the procentual sorting of product lines
! three sortings, product lines, years
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:,:) :: pl
! with or without wob
logical :: wob
! module contains lifespan function parameters
type lifespan_type
real hl
real a, b, c, d
end type lifespan_type
type(lifespan_type) :: short_lifespan
type(lifespan_type) :: medium_short_lifespan
type(lifespan_type) :: medium_long_lifespan
type(lifespan_type) :: long_lifespan
! module contains wmp output
integer, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: years
integer :: nr_use_cat
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: max_age
! use_categories: building_materials, other_building_materials, structural_support,
! furnishing, packing_materials, long_life_paper, short_life_paper
! per simulation year
! rec_par: recycling, landfill, burning parameter of use
type use_categories_type
type(lifespan_type) :: lifespan_function
real, pointer, dimension(:) :: value
real, dimension(3) :: rec_par
real, dimension(7) :: rec_use_par
! spin up values
real, pointer, dimension(:) :: spinup
end type use_categories_type
! spin up value
real :: landfill_spinup
! spinup_on
logical :: spinup_on
! debug and spinup output
logical :: debug
logical :: output_spinup
! list of use_cateories, sum of use categories per year, use_cat at the beginning
type(use_categories_type), allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: use_categories
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: sum_use_cat
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: sum_input
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: use_cat
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: burning
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: landfill
! atmosphere per year, atmosphere cummulative
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: atmo_year
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: atmo_cum
!******************** substitution ********************
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: emission_har, sub_energy, sub_material, sub_sum
real, dimension (3) :: sub_par
!********************** sea ****************************
! sea timber grades:
! _tg(tree species, timber grade, year)
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:,:) :: mansort_tg
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:,:) :: standsort_tg
! prices (spec, timber grades)
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: chainsaw_prices
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: harvester_prices
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: planting_prices
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: planting_sub
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: fence
real, dimension(2) :: fix
real, dimension(2) :: brushing
real, dimension(2) :: tending_prices
real, dimension(2,2) :: ext_for
real, dimension(4) :: int_rate
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: sum_costs
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: subsidy
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: npv
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: net_prices
! percentual of chainsaw to harvester methods
real, dimension(2) :: hsystem = (/0.8, 0.2/)
! percentual of decidious wood in a forest
real :: dec_per
! planting year
integer :: plant_year = 0
integer :: flag_plant = 0
! costs, assets (spec, year)
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: ms_costs
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: ms_assets
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: st_costs
real, allocatable, save, dimension(:,:) :: st_assets
end ! module data_wpm
!************* functions ***************************************
! initializes the inputfiles and fills the parameters
subroutine ini_input
use data_simul
use data_wpm
implicit none
integer i
!******************* ini wpm and sea **************************
do i =1,nr_years
years(i) = i
management_years(:) = 0
!******************* ini wpm **************************
! parameters for the round wood => product lines
do i=1,nr_pr_ln
product_lines(i)%value(:) = 0.
end do
! distribution of round wood to product lines
! redistribution of timber grades:
! wiener model
! product_lines(1)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0.6, 0., 0., 0., 0.4, 0., 0./)
! product_lines(2)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0.6, 0., 0., 0.4, 0., 0./)
! product_lines(3)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0.6, 0., 0.4, 0., 0./)
! product_lines(4)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.6, 0.4, 0., 0./)
! product_lines(5)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0./)
! product_lines(6)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0./)
! product_lines(7)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./)
! distribution of timber: industrial lines to product lines
! product_lines(1)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.6, 0., 0.12, 0., 0.14, 0., 0.12/)
! product_lines(2)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.6, 0., 0.12, 0., 0.14, 0., 0.12/)
! product_lines(3)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0.61, 0., 0.16, 0., 0.23/)
! product_lines(4)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0.61, 0., 0.16, 0., 0.23/)
! product_lines(5)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.70, 0., 0.30/)
! product_lines(6)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.71, 0., 0.30/)
! product_lines(7)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.00/)
! 40% of 1st,2nd,3rd,4th timber grades must go to the 5th timber grade (industrial wood)
product_lines(1)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0.6, 0., 0., 0., 0.4, 0., 0./)
product_lines(2)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0.6, 0., 0., 0.4, 0., 0./)
product_lines(3)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0.6, 0., 0.4, 0., 0./)
product_lines(4)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.6, 0.4, 0., 0./)
product_lines(5)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0./)
product_lines(6)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0./)
product_lines(7)%proc_par(1,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./)
! distribution of timber grades to industrial lines - Brandenburg
product_lines(1)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.97, 0., 0.03, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
product_lines(2)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0.83, 0.17, 0., 0. , 0., 0./)
product_lines(3)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.86, 0., 0.01, 0., 0.13, 0., 0./)
product_lines(4)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0.53, 0.10, 0., 0.37, 0., 0./)
product_lines(5)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.66, 0.34, 0., 0./)
product_lines(6)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
product_lines(7)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./)
!distribution of timber into industrial lines - Germany
! product_lines(1)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.97, 0., 0.03, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! product_lines(2)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0.83, 0.17, 0., 0. , 0., 0./)
! product_lines(3)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.86, 0., 0.01, 0., 0.07, 0.06, 0./)
! product_lines(4)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0.53, 0.10, 0., 0.20, 0.17, 0./)
! product_lines(5)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.66, 0.18, 0.16, 0./)
! product_lines(6)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! product_lines(7)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./)
! distribution of timber: industrial lines to product lines
select case (flag_wpm)
! central europe
case (1:10)
product_lines(1)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0.610, 0., 0., 0.152, 0.141, 0., 0.097/)
product_lines(2)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0.670, 0., 0.152, 0.119, 0., 0.082/)
product_lines(3)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0.530, 0.095, 0., 0., 0.375/)
product_lines(4)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.690, 0.080, 0., 0.230/)
product_lines(5)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.472, 0., 0.528/)
product_lines(6)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.928, 0.072/)
product_lines(7)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.000/)
! nothern europe
case (11:20)
product_lines(1)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0.435, 0., 0., 0.270, 0.435, 0., 0.130/)
product_lines(2)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0.435, 0., 0.270, 0.435, 0., 0.130/)
product_lines(3)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0.384, 0., 0.339, 0., 0.277/)
product_lines(4)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.690, 0.080, 0., 0.230/)
product_lines(5)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.472, 0., 0.528/)
product_lines(6)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.928, 0.072/)
product_lines(7)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.000/)
! southern europe
case (21:30)
product_lines(1)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0.610, 0., 0.152, 0., 0.141, 0., 0.097/)
product_lines(2)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0.670, 0.129, 0., 0.119, 0., 0.082/)
product_lines(3)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0.530, 0., 0., 0., 0.375/)
product_lines(4)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.095, 0.080, 0., 0.230/)
product_lines(5)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.690, 0.472, 0., 0.528/)
product_lines(6)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.928, 0.072/)
product_lines(7)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.000/)
case (31:40)
!central europe
product_lines(1)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0.610, 0., 0., 0.152, 0.141, 0., 0.097/)
product_lines(2)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0.670, 0., 0.152, 0.119, 0., 0.082/)
product_lines(3)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0.530, 0.095, 0., 0., 0.375/)
product_lines(4)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.690, 0.080, 0., 0.230/)
product_lines(5)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.472, 0., 0.528/)
product_lines(6)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.928, 0.072/)
product_lines(7)%proc_par(3,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.000/)
!distribution of timber into industrial lines - Germany
! product_lines(1)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.97, 0., 0.03, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! product_lines(2)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0.83, 0.17, 0., 0. , 0., 0./)
! product_lines(3)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0.86, 0., 0.01, 0., 0.07, 0.06, 0./)
! product_lines(4)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0.53, 0.10, 0., 0.20, 0.17, 0./)
! product_lines(5)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0.66, 0.18, 0.16, 0./)
! product_lines(6)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! product_lines(7)%proc_par(2,:) = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./)
end select
! parameters for the product lines => "use categories"
product_lines(1)%use_par = (/0.35, 0.30, 0.10, 0.15, 0.10, 0., 0./)
product_lines(2)%use_par = (/0.35, 0.30, 0.10, 0.15, 0.10, 0., 0./)
product_lines(3)%use_par = (/0.05, 0.05, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, 0., 0./)
product_lines(4)%use_par = (/0.20, 0.30, 0.10, 0.20, 0.20, 0., 0./)
product_lines(5)%use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.33, 0.33, 0.34/)
product_lines(6)%use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.34, 0.33, 0.33/)
product_lines(7)%use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
!******************* ini lifespan **************************
short_lifespan%hl = 1.
short_lifespan%a = 120.
short_lifespan%b = 5.
short_lifespan%c = 3.
short_lifespan%d = 120.
medium_short_lifespan%hl = 4.
medium_short_lifespan%a = 120.
medium_short_lifespan%b = 5.
medium_short_lifespan%c = 0.5
medium_short_lifespan%d = 120.
medium_long_lifespan%hl = 16.
medium_long_lifespan%a = 120.
medium_long_lifespan%b = 5.
medium_long_lifespan%c = 0.12
medium_long_lifespan%d = 120.
long_lifespan%hl = 50.
long_lifespan%a = 120.
long_lifespan%b = 5.
long_lifespan%c = 0.04
long_lifespan%d = 120.
!************** ini use categories **************************
do i=1,nr_use_cat
use_categories(i)%value(:) = 0.
end do
use_categories(1)%lifespan_function = long_lifespan
use_categories(2)%lifespan_function = medium_long_lifespan
use_categories(3)%lifespan_function = short_lifespan
use_categories(4)%lifespan_function = medium_long_lifespan
use_categories(5)%lifespan_function = short_lifespan
use_categories(6)%lifespan_function = medium_short_lifespan
use_categories(7)%lifespan_function = short_lifespan
! recycling, landfill, burning
use_categories(1)%rec_par = (/0.30, 0.35, 0.35/)
use_categories(2)%rec_par = (/0.25, 0.50, 0.25/)
use_categories(3)%rec_par = (/0.15, 0.45, 0.40/)
use_categories(4)%rec_par = (/0.25, 0.50, 0.25/)
use_categories(5)%rec_par = (/0.72, 0.14, 0.14/)
use_categories(6)%rec_par = (/0.72, 0.14, 0.14/)
use_categories(7)%rec_par = (/0.72, 0.14, 0.14/)
! recycling parameters
! test parameters like in the wien model
! use_categories(1)%rec_use_par = (/1.00, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(2)%rec_use_par = (/0., 1.00, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(3)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 1.00, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(4)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 1.00, 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(5)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 1.00, 0., 0./)
! use_categories(6)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.00, 0./)
! use_categories(7)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.00/)
! real parameters
use_categories(1)%rec_use_par = (/0.33, 0.34, 0.33, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
use_categories(2)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0.50, 0.50, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
use_categories(3)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 1.00, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
use_categories(4)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0.5, 0.5, 0., 0., 0./)
use_categories(5)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.5, 0., 0.5/)
use_categories(6)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.5, 0., 0.5/)
use_categories(7)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.5, 0., 0.5/)
! test parameters
! use_categories(1)%rec_use_par = (/1.00, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(2)%rec_use_par = (/0., 1.00, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(3)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 1.00, 0., 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(4)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 1.00, 0., 0., 0./)
! use_categories(5)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0.5, 0.5, 0./)
! use_categories(6)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.00, 0./)
! use_categories(7)%rec_use_par = (/0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.00/)
! wood_pieces containes the wood_pieces of different age
do i=1, nr_use_cat
max_age(i) = use_categories(i)%lifespan_function%hl * 3
end do
! allocation of spinup values
do i=1, nr_use_cat
end do
do i=1, nr_use_cat
use_categories(i)%spinup(:) = 0.
end do
burning(:) = 0.
atmo_cum(:) = 0.
atmo_year(:) = 0.
landfill(:) = 0.
sum_use_cat(:) = 0.
sum_input(:) = 0.
pl(:,:,:) = 0.
use_cat(:,:) = 0.
!******************* ini substitution **************************
emission_har = 0.
sub_energy = 0.
sub_material = 0.
sub_sum = 0.
sub_par (1) = -0.013 ! Emission from harvest
sub_par (2) = 0.601
sub_par (3) = 0.2651
end subroutine
subroutine ini_input_sea
use data_simul
use data_wpm
implicit none
!************************ ini sea ***********************
mansort_tg(:,:,:) = 0.
standsort_tg(:,:,:) = 0.
chainsaw_prices(:,:) = 0.
harvester_prices(:,:) = 0.
fence(:,:) = 0.
planting_prices(:) = 0.
planting_sub(:,:) = 0.
net_prices(:,:) = 0.
ms_costs(:,:) = 0.
st_costs(:,:) = 0.
ms_assets(:,:) = 0.
st_assets(:,:) = 0.
sum_costs(:,:) = 0.
subsidy(:,:) = 0.
npv(:,:) = 0.
brushing(:) = 0.
fix(:) = 0.
tending_prices(:) = 0.
dec_per = 0.
end subroutine
!********************** FLAGS **********************************
! set flags for the run
subroutine setFlags
use data_wpm
implicit none
! calculate product lines with or without bark
! wob = .FALSE.
wob = .TRUE.
! spin up flag: true - read and add the spin up values
spinup_on = .FALSE.
! spinup_on = .TRUE.
! debug and spinup outputs
debug = .FALSE.
! debug = .TRUE.
output_spinup = .FALSE.
! output_spinup = .TRUE.
end subroutine
subroutine allocate_in_output
use data_simul
use data_wpm
implicit none
! integer mansort_lines, nr_years, nr_management_years
integer i
! set some informations for wpm / sea
nr_years = year
! allocate output
if(flag_wpm.eq.5 .or.flag_wpm.eq.4 .or. flag_wpm.eq.6) then
nr_years = nr_management_years
end if
if (.not. allocated(years)) allocate(years(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(management_years)) allocate(management_years(nr_management_years))
! only wpm
if (flag_wpm == 1 .or. flag_wpm == 3 .or. flag_wpm == 21 .or. flag_wpm == 11.or. flag_wpm == 5 .or. flag_wpm == 4 .or. flag_wpm == 6) then
nr_pr_ln = 7
nr_use_cat = 7
! allocate wood processing
if (.not. allocated(product_lines)) then
do i=1,nr_pr_ln
end do
end if
! allocate pl: save results of the product lines sorting
if (.not. allocated(pl))allocate(pl(3, nr_pr_ln, nr_years))
! 6 use categories per simulation year
if (.not. allocated(use_categories)) then
do i=1,nr_use_cat
end do
end if
if (.not. allocated(max_age))allocate(max_age(nr_use_cat))
if (.not. allocated(burning))allocate(burning(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(landfill))allocate(landfill(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(atmo_cum))allocate(atmo_cum(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(atmo_year))allocate(atmo_year(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(sum_use_cat))allocate(sum_use_cat(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(sum_input))allocate(sum_input(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(use_cat))allocate(use_cat(nr_use_cat, nr_years))
! Substitution
if (.not. allocated(emission_har))allocate(emission_har(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(sub_energy))allocate(sub_energy(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(sub_material))allocate(sub_material(nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(sub_sum))allocate(sub_sum(nr_years))
end if
! only sea
if (flag_wpm == 2 .or. flag_wpm == 3.or.flag_wpm.eq.5 .or. flag_wpm.eq.6) then
nr_spec = 5
nr_timb_grades = 10
if (.not. allocated(mansort_tg)) allocate(mansort_tg(nr_spec, nr_timb_grades, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(standsort_tg)) allocate(standsort_tg(nr_spec, nr_timb_grades, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(chainsaw_prices)) allocate(chainsaw_prices(nr_spec, nr_timb_grades))
if (.not. allocated(harvester_prices)) allocate(harvester_prices(nr_spec, nr_timb_grades))
if (.not. allocated(planting_prices)) allocate(planting_prices(nr_spec))
if (.not. allocated(fence)) allocate(fence(2,nr_spec))
if (.not. allocated(planting_sub)) allocate(planting_sub(2,nr_spec))
if (.not. allocated(net_prices)) allocate(net_prices(nr_spec, nr_timb_grades))
if (.not. allocated(ms_costs)) allocate(ms_costs(nr_spec, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(st_costs)) allocate(st_costs(nr_spec, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(sum_costs)) allocate(sum_costs(5, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(subsidy)) allocate(subsidy(2, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(npv)) allocate(npv(12, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(ms_assets)) allocate(ms_assets(nr_spec, nr_years))
if (.not. allocated(st_assets)) allocate(st_assets(nr_spec, nr_years))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine deallocate_wpm
use data_wpm
use data_simul
implicit none
integer i
! deallocate mansort and manrec lists
if ( associated(first_manrec)) then
act_manrec => first_manrec
do while ( associated(act_manrec))
first_manrec => act_manrec%next
act_manrec => first_manrec
end do
if ( associated(first_mansort)) then
act_mansort => first_mansort
do while ( associated(act_mansort))
first_mansort => act_mansort%next
act_mansort => first_mansort
end do
! deallocate wood processing
if (allocated(management_years)) deallocate(management_years)
do i=1,nr_pr_ln
if (associated(product_lines(i)%value)) deallocate(product_lines(i)%value)
end do
if (allocated(product_lines)) deallocate(product_lines)
if (allocated(pl)) deallocate(pl)
! deallocate output
if (allocated(years)) deallocate(years)
do i=1,nr_use_cat
if (associated(use_categories(i)%value)) deallocate(use_categories(i)%value)
if (associated(use_categories(i)%spinup)) deallocate(use_categories(i)%spinup)
end do
if (allocated(use_categories)) deallocate(use_categories)
if (allocated(max_age)) deallocate(max_age)
if (allocated(burning)) deallocate(burning)
if (allocated(landfill)) deallocate(landfill)
if (allocated(atmo_cum)) deallocate(atmo_cum)
if (allocated(atmo_year)) deallocate(atmo_year)
if (allocated(sum_use_cat)) deallocate(sum_use_cat)
if (allocated(sum_input)) deallocate(sum_input)
if (allocated(use_cat)) deallocate(use_cat)
! Sustitution
if (allocated(emission_har)) deallocate(emission_har)
if (allocated(sub_energy)) deallocate(sub_energy)
if (allocated(sub_material)) deallocate(sub_material)
if (allocated(sub_sum)) deallocate(sub_sum)
if (flag_wpm == 2 .or. flag_wpm == 3) then
if ( associated(first_standsort)) then
act_standsort => first_standsort
do while ( associated(act_standsort))
first_standsort => act_standsort%next
act_standsort => first_standsort
end do
if (allocated(mansort_tg)) deallocate(mansort_tg)
if (allocated(standsort_tg)) deallocate(standsort_tg)
if (allocated(chainsaw_prices)) deallocate(chainsaw_prices)
if (allocated(harvester_prices)) deallocate(harvester_prices)
if (allocated(planting_prices)) deallocate(planting_prices)
if (allocated(fence)) deallocate(fence)
if (allocated(planting_sub)) deallocate(planting_sub)
if (allocated(net_prices)) deallocate(net_prices)
if (allocated(ms_costs)) deallocate(ms_costs)
if (allocated(st_costs)) deallocate(st_costs)
if (allocated(ms_assets)) deallocate(ms_assets)
if (allocated(st_assets)) deallocate(st_assets)
if (allocated(sum_costs)) deallocate(sum_costs)
if (allocated(subsidy)) deallocate(subsidy)
if (allocated(npv)) deallocate(npv)
end if
end subroutine
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutines for: *!
