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Code repository accompanying the publication: "Network-induced multistability: Lossy coupling and exotic solitary states"
arXiv:1811.11518 [nlin.AO]
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MCC APSIS / Media and Twitter Analysis / CDR on Twitter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Nikola Milojevic-Dupont / Learning from urban form to predict building heights
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Simon Treu / GSLcomp-jupyter
MIT Licenseinteractive scripts for visualizations and prototyping
Archived 0Updated -
Compute numbers of affected people from wind field outputs of the tropical cyclone emulator
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Experimental notebooks that explore the data and results of Krichene et al. 2023. Not for production use! These notebooks have not been used to generate plots or data for the paper, but rather to do some additional exploration and testing.
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