% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R, R/MECO_sav.R \name{plotBiomesToScreen} \alias{plotBiomesToScreen} \title{Plot biomes} \usage{ plotBiomesToScreen( biome_ids, biomeNameLength = 1, orderLegend = "plants", title = "", titleSize = 2, legYes = T, leg_scale = 0.5 ) plotBiomesToScreen( biome_ids, biomeNameLength = 1, orderLegend = "plants", title = "", titleSize = 2, legYes = T, leg_scale = 0.5 ) } \arguments{ \item{biome_ids}{biome id as given by classify_biomes} \item{biomeNameLength}{length of biome names in legend: 1 - abbreviation, 2 - short name, 3 - full biome name} \item{title}{character string title for plot, default empty} \item{titleSize}{size of title in cex units (defaukt: 2)} \item{legYes}{whether to plot legend (default: True)} \item{leg_scale}{size of legend in cex units (default 0.5)} \item{order}{legend order: either "plants" to first have forests, then grasslands, then tundra ..., or "zones" to go from north to south (default: "plants")} } \value{ None None } \description{ Function to plot biome classification Function to plot biome classification } \examples{ \dontrun{ } \dontrun{ } }