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The 2+k, 2 and 1 oscillator toy models that (in the first to cases) show super-exotic solitary states.
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Julian Stuermer / ITCPG.jl
MIT LicenseA Julia package for simulating hurricane-induced cascading failures in power grids.
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A script to generate a list of code developments for the REMIND meeting from git log
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Anton Plietzsch / ITCPG.jl
MIT LicenseA Julia package for simulating hurricane-induced cascading failures in power grids.
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Camille Belmin / livwelldata
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Julian Stuermer / ITCPGanalysis.jl
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Camille Belmin / LivWelldata paper
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThis is the companion repository for the paper: "Livwell: a sub-national dataset on the Living conditions of Women and their Well-being for 52 countries [1990-2019]"
The dataset LivWell is deposited on Zenodo at: https://zenodo.org/record/5821532
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Peter-Paul Pichler / tradepower
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
This repository houses code and data for Többen et al. "Spatial and socio-economic hotspots of energy poverty and carbon tax impacts of 38 million households".