calc_roc_data <- function(external_binary, #binary transgression: 0 - no,1 - yes internal_continuous, external_name, range_internal, # range of internal data, e.g. c(0,1) sampling_res = 0.01, # together with range used to create potential thresholds cellArea = cellarea) { # check dimensions internal_continuous <- drop(internal_continuous) external_binary <- drop(external_binary) if (length(internal_continuous) != length(external_binary) || length(internal_continuous) != length(cellArea)) { stop("Dimensions of external_binary (", length(external_binary), "), internal_continuous (", length(internal_continuous), "), cellArea (", length(cellArea), ") need to match. Aborting.") } # controls sampling distance potential_thresholds <- seq(range_internal[1],range_internal[2],sampling_res) values <- array(NA, dim=c(length(potential_thresholds),1,3)) dimnames(values) <- list(threshold = potential_thresholds, indicator = external_name, value = c("TP","FP","slope")) for (i in seq_along(potential_thresholds)) { t <- potential_thresholds[i] internal_cells <- which(internal_continuous > t) TP <- sum(cellArea[which(external_binary == 1 & internal_continuous > t)]) # True Positive FP <- sum(cellArea[which(!(external_binary == 1) & internal_continuous > t)]) # False Positive values[i,1,1] <- TP values[i,1,2] <- FP } #browser() #plotGlobalManToScreen(data = external_binary, title = "change", # brks = seq(0,1,0.05),legYes = T,palette = palette_viridis, # legendtitle = "") values[,1,1] <- values[,1,1]/max(values[,1,1]) values[,1,2] <- values[,1,2]/max(values[,1,2]) # calculate tangent angle between each pair of values n <- length(potential_thresholds) xs <- values[c(1,1:n,n),1,1] ys <- values[c(1,1:n,n),1,2] n_e <- length(xs) slope <- (ys[1:(n_e-2)] - ys[3:n_e]) / (xs[1:(n_e-2)] - xs[3:n_e]) values[,1,3] <- slope return(values) } calc_roc_data_3d <- function( external_continuous, internal_continuous, range_internal, # range of internal data, e.g. c(0,1) range_external, # range of external data, e.g. c(0,1) sampling = 101, # together with range used to create potential thresholds cellArea = cellarea) { # check dimensions internal_continuous <- drop(internal_continuous) external_continuous <- drop(external_continuous) if (length(internal_continuous) != length(external_continuous) || length(internal_continuous) != length(cellArea)) { stop("Dimensions of external_binary (", length(external_continuous), "), internal_continuous (", length(internal_continuous), "), cellArea (", length(cellArea), ") need to match. Aborting.") } # controls sampling distance potential_thresholds_internal <- seq(range_internal[1],range_internal[2], length.out = sampling) potential_thresholds_external <- seq(range_external[1],range_external[2], length.out = sampling) values <- array(NA, dim=c(length(potential_thresholds_internal),length(potential_thresholds_external),3)) dimnames(values) <- list(threshold_internal = potential_thresholds_internal, threshold_external = potential_thresholds_external, value = c("TP","FP","diff")) for (e in seq_along(potential_thresholds_internal)) { for (i in seq_along(potential_thresholds_internal)) { ti <- potential_thresholds_internal[i] te <- potential_thresholds_external[e] TP <- sum(cellArea[which(external_continuous > te & internal_continuous > ti)]) # True Positive FP <- sum(cellArea[which(external_continuous <= te & internal_continuous > ti)]) # False Positive values[i,e,1] <- TP