!* Aspen management *!
!* contains: *!
!* SR aspman_ini *!
!* SR asp_manag *!
!* SR asp_sprout *!
!* SR asp_pruning *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
subroutine aspman_ini
use data_manag
use data_species
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_par
implicit none
integer :: manag_unit,i, ios
character(len=150) :: filename
logical :: ex
character ::text
filename = manfile(ip)
thin_flag1 = -1
yman = 0
rel_part = 0
call testfile(filename,ex)
! read head of data-file
read(manag_unit,*) text
if(text .ne. '#')then
i = 1
read(manag_unit,*,iostat=ios) yman(i), rel_part(i)
if(ios < 0) exit
i = i+1
end do
num_man = i-1
end subroutine aspman_ini
subroutine asp_manag
use data_manag
use data_simul
implicit none
integer :: i
do i=1,num_man
if(yman(i).eq.time) then
call asp_pruning
if( then
call asp_sprout
flag_sprout = 1
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine asp_manag
subroutine asp_sprout
use data_manag
use data_species
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_par
use data_help
use data_soil
use data_tsort
implicit none
integer :: taxnr, i, j, nsp, acoh
REAL :: shoot
real :: faktor
REAL :: x1,x2,xacc,h_root, root
REAL :: rtflsp, stump_dw, stump_v, rtbis
TYPE(cohort) ::tree_ini
real, dimension(:), save, allocatable :: treea, crt, frt, stumpw
integer, dimension(:), save, allocatable :: spectyp, cohid
! distribution of coarse root matter of coppice shoots
real, dimension(6) :: fac_rob=(/0.0666, 0.1332, 0.1998, 0.2664,0.334, 0./)
external weight1
external rtflsp
external rtbis
allocate ( treea(anz_coh), crt(anz_coh), frt(anz_coh), spectyp(anz_coh), cohid(anz_coh), stumpw(anz_coh))
if(flag_reg.eq.18) then
nsprout = 5
end if
i = 1
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if( zeig%coh%ntreea.eq.0.and. then
treea(i) = zeig%coh%ntreem
taxnr = zeig%coh%species
crt(i) = zeig%coh%x_crt
frt(i) = zeig%coh%x_frt
spectyp(i) = zeig%coh%species
cohid(i) = zeig%coh%ident
call stump( zeig%coh%x_ahb, zeig%coh%asapw,zeig%coh%dcrb,zeig%coh%x_hbole, &
zeig%coh%height, taxnr,stump_v, stump_dw)
stumpw(i) = stump_dw
i = i+1
end if
end do
acoh = i-1
do i =1, acoh
if(flag_reg.eq.15) then
faktor = 0.25
faktor = fac_rob(1)
end if
do j = 1, nsprout
tree_ini%species = spectyp(i)
nsp = spectyp(i)
hnspec = nsp
h_root = faktor * (crt(i)*0.3 + stumpw(i)* 0.5)
max_coh= max_coh +1
call coh_initial (tree_ini)
tree_ini%ident = max_coh
tree_ini%x_age = 1
tree_ini%ntreea = treea(i)
tree_ini%nta = treea(i)
mschelp = h_root
x1 = 0.
x2 = 0.1
xacc = (1.0e-10) * (x1+x2)/2
root = rtbis(weight1,x1,x2,xacc)
tree_ini%x_sap = root
shoot = root*1000. ! [g]
tree_ini%x_fol= (spar(nsp)%seeda*(tree_ini%x_sap** spar(nsp)%seedb)) ![kg] ! [kg]
tree_ini%x_frt = faktor * frt(i) ! [kg]
tree_ini%med_sla = spar(nsp)%psla_min + spar(nsp)%psla_a*0.5
tree_ini%t_leaf = tree_ini%med_sla* tree_ini%x_fol ! [m-2]
tree_ini%ca_ini = tree_ini%t_leaf
IF(spar(tree_ini%species)%Phmodel==1) THEN
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if(zeig%coh%ident.eq. cohid(i)) then
tree_ini%rooteff = zeig%coh%rooteff
end if
end do
! tranformation of shoot biomass kg --> mg
if( = spar(nsp)%pheight1*(shoot*1000.)**spar(nsp)%pheight2 ! [cm] calculated from shoot biomass (mg)
if(tree_ini%height.eq.0.) then
nsp = nsp
end if
! bole height from stump
tree_ini%x_hbole = stoh(nsp)
IF( then
IF (.not. associated(pt%first)) THEN
ALLOCATE (pt%first)
pt%first%coh = tree_ini
zeig%coh = tree_ini
zeig%next => pt%first
pt%first => zeig
if(flag_reg.eq.15) then
faktor = faktor + 0.0833333
faktor = fac_rob(j+1)
end if
end do ! j, nsprouts
end do ! i
deallocate ( treea, crt, frt, spectyp,cohid, stumpw)
end subroutine asp_sprout
subroutine asp_pruning
use data_manag
use data_species
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_par
implicit none
integer :: taxnr, j
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
zeig%coh%ntreem = zeig%coh%ntreea
zeig%coh%ntreea = 0
zeig%coh%nta = 0.
end do
! calculation of total dry mass of all harvested trees (stem + twigs and branches)
sumNPP = 0
sumvsab = 0.
sumvsab_m3 = 0.
svar%sumvsab = 0.
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
ns = zeig%coh%species
sumvsab = sumvsab + zeig%coh%ntreem*(zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt + zeig%coh%x_tb)
sumvsab_m3 = sumvsab_m3 + zeig%coh%ntreem*(zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt+zeig%coh%x_tb)/(spar(ns)%prhos*1000000)
svar(ns)%sumvsab = svar(ns)%sumvsab + zeig%coh%ntreem*(zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt + zeig%coh%x_tb)
sumnpp = sumnpp + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%npp
end do
sumvsab_m3 = sumvsab_m3 * 10000./kpatchsize ! kg/ha
sumvsab = sumvsab * 10000./kpatchsize ! kg/ha
do j = 1, nspec_tree
svar(j)%sumvsab = svar(j)%sumvsab * 10000./kpatchsize
end do
! cumulative harvested stem mass
cumsumvsab = cumsumvsab + sumvsab
! litter pools
! adding biomasses to litter pools depending on stage of stand
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
! all parts without stems of trees are input for litter
zeig%coh%litC_fol = zeig%coh%litC_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*(1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_fol = zeig%coh%litN_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*((1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart)/spar(taxnr)%cnr_fol
end subroutine asp_pruning
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutines for: *!
!* Austrian management *!
!* contains: *!
!* SR aust_ini *!
!* SR aust_manag *!
!* SR plant_aust *!
!* SR calc_rel_class *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
use data_manag
use data_species
use data_simul
use data_stand
implicit none
integer :: manag_unit,i, ih1,ih2,ios,ih4, flp , flag_help
character(len=150) :: filename
logical :: ex
character ::text
real :: hp, ih3
filename = manfile(ip)
flag_help = 0
thin_dead = 1
yman = 0
dbh_clm = 0
rem_clm = 0.
spec_man = 0
act = 0
rel_part = 0
flp = 0
call testfile(filename,ex)
! read head of data-file
read(manag_unit,*) text
if(text .ne. 's')then
read(manag_unit,*,iostat=ios) ih1,ih2, ih3, hp,ih4
if(ios<0) exit
yman(i) = ih1 ! year of treatment
if(ih2.eq.1) then
! Fichte/ Spruce
spec_man(i) = 2
else if(ih2.eq.2) then
! Kiefer/ Pine
spec_man(i) = 3
else if(ih2.eq.3) then
! Eiche/ oak
spec_man(i) = 4
else if(ih2.eq.4) then
spec_man(i) = 1
end if
! species number
act(i) = ih4
if( ) then
if(flp.eq.0) then
dbh_clm(i) = int(ih3) ! dbh-cluss number for treatment
rem_clm(i) = hp ! removal of biomass
i = i+1
act(i) = ih4
rel_part(i) = ih3
rem_clm(i) = 0
i = i+1
end if
if(i.eq.1) thin_dead = 0
flp = 1
end if
end do
num_man = i-1
SUBROUTINE aust_manag
use data_manag
use data_stand
use data_simul
use data_species
use data_par
implicit none
integer :: i,j,hcl, ha, taxnr,k,l, help_fl,helpz, helps
real, dimension(5) :: rel_biom, harv_biom
real, dimension(5) :: num_ccl, contr
real,dimension(5) :: help_rem_clm
integer,dimension(5) :: help_rel_dbh, hrd
real :: stump_dw, stump_v, hrb
ha =0
rel_biom = 0.
num_ccl =0
harv_biom = 0.
help_rel_dbh = 0
help_rem_clm = 0.
hrd = 0
helpz = 0
helps = 0
call calc_rel_class
! calculation of stem biomass of relative dbh-class
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if( then
hcl = zeig%coh%rel_dbh_cl
if( then
num_ccl(hcl)= num_ccl(hcl) +1
rel_biom(hcl)= rel_biom(hcl) + (zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt)*zeig%coh%ntreea
end if
end if
end do
do l=1,nspecies
help_rel_dbh = 0
help_rem_clm = 0.
helpz = 0
helps = 0
! calculation of stem biomass of relative dbh-class
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if( then
hcl = zeig%coh%rel_dbh_cl
if( then
num_ccl(hcl)= num_ccl(hcl) +1
rel_biom(hcl)= rel_biom(hcl) + (zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt)*zeig%coh%ntreea
end if
end if
end do
do i=1,num_man
if(yman(i).eq.time) then
if(act(i) .eq.1.and.spec_man(i).eq.l) then
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if( then
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.l) then
hrd(zeig%coh%rel_dbh_cl)= 1
end if
end if
end do
help_rel_dbh(dbh_clm(i)) = 1
help_rem_clm(dbh_clm(i)) = rem_clm(i)
end if ! act(i)
end if !yman(i)
end do ! num_man
do j=1,5
if(help_rel_dbh(j).eq.1.and.hrd(j).eq.0) then
if(j.eq.1.) then
do k=2,5
if(hrd(k).ne.0) then
help_rem_clm(k) = help_rem_clm(k) + help_rem_clm(j)
end if
end do
else if (j.eq.5.) then
do k= 4,1,-1
if(hrd(k).eq.1) then
help_rem_clm(k) = help_rem_clm(k) + help_rem_clm(j)
help_rel_dbh(k) = 1
end do
do k=j,5
if(hrd(k).eq.1) then
help_rem_clm(k) = help_rem_clm(k) + help_rem_clm(j)*0.5
help_rel_dbh(k) = 1
end if
end do
do k=j,1,-1
if(hrd(k).eq.1) then
help_rem_clm(k) = help_rem_clm(k) + help_rem_clm(j)*0.5
help_rel_dbh(k) = 1
end if
end do
end if
help_rel_dbh(j) = 0
help_rem_clm(j) = 0.
end if
end do
! thinning
help_fl = 0
do i=1,num_man
if(yman(i).eq.time.and.help_fl.eq.0) then
do k=1,5
helps = helps + help_rel_dbh(k)
end do
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if( then
do k=1,5
if(zeig%coh%rel_dbh_cl.eq.k.and.help_rel_dbh(k).eq.1) then
if(help_rem_clm(k).gt.1.) help_rem_clm(k) = 1.
if( help_rem_clm(k) .eq. 1.)then
if( 20) ha=int(help_rem_clm(k)* zeig%coh%ntreea+0.5)
helpz = helpz +1
ha=int(help_rem_clm(k)* zeig%coh%ntreea+0.5)
end if
if( ha = 1
if(help_rem_clm(k) .ne.1) then
harv_biom(k) = harv_biom(k) + ha* (zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt)
hrb = help_rem_clm(k)* rel_biom(k)
if(harv_biom(k).eq.rel_biom(k)) then
ha = ha -1
end if
end if
zeig%coh%ntreea = zeig%coh%ntreea - ha
zeig%coh%nta = zeig%coh%ntreea
zeig%coh%ntreem = zeig%coh%ntreem + ha
end if
end do ! k loop
end if
end do ! zeig loop
end if
end do ! num_man
if( then
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.l.and.zeig%coh%underst.eq.1) then
zeig%coh%underst = 0
end if
zeig => zeig%next
end do
end if
write(9898,*) time, 'totbio', rel_biom
write(9898,*) time, 'harvbio', harv_biom
do i=1,5
if(rel_biom(i).ne.0.) then
contr(i) = harv_biom(i)/rel_biom(i)
contr(i) = 0.
end if
end do
write(9898,*) time,l, contr
rel_biom = 0.
harv_biom = 0.
end do ! nspecies
! planting
do i=1,num_man
if(yman(i).eq.time.and.act(i).ne.1) then
call plant_aust(i)
end if ! act
end do
stump_sum = 0
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
! all parts without stems of trees are input for litter
zeig%coh%litC_fol = zeig%coh%litC_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*(1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_fol = zeig%coh%litN_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*((1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart)/spar(taxnr)%cnr_fol
zeig%coh%litC_frt = zeig%coh%litC_frt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_frt*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_frt = zeig%coh%litN_frt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_frt*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_frt
zeig%coh%litC_tb = zeig%coh%litC_tb + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_tb*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_tb = zeig%coh%litN_tb + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_tb*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_tbc
zeig%coh%litC_crt = zeig%coh%litC_crt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_crt*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_crt = zeig%coh%litN_crt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_crt*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_crt
! stumps into stem litter
call stump( zeig%coh%x_ahb, zeig%coh%asapw,zeig%coh%dcrb,zeig%coh%x_hbole, &
zeig%coh%height, taxnr,stump_v, stump_dw)
zeig%coh%litC_stem = zeig%coh%litC_stem + zeig%coh%ntreem*stump_dw*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_stem = zeig%coh%litC_stem/spar(taxnr)%cnr_stem
stump_sum = stump_sum + zeig%coh%ntreem*stump_dw
sumvsab = 0.
sumvsab_m3 = 0.
svar%sumvsab = 0.
do while (associated(zeig))
ns = zeig%coh%species
sumvsab = sumvsab + zeig%coh%ntreem*(zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt)
sumvsab_m3 = sumvsab_m3 + zeig%coh%ntreem*(zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt)/(spar(ns)%prhos*1000000)
svar(ns)%sumvsab = svar(ns)%sumvsab + zeig%coh%ntreem*(zeig%coh%x_sap + zeig%coh%x_hrt)
end do
sumvsab = sumvsab * 10000./kpatchsize ! kg/ha
sumvsab_m3 = sumvsab_m3 * 10000./kpatchsize ! kg/ha
do k = 1, nspec_tree
svar(k)%sumvsab = svar(k)%sumvsab * 10000./kpatchsize ! kg/ha
end do
! cumulative harvested stem mass
cumsumvsab = cumsumvsab + sumvsab
if( then
call class_man
end if
SUBROUTINE plant_aust(mp)
use data_manag
use data_plant
use data_species
use data_stand
implicit none
integer :: fl_plant, i, nplant,taxid,mp
real :: age, &
pl_height, &
sdev, &
infspec = 0
npl_mix = 0
fl_plant = act(mp)
select case(fl_plant)
infspec(2) = 1
npl_mix(2) = 2500
infspec(2) = 1
npl_mix(2) = 10000
infspec(3) = 1
npl_mix(3) = 5000
infspec(3) = 1
npl_mix(3) = 2000
infspec(1) = 1
npl_mix(1) = 500
infspec(1) = 1
npl_mix(1) = 5000
infspec(4) = 1
npl_mix(4) = 5000
infspec(1) = 1
npl_mix(1) = 1000
infspec(4) = 1
npl_mix(4) = 3500
infspec(3) = 1
npl_mix(3) = 2500
infspec(4) = 1
npl_mix(4) = 2500
infspec(3) = 1
npl_mix(3) = 2500
infspec(1) = 1
npl_mix(1) = 2500
infspec(3) = 1
npl_mix(3) = 7000
infspec(4) = 1
npl_mix(4) = 2500
end select
do i = 1,nspec_tree
if (infspec(i).eq.1) then
taxid = i
! data for Austria
age = pl_age(taxid)
pl_height = plant_height(taxid)
plhmin = plant_hmin(taxid)
nplant = rel_part(mp)*nint(npl_mix(taxid)*kpatchsize/10000)
sdev = hsdev(taxid)
call gener_coh(taxid, age, pl_height, plhmin, nplant,sdev)
end if
end do ! i
SUBROUTINE calc_rel_class
use data_manag
use data_stand
use data_species
implicit none
integer :: nrmax, i, j, k, adm
real,dimension(10) :: maxdbh, mindbh,class_wd
integer :: nrmin
real :: help, help_h1
class_wd =0.
maxdbh = 0.
mindbh = 0.
do j= 1,nspecies
call max_dbh(nrmax,help,adm, j)
call min_dbh(nrmin,help_h1,adm, j)
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if(zeig%coh%ident.eq.nrmax.and.zeig%coh%species.eq.j) then
maxdbh(j) = help
else if(zeig%coh%ident.eq.nrmin.and.zeig%coh%species.eq.j) then
mindbh(j) = help_h1
end if
end do
end do
do j=1,nspecies
class_wd(j) = (maxdbh(j)-mindbh(j))/5
k = 5
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.j.and. then
do i=1,k
if(*(i-1))*i)) then
zeig%coh%rel_dbh_cl = i
else if (zeig%coh%diam.eq.maxdbh(j)) then
zeig%coh%rel_dbh_cl = 5
end if
end do
end if
end do
end do
END SUBROUTINE calc_rel_class
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* SR photoper *!
