% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R \name{plotBiomesAveragesToScreen} \alias{plotBiomesAveragesToScreen} \title{Plot radial gamma plot to file with 4/16 biomes} \usage{ plotBiomesAveragesToScreen( data, biome_class_names, title, titleSize = 2, leg_scale = 0.5 ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{input data with dimension c(nbiome_classes,3) -- Q10,Q50,Q90 each} \item{biome_class_names}{to write into} \item{title}{character string title for plot} \item{titleSize}{character string title for plot} \item{leg_scale}{character string title for plot} } \value{ None } \description{ Function to plot an aggregated radial status of gamma values [0-1] for the different sub-categories to file } \examples{ \dontrun{ } }