diff --git a/applications/Texas/Texas_NDD.jl b/applications/Texas/Texas_NDD.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cdd6ed5e4e8dc9e3fbe49300268343b49ce20846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/Texas/Texas_NDD.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#* Generating the network data dictionary for the synthetic power grid of Texas
+using ITCPG
+using PowerModels
+using JLD2
+using FileIO
+Reads the power grid data for Texas saved in the .RAW file and generates a network data dictionary (NDD) of PowerModels.jl. The NDD includes an AC power flow solution calculated with PowerModels.jl and geographic bus locations. The resulting NDD is saved in a .jld2 file.
+function build_Texas_ac_NDD()
+    rawfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "./Data/ACTIVSg2000.RAW")
+    network_data = calc_init_op(rawfile, model=:ac) # get NDD with AC-PF
+    busfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "./Data/Texas_BusData.csv")
+    addlocs!(network_data, busfile) # add geographic bus locations
+    acpath = joinpath(@__DIR__, "./Results/ACPF/Texas_init_ac_op.jld2")
+    save(acpath, "network_data", network_data) # save NDD
+    return nothing
+Reads the power grid data for Texas saved in the .RAW file and generates a network data dictionary (NDD) of PowerModels.jl. The NDD includes an AC power flow solution calculated with PowerModels.jl and geographic bus locations. The resulting NDD is saved in a .jld2 file.
+function build_Texas_dc_NDD()
+    rawfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "./Data/ACTIVSg2000.RAW")
+    network_data = calc_init_op(rawfile, model=:dc) # get NDD with DC-PF
+    busfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "./Data/Texas_BusData.csv")
+    addlocs!(network_data, busfile) # add geographic bus locations
+    acpath = joinpath(@__DIR__, "./Results/DCPF/Texas_init_dc_op.jld2")
+    save(acpath, "network_data", network_data) # save NDD
+    return nothing
\ No newline at end of file