!* *!
!* contains follow global units: *!
!* photoper function for calculation of photoperiod *!
!* daylength calculation of day length *!
!* avg_sun_incl Calculates average sun declination for *!
! the season at the given latitude in degrees *!
!* fixclimscen subroutine for calculation of delta T and P *!
!* glob_rad Estimation of global radiation from sunshine *!
!* frost_index_total subroutine for calculation of frost index *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
! by Thomas Kartschall 8.7.92
! PhotoPeriod -Potential daily Sun Shine Period [h]
! d -Ordinal Number of Julian Date [Real!4]
! latitude -Latitude by Radiant [Real!4]
! Northern L>0; Southern L<0
! Polarkreis bei je 66.55 bzw 6633'36'' N/SL
USE data_par
USE data_simul
real d, xlatitude, del, ws, ws2
! Equator from 0,2 respectively 012'
IF (abs(xlatitude).lt.0.0024) then
!pole surrounding ab 89,8 bzw 8948'
IF ( 1.567305668)xlatitude= 1.567305668
IF (xlatitude.le.-1.567305668) xlatitude=-1.567305668
!polar night duration per day no longer than 24h
IF (ws/ ws=ws2
IF (ws/ws2.le.-1.0) ws=-ws2
!day length is dopple the time between HighNoon and SunRise
USE data_par
REAL :: hlat
REAL :: daylength
INTEGER :: doy
REAL :: decl,arg
decl = -23.45*(PI/180)*COS(2.*PI/365.*(doy+10))
! latitude is converted to rad
arg = -TAN(hlat*PI/180.)*TAN(decl);
IF( arg < -1. ) THEN
daylength = 24.
ELSE IF ( arg > 1. ) THEN
daylength = 0.
daylength = (24./PI)*ACOS(arg)
!Calculates average sun declination for the season
! at the given latitude in degrees
use data_par
implicit none
REAL :: avg_sun_incl
REAL :: hlat, h1, h2, h3
REAL :: decl, sumbeta, dl, sumdl
INTEGER :: i, j
REAL, EXTERNAL :: daylength
sumdl = 0
sumbeta = 0
h1 = sin(PI*hlat/180)
h2 = cos(PI*hlat/180)
DO i=120,280,+1
decl = -23.45*(PI/180)*COS(2.*PI/365.*(i+10))
dl = DAYLENGTH(i,hlat)
! sun declination at noon
h3 = h1*sin(decl)+h2*cos(decl)
if( h3 = 1
avg_sun_incl = 180/PI*asin(h3);
sumbeta = sumbeta + avg_sun_incl*dl;
sumdl = sumdl + dl;
avg_sun_incl = sumbeta/sumdl
SUBROUTINE fixclimscen
! fixclimscen calculates deltaT and deltaPrec for climate change scenarios with
! fixed offsets in temperature and precipitation
USE data_simul
INTEGER :: dimTsteps, dimPsteps
! calculations
dimTsteps = 1 + n_T_downsteps + n_T_upsteps
dimPsteps = 1 + n_P_downsteps + n_P_upsteps
deltaT = ((ip-1)/dimPsteps-n_T_downsteps)*step_sum_T
deltaPrec = 1.+((ip-1)-((ip-1)/dimPsteps)*dimPsteps-n_P_downsteps)*step_fac_P
CALL out_scen
END SUBROUTINE fixclimscen
SUBROUTINE glob_rad(sd, iday, xlat, rad)
! Estimation of global radiation from sunshine duration
! (calculation after Angstrom)
implicit none
! input:
integer :: iday ! actual day
real :: sd ! sunshine duration (h)
real :: xlat ! latitude
! output:
real :: rad ! global radiation (J/cm2)
! internal variables
real :: rad_ex , & ! extraterrestrical radiation (J/cm2)
dayl , & ! daylength
dec , & ! declination of sun angle
sinld, cosld, tanld, dsinb, dsinbe, &
sc, radi, seas
real :: pi = 3.141592654
real :: solc = 1367. ! solar constant (J/(m2*s)
! after P. Hupfer: "Klimasystem der Erde", 1991
! change of units from degree to radians
pi = 3.141592654
radi = pi/180.
! term of seasonality (10 days in front of calendar)
seas = (iday+10.)/365.
! declination of sun angle
! (Spitters et al. 1986, equations transformed for use or radians)
dec = -asin(sin(23.45*radi)*cos(2.*pi*seas))
! some intermediate values
sinld = sin(xlat*radi)*sin(dec)
cosld = cos(xlat*radi)*cos(dec)
tanld = amax1(-1., amin1(1., sinld/cosld))
! daylength
dayl = 12.*(1.+2.*asin(tanld)/pi)
! integral of sun elevation
dsinb = 3600.*(dayl*sinld+24.*cosld*sqrt(1.-tanld*tanld)/pi)
! corrected integral of sun elevation
dsinbe = 3600.*(dayl*(sinld+0.4*(sinld*sinld+cosld*cosld*0.5)) &
! intensity of radiation outside the atmosphere
sc = solc/(1.-0.016729*cos((360./365.)*(iday-4.)*radi))**2.
rad_ex = sc*(1.+0.033*cos(2.*pi*iday/365.))*dsinbe
! unit conversion in MJ/m2: rad_ex = rad_ex/1000000.
! unit conversion in J/cm2
rad_ex = rad_ex * 0.0001
if ( then
rad = (0.231+0.539*sd/dayl)*rad_ex
write (*, '(A, I3, A)') ' RAD is out of range at day ', iday , &
' , RAD will be = 1000 J/cm2!'
end if
subroutine frost_index_total
use data_frost
use data_simul
use data_stand
implicit none
integer :: zaehl=0
integer :: i
integer :: zaehl1 =0
integer :: t,m,j
real :: mean_dnlf
real :: mean_tminmay
integer :: mean_date_lf
integer :: mean_date_lftot
real :: mean_dnlf_sp
real :: mean_tminmay_sp
integer :: mean_date_lf_sp
real :: mean_anzdlf
real :: mean_sumtlf
integer :: ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5
integer :: ind1_sp
mean_tminmay = 0.
mean_date_lf = 0
mean_date_lftot = 0
mean_dnlf = 0
mean_dnlf_sp = 0
mean_anzdlf = 0
mean_sumtlf = 0
do i =1,year
if(tminmay_ann(i).ne.0) then
zaehl = zaehl +1
mean_tminmay= mean_tminmay+tminmay_ann(i)
end if
end do
if( then
mean_tminmay = mean_tminmay/zaehl
mean_tminmay = 0.
end if
do i=1,year
mean_anzdlf = mean_anzdlf + anzdlf(i)
mean_sumtlf = mean_sumtlf + sumtlf(i)
end do
mean_anzdlf = mean_anzdlf/year
mean_sumtlf = mean_sumtlf/year
do i =1,year
if(date_lftot(i).ne.0) then
zaehl = zaehl +1
mean_date_lftot = mean_date_lftot + date_lftot(i)
end if
end do
if( then
mean_date_lftot = mean_date_lftot/zaehl
mean_date_lftot = 0.
end if
mean_dnlf = 0.
do i =1,year
if(dnlf(i).ne.0) then
mean_dnlf = mean_dnlf + dnlf(i)
zaehl = zaehl +1
end if
end do
if( then
mean_dnlf = mean_dnlf/zaehl
mean_dnlf = 0
do i =1,year
if(date_lf(i).ne.0) then
mean_date_lf = mean_date_lf + date_lf(i)
zaehl = zaehl +1
end if
if( then
mean_date_lf = mean_date_lf/zaehl
mean_date_lf = 0
end if
do i =1,year
if(dnlf_sp(i).ne.0) then
zaehl1 = zaehl1 +1
mean_dnlf_sp = mean_dnlf_sp + dnlf_sp(i)
end if
if ( then
mean_dnlf_sp = mean_dnlf_sp/zaehl1
mean_dnlf_sp = 0
if (mean_dnlf.le.2.5 .and. -1.5 .and. .and. dlfabs .lt. 156) lfind=1
if ( .and. mean_dnlf .le.3.5 .and. -2.0 .and. .and. tminmay .ge.-6. .and. mean_date_lf .lt.135 .and. dlfabs .lt.161) lfind=2
if ( .and. mean_dnlf .le.4.5 .and. -2.5 .and. .and. tminmay .ge.-6. .and. mean_date_lf .ge.135 .and. mean_date_lf .le. 140 .and. dlfabs .ge.162 .and. dlfabs.le.166) lfind=3
if ( .and. mean_dnlf .le.5.0 .and. -3.0 .and. .and. tminmay .ge.-7. .and. mean_date_lf .ge.141 .and. mean_date_lf .le. 145 .and. dlfabs .ge.167 .and. dlfabs.le.171) lfind=4
if ( .and. mean_dnlf .le.5.5 .and. -3.5 .and. .and. tminmay .ge.-8. .and. mean_date_lf .ge.141 .and. mean_date_lf .le. 145 .and. dlfabs .ge.172 .and. dlfabs.le.176) lfind=5
if ( .and. .and. tminmay .le.-8. .and. mean_date_lf .gt.145 .and. dlfabs .gt.176) lfind=6
! index of number of late frost days since beginning of vegetation period
if (mean_dnlf.le.2.5) then
ind1 = 1
else if(mean_dnlf.le.3.5) then
ind1 = 2
else if (mean_dnlf.le.4.5) then
ind1 = 3
else if (mean_dnlf.le.5.0) then
ind1 = 4
else if (mean_dnlf.le.5.5) then
ind1 = 5
ind1 = 6
! index of number of late frost days since beginning of bud burst
if (mean_dnlf_sp .le. 2.5) then
ind1_sp= 1
else if(mean_dnlf_sp.le.3.5) then
ind1_sp = 2
else if (mean_dnlf_sp.le.4.5) then
ind1_sp = 3
else if (mean_dnlf.le.5.0) then
ind1_sp = 4
else if (mean_dnlf_sp.le.5.5) then
ind1_sp = 5
ind1_sp = 6
! index of mean minimum may temperature
if( -1.5) then
ind2 = 1
else if ( -2.0) then
ind2 = 2
else if ( -2.5) then
ind2 = 3
else if ( -3.0) then
ind2 = 4
else if ( -3.5) then
ind2 = 5
ind2 =6
! index of absolute minimum may temperature
if( then
ind3 = 1
else if( .and. ind2 .le.2) then
ind3 = 2
else if ( .and. ind2 .le.3) then
ind3 =3
else if ( then
ind3 = 4
else if ( then
ind3 = 5
ind3 = 6
end if
! index of mean date(number of the year) of late frost
if ( then
ind4 = 1
else if ( then
ind4 = 2
else if (mean_date_lf.le.140 ) then
ind4 = 3
else if (mean_date_lf.le.145 .and. ind2.le.4) then
ind4 = 4
else if(mean_date_lf.le.145 .and. ind2.le.5) then
ind4 = 5
ind4 = 6
! absolute last late frost (numbedr of the year)
if (dlfabs .lt. 156) then
ind5 = 1
else if (dlfabs .lt. 161) then
ind5 = 2
else if (dlfabs .le. 162) then
ind5 =3
else if (dlfabs .le. 171) then
ind5 = 4
else if (dlfabs .le. 176) then
ind5 = 5
ind5 =6
mlfind = real((ind1 + ind2 + ind3 + ind4 + ind5)/5)
mlfind_sp = (ind1_sp + ind2 + ind3 + ind4 + ind5)/5
if(waldtyp.eq. 10 .or. waldtyp .eq. 40 .or. waldtyp .eq.90) mlfind_sp = 0
end subroutine frost_index_total
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutine canopy for: *!
!* Calculation of canopy geometry & light absorption *!
!* with *!
!* CALC_LA *!
!* COV_AREA *!
!* Light_1 *!
!* Light_2 *!
!* Light_3 *!
!* Light_4 *!
!* L_3_COH_LOOP *!
!* L_4_COH_LOOP *!
!* LIGHT_OUT_2 *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_out
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
integer i
! If no Cohorts on the patch, initialize properly
IF( anz_coh == 0 ) THEN
vStruct%cumLAI= 0.
vStruct%Irel = 0.
vStruct%sumBG = 0.
Irelpool = 0.
BGpool = 0.
LAI = 0.
! full light on the ground (layer = 0)
! Lightroutine 1,2
! Lightroutine 3,4
! the whole patch is availabe for recruitment
! Calculation of leaf area, lowest and highest layer, etc.
! for all cohorts in all respective layers
CALL CALC_LA ! leaf area etc. always calculate
! Calculation of leaf area, lowest and highest layer, etc.
! for all cohorts in all respective layers
IF(flag_end.EQ.3) RETURN
IF( flag_light == 1 )THEN
ELSE IF ( flag_light == 2 ) THEN
ELSE IF ( flag_light == 3 ) THEN
ELSE IF ( flag_light == 4 ) THEN
DO i=1,anrspec
ns = nrspec(i)
IF(svar(ns)%act_sum_lai > svar(ns)%sum_lai) svar(ns)%sum_lai = svar(ns)%act_sum_lai
! Determine relative light in the middle of each cohort canopy, the sla
! and the totFPAR per square meter patch and the total FPAR on the patch
! print relevant light parameters for the canopy for each layer and cohort
if ( .and. CALL LIGHT_OUT_2
!------------------- SUBROUTINES ----------------
! Calculation of leaf area, lowest and highest layer, etc.
! for all cohorts in all respective layers
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
! variables required for technical reasons
INTEGER :: nl, i
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
! auxiliary variable
REAL :: x ! leaf area per crown unit [m**2/cm]
vStruct%LA = 0.
! structure of the canopy is determined once at the start of the year
! initialisation
IF(iday==1) THEN
do i = 1, anrspec
svar(nrspec(i))%act_sum_lai = 0.
p => pt%first
ns = p%coh%species
! cohort loop for determination of lowest and highest canopy layer of the tree crown
! structure of the canopy must only be determined once at the start of the year
IF(iday==1) THEN
! determine bottom of the crown in terms of number of layers
p%coh%botLayer = INT( p%coh%x_hbole / dz ) + 1
! determine top of the crown in terms of number of layers
IF (MODULO(p%coh%height,dz)==0.) THEN
p%coh%topLayer = INT( p%coh%height / dz )
p%coh%topLayer = INT( p%coh%height / dz ) + 1
! remember the highest layer
IF(p%coh%topLayer > highest_layer .AND. p%coh%toplayer < 250) THEN
ELSE IF(p%coh%toplayer >= 250) THEN
if (.not.flag_mult8910) then
CALL error_mess(time,'maximal tree height of 125 m reached by cohort No.',REAL(p%coh%ident))
!remember the lowest layer of the stand
IF(p%coh%botLayer < lowest_layer) THEN
p%coh%leafarea = 0.