values[i,e,2] <- FP } } #values[,,1] <- values[,,1]/max(values[,,1]) #values[,,2] <- values[,,2]/max(values[,,2]) values[,,3] <- values[,,1] - values[,,2] return(values) } roc_plot <- function(filename = NULL, values # only one metric ) { if (!is.null(filename)) { png(filename, res = 300, width = 6, height = 7, units = "in", pointsize = 6, type = "cairo") } par(oma = c(0,0,0,0), mar = c(6,10,5,0), bty = "o", xpd = F,xaxs="i",yaxs="i") indizes <- dimnames(values)$indicator auc <- array(NA,dim = c(length(indizes))) dimnames(auc) <- list(indicator = indizes) best_fit <- array(NA,dim=c(length(indizes),2)) dimnames(best_fit) <- list(indicator = indizes, type = c("max_diff","slope")) # Set plot layout #layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), nrow = 1, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE), # heights = c(2,2), # Heights of the rows # widths = c(1,0.4,0.4)) # Widths of the columns cex_perc = 2.5 colz <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12,"Set3")[-c(2)] plot(NA, type = "n", xlab = "FP", ylab = "TP", main = "ROC curve", cex.main = cex_perc, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), cex.lab = cex_perc, cex.axis = cex_perc, mgp = c(3, 2, 0)) abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = "dashed", col = "black") for (ind in indizes) { indx <- match(ind,indizes) lines(x = values[,ind,2], y = values[,ind,1], col = colz[indx], lwd = cex_perc) values[[,ind,3]),ind,3] <- 0 best_max_diff <- sort(abs(values[,ind,2] - values[,ind,1]),decreasing = T)[1:5] best_slope <- sort(abs(values[,ind,3] - 1 ),decreasing = F)[1:5] closest <- function(x,y){abs((x - y)/sqrt(2))} best_max_diff_thr <- names(sort(closest(x = values[names(best_max_diff),ind,2], y = values[names(best_max_diff),ind,1]), decreasing = T)[1]) best_slope_thr <- names(sort(closest(x = values[names(best_slope),ind,2], y = values[names(best_slope),ind,1]), decreasing = T)[1]) best_fit[ind,] <- c(best_max_diff_thr, best_slope_thr) points(x = values[best_max_diff_thr,ind,2], y = values[best_max_diff_thr,ind,1], col = colz[indx], cex = 4, lwd = cex_perc) # AUC n <- length(values[,ind,2]) auc[indx] <- sum(abs(values[2:n,ind,2] - values[1:(n - 1),ind,2]) * values[1:(n - 1),ind,1]) } legend("bottomright",legend = paste(indizes,round(auc,2)), col = colz, cex = cex_perc, lwd = cex_perc) if (!is.null(filename)) return(list( auc = auc, optimal_value = best_fit )) } roc_plot_paper <- function(filename = NULL, values # both metric ) { if (!is.null(filename)) { png(filename, res = 300, width = 6, height = 7, units = "in", pointsize = 6, type = "cairo") } par(oma = c(0,0,0,0), mar = c(6,10,5,0), bty = "o", xpd = F,xaxs="i",yaxs="i") vars <- dimnames(values)$metric indicators <- dimnames(values)$indicator indizes <- seq_along(indicators) best_fit <- array(NA,dim=c(length(indicators),2,2)) dimnames(best_fit) <- list(indicator = indicators, metric = vars, type = c("max_diff","slope")) auc <- array(NA,dim = c(length(indicators),length(vars))) dimnames(auc) <- list(indicator = indicators, metric = vars) # Set plot layout layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE), heights = c(2,2), # Heights of the rows widths = c(1,0.4,0.4)) # Widths of the columns cex_perc = 2.5 colz <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12,"Set3")[-c(2)] for (var in vars){ plot(NA, type = "n", xlab = "FP", ylab = "TP", main = "ROC curve", cex.main = cex_perc, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), cex.lab = cex_perc, cex.axis = cex_perc, mgp = c(3, 2, 0)) if (var == "BioCol") { mtext(side = 3, at = -0.2, "A", xpd = NA, cex = 1.5, font = 2) mtext(side = 2, at = 0.5, line = 6, var, xpd = NA, cex = 2, font = 2, srt = 90) }else{ #var = "EcoRisk" mtext(side = 3, at = -0.2, "B", xpd = NA, cex = 1.5, font = 2) mtext(side = 2, at = 0.5, line = 6, var, xpd = NA, cex = 2, font = 2, srt = 90) } abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = "dashed", col = "black") for (ind in indizes) { lines(x = values[,var,ind,2], y = values[,var,ind,1], col = colz[ind], lwd = cex_perc) #points(x = values[,ind,2], y = values[,ind,1]) values[[,var,ind,3]),var,ind,3] <- 0 best_max_diff <- sort(abs(values[,var,ind,2] - values[,var,ind,1]),decreasing = T)[1:5] best_slope <- sort(abs(values[,var,ind,3] - 1 ),decreasing = F)[1:5] closest <- function(x,y){abs((x - y)/sqrt(2))} best_max_diff_thr <- names(sort(closest(x = values[names(best_max_diff),var,ind,2], y = values[names(best_max_diff),var,ind,1]), decreasing = T)[1]) best_slope_thr <- names(sort(closest(x = values[names(best_slope),var,ind,2], y = values[names(best_slope),var,ind,1]), decreasing = T)[1]) best_fit[ind,match(var,vars),] <- c(best_max_diff_thr, best_slope_thr) points(x = values[best_max_diff_thr,var,ind,2], y = values[best_max_diff_thr,var,ind,1], col = colz[ind], cex = 4, lwd = cex_perc) # AUC n <- length(values[,var,ind,2]) auc[ind,var] <- sum(abs(values[2:n,var,ind,2] - values[1:(n - 1),var,ind,2]) * values[1:(n - 1),var,ind,1]) legend("bottomright",legend = indicators, col = colz[indizes], cex = cex_perc, lwd = cex_perc) } } # optimal thresholds boxplots biocol_threshold <- boxplot(as.numeric(best_fit[indizes,"BioCol",1]), ylim = c(0,1), cex.main = cex_perc, main = "optimal\nthreshold", cex.lab = cex_perc, cex.axis = cex_perc) points(x = rep(0.7, length(indizes)), y = as.numeric(best_fit[indizes,"BioCol",1]), col = scales::alpha(colz[indizes],1), lwd = 2) text(x = 1, y = max(biocol_threshold$stats)+0.2, paste0("median:\n",median(biocol_threshold$stats)), cex = cex_perc) mtext(side = 3, at = 0, "C", xpd = NA, cex = 1.5, font = 2) ecorisk_threshold <- boxplot(as.numeric(best_fit[indizes,"EcoRisk",1]), main = "optimal\nthreshold", cex.main = cex_perc, ylim = c(0,1), cex.lab = cex_perc, cex.axis = cex_perc) points(x = rep(0.7, length(indizes)), y = as.numeric(best_fit[indizes,"EcoRisk",1]), col = scales::alpha(colz[indizes],1), lwd = 2) text(x = 1, y = max(ecorisk_threshold$stats)+0.2, paste0("median:\n", median(ecorisk_threshold$stats)), cex = cex_perc) mtext(side = 3, at = 0, "D", xpd = NA, cex = 1.5, font = 2) # AUC boxplots biocol_auc <- boxplot(auc[indizes,"BioCol"], ylim = c(0,1), main = "AUC", cex.main = cex_perc, cex.lab = cex_perc, cex.axis = cex_perc) points(x = rep(0.7, length(indizes)), y = auc[indizes,"BioCol"], col = scales::alpha(colz[indizes],1), lwd = 2) mtext(side = 3, at = 0, "E", xpd = NA, cex = 1.5, font = 2) ecorisk_auc <- boxplot(auc[indizes,"EcoRisk"], main = "AUC", cex.main = cex_perc, ylim = c(0,1), cex.lab = cex_perc, cex.axis = cex_perc) points(x = rep(0.7, length(indizes)), y = auc[indizes,"EcoRisk"], col = scales::alpha(colz[indizes],1), lwd = 2) mtext(side = 3, at = 0, "F", xpd = NA, cex = 1.5, font = 2) if (!is.null(filename)) return(list( auc = auc, biocol_threshold = biocol_threshold, ecorisk_threshold = ecorisk_threshold )) }