! total leaf area of a tree in this cohort [m**2]
IF((iday >= p%coh%day_bb) .AND. (iday <= spar(ns)%end_bb)) THEN
p%coh%t_leaf = p%coh%med_sla * p%coh%x_fol
! amount of leaf area per tree in layers
IF (p%coh%topLayer-p%coh%botLayer.GE.1) THEN
! now calculate leaf area per crown unit of this tree [m**2/cm]
x = p%coh%t_leaf / ( p%coh%height - p%coh%x_hbole )
p%coh%leafArea( p%coh%botLayer ) = ( dz - MODULO( p%coh%x_hbole, dz ) ) * x
IF (MODULO(p%coh%height,dz)==0.) THEN
p%coh%leafArea( p%coh%topLayer ) = dz * x
p%coh%leafArea( p%coh%topLayer ) = MODULO( p%coh%height, dz ) * x
DO nl = p%coh%botLayer+1, p%coh%topLayer-1
p%coh%leafArea(nl) = x * dz
p%coh%leafArea(p%coh%botLayer) = p%coh%t_leaf
! Update vertical patch leaf area profile of the canopy
DO nl = p%coh%botLayer, p%coh%topLayer
vStruct(nl)%LA = vStruct(nl)%LA + p%coh%leafArea(nl) * p%coh%nTreeA
IF(iday<=spar(ns)%end_bb) svar(ns)%act_sum_lai = svar(ns)%act_sum_lai + p%coh%ntreea*p%coh%t_leaf/kpatchsize
p => p%next
! Determine relative light in the middle of each cohort canopy, the sla,
! the total FPAR on the patch
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
integer help
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
totFPARsum=0 ! sum of all totFPAR's
totFPARcan=0 ! sum of all totFPAR's for the canopy
p => pt%first
! the new average specific leaf area per cohort depends
! on the light regime in the middle of the canopy
! this is the SLA which is used for the leaf area distr. in the next year
! the new average specific leaf area per cohort depends on the
! mean light regime in the middle in the canopy
! IrelCan modifies the growthfunction
IF(all_leaves_on==1) THEN
select case (flag_light)
case (1,2)
p%coh%med_sla = spar(ns)%psla_min+spar(ns)%psla_a*&
p%coh%IrelCan = vStruct(p%coh%toplayer)%Irel
case default
p%coh%med_sla = spar(ns)%psla_min+spar(ns)%psla_a*&
select case (ns)
case (10) ! Douglas fir
help = p%coh%botLayer+2*(p%coh%toplayer - p%coh%botLayer) / 3
p%coh%IrelCan = p%coh%Irel(help)
case default
help = vStruct(p%coh%toplayer)%SumBG
if (help .gt. 0.) then
p%coh%IrelCan = p%coh%Irel(p%coh%toplayer)*MIN(kpatchsize/help, 1.)
p%coh%IrelCan = p%coh%Irel(p%coh%toplayer)
end select ! ns
end select ! flag_light
totFPARsum = totFPARsum + p%coh%totFPAR*p%coh%nTreeA
IF (p%coh%species .le. nspec_tree .or. p%coh%species.eq.nspec_tree+2) totFPARcan = totFPARcan + p%coh%totFPAR*p%coh%nTreeA
p => p%next
! calculate coverage-area as fraction of the patchsize per tree and layer
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_climate
USE data_par
USE data_stand
USE data_site
! variables required for technical reasons
! Variables to test restriction in light model 4
REAL :: y ! potential shadow cast of the cohort [m]
REAL :: w ! effective shadow cast of the cohort [m]
REAL :: l ! side length of a coort layer [m]
REAL :: reqarea ! area of the patch required for the shadow cast for all cohorts per layer
INTEGER :: layer_flag ! remember the highest layer where first LM4 restriction occurs
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
y = dz/100/TAN(beta)
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
p => pt%first
p%coh%BG(i) = 0.
! only those trees that have leaves
IF((iday >= p%coh%day_bb) .AND. (iday <= spar(p%coh%species)%end_bb) .AND. &
i <= p%coh%topLayer .AND. i >= p%coh%botLayer) THEN
IF (vStruct(i)%sumBG > kpatchsize) THEN
l = SQRT(p%coh%BG(i)*kpatchsize)
reqarea = reqarea + l*y*p%coh%nTreeA
p => p%next
END DO ! cohorts
IF( kpatchsize > vStruct(i)%sumBG .AND. reqarea /= 0) THEN
w = y*(kpatchsize-vStruct(i)%sumBG)/reqarea
w = 0
p => pt%first
DO WHILE (ASSOCIATED(p) .AND. layer_flag.EQ.0)
! only those trees that have leaves
IF((iday >= p%coh%day_bb) .AND. (iday <= spar(p%coh%species)%end_bb) .AND. &
i <= p%coh%topLayer .AND. i >= p%coh%botLayer) THEN
l = SQRT(p%coh%BG(i)*kpatchsize)
! layer from that on light model 3 is used instead of light model 4
! because of LM4 restrictions
IF( y-w > w+l ) THEN
lm3layer = i
EXIT ! do loop
p => p%next
END DO ! layers
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
! variables required for technical reasons
INTEGER :: i, nl
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
! auxiliary variables
REAL :: radSum ! sum of absorbed radiation (help variable)
REAL :: pfext=0.6 ! extinction coefficient. Only for one specie.
!*** Calculation part ***!
! Intialization radiation summator
radSum = 0.
vStruct%cumLAI = 0.
vStruct%Irel = 0.
! Calculate cumulative leaf area index and absorbed radiation per layer
! using Lambert-Beer
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
vStruct(i)%cumLAI = vStruct(i)%LA/kPatchsize + vStruct(i+1)%cumLAI
vStruct( i )%radFrac = 1. - Exp(-pfext * vStruct(i)%cumLAI) - radSum
radSum = radSum + vStruct(i)%radFrac
! Light intensitiy unto the ground
DO i = lowest_layer - 2, 0, -1
! total LAI is simply the value of cumLAI at the forest floor
LAI = vStruct(lowest_layer)%cumLAI
IF(lai>laimax) laimax=lai
! Determine layer-specific & total fraction of PAR absorbed by this tree
p => pt%first
p%coh%totFPAR = 0.
p%coh%FPAR = 0.
DO nl = p%coh%botLayer, p%coh%topLayer
p%coh%FPAR(nl) = p%coh%leafArea(nl) / vStruct(nl)%LA * vStruct(nl)%radFrac
p%coh%totFPAR = p%coh%totFPAR + p%coh%FPAR(nl)
p => p%next
IF(all_leaves_on==1) THEN
p => pt%first
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
END DO ! end layer loop
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
! variables required for technical reasons
real :: help
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
!*** Calculation part ***!
vStruct%cumLAI = 0.
vStruct%Irel = 0.
! cohort loop
p => pt%first
p%coh%FPAR = 0.
p%coh%totFPAR = 0.
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
! Now calculate crown projection per tree and layer and
! the coverage sum over all layers
! now calculate coverage-area as fraction of the patchsize per tree and layer
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
p => pt%first
vStruct(i)%cumLAI = vStruct(i)%LA/kpatchsize + vStruct(i+1)%cumLAI
IF (p%coh%BG(i).ne.0.) THEN
! faction of absorbed light rel. to the light at the top of this layer
! the reference area is the whole patch (weighted by BG(i))!
! sum up the total absorbed fraction of this cohort,
! the total fraction of absorbed light in this layer
! is the fraction absorbed* fraction of light*BG
! the reference area is the whole patch!
! at first sum all the absorbed light fractions over the cohorts
p => p%next
! then calculate the fraction of light which is available for the next layer
! Light intensitiy unto the ground
DO i = lowest_layer - 2, 0, -1
IF(all_leaves_on==1) THEN
p => pt%first
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
END DO ! end layer loop
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
! total LAI is simply the value of cumLAI at the forest floor
LAI = vStruct(lowest_layer)%cumLAI
IF(lai>laimax) laimax=lai
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
! variables required for technical reasons
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
INTEGER :: i, j ! i= Schicht, j= Variante
REAL :: help
p => pt%first
! cohort loop in layer i
IF((iday < p%coh%day_bb) .OR. (iday > spar(ns)%end_bb)) GOTO 1313
IF (i<=p%coh%toplayer.AND.i>=p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! FPAR is related to the projection area and has to be modified
! by the same factor by that the projection area is being modified
! in case sumBG > patchsize
! test wether the cohort is new, was there before or will not be
! represented in the next layer
IF (i == p%coh%toplayer) THEN
! totFPAR per patch! Since the projection area changes totFPAR has to
! be related to the patch in each layer
! light available for this cohort in the next layer
ELSE IF (i == p%coh%botlayer) THEN
IF( j == 2 ) THEN
! totFPAR per patch! Since the projection area changes totFPAR has to
! be related to the patch in each layer
! light available for this cohort in the next layer
! The light which leaves the cohort is fed into the pool
! the light intensitiy is weighted by the overall BG of this cohort
! BG of the pool available for the next layer increases
IF( j == 2 ) THEN
! totFPAR per patch! Since the projection area changes totFPAR has to
! be related to the patch in each layer
! light available for this cohort in the next layer
END IF ! Layer test
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
! variables required for technical reasons
REAL :: help
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
!*** Calculation part ***!
vStruct%cumLAI = 0.
Irelpool = 0.
BGpool = 0.
vStruct%Irel = 0. ! test variable for the light balance in layers
vStruct%radFrac = 0. ! test variable for the light balance in layers
! cohort loop
p => pt%first
p%coh%FPAR = 0.
p%coh%totFPAR = 0.
p%coh%Irel = 0.
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
! Now calculate crown projection per tree and layer and
! the coverage sum over all layers
! now calculate coverage-area as fraction of the patchsize per tree and layer
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! now calculate per tree and layer the effective LAI
! this gives the absorbed light per tree and layer
! this gives the total fraction absorbes light per tree
! further each tree and each layer has an individual light regime. The area
! which is not covered by trees is treated as a pool
! reference area for the total fracation absorbed is the patch area
! above the canopy there is 100 % rel. light
! the size of the pool is defined as the fraction of the patch
! which can potentially be used by new cohorts in the next layer.
! Therefore is is the patch-fraction which is free anyway plus the
! fraction coverd by cohorts that will not be present in the next layer
! this means, the light intensity Irelpool(i) is available on the
! area BGpool(i+1)
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
vStruct(i)%cumLAI = vStruct(i)%LA/kpatchsize + vStruct(i+1)%cumLAI
! two cases:
! first case: sumBG increases in this layer or remains the same
IF (vStruct(i+1)%sumBG<=vStruct(i)%sumBG) THEN
! three subcases:
! first subcase of 'sumBG increases': sumBG stays below patchsize
! ( no BG modification) or does not change
IF ((vStruct(i+1)%sumBG.LT.kpatchsize.AND.vStruct(i)%sumBG.LE.kpatchsize).OR.&
vStruct(i+1)%sumBG == vStruct(i)%sumBG) THEN
! At the beginning the light intensity of the pool remains the same
! but it will be updated when cohorts drop out
! until there are cohorts dropping out
! second and third subcase of 'sumBG increases or remains the same'
! the BG's of the cohorts change because sumBG exceeds patchsize.
! second subcase: sumBG was < patchsize before
! third subcase: sumBG was > patchsize before
! BG and light intensitiy of the pool for the next(!) layer
! is 0 as long as there are no cohorts dropping out
p => pt%first
! cohort loop 1
! calculate the new fraction covered by the pool
! which is the old pool plus the fractions which are lost
! by the old cohorts due to new BG's
! this also changes the light intensity of the pool
! This pool will all be used by the new cohorts
! consider only cohorts that have been there before (i<toplayer)
IF (i<p%coh%toplayer.AND.i>=p%coh%botlayer .AND.&
iday >= p%coh%day_bb .AND. iday <= spar(p%coh%species)%end_bb) THEN
END IF ! layer test
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop1
END IF ! subcases of 'sumBG increases
! second case: sumBG decreases
! two subcases
! first subcase of 'sumBG decrease': sumBG < patchsize before and after
! i.e. BG's do not change
! i.e. all projection area requirements can be fulfilled in the next layer
IF (vStruct(i+1)%sumBG.LT.kpatchsize) THEN
! At the beginning the light intensity of the pool remains the same
! but it will be updated when cohorts drop out
! until there are cohorts dropping out
! second subcase of 'sumBG decrease': sumBG remains > patchsize or
! sumBG was > patchsize, i.e. BG's do change
! BG of the pool for the next layer as long as there are
! no cohorts dropping out
END IF ! subcases
END IF ! three main cases
END DO ! end layer loop
! -----------------------------------------------------------
IF(all_leaves_on==1) THEN
p => pt%first
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
END DO ! end layer loop
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
! total LAI is simply the value of cumLAI at the lowest layer
LAI = vStruct(lowest_layer)%cumLAI
IF(lai>laimax) laimax=lai
! light intensitiy and free patch space unto the ground
DO i = lowest_layer - 2, 0, -1
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
! variables required for technical reasons
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
INTEGER :: i, j ! i= layer, j= type
REAL :: y ! potential shadow cast of a cohort layer [m]
REAL :: l ! side length of a cohort layer [m]
REAL :: w ! effective shadow cast of a cohort layer [m]
REAL :: helplai ! LAI per layer and cohort
REAL :: help
REAL :: beta ! sun inclination
REAL :: dropoutpool ! relative area covered by cohort dropping out
REAL :: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8 ! average fraction of absorbed radiation in different
! regions of the tree layer according to the 4C description paper
REAL :: k ! extintion coefficient
REAL :: reqarea ! area of the patch required for the shadow cast for all cohorts per layer
! cohort loop
p => pt%first
IF (i<=p%coh%toplayer.AND.i>=p%coh%botlayer) THEN
l = SQRT(p%coh%BG(i)*kpatchsize)
reqarea = reqarea + l*y*p%coh%nTreeA
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
! the size of the pool is defined as the fraction of
! the patch which is not covered by cohorts. This is the
! area covered by the sum of the 'shadows' of the cohorts,
! i.e. y's or rather w's + the area of cohorts dropping out in the next layer +
! the are that exeeds the maximal required area by the shadow-cast.
! This is updated in each layer
! w is the width of the shadow-cast of the cohorts that is maximal y.
! This maximal y also defines the maximal required area for all shadows
! 'reqarea' = required area
! When the maximal y cannot be satisfied, then this area is reduced by the
! relative share of the available space not covered by cohorts to the
! maximal required area for shadow cast
IF( kpatchsize > vStruct(i)%sumBG ) THEN
if (reqarea .gt. 1E-08) then
w = y*(kpatchsize-vStruct(i)%sumBG)/reqarea
w = y*kpatchsize
w = 0
p => pt%first
! cohort loop in layer i
IF((iday < p%coh%day_bb) .OR. (iday > spar(ns)%end_bb)) GOTO 1313
k = spar(ns)%pfext
IF (i<=p%coh%toplayer.AND.i>=p%coh%botlayer) THEN
l = SQRT(p%coh%BG(i)*kpatchsize)
if( p%coh%BG(i).ne.0) then
if (helplai .le. 0.) then
helplai = 0.
end if
IF (i == p%coh%toplayer) THEN
ELSE IF( j == 2 .AND. i /= p%coh%toplayer ) THEN
! two main cases:
! first case : all light from the side comes from the pool
! second case : light from the side comes partially from the cohort itself
IF( w >= y ) THEN
! subcases : 1.: light from the side of the layer
! does only leave at the bottom of the layer
! 2: light from the side does also leave on the other side
! totFPAR per patch! Since the projection area changes totFPAR has to
! be related to the patch in each layer
IF( y <= l ) THEN
f1 = 1-exp(-k*helplai/SIN(beta))
if (helplai .lt. 1.E-6) then
f2 = 0.
f2 = 1-SIN(beta)/(k*helplai)*f1
if (f2 .lt. 0.) then
f2 = 0.
((l-y)*l*p%coh%Irel(i)*f1+& ! max. LAI
! exits layer at the side
! from the side to the next layer
! average light leaving the bottom of the cohort
! max. LAI
! from the side to the next layer
! Light in the pool.
IF(i /= p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! amount present in the pool
! exits layer at the side
! amount present in the pool
! exits layer at the side
! from layer onto next layer
! BG of the pool available for the next layer increases
! y > l
f3 = 1-exp(-k*helplai*l/(SIN(beta)*y))
f4 = 1-SIN(beta)*y/(l*k*helplai)*f3
((y-l)*l*f3*Irelpool(i)+& ! red. max. LAI
! exits layer at the side
! from the side to next layer
! average light leaving the cohort
! Light in the pool. Even when the area of the pool is
! equal to zero, there is virtual light in the pool
! which is used as light coming from the side
! the area weighted mean over all y is calculated
IF(i /= p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! amount present in pool
! red. max. LAI
! exits layer at side
! amount present in the pool
! red. max. LAI
! exits layer at side
! from layer to next layer
! BG of the pool available for the next layer increases
END IF ! bottom layer or not
END IF ! light entering sideways also leaving sideways or not
! second main case : light from the side comes partially from the
! cohort itself
! Exit, when average light from the side needs itself as input
! should not happen because this is taken care for in COV_AREA
IF( y-w > w+l ) THEN
if (.not.flag_mult8910) then
CALL error_mess(time,'Light leaving the side of cohort needs itself as input. Cohort No.',REAL(p%coh%ident))
CALL error_mess(time,'Try decreasing layer height dz or increasing average sun inclination.',0.)
! subcases : 1.: light from the side of the layer
! does only leave at the bottom of the layer
! 2: light from the side does also leave on the other side but light from the top
! still goes into the pool
! 3. light from the side does also leave on the other side and light from the top
! is all used as input again
! totFPAR per patch! because the projection area changes totFPAR has to
! be related to the patch in each layer
IF( y <= l ) THEN
IF( w /= 0 ) THEN
! max LAI
f1 = 1-exp(-k*helplai/SIN(beta))
! edge piece
f5 = 1+SIN(beta)*y/((y-w)*k*helplai)*(exp(-k*helplai*(y-w)/(SIN(beta)*y))-1)
! red. LAI
f6 = 1+SIN(beta)*y/(w*k*helplai)*(1-f1-exp(-k*helplai*(y-w)/(SIN(beta)*y)))
! max LAI
f1 = 1-exp(-k*helplai/SIN(beta))
f5 = 1+SIN(beta)*y/((y-w)*k*helplai)*(exp(-k*helplai*(y-w)/(SIN(beta)*y))-1)
f6 = 0
! enters from above into the pool
! from above on own side
! max. LAI
! from pool to next layer
! from the side to the next layer
! average light leaving the bottom of the cohort
! max. LAI
! from pool to next layer
! from the sides to the next layer
! Light in the pool.
IF(i /= p%coh%botlayer .AND. w/=0) THEN
! present in the pool
! exits layer at the side
ELSE IF(i == p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! present in pool
! exits layer to the side
! from layer to next layer
! BG of the pool available for the next layer increases
! light from the top still goes into the pool.
! The case w=0 is no longer permissible
ELSE IF(y > l .AND. w >= y-l) THEN
IF( w /= y-l ) THEN
f3 = 1-exp(-k*helplai*l/(SIN(beta)*y))
f5 = 1+SIN(beta)*y/((y-w)*k*helplai)*(exp(-k*helplai*(y-w)/(SIN(beta)*y))-1)
f7 = 1+SIN(beta)*y/((l-y+w)*k*helplai)*(exp(-k*helplai*l/(SIN(beta)*y))-&
f3 = 1-exp(-k*helplai*l/(SIN(beta)*y))
f5 = 1+SIN(beta)*y/((y-w)*k*helplai)*(exp(-k*helplai*(y-w)/(SIN(beta)*y))-1)
f7 = 0
! enters pool from above
! from above into own side
! red. max. LAI
! from the side into the next layer
! from the side into the next layer
! average light leaving the cohort
! Light in the pool.
IF(i /= p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! present in the pool
! exits from top to the side
! from the side into the pool
ELSE IF (i == p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! present in the pool
! exits from the sides
! enters from the sied into the pool
! from layer to next layer
! BG of the pool available for the next layer increases
END IF ! bottom layer or not
! light from the top still goes into the pool
ELSE IF(y > l .AND. w < y-l) THEN
f3 = 1-exp(-k*helplai*l/(SIN(beta)*y))
f4 = 1-SIN(beta)*y/(l*k*helplai)*f3
f8 = 1/(y-w)*(l*f4+(y-w-l)*f3)
! from above to own side
! from side to the own side and into the pool
! from the side to the next layer and into the pool
! average light leaving the cohort
! Light in the pool.
IF(i /= p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! present in the pool
! from the side into the pool
ELSE IF (i == p%coh%botlayer) THEN
! present in the pool
! from the side into the pool
! from layer to next layer
! BG of the pool available for the next layer increases
END IF ! bottom layer or not
END IF ! light entering sideways also leaving sideways or not
END IF ! two main cases
if (p%coh%FPAR(i) .lt. 0. .or. p%coh%totFPAR .lt. 0.) then
p%coh%FPAR(i) = 0. ! intercept negative radiation
p%coh%totFPAR = 0.
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
! Treelayers are distributed on the patch such that their y's
! cover the free space as good as possible
IF( w > y ) THEN
BGpool(i)=(kpatchsize-vStruct(i)%sumBG)/kpatchsize + dropoutpool
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_climate
USE data_par
USE data_species
USE data_stand
use data_site
! variables required for technical reasons
REAL :: help
REAL :: y ! potential shadow cast of the stand [m]
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
!*** Calculation part ***!
vStruct%cumLAI = 0.
Irelpool = 0.
BGpool = 0.
vStruct%Irel = 0. ! test variable for the balance in layers
vStruct%radFrac = 0. ! test variable for the balance in layers
y = dz/100/TAN(beta)
! cohort loop
p => pt%first
p%coh%FPAR = 0.
p%coh%totFPAR = 0.
p%coh%Irel = 0.
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
if (time .eq. 8 .and. iday .eq. 134) then
! Now calculate crown projection per tree and layer and
! the coverage sum over all layers
! now calculate coverage-area as fraction of the patchsize per tree and layer
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! now calculate per tree and layer the effective LAI
! this gives the absorbed light per tree and layer
! this gives the total fraction absorbes light per tree
! further each tree and each layer has an individual light regime. The area
! which is not covered by trees is treated as a pool
! whose light is available for all new cohorts.
! reference area for the total fraction absorbed is the patch area.
! GBpool is exactly defined in subroutine L_4_COH_LOOP
! above the canopy there is 100 % rel. light
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
vStruct(i)%cumLAI = vStruct(i)%LA/kpatchsize + vStruct(i+1)%cumLAI
! two cases:
! first case: sumBG increases in this layer or remains the same
IF (vStruct(i+1)%sumBG<=vStruct(i)%sumBG) THEN
! three subcases:
! first subcase of 'sumBG increases': sumBG stays below patchsize
! ( no BG modification) or does not change
IF ((vStruct(i+1)%sumBG.LT.kpatchsize.AND.vStruct(i)%sumBG.LE.kpatchsize).OR.&
vStruct(i+1)%sumBG == vStruct(i)%sumBG) THEN
!until light model 4 restriction apply
IF ( i <= lm3layer ) THEN
! At the beginning the light intensity of the pool remains the same
! but it will be updated when cohorts drop out
! until there are cohorts dropping out
! FPAR in light model 3 defined differently has
! to be redefined here to cause no conflict in crown.f
p => pt%first
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop1
CALL L_4_COH_LOOP(i,1,beta,y)
! second and third subcase of 'sumBG increases or remains the same'
! the BG's of the cohorts change because sumBG exceeds patchsize.
! second subcase: sumBG was < patchsize before
! third subcase: sumBG was > patchsize before
p => pt%first
! cohort loop 1
! calculate the new fraction covered by the pool
! which is the old pool plus the fractions which are lost
! by the old cohorts due to new BG's
! this also changes the light intensity of the pool
! consider only cohorts that have been there before (i<toplayer)
! consider only cohorts that have leafed out already, otherwise
! it may happen that help=0
IF (i<p%coh%toplayer.AND.i>=p%coh%botlayer .AND.&
iday >= p%coh%day_bb .AND. iday <= spar(p%coh%species)%end_bb) THEN
if( then
end if
END IF ! layer test
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop1
!until light model 4 restriction apply
IF ( i <= lm3layer ) THEN
! FPAR in light model 3 defined differently has
! to be redefined here to cause no conflict in crown.f
p => pt%first
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop1
CALL L_4_COH_LOOP(i,1,beta,y)
END IF ! subcases of 'sumBG increases
! second case: sumBG decreases
! two subcases
! first subcase of 'sumBG decrease': sumBG < patchsize before and after
! i.e. BG's do not change
! i.e. all projection area requirements can be fulfilled in the next layer
IF (vStruct(i+1)%sumBG.LT.kpatchsize) THEN
!until light model 4 restriction apply
IF ( i <= lm3layer ) THEN
! At the beginning the light intensity of the pool remains the same
! but it will be updated when cohorts drop out
! until there are cohorts dropping out
! FPAR in light model 3 defined differently has
! to be redefined here to cause no conflict in crown.f
p => pt%first
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop1
CALL L_4_COH_LOOP(i,1,beta,y)
! second subcase of 'sumBG decrease': sumBG remains > patchsize or
! sumBG was > patchsize, i.e. BG's do increase
!until light model 4 restriction apply
IF ( i <= lm3layer ) THEN
! BG of the pool for the next layer as long as there are
! no cohorts dropping out
! FPAR in light model 3 defined differently has
! to be redefined here to cause no conflict in crown.f
p => pt%first
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop1
CALL L_4_COH_LOOP(i,2,beta,y)
END IF ! subcases
END IF ! three main cases
END DO ! end layer loop
! -----------------------------------------------------------
IF(all_leaves_on==1) THEN
p => pt%first
p%coh%bes = 0.
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
if( p%coh%antFPAR(i)=(p%coh%FPAR(i)-p%coh%FPAR(i+1))/p%coh%totFPAR
! besetting here weighted with relative leaf area in layer, could also be done with nimber of layers
IF((vstruct(i)%sumBG > kpatchsize) .and. (p%coh%t_leaf .gt. zero)) p%coh%bes = p%coh%bes + p%coh%leafarea(i)/p%coh%t_leaf*(vstruct(i)%sumBG/kpatchsize)
END DO ! end layer loop
p => p%next
END DO ! cohort loop
! total LAI is simply the value of cumLAI at the lowest canopy layer
LAI = vStruct(lowest_layer)%cumLAI
IF(lai>laimax) laimax=lai
! light intensitiy and free patch space unto the ground
DO i = lowest_layer - 2, 0, -1
! writes essential light paramerter into light.res1
! seperated to cohorts and layers
use data_simul
USE data_out
USE data_stand
USE data_species
INTEGER:: i=0,j=0
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
! Header
write(unit_light,'(2A5,5A9)') 'YEAR ','layer ',' Coh1 ', &
' Coh2 ',' Coh3 ',' Coh4 ','...'
p => pt%first
WRITE(unit_light,'(i3,A)',ADVANCE='NO') time,' '
! the crown cover area for cohorts
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.2)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%crown_area
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
SELECT CASE (flag_light)
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
IF(i.EQ.lm3layer) WRITE(unit_light,'(A)',ADVANCE='NO') 'ab hier LM3!'
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,i3)',ADVANCE='NO') 'IREL ',i
! relativ light intensity that hits layers and cohorts
p => pt%first
DO j=1, anz_coh
IF (p%coh%Irel(i) == 0.) THEN
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.2)',ADVANCE='NO') -99.99
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%Irel(i)
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,A7)',ADVANCE='NO') 'BG',' '
! cover degree per cohort and layer
p => pt%first
DO j=1, anz_coh
IF (p%coh%BG(i) == 0.) THEN
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.2)',ADVANCE='NO') -99.99
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%BG(i)
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,A5)',ADVANCE='NO') 'FPAR',' '
! the fraction absorbed by corhort and layer
p => pt%first
DO j=1, anz_coh
IF (p%coh%FPAR(i) == 0.) THEN
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.2)',ADVANCE='NO') -99.99
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%FPAR(i)
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'BGpool in dieser schicht :', BGpool(i)
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'relative Ueberdeckung in dieser Schicht :', vStruct(i)%sumBG/kpatchsize
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'Summer der Ueberdeckungen :', BGpool(i)+vStruct(i)%sumBG/kpatchsize
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'Rel. Licht unter dieser schicht :', VStruct(i)%Irel
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'totFparsum bis zu dieser schicht :', VStruct(i)%radFrac
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') ' Lichtbilanz : ', vStruct(i)%Irel+VStruct(i)%radFrac
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
END DO ! layers loop
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,i3)',ADVANCE='NO') 'Irel ',i
! relative light intensity that hits the layer and cohorts
DO j=1, anz_coh
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') vStruct(i)%Irel
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
! cover degree per cohort and layers
p => pt%first
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,A7)',ADVANCE='NO') 'BG',' '
DO j=1, anz_coh
IF (p%coh%BG(i) == 0.) THEN
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.2)',ADVANCE='NO') -99.99
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%BG(i)
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,A5)',ADVANCE='NO') 'FPAR',' '
! fraction absorbed by cohort and layer
p => pt%first
DO j=1, anz_coh
IF (p%coh%FPAR(i) == 0.) THEN
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.2)',ADVANCE='NO') -99.99
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%FPAR(i)
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
DO i = highest_layer, lowest_layer, -1
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,i3)',ADVANCE='NO') 'IREL ',i
! relative light inensity that hits layers and cohorts
DO j=1, anz_coh
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') vStruct(i)%Irel
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,A5)',ADVANCE='NO') 'FPAR',' '
! fraction absirbed by cohort and layer
p => pt%first
DO j=1, anz_coh
IF (p%coh%FPAR(i) == 0.) THEN
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.2)',ADVANCE='NO') -99.99
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.4)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%FPAR(i)
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,A2)',ADVANCE='NO') 'totFPAR',' '
p => pt%first
DO j=1, anz_coh
WRITE(unit_light,'(F8.5)',ADVANCE='NO') p%coh%totFPAR
p => p%next
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'Summe totFPAR : ',totFPARsum
SELECT CASE(flag_light)
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'Irel(lowest-1) : ', Irelpool(lowest_layer-1)
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') ' Lichtbilanz : ', Irelpool(lowest_layer-1)+totFPARsum
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') 'Irel(lowest-1) : ', vStruct(lowest_layer-1)%Irel
WRITE(unit_light,'(A,F8.4)') ' Lichtbilanz : ', vStruct(lowest_layer-1)%Irel+totFPARsum
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
WRITE(unit_light,'(A)') ' '
! Now calculate crown projection per tree and layer and
! the coverage sum over all layers
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_par
USE data_species
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
! variables required for technical reasons
real :: help, help1
TYPE(Coh_Obj), Pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
p => pt%first
IF ( .or. ns .eq. nspec_tree+1) THEN
p%coh%crown_area = p%coh%t_leaf ! small trees or ground vegetation
ELSEIF (p%coh%species.eq.nspec_tree+2) then ! Case mistletoe
p%coh%crown_area=pi*(real(p%coh%nTreeA)*0.000475)**(0.6666) ! 1 big ball: volume = sum of mistletoe standard balls (10 years, pfiz 2000)
! V=4/3*Pi*r^3 , r= (3*V/4*PI)^1/3, (set V=n*4/3*Pi*512, with r=0.08 standard ball), r=(n*5.12*10-4)^1/3,A=pi*(n*5.12*10-4)^2/3
! Formel nach Biber 1996 S. 121, Kronenradius [dm]= a*DBH [cm]+b
help1 = MIN(spar(ns)%crown_c,spar(ns)%crown_a*(p%coh%diam)+spar(ns)%crown_b)
! adaptation of seedling crown projected area
ELSE IF ( == 0) THEN
if(p%coh%height_ini.eq.137. .or. p%coh%height.eq.p%coh%height_ini) then
end if
if( then
p%coh%crown_area = p%coh%ca_ini
end if
DO i=p%coh%topLayer,p%coh%botLayer,-1
p => p%next
!* *!
!* FORESEE Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutine for: *!
!* Calculation of rise of bole height *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_stand
USE data_species
USE data_simul
REAL :: relnpp, & ! layer specific amount of npp per cohort
reldm ! layer specific dry matter to be replaced
INTEGER :: nl ! variable for crown layers
TYPE(Coh_Obj) :: p ! pointer to cohort list
!*** Calculation part ***!
! evaluate assimilation balance vs. foliage turnover rate for the crown layers
ns = p%coh%species
DO i = p%coh%topLayer, p%coh%botLayer, -1
nl = i
relnpp = p%coh%antFPAR(i) * p%coh%netAss
reldm = 1.5*spar(ns)%psf * p%coh%sleafArea(i) / p%coh%med_sla
IF ( relnpp < reldm) THEN
nl = nl + 1
p%coh%deltaB = (nl - p%coh%botLayer) * dz
IF(p%coh%deltaB.GT.0.05*(p%coh%height-p%coh%x_hbole)) p%coh%deltaB=0.05*(p%coh%height-p%coh%x_hbole)
!* *!
!* 4C Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutines for: *!
!* Simulation of processes at subannual resolution *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Contains subroutines: *!
!* *!
!* SET_PS *!
!* DROUGHT : Calculation of drought stress indices *!
!* calc_frost_index : calculation of indices for frost damage *!
!* calc_endbb : calculation of end of the vegetation period *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
SUBROUTINE stand_daily
!*** Declaration part ***!
USE data_stand
USE data_simul
USE data_species
USE data_climate
USE data_site
USE data_soil_cn
USE data_out
USE data_par
USE data_evapo
USE data_soil
use data_manag
REAL :: aveT, & ! average of temperature for PS/NPP models
avDL, & ! average of daylength for PS/NPP model
avRD, & ! average of radiation
avPR, & ! average of pressure (hPa)
PAR ! average of PAR for PS/NPP model [mol quanta d-1]
REAL :: hdfr, hdt, hprs
INTEGER :: i, jd, k, d, week, monthday, ns_pro_help
real :: p_help, t_help
REAL :: photoper
!*** Calculation part ***!
week = 0
monthday = 0
monat = 1
woche = 1
! daily loop
DO jd = 1, recs(time)
iday = jd
! input of daily climate data
CALL day_ini
if(anz_coh .gt. 0) then ! if no cohort, then no phaenology necessary
IF(all_leaves_on==0) CALL pheno_begin
CALL pheno_count
IF(leaves_on) CALL pheno_shed
IF(phen_flag==1 .OR. (.not.flag_tree .and. leaves_on)) THEN
! Calculate this year's crown geometry for each cohort, followed by
! leaf area and light profiles across the canopy
if (anz_coh.eq.0) then
irelpool_ll = 1.
end if
if(all_leaves_on.eq.1) then
irelpool_ll = irelpool(0)
bgpool_ll = bgpool(2)
end if
IF(flag_end.EQ.3) RETURN
! update of stand variables (LAI, cover)
CALL standup
!call distubance after start day
select case(flag_dis)
if (dis_control(1,1) .eq. 1) then
if(all_leaves_on .eq. 1 .and. dis_start(dis_control(1,2)) .eq. iday) then
CALL disturbance_defoliator
CALL stand_balance
CALL standup
if (dis_control(2,1) .eq. 1) then
if(all_leaves_on .eq. 1 .and. dis_start(dis_control(2,2)) .eq. iday) CALL disturbance_xylem
if (dis_control(3,1) .eq. 1) then
if(dis_start(dis_control(3,2)) .eq. iday) CALL disturbance_phloem
if (dis_control(4,1) .eq. 1) then
if(dis_start(dis_control(4,2)) .eq. iday) then
CALL disturbance_root
CALL stand_balance
CALL standup
if (dis_control(5,1) .eq. 1) then
if(dis_start(dis_control(5,2)) .eq. iday) CALL disturbance_stem
end select
ns_pro_help = ns_pro
! set ns_pro_help to length of last photosynthesis period at end of year
IF(iday >int(recs(time)/ns_pro)*ns_pro .and. (MOD( iday, ns_pro )==1)) THEN
ns_pro_help = recs(time) - int(recs(time)/ns_pro)*ns_pro
! optimum photosynthesis submodel
IF (ns_pro==1.OR.(MOD( iday, ns_pro )==1) .or. iday.eq.1) THEN
! assign averaged input variables for PS model
aveT = 0.
avDL = 0.
avRD = 0.
avPR = 0.
hdfr = 0.
ns_day = 1
DO k = 1, ns_pro_help ! this calculates 365 or 366, but is not included as a wwek value
! ==> last week of the year is recieving this amount
d = iday-1+k
hdt = Q10_T**((tp(d,time) - 15.) / 10.)
hdfr = hdfr + hdt
dayfract(k) = hdt
aveT = aveT + tp(d,time) + deltaT
avRD = avRD + rd(d,time)
hprs = prs(d,time)
if (hprs .lt. 800.) then
hprs = 1013
avPR = avPR + hprs
avDL = avDL + photoper( FLOAT(d), xLat )
aveT = aveT / ns_pro_help
avDL = avDL / ns_pro_help
avRD = avRD / ns_pro_help
avPR = avPR / ns_pro_help
! PAR that is coming in stand reflection is substracted
PAR = (1.-pfref)* GR_in_PAR * avRD
if (iday .gt. 364) then
dayfract = 1. ! at the last days of the year no temperature depending daily fraction of flux
dayfract = ns_pro * dayfract / hdfr ! temperature depending daily fraction of flux, calc. from sum of ns_pro days
CALL OPT_PS( aveT, avDL, PAR, avPR )
! aggregation of stomatal conductance of the canopy
gp_can_mean = gp_can_mean + gp_can
gp_can_min = min(gp_can_min, gp_can)
gp_can_max = max(gp_can_max, gp_can)
! soil submodel
CALL drought
! NPP submodel
IF (ns_pro==1.OR.(MOD( (iday-1), ns_pro )==0) .or. iday .eq. recs(time) .or. iday.eq.1) THEN
CALL NPP( aveT, avDL, PAR, ns_pro_help )
IF(.not.flag_tree .and. leaves_on.and.flag_sprout.eq.1) CALL growth_seed_week (ns_pro_help)
! daily output every ns_pro days of dips- and gsdps-files
IF (flag_dayout .ge. 1) CALL coh_out_d(2)
CALL calc_fire_risk
! calculation of the start of vegetation period
if(flag_vegper.eq.0) then
if(airtemp.le.5. .and. flag_tveg .ne.0) then
else if( .and. flag_tveg.eq.0) then
flag_tveg =1
else if( .and. flag_tveg.eq.1) then
flag_tveg =2
else if( .and. flag_tveg.eq.2) then
flag_tveg =3
else if( .and. flag_tveg.eq.3)then
flag_tveg =4
else if( .and. flag_tveg.eq.4) then
flag_tveg =5
end if
if(flag_tveg .eq.5) then
iday_vegper = iday
end if
! call of SR for calculation of various indices for the frost index
if(airtemp_min .gt. -90.) call calc_frost_index
! Calculation of maximal radiation (for information only)
call glob_rad(dlength, iday, lat, rad_max)
Cout%NEE(iday) = respsoil - dailyNPP_C ! g C/m²
Cout%Resp_aut(iday) = dailyautresp_C * dayfract(ns_day)
NPP_day = dailyNPP_C * dayfract(ns_day)
GPP_day = (dailyNPP_C + dailyautresp_C) * dayfract(ns_day)
TER_day = dailyautresp_C * dayfract(ns_day) + respsoil
IF (flag_dayout .ge. 1) CALL outday(1)
IF (ns_pro==1.OR.(MOD( iday, ns_pro )==0) .or. iday .eq. recs(time) ) CALL SET_PS
! Wochen- und Monatswerte berechnen
aet_mon(monat) = aet_mon(monat) + aet
aet_week(woche) = aet_week(woche) + aet
pet_mon(monat) = pet_mon(monat) + pet
pet_week(woche) = pet_week(woche) + pet
temp_mon(monat) = temp_mon(monat) + airtemp
temp_week(woche) = temp_week(woche) + airtemp
prec_mon(monat) = prec_mon(monat) + prec
prec_week(woche) = prec_week(woche) + prec
rad_mon(monat) = rad_mon(monat) + rad
hum_mon(monat) = hum_mon(monat) + hum
perc_mon(monat) = perc_mon(monat) + perc(nlay)
perc_week(woche) = perc_week(woche) + perc(nlay)
resps_mon(monat) = resps_mon(monat) + respsoil
resps_week(woche)= resps_week(woche) + respsoil
GPP_mon(monat) = GPP_mon(monat) + dailyNPP_C + dailyautresp_C
GPP_week(woche) = GPP_week(woche) + dailyNPP_C + dailyautresp_C
NEE_mon(monat) = NEE_mon(monat) + Cout%NEE(iday) ! g C/m²
NPP_mon(monat) = NPP_mon(monat) + dailyNPP_C
NPP_week(woche) = NPP_week(woche) + dailyNPP_C
TER_mon(monat) = TER_mon(monat) + dailyautresp_C + respsoil
TER_week(woche) = TER_week(woche) + dailyautresp_C + respsoil
tempmean_mo(monat) = tempmean_mo(monat) + airtemp ! long-term monthly means
! summation output with variabel time steps
photsum = photsum + phot_C
npppotsum = npppotsum + dailypotNPP_C
nppsum = nppsum + dailyNPP_C
resosum = resosum + respsoil
nee = nee + respsoil - dailyNPP_C
gppsum = gppsum + GPP_day
sumGPP = sumGPP + dailyNPP_C + dailyautresp_C
sumTER = sumTER + dailyautresp_C + respsoil
resautsum = resautsum + dailyautresp_C
precsum = precsum + prec
tempmean = tempmean + airtemp
tempmeanh = tempmeanh +airtemp
aet_sum = aet_sum + aet
pet_sum = pet_sum + pet
perc_sum = perc_sum + perc(nlay)
if(monthday==monrec(monat)) then
tempmeanh = tempmeanh/monrec(monat)
if(monat.eq.1) med_air_cm = tempmeanh
if( med_air_cm = tempmeanh
if( med_air_wm = tempmeanh
tempmeanh = 0.
temp_mon(monat) = temp_mon(monat) / monrec(monat)
rad_mon(monat) = rad_mon(monat) / monrec(monat)
hum_mon(monat) = hum_mon(monat) / monrec(monat)
if(temp_mon(monat).lt.med_air_cm) med_air_cm = temp_mon(monat)
if(temp_mon(monat).gt.med_air_wm) med_air_wm = temp_mon(monat)
end if
if( then
t_help= t_help + airtemp
p_help= p_help + prec
end if
ns_day = ns_day + 1
! daily output
IF(flag_sum .eq. 1) THEN
write(unit_sum,'(2I5,13F10.3)') iday,time_cur,photsum,npppotsum,nppsum,resosum, &
lightsum,nee,abslightsum,precsum,tp(iday,time), &
exp(0.069*(tp(iday,time)-15.)), sumGPP, sumTER, resautsum
photsum=0.;npppotsum=0.;nppsum=0.;resosum=0.;lightsum=0.;nee=0.;abslightsum=0.; precsum=0.
sumGPP = 0.
sumTER = 0.
resautsum = 0.
! output with time step of photosynthesis
IF(flag_sum .eq. 2 .and. mod(iday,ns_pro)==0) THEN
week = week + 1
write(unit_sum,'(2I6,17F10.3)') week,time_cur,time_cur+(week-0.5)/52.,photsum,npppotsum,nppsum,resosum, &
lightsum,nee,abslightsum,precsum,aveT,exp(0.069*(aveT-15.)), &
aet_sum, pet_sum, perc_sum, sumGPP, sumTER, resautsum
photsum=0.;npppotsum=0.;nppsum=0.;resosum=0.;lightsum=0.;nee=0.;abslightsum=0.; precsum=0.
aet_sum = 0.; pet_sum = 0.
perc_sum = 0.
sumGPP = 0.
sumTER = 0.
resautsum = 0.
if(mod(iday,7) .eq. 0) then
woche = woche + 1
if(monthday .eq. monrec(monat)) then
IF(flag_sum .eq. 3 ) THEN
tempmean = tempmean/monrec(monat)
if( temp_mon(monat) .le. 0.) then
ind_cout_mo = 12.* prec_mon(monat)
ind_cout_mo = 12*precsum
ind_cout_mo = 12.* prec_mon(monat) /(temp_mon(monat) + 10.)
ind_cout_mo = 12*precsum/(tempmean+10)
end if
if(temp_mon(monat) .le. 0.) then
ind_wiss_mo = 12.* prec_mon(monat)
ind_wiss_mo = 12*precsum
ind_wiss_mo = 12.* prec_mon(monat) /(temp_mon(monat) + 7.)
ind_wiss_mo = 12*precsum/(tempmean+7)
end if
if( then
ind_arid_mo = prec_mon(monat)/pet_sum
end if
cwb_mo = prec_mon(monat) - pet_sum
ind_cout_an = ind_cout_an + ind_cout_mo
ind_wiss_an = ind_wiss_an + ind_wiss_mo
write(unit_sum,'(I7,I5,20F10.3)') monat,time_cur,time_cur+(monat-0.5)/12.,photsum,npppotsum,nppsum,resosum, &
lightsum,nee,abslightsum, precsum, tempmean, aet_sum, pet_sum, ind_cout_mo, ind_wiss_mo, &
ind_arid_mo, cwb_mo, perc_sum, sumGPP, sumTER, resautsum
photsum=0.;npppotsum=0.;nppsum=0.;resosum=0.;lightsum=0.;nee=0.;abslightsum=0.; precsum=0.; tempmean = 0.
aet_sum = 0.; pet_sum = 0.; ind_cout_mo = 0.; ind_wiss_mo=0.; ind_arid_mo=0.; cwb_mo = 0.
perc_sum = 0.
sumGPP = 0.
sumTER = 0.
resautsum = 0.
ENDIF ! flag_sum
monat = monat+1
monthday = 0
endif ! monthday
END DO ! iday daily loop
!calculate the mean stress factor for root growth
if (flag_wurz .eq. 4 .or. flag_wurz .eq. 6) then
do i=1,nlay
do k=1,nspecies
ind_shc = p_help/(t_help/10)
END SUBROUTINE stand_daily
USE data_stand
TYPE(coh_obj), POINTER :: p
p => pt%first
! reset drought index & day counter to zero for next time step
p%coh%drIndPS = 0.
p%coh%nDaysPS = 0.
p => p%next
! Calculation of drought stress indices
! Sum up of RedN
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
USE data_par
USE data_species
implicit none
integer i, ii
real, dimension(1:nspecies):: rhelp
rhelp = 0.
! drought index of trees
zeig => pt%first
do while (associated(zeig))
ns = zeig%coh%species
! calculation of daily drought index
if (zeig%coh%demand .gt. 10E-6) then
if (ns.eq.nspec_tree+2) then ! set drought index to 1 for mistletoe (no drought)
zeig%coh%drIndD = 1
zeig%coh%drIndD = zeig%coh%supply / zeig%coh%demand
zeig%coh%drIndD = 1.
select case (flag_limi)
case (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
rhelp(ns) = rhelp(ns) + zeig%coh%ntreeA * zeig%coh%RedNc ! mean annual RedN
end select
IF ((iday .ge. zeig%coh%day_bb) .AND. (iday .le. spar(zeig%coh%species)%end_bb)) THEN
zeig%coh%drIndPS = zeig%coh%drIndPS + zeig%coh%drIndD
zeig%coh%drIndAl = zeig%coh%drIndAl + zeig%coh%drIndD
drIndD = drIndD + zeig%coh%ntreeA * zeig%coh%drIndD
zeig => zeig%next
enddo ! zeig (cohorts)
if (flag_limi .ge. 4 .and. flag_limi .le. 9) then
do i=1,anrspec
ii = nrspec(i)
svar(ii)%RedN = rhelp(ii) * 10000. / (svar(ii)%sum_nTreeA * kpatchsize) ! durch Anz. Tree pro patchsize teilen
do i=1,anrspec
ii = nrspec(i)
svar(ii)%RedNm = svar(ii)%RedNm + svar(ii)%RedN
if( then
drIndD = drIndD / anz_tree
END subroutine drought
SUBROUTINE calc_fire_risk
!calculation of fire risk index
USE data_biodiv
USE data_climate
USE data_simul
USE data_soil
USE data_species
USE data_stand
implicit none
integer i, ii, nshelp
real hsum, hday, Tcrit_bi, cdays
real svp_13, vp_13, vpd_13, relhum_13
real k_prec ! constant depending on precipitation
real k_phen
real hh
if (iday.eq.1) then
prec_flag1 = 0
prec_flag2 = 0
tsumrob = 0.
day_bb_rob = 0
tsumbi = 0.
day_bb_bi = -999.
cdays = 0.
Tcrit_bi = 0.
end if
! calculation of day_bb for 'Robinie'
if( then
if( tsumrob = tsumrob + airtemp
if( then
day_bb_rob = iday
end if
end if
! calculation of day_bb for birch
nshelp = 5
! Temperature sum model Schaber 2002
if( then
if(airtemp > spar(nshelp)%LTbT.and. then
tsumbi = tsumbi + airtemp - spar(nshelp)%LTbT
end if
if(tsumbi > spar(nshelp)%LTcrit) then
day_bb_bi = iday
end if
end if
! if birch is simulated
IF (.not.ASSOCIATED(zeig)) exit
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.5) day_bb_bi = zeig%coh%day_bb
! fire index west
if (iday .ge. 60 .and. iday .lt. 270) then
hday = iday/30.
ii = int(hday) - 1 ! month index
hsum = SUM(clim_waterb)
i = 1
do i=1,4
if (hsum .gt. risk_class(i,ii)) then
fire_indw = i
fire(1)%index = i
fire_indw = 5
fire(1)%index = 5
fire(1)%frequ(fire(1)%index) = fire(1)%frequ(fire(1)%index) + 1
fire(1)%index = 0
if(airtemp_max .gt. -90.) then
! fire index east
if (iday .ge. 46 .and. iday .lt. 275) then
svp_13 = 6.1078 * exp(17.62 * airtemp_max / (243.12+airtemp_max)) ! saturated vapour pressure at 13.00
! estimation actual vapour pressure derived from mean air humidity
vp_13 = svp_13*hum/100
vpd_13 = svp_13 - vp_13 ! vapour pressure deficit at 13.00
relhum_13 = 100. * vp_13 / svp_13
if ((prec .ge. 1.0 .and. prec .lt. 5.0) .or. (snow_day .eq. 1)) then
k_prec = 0.5
else if ((prec .ge. 5.0 .and. prec .lt. 10.0) .or. (snow_day .eq. 2)) then
k_prec = 0.25
else if ((prec .ge. 10.0) .or. (snow_day .gt. 2)) then
k_prec = 0.0
k_prec = 1.0
if (iday .lt. day_bb_bi .or. day_bb_bi.eq.-999) then
k_phen = 3.
else if ( 5 .and. iday .le. 227 .and. .and. prec_flag1.eq.0) then
k_phen = 2.
else if ( 5 .and. .and. iday .gt. day_bb_rob .and. iday .lt. 227 .or. (prec_flag1.eq.1.and.iday.le.227)) then
k_phen = 1.
prec_flag1 = 1
else if( day_bb_rob.eq.0) then
k_phen = 2
else if ( 227.and. 5) then
k_phen = 0.5
prec_flag2 = 1
else if(prec_flag2 .eq.1 .or. iday .gt. 243) then
k_phen = 0.5
k_phen = 1. ! no modification of forest fire index
hh = (airtemp_max + 10)*vpd_13
fire_indi = k_prec * fire_indi + k_phen*(airtemp_max + 10)*vpd_13
if (fire_indi .gt. 4000) fire_indi_day = fire_indi_day + 1
fire_indi_max = max(fire_indi, fire_indi_max)
! fire hazard level east
if (fire_indi .le. 500.) then
fire(2)%index = 1 ! no alarm level
else if (fire_indi .le. 2000.) then
fire(2)%index = 2 ! alarm level 1
else if (fire_indi .le. 4000.) then
fire(2)%index = 3 ! alarm level 2
else if (fire_indi .le. 7000.) then
fire(2)%index = 4 ! alarm level 3
fire(2)%index = 5 ! alarm level 4
fire(2)%frequ(fire(2)%index) = fire(2)%frequ(fire(2)%index) + 1
fire_indi = 0.
fire(2)%index = 0
! fire index Bruschek
if (iday > 90 .AND. iday < 275) then
if(airtemp_max .ge. 25.) Ndayshot = Ndayshot + 1
Psum_FP = Psum_FP + prec
! fire index Nesterov
! only calulated for vegetation and snow free period
if (iday .ge. 60 .and. iday .lt. 275 .and. snow .lt. 0.01 .and. airtemp_max .gt. 0.) then
if (prec .lt. 3.) then
day_nest = day_nest + 1
p_nest = p_nest + (airtemp_max - dptemp) * airtemp_max
day_nest = 0
p_nest = 0.
if (p_nest .le. 300.) then
fire(3)%index = 1 ! minimal
else if (p_nest .le. 1000.) then
fire(3)%index = 2 ! moderate
else if (p_nest .le. 4000.) then
fire(3)%index = 3 ! high
fire(3)%index = 4 ! extreme
fire(3)%frequ(fire(3)%index) = fire(3)%frequ(fire(3)%index) + 1
p_nest = 0.
fire(3)%index = 0
fire(2)%index = -99.0
fire(3)%index = -99.0
endif ! airtemp_max
END subroutine calc_fire_risk
subroutine calc_frost_index
USE data_frost
USE data_climate
USE data_simul
USE data_stand
implicit none
integer :: day_bb, j, t, m, ii
! absolute and annual last frost day during spring/ summer
if(airtemp_min .lt. temp_frost .and. iday .lt. 200 ) then
if( ) dlfabs = iday
if( date_lftot(time)=iday
end if
! annual number of frost days after start of the vegetation period and annual last frost day
if(flag_vegper.eq.1. .and. then
if(airtemp_min .lt. temp_frost) then
dnlf(time) = dnlf(time) +1
! calculation of last frost day after beginning of vegetation period due to 5°C threshold for the case of needle trees
if( waldtyp.eq.10 .or. waldtyp.eq.40.or.waldtyp.eq.90 .and. date_lf(time)) date_lf(time)= iday
end if
end if
! calculation of the number of the actual month
j= time_cur
ii = iday
call tzinda(t,m,j,ii)
iday = ii
if(m.eq.4 .or. m.eq.5 .or. m.eq.6) then
if(airtemp_min .lt.0) then
sumtlf(time) = sumtlf(time) + airtemp_min
end if
! annual minimum temperature may for year time
if( m.eq.5) tminmay_ann(time) = airtemp_min
! absolute minimum temperature May
if( airtemp_min .lt. tminmay .and. m.eq.5) tminmay = airtemp_min
! assuming mono species stand !!!
IF (.not.ASSOCIATED(zeig)) exit
taxnum= zeig%coh%species
day_bb = zeig%coh%day_bb
! caculation not for conifer stands (pine, spruce, douglas fir)
if(waldtyp .ne. 10 .and. waldtyp .ne. 40 .and. waldtyp .ne.90)then
if(all_leaves_on.eq.1) then
if ( .and. then
! calculation of number of frost day during vegetation period (bud burst) for year time
if(airtemp_min .lt. temp_frost ) then
dnlf_sp(time) = dnlf_sp(time) +1
! calculagtion of last frost day after beginning of vegetation period by bud burst
if(iday .gt. date_lf(time)) date_lf(time)= iday
end if
end if
end if ! all_leaves_on
end if ! waldtyp
END subroutine calc_frost_index
Subroutine calc_endbb
use data_climate
use data_stand
use data_species
use data_simul
implicit none
integer :: tax,fl
if( then
zeig => pt%first
do while (associated(zeig))
tax = zeig%coh%species
fl = zeig%coh%flag_vegend
if(spar(tax) then
if(spar(ns)%flag_endbb.eq.0) then
if( .and. fl .ne.0) then
else if( .and. fl.eq.0) then
fl =1
else if( .and. fl.eq.1) then
fl =2
else if( .and. fl.eq.2) then
fl =3
else if( .and. fl.eq.3)then
fl =4
else if( .and. fl.eq.4) then
fl =5
end if
zeig%coh%flag_vegend = fl
if(fl .eq.5) then
spar(tax)%end_bb = iday
write(666,*) time, iday
end if
end if
zeig => zeig%next
end if
end do
end if
end subroutine calc_endbb
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutine DAY_INI for: *!
!* *!
!* allocation of daily weather variables *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
USE data_biodiv
USE data_climate
USE data_depo
USE data_evapo
USE data_simul
USE data_site
USE data_stand
USE data_par
implicit none
type(Coh_Obj), pointer :: p ! pointer to cohort list
real, external :: photoper
real, external :: daylength
integer i, j
j = time
i = iday
airtemp = tp(i,j)+deltaT
airtemp_1 = tp(i-1,j)+deltaT
airtemp_2 = tp(i-2,j)+deltaT
airtemp_max = tx(i,j)
airtemp_min = tn(i,j)
prec = prc(i,j)*deltaPrec
hum = hm(i,j)
if (hum .le. 0.) then
hum = 1.
else if (hum .gt. 100.) then
hum = 100.
if (press .gt. 0.) then
press = prs(i,j)
press = 1013.
rad = rd(i,j)
wind = wd(i,j)
if (wind .lt. 0.) wind = 0.5
dlength = photoper(i+0.,xlat)
med_air = med_air + airtemp
sum_prec = sum_prec + prec
if(recs(time).eq.365) then
if( .and. then
med_air_ms = med_air_ms + airtemp
sum_prec_ms = sum_prec_ms + prec
end if
if( .and. i .lt. 213) then
med_air_mj = med_air_mj + airtemp
sum_prec_mj = sum_prec_mj + prec
end if
if( .and. then
med_air_ms = med_air_ms + airtemp
sum_prec_ms = sum_prec_ms + prec
if( .and. i .lt.214) then
med_air_mj = med_air_mj + airtemp
sum_prec_mj = sum_prec_mj + prec
end if
end if
end if
med_rad = med_rad + rad
med_wind = med_wind + wind
if ( thr_gdd) then
gdday = gdday + airtemp
gdday_all = gdday_all + airtemp
end if
if (airtemp_max .ge. 25.) then
days_summer = days_summer + 1
if (airtemp_max .ge. 30.) then
days_hot = days_hot + 1
if( airtemp_min .gt. 0) days_wof = days_wof +1
if ((airtemp_max .lt. 0.) .and. (airtemp_max .gt. -90.)) then
days_ice = days_ice + 1
if (prec .lt. 1.E-06) then
days_dry = days_dry + 1
else if (prec .gt. 10.) then
days_hrain = days_hrain + 1
else if (prec .gt. 0.1) then
days_rain = days_rain +1
if(recs(time).eq.365) then
if( .and. i .lt. 213) days_rain_mj = days_rain_mj +1
if( .and. i .lt.214) days_rain_mj = days_rain_mj +1
end if
drIndd = 0.
lightsum = lightsum + rad/100 ! sum global radiation in mJ/m2
abslightsum = abslightsum + rad/100*totFPARsum ! sum absorbed global radiation in mJ/m2
! set standardised deposition data for areal application of deposition:
NO_dep = NOd(i,j)*0.001 ! mg N/m2 ==> g N/m2
NH_dep = NHd(i,j)*0.001 ! mg N/m2 ==> g N/m2
pev_sn = 0.
dew_rime = 0.
fire_indw = -99
fire_inde = -99
! water and N uptake
p => pt%first
do while (associated(p))
p%coh%supply = 0.
p%coh%Nuptc_d = 0.
p => p%next
enddo ! p (cohorts)
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutines for: *!
!* disturbance management *!
!* contains: *!
!* SR dist_ini *!
!* SR dist_manag *!
!* SR beetle_nat *!
!* SR beetle_man *!
!* SR disturbance_defoliator *!
!* SR disturbance_xylem *!
!* SR disturbance_phloem *!
!* SR disturbance_root *!
!* SR disturbance_stem *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_species
use data_stand
use data_soil
implicit none
integer :: dis_unit,i,ios
character(len=150) :: filename
logical :: ex
character(3) ::text
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
end do
filename = manfile(ip)
call testfile(filename,ex)
read(dis_unit,*) text
if(text .eq. 'end')then
! read the total number of disturbance events (first line after 'end') and after this the annual events
read (dis_unit,*) dis_row_nr ! number of disturbance lines
do i=1,dis_row_nr
read(dis_unit,*,iostat=ios) dis_year(i),dis_type(i), dis_spec(i), dis_start(i), dis_rel(i)
if(ios<0) exit
end do
SUBROUTINE dis_manag
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_site
use data_species
use data_soil
implicit none
integer :: i
do i= 1, dis_row_nr
if(time .eq. dis_year(i)) then
if(dis_type(i) .eq. 'D') then
dis_control(1,1) = 1
dis_control(1,2) = i
if(dis_type(i) .eq. 'X') then
dis_control(2,1) = 1
dis_control(2,2) = i
if(dis_type(i) .eq. 'P') then
dis_control(3,1) = 1
dis_control(3,2) = i
if(dis_type(i) .eq. 'R') then
dis_control(4,1) = 1
dis_control(4,2) = i
if(dis_type(i) .eq. 'S') then
dis_control(5,1) = 1
dis_control(5,2) = i
if(dis_type(i) .eq. 'M') then
dis_control(6,1) = 1
dis_control(6,2) = i
! bark beetle infestation in unmanaged stands
SUBROUTINE beetle_nat(dis_rel_ip, rel_cra)
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_species
use data_stand
use data_par
implicit none
real :: dis_cra, tot_cra, rel_cra, dis_rel_ip, tar_cra, tar_ba, dis_ba, tot_ba
real :: help, helpN, help1, help1N, hconvd
integer :: i, j, taxnr
dis_cra = 0
tot_cra = 0
dis_ba = 0
tot_ba = 0
help = 0
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
tot_cra = tot_cra + zeig%coh%crown_area*zeig%coh%ntreea
tot_ba = tot_ba + zeig%coh%ntreea*pi*zeig%coh%diam*zeig%coh%diam/4
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.2.and. then
dis_cra = dis_cra + zeig%coh%crown_area*zeig%coh%ntreea
dis_ba = dis_ba + zeig%coh%ntreea*pi*zeig%coh%diam*zeig%coh%diam/4
end if
end do
rel_cra = (tot_cra/dis_cra)* dis_rel_ip/100.
tar_cra = dis_cra * dis_rel_ip/100
tar_ba = dis_ba * dis_rel_ip/100
do while (
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.2.and. then
zeig%coh%ntreea = zeig%coh%ntreea -1
zeig%coh%nta = zeig%coh%ntreea
zeig%coh%ntreem = zeig%coh%ntreem +1
help = help + pi*zeig%coh%diam*zeig%coh%diam/4
end if
if( exit
if( exit
end do
end do
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
taxnr = zeig%coh%species
IF (taxnr.eq.2.and. then
zeig%coh%litC_fol = zeig%coh%litC_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*(1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_fol = zeig%coh%litN_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*((1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart)/spar(taxnr)%cnr_fol
zeig%coh%litC_frt = zeig%coh%litC_frt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_frt*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_frt = zeig%coh%litN_frt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_frt*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_frt
zeig%coh%litC_crt = zeig%coh%litC_crt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_crt*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_crt = zeig%coh%litN_crt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_crt*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_crt
hconvd = 1000. / kpatchsize
do i = 1,nspec_tree
! delayed litter fall from dead stems and twigs/branches
help = zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_tb*cpart*hconvd
helpN = zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_tb*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_tbc*hconvd
help1 = zeig%coh%ntreem*(zeig%coh%x_sap+zeig%coh%x_hrt)*cpart*hconvd
help1N = zeig%coh%litC_stem/spar(taxnr)%cnr_stem*hconvd
do j = 1, lit_year
dead_wood(taxnr)%C_tb(j) = dead_wood(taxnr)%C_tb(j) + help/lit_year
dead_wood(taxnr)%N_tb(j) = dead_wood(taxnr)%N_tb(j) + helpN/lit_year
dead_wood(taxnr)%C_stem(j) = dead_wood(taxnr)%C_stem(j) + help1/lit_year
dead_wood(taxnr)%N_stem(j) = dead_wood(taxnr)%N_stem(j) + help1N/lit_year
enddo ! j (lit_year)
enddo ! i (nspec_tree)
end if
end do
! management of stands with bark beetle infestation
SUBROUTINE beetle_man(dis_rel_ip, rel_cra)
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_species
use data_stand
use data_par
implicit none
real :: dis_cra, tot_cra, rel_cra, dis_rel_ip, tot_ba, dis_ba, tar_ba
real :: help
integer :: taxnr
dis_cra = 0
tot_cra = 0
help = 0
dis_ba = 0
tot_ba = 0
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
tot_cra = tot_cra + zeig%coh%crown_area*zeig%coh%ntreea
tot_ba = tot_ba + zeig%coh%ntreea*pi*zeig%coh%diam*zeig%coh%diam/4
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.2.and. then
dis_cra = dis_cra + zeig%coh%crown_area*zeig%coh%ntreea
dis_ba = dis_ba + zeig%coh%ntreea*pi*zeig%coh%diam*zeig%coh%diam/4
end if
end do
rel_cra = (tot_cra/dis_cra)* dis_rel_ip/100.
tar_ba = dis_ba * dis_rel_ip/100.
do while (
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if(zeig%coh%species.eq.2.and. then
zeig%coh%ntreea = zeig%coh%ntreea -1
zeig%coh%nta = zeig%coh%ntreea
zeig%coh%ntreem = zeig%coh%ntreem +1
help = help + zeig%coh%crown_area
help = help + pi*zeig%coh%diam*zeig%coh%diam/4
if(help.eq.dis_ba) exit
if( tar_ba) exit
end if
end do
end do
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
taxnr = zeig%coh%species
IF (taxnr.eq.2.and. then
! stems, twigs and branches are completely removed
zeig%coh%litC_fol = zeig%coh%litC_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*(1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_fol = zeig%coh%litN_fol + zeig%coh%ntreem*((1.-spar(taxnr)%psf)*zeig%coh%x_fol*cpart)/spar(taxnr)%cnr_fol
zeig%coh%litC_frt = zeig%coh%litC_frt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_frt*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_frt = zeig%coh%litN_frt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_frt*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_frt
zeig%coh%litC_crt = zeig%coh%litC_crt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_crt*cpart
zeig%coh%litN_crt = zeig%coh%litN_crt + zeig%coh%ntreem*zeig%coh%x_crt*cpart/spar(taxnr)%cnr_crt
end if
end do
SUBROUTINE disturbance_defoliator
use data_manag
use data_soil_cn
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_site
use data_species
use data_par
implicit none
real :: loss, remain, humusnew, humusneuin
character(50) :: helpout
if (flag_standup .eq. 0) flag_standup = 1 ! call stand_balance later
if (loss .lt. 0.0) loss=0.0
if (loss .gt. 1.0) loss=1.0
if (remain .lt. 0.0) remain=0.0
if (remain .gt. 1.0) remain=1.0
if (loss .gt. 0.01) then
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if (zeig%coh%species .le. nspec_tree) then
end do
endif ! loss>0.01
END SUBROUTINE disturbance_defoliator
SUBROUTINE disturbance_xylem
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_site
use data_species
use data_par
use data_soil
implicit none
real :: loss, remain
character(50) :: helpout
if (flag_standup .eq. 0) flag_standup = 1 ! call stand_balance later
if (xylem_dis .lt. 0.0) xylem_dis=0.0
if (xylem_dis .gt. 1.0) xylem_dis=1.0
END SUBROUTINE disturbance_xylem
SUBROUTINE disturbance_phloem
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_site
use data_species
use data_par
implicit none
character(50) :: helpout
if (flag_standup .eq. 0) flag_standup = 1 ! call stand_balance later
if (phlo_feed .lt. 0.0) phlo_feed=0.0
if (phlo_feed .gt. 1.0) phlo_feed=1.0
END SUBROUTINE disturbance_phloem
SUBROUTINE disturbance_root
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_site
use data_species
use data_par
implicit none
real :: loss, remain
character(50) :: helpout
if (flag_standup .eq. 0) flag_standup = 1 ! call stand_balance later
if (loss .lt. 0.0) loss=0.0
if (loss .gt. 1.0) loss=1.0
if (remain .lt. 0.0) remain=0.0
if (remain .gt. 1.0) remain=1.0
if(.not.associated(zeig)) exit
if (zeig%coh%species .le. nspec_tree) then
end do
END SUBROUTINE disturbance_root
SUBROUTINE disturbance_stem
use data_manag
use data_simul
use data_stand
use data_site
use data_species
use data_par
implicit none
character(50) :: helpout
if (flag_standup .eq. 0) flag_standup = 1 ! call stand_balance later
if (stem_rot .lt. 0.0) stem_rot=0.0
if (stem_rot .gt. 1.0) stem_rot=1.0
END SUBROUTINE disturbance_stem
! mistletoe cohort is produced in prepstand.f
!* *!
!* 4C (FORESEE) Simulation Model *!
!* *!
!* *!
!* Subroutines for: *!
!* Soil and Water - Programs *!
!* *!
!* contains: *!
!* EVAPO calculation of potential evapotranspiration *!
!* EVAPO_INI initialisation of potential evapotranspiration *!
!* turc_ivanov *!
!* sunshine *!
!* *!
!* Copyright (C) 1996-2018 *!
!* Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reserach (PIK) *!
!* Authors and contributors see AUTHOR file *!
!* This file is part of 4C and is licensed under BSD-2-Clause *!
!* See LICENSE file or under: *!
!* http://www. *!
!* Contact: *!
!* *!
!* *!
! Potential evapotranspiration PET
use data_climate
use data_evapo
use data_inter
use data_par
use data_simul
use data_site
use data_stand
use data_soil
use data_species
implicit none
integer i
real atemp25, cf, hxx, redcof
real pet0, & ! PET Turc/Ivanov
pet1, & ! PET Priestley-Taylor
pet2, & ! PET Priestley-Taylor for each cohort
pet3, & ! PET Penman/Monteith
pet4, & ! PET Penman/Monteith for each cohort
pet5, & ! PET Haude
pev0_s, & ! soil evaporation from Turc/Ivanov
pev1_s, & ! soil evaporation from Priestley-Taylor
pev2_s, & ! soil evaporation from Priestley-Taylor for each cohort
h_klim, & ! height of reference station
gamma, & ! scheinbare Psychrometer-Konstante
svp, & ! saturated vapour pressure
vpd, & ! vapour pressure deficit
vpress, & ! vapour pressure
delta, & ! slope of vapour pressure curve against temperature
dens_air, & ! density of dry air (kg/m3) (like MONTEITH (1973))
alpha, & ! Priestley-Taylor coefficient
Rnet, & ! net radiation W/m2 of whole canopy
Rnet_s, & ! absorbed global radiation W/m2 of soil
Rnet_alb, & ! net radiation from radiation balance with intermediate calculation in J/m2
Rnet_alb1,& ! net radiation from radiation balance without reflected radiation in J/cm2
Rnet_tem, & ! net radiation from temperature and airpressure
Rnet_fed, & ! net radiation according to Federer (1968) and Feddes (1971)
Rrefl, & ! reflected long wave radiation
Srel, & ! relative sunshine duration
albedo, &
sigma, & ! Boltzmannsche constant
lamb, & ! latent heat of vaporization of water (W / (m2 mm) day value)
rc, & ! empir. plant base resistance (s/m)
v_conc, & ! concentration water vapour
hf, hln, hz, z0, tutrf, &
real Rnet1, Rnet2_sum, Rnet3, Rnet4_sum
real Rnet_mw, & ! net radiation (J/cm2) measured value
G_flux ! soil heat flux (J/cm2) measured value
character (10) text
real transd0, transd1, hx
! for PET according to Haude
real svp_13, vp_13, vpd_13, relhum_13, dptemph, hh
real dpta, dptb, dptc ! coefficients for calculation of dew point temperature
real, dimension(12) :: ft_haude=(/0.22,0.22,0.22,0.29,0.29,0.28,0.26,0.25,0.23,0.22,0.22,0.22/)
! read flux data
if (flag_eva .gt.10) read (unit_eva,*) text, Rnet_mw, G_flux
alpha = alpha_PT
atmp_1 = 1./(airtemp + 273.3)
svp = 6.1078 * exp(17.2694 * airtemp * atmp_1) ! saturated vapour pressure (MURRAY, 1967)
vpress = 0.01 * hum * svp
vpd = svp*(1. - hum*0.01) ! vapour pressure deficit
! dew point temperature (DVWK 1996, P. 83)
if(airtemp .lt. 0.) then
dpta = 272.2
dptb = 24.27
dpta = 243.12
dptb = 19.43
dptc = 1.81
dptemp = dpta * (log(vpress)-dptc) / (dptb-log(vpress))
! relative Sonnenscheindauer
call sunshine(Srel, iday, lat, dlength, rad)
!! net radiation from radiation balance ( Rijtema, 1965)
! albedo = 0.35 ! adjustment to Rnet for spruce (Tharandt), beech (Hesse), pine (Loobos)
! albedo = 0.1 ! for pine from Lit.
!net radiation according to Federer (1968) and Feddes (1971)
Rnet_fed = 0.649 * (rad/8.64) - 23 ! rad: J/cm2 ==> W/m2
Rnet_fed = 8.64 * Rnet_fed ! W/m2 ==> J/cm2
Rnet_tot = Rnet_fed
Rnet = (Rnet_tot/8.64) ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
if (((snow .gt. 0.) .or. lint_snow) .and. (airtemp .lt. 0.)) then
! snow or frost evaporation (DVWK S.73, 1996; Rachner, 1987)
albedo = 0.85
pev_sn = 0.41 * vpd - 0.22
if (pev_sn .lt. 0.) then
dew_rime = -pev_sn
pev_s = 0.1
pev_s = pev_sn
if (Rnet_fed .lt. 0.) then
sigma = 5.67 * 10.**(-8) ! W / m2
Rrefl = sigma * (airtemp+273)**4 * (0.56 - 0.079*Sqrt(vpress))*(0.1 + 0.9*Srel) ! J/m2
Rnet_alb = (rad*10000.0 * (1.-albedo) - Rrefl) ! J/m2
Rnet_alb = Rnet_alb * 0.0001
Rnet_tot = Rnet_alb ! J/cm2
Rnet = (Rnet_tot/8.64) ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
pet = 0.
zeig => pt%first
do while (associated(zeig))
zeig%coh%demand = 0.
zeig => zeig%next
enddo ! zeig (cohorts)
if (Rnet_fed .lt. 0.) then
albedo = 0.2
sigma = 5.67 * 10.**(-8) ! W / m2
Rrefl = sigma * (airtemp+273)**4 * (0.56 - 0.079*Sqrt(vpress))*(0.1 + 0.9*Srel) ! J/m2
Rnet_alb = (rad*10000.0 * (1.-albedo) - Rrefl) ! J/m2
Rnet_alb = Rnet_alb * 0.0001
Rnet_tot = Rnet_alb ! J/cm2
Rnet = (Rnet_tot/8.64) ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
select case (flag_eva)
case (0,6,7)
call turc_ivanov
case (1,2,3,4,16,17,36,37)
! preparation Priestley/Taylor and Penman/Monteith calculation
gamma = psycro * press
delta = 239. * 17.4 * svp * atmp_1*atmp_1 ! slope of vapour pressure curve
lamb = (2.498 - 0.00242*airtemp) * 1E06 ! W s /(m2 mm) == J/mm / m2
lamb = lamb/86400. ! W / (m2 mm) Tageswert
if (anz_coh .le. 0) then
pet = alpha * Rnet * delta/((delta+gamma)*lamb) ! potential evapotranspiration of canopy
pev_s = 0.
if (all_leaves_on .eq. 0) then
pet = alpha * Rnet * delta/((delta+gamma)*lamb) ! potential evapotranspiration of canopy
! potential transpiration demand of each cohort
if (gp_can .gt. 1.E-6) then
hx = pet / gp_can
hx = 0.
zeig => pt%first
do while (associated(zeig))
zeig%coh%demand = zeig%coh%gp * zeig%coh%ntreea * hx
if (zeig%coh%species.eq.nspec_tree+2) then !save demand of mistletoe calculated cohort-specific for later use in upt_wat (soil.f)
demand_mistletoe_cohort=zeig%coh%gp * zeig%coh%ntreea * hx
end if
zeig => zeig%next
enddo ! zeig (cohorts)
! soil evaporation
redcof = 0.4
Rnet_s = (Rnet_tot/8.64) * redcof ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
Rnet = (Rnet_tot/8.64) * totFPARsum ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
Rnet_s = (Rnet_tot/8.64) * (1.-totFPARsum) ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
select case (flag_eva)
case (1) ! Priestley / Taylor
pet = alpha * Rnet * delta/((delta+gamma)*lamb) ! potential evapotranspiration of canopy
case (2) ! Priestley / Taylor for each cohort
pet2 = 0.
Rnet2_sum = 0
zeig => pt%first
do while (associated(zeig))
if (zeig%coh%gp .gt. 0.) then
Rnet = (Rnet_tot/8.64) * zeig%coh%totFPAR * zeig%coh%nTreeA ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
Rnet2_sum = Rnet2_sum + Rnet
zeig%coh%demand = alpha * Rnet * delta/((delta+gamma)*lamb) ! potential evapotranspiration of cohort
if (zeig%coh%species.eq.nspec_tree+2) then !save demand of mistletoe calculated cohort-specific for later use in upt_wat (soil.f)
demand_mistletoe_cohort=alpha * Rnet * delta/((delta+gamma)*lamb)
end if
zeig%coh%demand = 0.
pet2 = pet2 + zeig%coh%demand
zeig => zeig%next
enddo ! zeig (cohorts)
pet = pet2
case(3,36,37) ! Penman/Monteith
h_klim = 200. ! Hoehe Messstation (cm)
dens_air = 1.2917 - 0.00434*airtemp ! density of dry air (kg/m3) (like MONTEITH (1973))
dens_air = dens_air*0.001 ! kg/m3 --> g/cm3
hf = dens_air * c_karman*c_karman * wind
if (hdom .ge. 0.5) then
hz = hdom
hz = 0.5
z0 = 10.**(0.997*alog10(hz)-0.883)
hln = alog(h_klim/z0)
tutrf = hf*rmolw / (hln*hln*press)
! canopy conductance verwenden:
v_conc = (press*100.) / (R_gas * (273.15 + airtemp)) ! pressure in hPa --> Pa
if (gp_can .gt. 1E-8) then
rc = gp_can / (8980.0 * v_conc) ! gp_can mol/m2*d --> m/s
rc = 1. / rc
Rnet = (Rnet_tot/8.64) * totFPARsum ! J/cm2/d ==> W/m2
Rnet3 = Rnet
pet3 = (delta*Rnet + vpd*hf*c_air/(hln*hln)) / &
pet = pet3
call turc_ivanov
endif ! gp_can
case(4) ! Penman/Monteith for each cohort
pet4 = 0.
Rnet4_sum = 0
h_klim = 200. ! hight of measurement station (cm)
dens_air = 1.2917 - 0.00434*airtemp ! density of dry air (kg/m3) (like MONTEITH (1973))
dens_air = dens_air*0.001 ! kg/m3 --> g/cm3
hf = dens_air * c_karman*c_karman * wind
v_conc = (press*100.) / (R_gas * (273.15 + airtemp)) ! pressure hPa --> Pa
zeig => pt%first
do while (associated(zeig))
if (zeig%coh%gp .gt. 0.) then
if (zeig%coh%height .ge. 0.5) then
hz = zeig%coh%height
hz = 0.5
z0 = 10.**(0.997*alog10(hz)-0.883)
hln = alog(h_klim/z0)
if( then
tutrf = hf*rmolw / (hln*hln*press)
! canopy conductance verwenden:
rc = zeig%coh%gp / (8980.0 * v_conc) ! gp_can mol/m2*d --> m/s
rc = 1. / rc
Rnet = (Rnet_tot/8.64) * zeig%coh%totFPAR * zeig%coh%nTreeA ! J/cm2 ==> W/m2
Rnet4_sum = Rnet4_sum + Rnet ! zum Test
zeig%coh%demand = (delta*Rnet + vpd*hf*c_air/(hln*hln)) / & ! potential evapotranspiration of cohort
!save demand of mistletoe calculated cohort-specific for later use in upt_wat (soil.f)
if (zeig%coh%species.eq.nspec_tree+2) then
if ( zeig%coh%demand=0 ! avoid further calculations with neg. demands
zeig%coh%demand = 0.
endif ! ...coh%gp
pet4 = pet4 + zeig%coh%demand
zeig => zeig%next
enddo ! zeig (cohorts)
pet = pet4
end select ! flag_eva (inner cycle)
endif ! all_leaves_on
! soil evaporation
pev_s = alpha * Rnet_s * delta/((delta+gamma)*lamb) ! potential soil evaporation
endif ! anz_coh
case (5) ! PET Haude
if(airtemp_min .gt. -90.) then
dptemph = airtemp_min - 4. ! dew point temperature
vp_13 = 6.1078 * exp(17.62 * dptemph / (243.12+dptemp)) ! estimated actual vapour pressure at 13.00 (DVWK)
svp_13 = 6.1078 * exp(17.62 * airtemp_max / (243.12+airtemp_max)) ! saturated vapour pressure at 13.00 (DVWK)
vpd_13 = svp_13 - vp_13 ! vapour pressure deficit at 13.00
relhum_13 = 100. * vp_13 / svp_13
hh = ft_haude(monat)
pet5 = hh* vpd_13
! without limit, because otherwise class5 wont be reached (maxwert = -35!)
! limit according to DVWK annotation (Merkblatt) is 7 mm
pev_s = pet5 * exp(-0.6*LAI) ! nach Belmans, Dekker & Bouma, 1982
pet = pet5 - pev_s
print *, ' >>>foresee message: Program aborted'
print *, ' >>> Minimum air temperature required but not available'
end select ! flag_eva (aeusserer Zyklus)
endif ! snow
! Gesamt-PET als Summe PET-Bestand und Boden-Evaporation
pet = pet + pev_s
hx = alfm * (1. - exp(-gp_can/gpmax))
! climatic water balance of the last five days
do i= 1,4
clim_waterb(i) = clim_waterb(i+1)
clim_waterb(5) = prec - pet
pet_cum = pet_cum + pet
Rnet_cum = rnet_cum + rnet_tot
END subroutine evapo
SUBROUTINE turc_ivanov
use data_climate
use data_evapo
use data_stand
implicit none
real atemp25, cf, hxx, pet0
! calculation after DYCK/PESCHKE, 1995, S.200
if (airtemp .gt. 5.) then
if (hum .lt. 50.) then
cf = 1. + (50. - hum) / 70.
cf = 1.
endif ! hum
pet0 = 0.0031 * cf * (rad+209.) * airtemp/(airtemp+15.) ! from TURC
atemp25 = (airtemp + 25.)
pet0 = 3.6 * 10.**(-5) * (100 - hum) * atemp25 * atemp25 ! from IVANOV (daily)
endif ! airtemp
pev_s = pet0 * exp(-0.6*LAI) ! Belmans, Dekker & Bouma, 1982
pet = pet0 - pev_s
END subroutine turc_ivanov
SUBROUTINE sunshine (sdrel, iday, xxlat, dayl, rad)
! Estimation of sunshine duration from global radiation
! (calculation after Angstrom)
!use data_site
implicit none
! input:
integer :: iday ! actual day
real :: dayl ! daylength
real :: rad ! global radiation (J/cm2)
real :: xxlat ! latitude
! output:
real :: sdrel !, sdrel1 ! sunshine duration (h)
! internal variables
real :: rad_ex , & ! extraterrestrical radiation (MJ/m2)
dec , & ! declination of sun angle
sinld, cosld, tanld, dsinb, dsinbe, &
sc, radi, seas
real :: pi = 3.141592654
real :: solc = 1367. ! solar constant (J/(m2*s)
! according to P. Hupfer: "Klimasystem der Erde", 1991
if (rad .lt. 1.E-6) then
end if
! change of units from degree to radians
radi = pi/180.
! term of seasonality (10 days in front of calendar)
seas = (iday+10.)/365.
! declination of sun angle
! (Spitters et al. 1986, equations transformed for use or radians)
dec = -asin(sin(23.45*radi)*cos(2.*pi*seas))
! some intermediate values
sinld = sin(xxlat*radi)*sin(dec)
cosld = cos(xxlat*radi)*cos(dec)
tanld = amax1(-1., amin1(1., sinld/cosld))
! integral of sun elevation
dsinb = 3600.*(dayl*sinld+24.*cosld*sqrt(1.-tanld*tanld)/pi)
! corrected integral of sun elevation
dsinbe = 3600.*(dayl*(sinld+0.4*(sinld*sinld+cosld*cosld*0.5)) &
! intensity of radiation outside the atmosphere
sc = solc/(1.-0.016729*cos((360./365.)*(iday-4.)*radi))**2.
rad_ex = sc*(1.+0.033*cos(2.*pi*iday/365.))*dsinbe
! unit conversion in MJ/m2: rad_ex = rad_ex/1000000.
! unit conversion in J/cm2
rad_ex = rad_ex * 0.0001
if(rad_ex.eq.0) then
end if
sdrel = (rad - rad_ex*0.19) / (0.55*rad_ex) ! DVWK
if (sdrel .lt. 0.) sdrel = 0.
SUBROUTINE evapo_ini
! Initialisierung Potential evapotranspiration PET
use data_evapo
use data_simul
implicit none
character text
character (150) file_eva
write (*,*)
write (*,'(A)', advance='no') 'Read flux data for evaporation, name of input file: '
read (*,'(A)') file_eva
unit_eva = getunit()
open (unit_eva, file=trim(file_eva), status='unknown')
read (unit_eva,'(A)') text
END subroutine evapo_ini